Daring Dash and the jungle of gyms

by DashieReviews

Chapter 4

Daring Dash turned right, and started walking down the path. There were a lot of thing to examine and explore within the path. There was old statues and vines dangling down from the ceiling. There was only compass parts and pieces of ripped map. Also on top of the first statue, there was a chewed hat. Dash continued down the path, it was quite bright, until she got to the end.

There was this weird thing above her head. It looked like a giant boulder that was in those adventure movies. Dash liked it, she thought it was going to end like the famous Indiana Hooves and get chased by it.

There was something on a little pedestal, a gem most likely. Daring Dash grabbed it, then put it in her saddlebag. There was something wrong. The roof was shaking, the giant boulder had fell!

Daring Dash ran as fast as her little filly legs could carry her until she got back to the start. She turned around, the boulder was gone and so was the path, Daring a Dash had to go left.

To continue the story, go to chapter three