//------------------------------// // Prolouge // Story: Fictionationality - Equestria // by Spirit Guide //------------------------------// It all started nearly half a year ago, when a group of terrorists killed Six-Thirteen's family, leaving him alone in this world. After mourning his family for a week, a tradition that was developed nearly 5000 years ago, the Creator of the world revealed himself to 613 and gave him the powers of prophecy, along with a whole arsenal of abilities. G-d gave him the task of watching over and guiding the people, but after a group of thieves tried to break into his house, he decided that 613 would have a different job. He would assist and protect those he could, stopping those who would abuse others with their strengths rather then help and support them. Along with this mission, G-d also granted 613 his wish: permission to construct a world where fictional people, beings and creatures may live together in peace and harmony. 613 took to the project with gusto and, realizing he would need help, befriended a boy named Avraham, an autistic student with the same dreams. After a great deal of planning the two friends used their combined strengths and created an alternate dimension, designing every little detail of the land and deciding what purpose they would serve. Once they had completed their task, they began exploring the planet, seeking out people from popular media, who were hiding from the harsh reality that exists. Sometimes they would travel through time and space to get to a particular world, where they wandered the lands and befriended many amazing people. Slowly but surely, the Fictional Republic's population increased and many were happy knowing that so many others were just as awesome as they were. This leads us to the day when 613 and Avraham discovered Equestria, and went on another thrilling adventure.