//------------------------------// // Awaken and fight the dark moon // Story: Elements of the core // by Fang the changeling //------------------------------// Darkness. That's all that could be seen, moments began to feel like minutes then hours. In all honesty I never thought it would end until... "AHHHHH!!!!" several high pitched screams woke me up and not even half a minute later I herd a perfect soprano to the left to me and a neon green unicorn with book and quill as a mark rolling on the ground, holding himself in pain. I looked over and saw what looked like a perfect cross of bat and pony. From what I could see he had fangs, the wings of a bat, bat ears with the patch of fur on them, I could also see that he had fangs in his mouth and I could see his eyes were a dark blue and a slit. Believe it or not I somehow know them they were my friends and they had become their OC's Shadow Fall and Dicton. I even knew what we had to do and why we were here to. "Come on guys, get up we have to go. Get up." I said as I got up off the ground. After I said that Shadow Fall looked my way and I saw his face and he had a look of confusion and then understanding. I looked at Dicton and helped him up and all this time I was amazed at how easy walking like this was. After Dicton got up and shot a glare at Shadow Fall, he in turn smirked at Dicton. I shook my head and rolled my eyes at the two of them and we began to walk toward the source of the screams. As we began to walk i noticed that I could see in the dark, well everything looked less dark, like if you turned off a rooms light in the day time. As we got closer to the river we could see that the girls, the mane six were crossing on the back of the sea serpent. I pulled the other two over to a bank of the river. I decided to get a look at myself since I had no idea what I looked like, and I looked like a normal changeling, well except my eyes were normal eyes, and red. I looked over to Shadow and Dicton, told them to wait and jumped into the river, as I slipped deeper into the water I pictured my self, but with a serpent tail, a fin from the base of my neck to the end of my back, wide webbed fins with fingers, gills, and eyes that would make it easy to see in water. After I had the image in my mind I saw red flames surround me and looked at my body and saw that it had worked. After I took a breath and found I could breath normally I swam upward to get the other two. When I got up there and poked my head up I found Shadow had flown over to the other side. I shook my head and had a smile on my face as I swam over to Dicton and he got in the water and held my neck as I swam over to Shadow and Dicton got out of the water and stood by him. As I got out I switched out of my form and walked over. As we walked we saw that we were catching up to the girls. After Rainbow dash had brought the bridge over and fix it, the girls crossed. After they crossed Shadow and I flew Dicton as he walked over to the other side. After we crossed we found the tracks of the girls. "Hay guys they went this way, come on." Dicton said. shadow cleared his throat and pointed to the old castle of Celestia and Luna. I passed them laughing at their antics Dicton had a sour look and Shadow had one of satisfaction as we walked to the castle. When we got there we hid behind the castle doors. A little after we hid Twilight tried to light the Elements of Harmony with just magic with out the reason she needs to use: Friendship. Just after she thought she had done it she realized that she was in a mini twister of purple energy. When the girls saw this they ran and tried to help, but it was too late. After the girls ran around to try and find where Twilight disappeared to it was Pinkie Pie that found a tower with light blazing from it, as they all ran to find Twilight, we waited a few minutes before we followed them to make sure they could not hear us coming. When we got there and hid behind the door again, and what we saw was shocking to say the least the girls elements were powering up and fired a blast of rainbow energy at Nightmare Moon. Also just like in the show she showed fear. But this is where things got bad after the girls passed out after using the power of the elements for the first time, Nightmare walked out smirking but she had no armor and her hair and tail were normal hair, but other than that she was the same. She began to laugh at the victory she thought she had but that was NOT GONNA HAPPEN. I smirked at Shadow and Dicton and they got the message, I moved a way from the door and pictured a rat in my mind and was again surrounded by red flames and the would looked much bigger and saw Shadow fly up and hid in the dark roof, Dicton used his magic to make himself invisible and crept in the room, I scurried into the room. All that happened as the mare was still laughing, my god what is up with her. After she finely stopped she was now chuckling and in her state of ignorance and arrogance I ran forward, jumped and changed in mid air giving her a right hook to the left side of her face. After I landed saw her face in a state of shock and disbelief at what just happened. I looked up and saw Shadow fly down and implant her face into the ground. After she got up and had a look that said she was pissed. Just then Dicton deactivated his spell in front of her and delivered left and right one after the other in a frenzy of blows, pushing her back. I don't know if I really did see it but i swear I saw blood come from her nose and mouth.