//------------------------------// // Author's Note // Story: Two Roomies and their Pest // by Vrilix //------------------------------// I realize that what little readers I might have around this fic will be disappointed when they realize that this isn’t a chapter, but it doesn’t matter at this point. I’m not going to continue with this fic as it currently is to please a smaller audience. I know it might be very selfish to claim that I have something to call an audience, but for now allow me to use that term. This is the first fic that I actually wrote as a series. I’ve written other things so far, but nothing like this. It’s either been one fic with every chapter as a one-shot, or it’s been some collab. So, despite this one being the latest addition, this is my first fic. I started this fic off with one clear goal in mind: Improvement. I wanted to get into the process of writing to get a clear understanding of how to write, as well as how to create characters and worlds. But most importantly I wanted to improve my skills when it comes to understanding and expressing myself in the english language. In case you didn’t notice already, I’m not a native english speaker, if that makes any sense. I’m danish, and english is my second language. English is something I see everywhere, every day. Whether it be through the internet, movies, television, books and comics, or even music, no one can deny the power that lies in the english language. This is my main reason for choosing to learn english. It’s a powerful tool. It’s not because I’m a nerd or anything. That being said, I must say that I’ve succeeded. I’ve learned a lot, whether it be spelling, comprehension, phrasing or just regular grammar rules. This has been a long journey that allowed me to grow both in terms of writing, but also as a reader. Hell, I even got an editor volunteer slave worker to pester on skype. Which I enjoy. Very much. But, I’m going to stop this now. Not because I don’t feel like I’ve fulfilled my goals, but because it’s not good for the fic. During the task of writing up until this point, I’ve had a lot of fun. Not just because the learning process have been interesting, but also because I’ve started to like the characters. You see, when I write I never have a clear plan in mind. I just have a lot of ideas floating around in the big mess that is my head. Only some of these get inserted in the fic, but that’s not the point. I’ve never had any plan for the story. And this is why I’m going to scrap it. Before you’ll pull out the torches and pitchfork party hats and banners, allow me to list some reasons. 1. The name of the fic. It was originally intended to be “My Roommate's a Wolf”, but I quickly scrapped that part. Then it became “Two Roomies and their Pest”. This doesn’t exactly fit it either, as Amethyst isn’t much of a pest. 2. The narrator. I was planning on having the entire fic switch from 1st person back and forth from Brown and Silver, but it somehow ended up with a magical device. What the hell. 3. The device. I have no idea what it is, I only know that it’s somehow what the story is about. My notes tell me it’s some sort of experiment, and that these chapters are only notes that the device is churning out. What the hell is that supposed to mean? (At the time I’m writing the chapter should be getting a review from that WRITE group thingy. If you want more reasons you can check out their review. If it’s online when you read it. If it ever gets online. If you can read.) I was going to continue with a few more reasons but I’m too lazy for that. My point is that I have no plan. No idea as to where it’s going. And that’s starting to bite me in the ass. Another thing is my complete inability to write anything that isn’t dialogue. No wait, my complete inability to write like other people. It’s true that I was planning to use dialogue to move the story forward, but so far that’s all there is. Dialogue. I wrote off an excuse including some magical device, but now that became a problem. So what now? Well, I’m going to continue writing. Just not this one. I think. I’ll cancel this fic, and rewrite the whole thing. No wait, not a rewrite. A rewrite would include a whole new take on the same story. That’s not what I’m going for here. I want to take the original idea I had, and then go with that one. Instead of having a bunch of characters talk without aim, I’m going to have a bunch of characters talk within a larger plan. Oh, and add in some descriptions of the surroundings every two pages. I’m not sure how it’s going to work, but I think the characters are going to stick around for the next fic. One thing I’m certain of is that I need better writing on this one. So yeah, if you want some level of quality, go pester my editor volunteer slave worker. I can’t tell when this new story is coming online, but I’m thinking of publishing it when it’s done. Yes. When it’s done. If computers still exist by then. (The next two chapters are nothing more than a failed chapter and a small collab with a friend to get him into writing. I scrapped both of them, but I decided it would be a good idea to show you guys  my editor  my volunteer slave worker myself how I came to this conclusion.) Cheers.