MLP:FiM - Season I: JetStream

by LunicStream1105

Episode 5-Griffon the Brush Off

Part 1

"Hoof-biting action overload! She was like a stunt superstar, flying higher and higher, and Rainbow Dash swooped down 'swoosh!' and right before she hit the ground 'Shoom!' she pulled up Vrrmmm!" Pinkie Pie paused, when Twilight sounded off, yet still looking at her book.


"And them she looped around and around like whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo!" she fell to the ground as dirt was forced aside. Pinkie Pie were both at the park, some distance away from Town Hall, where Twilight thought she could catch up on her reading. Yet Pinkie Pie talked about something that felt like it didn't even happen yet, and besides Twilight was too focused on her book anyways.

"... Uh-huh..." she responded. As Pinkie was lying down, she was Rainbow Dash flying over head. She instantly got back and dashed after her, Twilight looked back up to notice her almost out of sight.

"Whew..." Twilight smiled in relief. Rainbow Dash was on her way to her desire, which slowly melted away as Pinkie Pie continued to call her name.

"... Rainbow Dash!" she looked down, and gave a mix of a grunt and a moan.

"Pinkie Pie, again?" she increased her speed.

"Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie Pie called again.

"Not now, Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow exclaimed, not keeping her eyes ahead of her.

"B-but, Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie continued.

"I'm in the middle of something!" she continued to fly, and finally looked back.


"I said not now!" she looked back, and then suddenly collided with a cliff, stopping her flight immediately. Somepony spotted her from at most a half-mile away, smiled and giggled until he turned back in the direction he intended to go.

"Spike told me it was this way..." Rainbow Dash started to slide down the dirt and rock, until she finally, and yet softly, hit the ground right next to Pinkie Pie.

"... I was just going to tell you about that mountain..." Rainbow Dash groaned, she think she still might have some dirt in her mouth.

When JetStream arrived, still wearing his ring, he looked around in thought and confusion, "Pinkie was here earlier, wasn't she?" Twilight looked up to the colt.

"Oh, JetStream, why are you here?"

"I heard you were practically taking a lazy day... well from Spike anyway..." Twilight sighed.

"Not's not how I would put it, sometimes that dragon isn't fit to a be a dragon..." JetStream looked shocked.

"I don't get how you two are so mellow! I mean Spike is the first real-life dragon I've seen! I'm still curious on how you two met..." JetStream held his posture like he mentally held back. She put the book up-side down on the page and she continued.

"It was back in Canterlot, I was doing magic for the school for gifted unicorns, and they gave this egg. I had to crack... or hatch it using my magic-" she pointed to her horn as it glowed a lavender colour.

"... Did you do it?" JetStream asked. Twilight scoffed.

"I overdid it." she smiled, yet it wasn't very much confident, "My magic hatched from the egg, then suddenly he smashed his head through the roof because it made him so big..."

"Yeah-" JetStream held his neck, "-that's overdoing it... I suppose." after a short pause Twilight spoke up.

"And about Pinkie Pie, yes, she was here recently, how'd you know...?" she smiled as she got a relevant idea.

"Was it her leftover Aura, as you would put it?" JetStream blushed, laughing nervously.

"Yeah I guess..." JetStream turned around to the mountain ahead of him, "Either that or the uneven patches of pounded grass..." JetStream let that sick in. Where Twilight let her head fall into her book, followed by a sigh.

Part 2

"Ugh, I think I lost her for once today..." she frowned looking still annoyed at the fact that she could still be followed as she lied down on a nearby cloud near Town Hall.

'What's up her with her today anyway? She's never been this... sticky.' Rainbow sighed, 'Ya know what? It doesn't help to think while trying to go to sleep, I've felt that too many times by now...' she went quiet, not even thinking anything at this point. Until then, she heard faint humming that was awfully full of tone, 'I know that anywhere...' she gathered a bit of the cloud and stuffed her ears, then she looked down to Pinkie, "...?" Pinkie walked to a stand where a couple ponies waited for their wants.

