The Girl With The Crooked Eyes

by ForgottenCanvas

Abandoned & Forgotten

Abandoned & Forgotten
...And I don't know if I ever been really loved, by a hand that's touched me...

I can't believe it, the day I have finally been looking forward to is here! The first day of time traveling! What? Of course, I know how to do time travel! I just haven't been able to do it by myself, why? Well, I am only 10! What a silly question you have there! Yes, I should probably introduce myself first off. My name is Doctor Whooves! But everyone calls me Doc for short. Just a nickname, because of course it is way too complicated and wonky to call me Doctor! Oh heavens, that's just too much syllables for the out right absurd human brain to think of! Ah! Sorry-- I am rambling again! Back on topic right? Yes, of course! I am the Doctor! I am ten years of age which means I can finally go on my own back in time to help those in need!

Do you want to know a bit about my time travel? Well, yes! I can do my best to explain it and simply not bore you to tears! Basically, my dad is one of the best time travelers around! He saved so many crisis-esess, oh boy! Try saying that three times fast! From happening in the past, future, present.. so on and so forth! Basically how it works is that we are summoned into the time machine. We press this button that propels us into either the past, present, or future. Pretty quite easy, right? Well, here's the catch! We don't know where we are being sent! Also, we cannot return until the problem is fixed! There is a wormhole or portal as some call it, that pops us and lets us leave once our job is done! Then I can leave that world with patting my back knowing that I did a great job! Well, this time I am going alone without the aid of my father!

"Doc!" My father, shouts as he comes through the door of our spare room. "Did you do all the right preparations in order to make sure the time machine is functioning?" I nodded, giving him a sigh. What does he think I am? Eight years old? "I have a special tool to give you, just in case." He hands me a pen-like looking object that holds a big red button at the top of the cap.

"What is this for?" I turn the thing over in my hands, prodding my glasses to slide back up my nose. I'm about to hit the button when my dad smacks the pen right out of my hands. "Hey! What was that for?!"

"Don't be daft! Do not push this button unless you absolutely need to. It will only work three times. This is incase you cannot fix the problem you are going to fix or if the wormhole just doesn't show up, leaving you stuck!"

"I won't need it! I can do this! I know I can!" I push my brown spiky hair back on my head, licking the top of my lips, getting a running stance ready.

"It doesn't matter if you use it or not, it's just IN CASE! So bring it with you, otherwise I'll be worried sick." My father half-heartedly smiles at me as I grab the item back, stuffing it behind my ear. "Good luck, son." I smiled, giving him a slight hug before I close myself into the time machine.

"I won't fail you, father!" I scream over the sounds of the time machine starting up. Music to my ears, even though it just sounds like a bunch of bolts of lightning along with a herd of robots. But it's just my cup of tea! I close my eyes as I wait for the gush of wind to invite me into this whole new world where they desperately need me.

Instead of a gush of wind to the face, I am awoken by the sound of high pitch crying. Well... at least I didn't have to go searching for the problem too long! Easy as cider! But then, I realize that my balance is out of whack. What in the world... I fall face flat onto the dirty ground before me. Ughhh! Blech! Dirt does not taste good! I tried to wipe the dirt from my mouth but, ahhh! What is this? WHAT IS THIS? I swish my hand in front of my face frantically. WHAT THE BLAZES! WAHH! I turn around to bang at my time machine.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME YOU BLIMEY TIME SPACEY MACHINEY THING YOU! GAH!" As I stopped banging my ... somewhat utterly deformed hand on the time machine, I noticed myself in its reflection before the whole thing disappeared from site. Well, at least I got to give it a good beat up before it left. But... wait! My reflection... I looked like a... PONY?! What is blazes! I don't know what that time traveling did to me! Did I bump my head when I fell? The crying grew more high pitched and rattled my ear drums. It made me wake up and I shook my head drastically.

Someone still needs help... I can't abandon them. Even though... I may be a pony! I have to keep out of sight from people! Otherwise they will want to turn me into glue! Or worse.... ride on me! Gah! I am not a carousel pony! I ran behind the bushes to keep me from trouble, realizing that I had to use all four of my legs. Good thing I knew how to work my body like this already, ha! Take that time machine! I WAS prepared!

