//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Another day, another buck. // Story: The Magic Coin. // by imgonenow //------------------------------// (Big thanks to my Editor and friend : Kuroganekaze02. Dont forget to FAV, THUMB, COMMENT, and if you dont mind, SHARE MY STORY WITH YOUR FRIENDS, more readers would really make me happy and help out. As the sun shone through the window and onto my eyes, I gave out a loud moan and kept my eyes shut, enjoying the dream I had night last night and the comfort of the bed, which I found very odd, since my bed is old and lumpy most mornings. I thought of the epic dream I had last night and thought to me self “My first pony dream, so much win!” But the memory soon replaced with the reminder from my brain about getting ready for school. I allways get up a bit earlier than the others every morning to have the showers for myself, I never really enjoyed being with the other guys naked, hanging around. (If you know what I mean.) As I raised from my bed slowly opening my eyes, still seeing blurs, I rubbed them with my hoof…As I felt my hoof across my long face, I quickly jumped out of the bed with joy, “My hooves.” I yelled out loud surprise. I then started to look around, seeing I was in the same room from last night. The first thought that came to my head was that I was still dreaming, but then again, I really could be in Equestria. I walked to the glass window, opened it, and gazed upon Canterlot .The breeze flew through the window, hitting my face, going through my hair, carrying lovely scents. I was then interrupted by a knock on my door. I turned “You can come in.” I calmly said. The door slowly opened making a creaking sound. Standing behind it was a grey pony, wearing a fine black suit over a white shirt and had a Monocle over his right eye. “Sir, her majesty invites you to attend breakfast with her.” He said with an elegant tone. “Excellent.” I said attempting to sound polite like him and then asked him “Where to?” He turned around, facing the hallway “Follow me sir.” I followed him to the hallway, walking by old paintings, statues, and other big wooden doors. We ended in front of an elevator. As I walked in, I saw how the room was surrounded by mirrors, but no buttons. As we walked inside the butler closed the door behind him and his horn started to give of a grey glow. I felt the elevator moving down the shaft, going straight down nonstop. Once the horn of the butler went back to normal, he opened the door leading to the main lobby. We walked through the lobby, quickly heading to the outside onto a gravel path. As we walked down the trail, I looked at the plants growing; there were trees, roses, lily’s, bushes. I listened to the sounds of the endless chirpings of the birds. The graveled path ended at an opening of grass covered in dew, in the middle of the opening, there was a table with two chairs, one of them taken by Princess Celestia. As we walked over to the table on the soft, wet grass, the butler and I made a bow to Celestia, she smiled, gave a nod to the butler as he left, and looked to me with a smile. “Good morning Joseph.” She said as I walked to the other end of the table, about to take my seat. “Good morning to you as well to you, Princess Celestia.” I responded. I looked at the table filled with baked goods, fruits, and flowers. I didn´t know what to have first. “I recommend the roses, they're quite fresh.” She said to me knowing I was between choices. I looked to her, then to the roses and took a bite of one of the petals. I was amazed by the taste of the roses, I didn´t expect them to taste so good. “Wow, I didn’t expect flowers to be so tasty.” I said after I swallowed. Celestia gave me a smile and I gave her one back, and continued with our meal. After we finished breakfast, Celestia and I took a walk around the Garden. “So Joseph, have you thought about how we could get you, your cutie mark?” I looked to it in a bit of shame on myself. “I haven’t really thought about it, I guess it’s going to take a while to find my talent…But Princess Celestia, could I ask of something from you?” We stopped walking as she looked down to me. “Could you, maybe, not call me Joseph, but maybe a new name?” I asked her. She looked at me and grimed “Of course dear.” We continued walking around the green garden. “We still have to find you a cutie mark still.” Celestia informed to me. “Don´t you have any talents back at earth?” She kindly asked. I took a moment of thinking. All I did in my last years was school, video games, work, sleep and eat. My life as a teenager was not very exciting. But I did have one talent, the head master of the orphanage would teach a few kids how to play the piano when they were young. He always told me I had an ear for sound, and quick fingers. “I do have one talent…I played the piano when I was young, I loved playing it, but times changed, besides…” I looked down to my hooves silently. We both stopped walking; Celestia brought her hoof to her chin and started thinking. She then had a look in her eye, and smiled to me. Her horn started to do a white glow, a white light appeared in front of us, it slowly got bigger, then exploded. Next thing you know, there was a piano before us. I walked up slowly to the piano, and stared down to the keys. “I don’t know Princess, I mean, I don’t have my hands.” I said with a frown. “Just give a try, I’m sure you can do it, just believe in yourself.” She said trying to cheer me up and give me hope. I stared at the keys a little longer, thinking, remembering what I learned. I slowly rose by hooves up of the keys and stated slow and simple. The melody I was playing wasn´t a big thing it was slow, and only used 5 notes. I tried something difrent, a faster tune and a more difficult melody. It went well, but still nothing compared of what I did when I was a young human. I played faster and added more notes to the song, but it went downhill from there. The soft melody turned into loud bangs. I stopped playing and looked down. Celestia, who was listening to the whole thing felt a bit bad, and put her wing around me. “That’s it.” I said aloud. I opened my wings, Celestia stepped back, as I started to slowly play with my wings open. The melody was like the first, it had 6 notes as I played with my hooves, but then I started to use tip of my wings to play. The melody started to have more of a grand tune, it was quicker, faster, better than what I played when I was young. Celestia was amazed by the way I played the piano with the combination of my wings and hooves. I played the melody for minutes and then finished with a bang. Celestia clapped her hooves together “Well done, well done High Note!” I turned to her, and rose an eyebrow to the name “High Note?” I gave a smile to her “High Note, yah, that’s a great name.” She smiled to my response. “I see you earned your cutie mark as well.” I turned to my flank, seeing a G-clef surrounded by other notes in the middle of the navy blue. “I did it, I really did it.” I turned around and said with joy.