Rainbow Dash Gets a Job

by pony ink splot

Jobless Life?

Jobless Life?

She saw four large, brown couches, and a front desk with a weird pony at it. Next to the desk was a big, black, metal gate. Dash went up to the desk, and asked the pony, "Where am I, and what is this place for?", said Dash.

"This is the lobby of the jobless heaven in Ponyville, and this is for ponies to wait for their appointment to enter the jobless town. Do you have an appointment?", said the pony.
"No, but can I schedule one?", asked Rainbow Dash
"That's not how it works silly! When you got your job you were scheduled for an appointment, for when and if you found us, to retire happily. You happen to be on the very top of the list, today. Unfortunately, you missed your appointment...", informed the pony.
"What!!! How am I supposed to live here now!!!", shouted Dash.
"I'm sorry, but you'll just have to get a real job...", said the pony uneasily.
"Well then, goodbye. I'm leaving now.", said Dash as she walked away.
"Have a good day...", said the pony as if she wanted to help her.

Rainbow Dash walked slowly, moping towards the ladder to go up into the janitor's closet. "Hey.", whispered a random pony.
Dash looked around to see who it was she saw a pony right next to her, whispering to her.
"What do you want?!", whispered Dash.
"I can help you! I missed my appointment too, and I know how to get in there!", whispered the weird pony.
"Really?! I'll do whatever it takes to get in there." said Rainbow Dash a little too loud.
"Shhhhhhhhh! They'll hear you and put you in jail if you're not quiet!" whispered the pony sternly
"Now, just follow me, I'll tell you the plan when we get to the room.", said the pony, looking serious and concentrated.

Rainbow Dash followed the pony to an odd looking room beside the exit. Then, she realized that she didn't know his name.
"I'm sorry, but what's your name, I am Rainbow Dash, but call me Dash.", said Dash, kindly.
"Well, nice to meet you, Dash! My name is Robert, but you can call me Rob.", said Rob, kindly.
"Okay, so here's the plan. I know a boy and a girl in my family that missed their appointments, too but wouldn't do what they could to get in because it was "too risky."! So we pose as them because they scheduled an appointment, but said they weren't going to it anymore. So we will pretend to be them! Amazing right?!", said Rob, excitedly.
"Yes! I thought I was going to have to work for the rest of my life! Thank you... er, if it works. But anyways, Let's do it! I'm in!", said Dash, kinda awkwardly.
"Okay, just follow my lead.", said Rob, more serious than before.

They walked to the back of the room, where a rack of costumes, and accessories where sitting.
"We need costumes so they don't suspect anything.", said Rob, while laughing a little bit.

They put on some clothes. with jewelry, and other accessories. They then, headed out of the room, and walked, slowly, and nervously up to the front desk.
"Hello, do you have an appointment?", questioned the office lady.
"Uh, yes, we do uuuuummmm...", said Dash, trying to read the name tag
"Oh! yes, we do Madrid!", said Dash sounding sure of herself.
"Names please?", asked Madrid, looking curious.
"Oh, Jay, and Maya.", said Rob, scared that he would mess up.
"Oh yes, your appointment is now. You may go with Gary now.", said Madrid.
"Oh, Gary, yes. Thank you.", said Dash, baffled.

Rob, and Dash followed the big, scary man, Gary. They entered a room big, expensive looking room.
"Okay, you need to know a few thing before you go into the city. you can only bring your electronics and clothes with you. We have copies of your stuff there. You have assigned mansions, waiting for you, you just need your J.L.(Jobless Life) IDs, so people know you live there. Let me take your pictures for the ID tags.", informed Gary.

Gary took each of their photos, each with a smile on their face. Then he asked for their names. Uh-oh. If they wanted people to know their actual names, they would have to say their actual names, and hope he didn't know their fake names.
"Ummmmmm, I'm R-Rainbow Dash, and he's R-R-Rob.", stuttered Dash, nervously.
"Rainbow Dash, and Rob, right?", questioned Gary.
"yeah, that's us!", said Dash, nervously, trying to sound sure.
"Okay, your'e free to go to your houses now. Here are your house keys, with the house number on them, and your name tags. Wait, I know you guys are posing as someone else, but don't worry, that's how I got in. Good luck!", whispered Gary, as Dash and Rob went out the door.

Dash and Rob both went to their houses and unpacked everything, and realized that they weren't neighbors. They were disappointed, but went to the park, to hang out almost every day, and eventually became best friends. Now they both relax, and play all year long, celebrating their new life. They will never go back to their other life again...