I followed the wailing to a hill. It was dark in this world, probably around midnight... I wondered who would be alone in such a foresty spot at this time of night. When I inched closer, acting like a pony... fake pretending to eat some grass just to get a peek. I discovered that it was another pony up on that hill too! Great, so I can blend in and not be found out! As I was about to walk up to this pony, I realized this pony was the one that was crying. I froze in my steps. This has to be a joke, my father must be watching me now and laughing all of this up. There is no way that I was sent back in time in order to help a pony... a crying pony at that! It's not like it could communicate and tell me what's---

"What worth does my life have?" The pony shouted as it looked up to the sky in sobs. I was taken aback... this pony was intellectual and could speak. This made me ponder about if my life even mattered anymore, there is a world out there with talking ponies. Have I gone completely mad? Have a wondered into Alice's Wonderland? What on Earth... but then I began to stare at this pony. It's fur was a light gray, which made her look kinda blue in the moonlight. Her hair was bleach blonde, almost a white but you can make out the yellow. On her thigh, there was a tattoo.... wait- ponies have tattoos? What a remarkable culture.. how do they make these tattoos? They can't even hold things... let alone a tattoo thingy. There is no way, how does that work? I mean I can even hold my pen thats behind my ear. I go up and reach for the pen that my father lent me that was stuffed behind my ear. Ah! Well, see... it fell to the ground with a big thump.

Suddenly, from all the noise and banter I made the gray pony girl turned around at me. For two seconds, I almost saw her eyes but then she stood up and sprawled out these magnificent gray wings that she had tucked underneath her sides. They were tiny little wings, seeing as how she must be only about seven or eight years old in human years. I guess.. She then bit at her hair and covered her face, keeping her eyes closed.

"Who are you?" She spoke to me as she kept her back to me.

"Oh, right, yes! Uhm." I coughed, clearing the air from my throat. I'm talking to a pony! This is so outstandingly absurd. "Hi, pony. My name is Doctor. Doctor Whooves actually, I have come to help you of whatever is troubling you!"

"What? You heard me crying?" She sobs a bit, trying to muffle it out in her blonde mane.

"I'm terribly sorry, my parents always say never to let a girl cry alone." I walked... trotted? Over to her and sat next to her. Her back still turned and her eyes still closed tight.

"Why do you care? No one cares about me. I'm some useless mare."

"None sense, everyone has their worth! Even weird pony people!" Oh, drat. I need to shut my yap.

"What?" She questioned, stiffening up her back.

"I didn't mean you're weird - well what is weird anyway? I mean we are all weird in our own ways, certainly, but uhm.. yeah," Well this is going over well, Doc. Some time traveler helper I am. I might as well just sent her over grimace from McDonalds. I'm sure he would of helped her better than I could. Maybe even offered her a happy meal... oh! Then I can get one of those fantastic plastic toys... I wonder what they are selling now...

"Um..." She started to scoot away from me as I hit myself with my...hoof?

"Sorry, sorry. I have a habit of thinking to much and babbling on.. heheh..." I coughed again to release the awkward tension.

"It's okay. You are weird, but like you said. We are all weird somehow, right?" Hey! Me weird? She's calling ME the weird one when she is a talking pony?! A sobbing talking pony at that...

"Uhm, right. Yes. Why are you out here--" She walked to the edge of the hill, her hair fell to the sides of her head. But her eyes remained closed. The wind blew silently making her almost look like this horsey angelic angel. I couldn't help but to admire her for a brief second. But then I saw the tears rolling down her cheeks. I don't like seeing anyone cry... thats one reason why I am a time traveler. To help those to stop crying.

"Stop asking me questions. You don't even know who I am or anything about me. Let alone my name." She took a deep breath before continuing on with her little speech. "No one cares for me, my mother took me here and abandoned me right under this tree. She said she would be back for me but parts of me knew it was a lie. My mom always hated me no matter what I did. She would say I'm stupid, that she don't know how she ended up with a daughter like me. Once, while I was sleeping she even whispered to me. She said, Derpy... I will try again to get the daughter or son I truly deserve. Try coming home to that everyday. Knowing that you are a massive disappointment to your parents." I couldn't possibly think of that, my parents were always so kind and humble to me. I couldn't believe some monster of a mother like that was out there... it actually made me quite mad.

"So I asked the night... what is my worth here. And I got an answer. The answer came back as nothing. All I am is nothing, so I am going to rid the world of me." That's harsh words for a seven or eight year old pony!

"Hey hold on a sec-- gah!" I launched forward, grabbing... somehow... to this gray mare who tried to throw herself down the hill. We would up rolling down together and I landed on top of her at the bottom of the hill. She shook back and forth, this scene seemed familiar to me... like I was in the Lion King. Next thing I know we will be prancing about singing 'Can you feel the love tonight!' Oh gross, yuck! One, she is a pony, two gross! I don't want to be in a relationship! I scooted off her from just the mere thought of it. But then I glanced down at her. She slowly opened her eyes and now I know why she kept her eyes hidden from me.

They were a marvelous shade of maple orange, glistening in the moons light. They were -- however, dreadfully crooked. But it's okay, some people were just born with those eyes. Plus, it kinda just fit her look. She looked pretty either way, oh nasty, I shouldn't be saying that about a girl!

"What were you trying to do there?!" I snapped at her as she looked at me, realizing her eyes were open, her face turned bright red.

"You... see my eyes yet... you don't make fun of me?" She stared at me in amazement.

"Well, of course, It's not your fault that your eyes are crooked like that. Plus, I think you look just fine. BESIDES! What were you doing!" She seemed to beam ear from ear. A little giggle even escaped her lips.

"Well, I was thinking of just... ending my life.. but seeing as how you say I am okay. Somepony that I never even met..." She smiled so bright.. wait... somepony? Ha.. ha! How ridiculous. This is such a loony bin world.

"Well, hate to break it to you but even if you did succeed in rolling down that hill on your own... you would of just got a few scrapes... maybe a minor head injury. Nothing death worthy." She looked somewhat embarrassed as she glanced back at the hill.

"Hehe.. I guess your right." She stuck her tongue out at me as I sighed deeply. Well, I stopped the problem. Where is my wormhole out of here? I want to go back to being a human now. "I don't have anywhere to go now though.." She looked at the ground and prodded it with her hoof. I sighed... bingo. That's why there is no way back home. I have to bring her somewhere.

"Well, let's take you back home then, shall we? Which way shall we gallop?"

"NO! PLEASE! Don't... take me... back there... please. I want to live away from that place." I sighed deeply then looked at the path that stretched from the hill. It split left and right.

"Which way is away from home?" She motioned to the right. "The right is the way we shall go." She followed after me with a puzzled look.

"Why do you wish to help me anyways?"

"I'm the doctor. It's what I do." She smiled at me as we made our journey.

"You are also now my friend!" She giggled as she happily bounced next to me. "The first friend I ever had!" I couldn't help but smile at the energy this girl had. She then made a shocked face.

"What need to go to the bathroom?"

"NO!" She turned beet red. "I didn't tell you my name! My name is Derpy Hooves."

"What a charming name." I stated.

"Are you making fun of me?" She pouted.

"No, I really do mean it. It is a charming name. It fits your remarkable personality." She stared blankly at me as I sighed. "It's a good compliment."

"Oh! You use funny words." She began to yawn and her trotting became a bit slow.

"Are you tired?" I questioned as she nodded her head up and down. "Well, I suppose.." I looked around for an inn of some sort but instead she curled up by the side of the path in a nice patch of grass. She laid fast asleep. Well, since I'm a pony I better act like a pony. I curled up next to her and fell asleep.

The next morning...

"Good morning, Doctor!" She beamed. "Are you ready to get going?"

"Yes, but what's so wrong with this area? Ponies like grass, why not live here?" She began to laugh and roll her eyes, which was a bit quite alarming considering her eye condition.

"You're funny. Let's go!" We trotted off along the path as I began to wonder. Where are we going anyway? To a stable? I mean.. where do these ponies live?

"What are we looking for a barn?" Again she laughed.

"Not my style, really. I like a little town. I'm sure I'd be accepted at a little town rather than the city. I used to be from a city. Everyone was cruel and mean to me there."

"I'm from a city, it's not that bad."

"I just rather find myself elsewhere." I nodded and just kept walking, thats when that bubble tattoo came back in mind to myself.

"So, did you get that tattoo out of rebellion from your mother... and it's on both sides of your .. flank?" I giggled at the word flank. She looked at me strange then looked at her flank.

"Woah! I got my cutie mark! And its bubbles... so I must've got it when I was blowing bubbles! Wow, even my destiny is lame.." She sobbed.

"Cutie marks? What?"

"Don't you know about cutie marks! I mean you have yours! And it looks like yours is for time traveling or something!" I looked down at my flank to find an hourglass tattoo. What? WHAT? When did that draw itself up on my bottom?


"Your cutie mark is your mark that shows up when you discovered your special talent. Yet, I don't even know what mine is for. I mean I was blowing bubbles with my mom in the forest. I then followed this one HUGE bubble I blew out into the clearing on top of the hill where you found me. The bubble popped and then my mom said she would be back for me. Clearly, she wasn't. I waited all day since 9 am that morning!" She pouted, thinking back about those times. I just couldn't understand their culture. Cutie marks? You got to be kidding me... out of all the bologna I heard!

Out of no where a pink hurricane came shooting up the road. It then stopped and came back for us. I shouted, grabbing Derpy and pulling her to the side when it stopped right in front of us.

"What in the blazes!"

"Why, hello there! Are you traveling too? Cause I'm traveling! I want to travel and bring parties to people, see!" She dug into the green backpack she had on and threw out confetti. "Yay! Parties!" She began to laugh and snort uncontrollably. "Wow, you ponies look like you are on a mission, like! Get out of my way type mission! Can I join your mission, I CAN BRING SOME PARTYING!" She began to dance on spot and Derpy began to laugh. I smiled, seeing as how this pony clearly didn't make fun of her.

"Woah! You got like crooked eyeballs!" Derpy began to cover her face again as the pink pony with very unruly curly hair dug in her bag again. She placed a party hat that had rainbow stripes in it on top of her head. "You are a special pony that deserves and awesome hat! I like you, let's be friends!" Derpy let her hair dropped and smiled, she began to bounce around dramatically like this pony.

"Oh! By the way, I'm Pinkie Pie! I just left my family at a rock farm because I want to go and party!" She showed a portrait of her family, they looked less colorful and happy than this little pony. She threw the picture aside back in her bag. "Yeah, they weren't really feeling the whole partying thing everyday, so I wanted to make the world smile and go travel to find my town!"

"I am trying to find a new place of acceptance too!" Derpy smiled. "Everyone made fun of me in my old town."

"Well, tootsie rolls to them! We will find a new awesome, better, fantabulous, party central, haven of pony, type town to live in TOGETHER! We will be like the awesomest bestie best friends forever and ever type friends that ever existed!" Pinkie Pie threw more confetti. She giggled and Derpy laughed along with her. Pinkie put her hoof around Derpy's leg and trotted onward. "On ward to a new life!" She sung. I stopped and didn't follow. Derpy looked backwards at me with sad eyes.

"But, of course I want my first ever friend to come with us too!" She waved back at me. I looked around looking for a portal to show up, clearly my mission is done here. She is happy. She found someone to take her away. Clearly, I'm done. Ugh, I must of hit the time machine too hard when I first came here and wonked it. I suppose it was a good idea to bring my dad's pen. I knocked the pen off of my ear and let it hit the floor. I was about to push it and smiled back at Derpy.

"Enjoy your life young one, my work is done here."

"Wait, what! No-" I hit the red button on my pen and a portal showed up. I hopped through it and as the portal began to disappear I saw the tears in her eyes as she ran after me. Pinkie Pie held her back and waved to me. As the portal completely evaporated I looked down at my hands to find that they were no longer hooves, to my pleasure! Now I can go home and forget this ever happened!

[ Chapter One End. ]