"Hi! I'm looking for Rainbow Dash, have you seen her?" she just repeated that question over and over again as Rainbow Dash dug her way into the cloud, "Twilight! Have you seen Rainbow Dash?" Twilight looked back in shock, "Isn't she right up there?" they both looked straight, as did JetStream when he opened the building door they were close to, as if Twilight was waiting for something.

"Rainbow Dash!" she hollered. Her pupils dilated as she got back up from the cloud, she looked back and forth until all she had was to get out of there, which she did, incredibly fast. Pinkie Pie paused, then after a couple of seconds she started bouncing after her, yet she had some float to it as well.

"Geez, where's Rainbow in a rush to?" Twilight wondered looking back to JetStream, she saw his Aura just visibly disappearing.

"Actually, Rainbow Dash is trying to avoid Pinkie-" JetStream sighed, "-She's flying south of here..." Twilight smiled in awe.

"You know, the more I think of it, Aura could be just like magic..." she considered.

"Never would've thought of that..." JetStream tapped his muzzle.

'Why is Pinkie crazy!? Why can't she ever just leave a pony to their business?' she thought as she hid behind Sweet Apple Acre's barn, she looked around the corner, "Whew, that was close..." she turned around.

"Hi!" Pinkie exclaimed showing right in front of her.

"Aah!" she jumped off and flew another direction. Pinkie just started to make lazy haste to wherever Rainbow may be going. As she flew back in, she noticed the large amount of leaves on the library, she zoomed right in and took cover there. She stopped to catch her breathe, but just when it got quiet.

"Hi again!" Pinkie exclaimed. Rainbow Dash jumped once again flying left. Where she stopped at a lake, and took a seat on the ground, "... I need a favor, Rainbow Dash." on attempt to fly away once again, she stopped her self in mid-air.

"Oh, forget it..." she flopped back to the ground.

"I totally promise, it'll be totally fun!"

"Okay..." Rainbow Dash said rather sloppily. Where they would finally go back to Town Hall together.

Pinkie was looking Rainbow between her two hooves, "... Over to the right..." Rainbow Dash moved right, "No, no, a little to the left." Rainbow moved left.


"Alright, I'm pretty sure I know where the Town Hall is anyway..." the voice paused as he thought it through, "Twilight sending me anyway, I thought I was busy doing something. I just want to get some work done, is that so wrong?..." JetStream looked up when he got around the corner, "What are those two doing?" he saw Rainbow Dash moving back and forth with a cloud, and Pinkie keeps opening her mouth, "Is Pinkie telling her to do something? But what does it have to do with a cloud? Especially at Town Hall..."

"-Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow shouted.

"I'm going in..." JetStream walked over. When Rainbow Dash looked around due to Pinkie hiding, by going to the nearest window, JetStream felt a change in colour for Pinkie's Aura, and it was of the roguish sense.

"JetStream!" she jumped.

"Shhh!" Pinkie Pie responded. JetStream gasped.

"You're going to prank Spike aren't you?"

"Why do you ca-?"

"Shhh!" Pinkie shushed again. That's when Spike walked out, Pinkie moved in such a way Rainbow Dash got ready.

'They can't just... why are they!?' Rainbow went to the side, and prepared to buck the cloud. When Rainbow Dash did, it produced thunder from the cloud.

"Aah!" Spike shrieked in surprise, dropping every single scroll he was carrying with him just fell to the floor.

'My ears...' JetStream expected to be too loud as he just pulled his hooves off of his ears, he was never that close to a storm cloud in the first place. After a pause, Spike suddenly started hiccupping, and Pinkie got big smile from. Pinkie laughed.

"Oh Rainbow Dash, you startled Spike into getting the hiccups!" Rainbow Dash laughed as she realized what Pinkie planned.

"Haha! Good one Pinkie -Hugh- Pie -Hugh- you're always pulling a fast one -Hugh- on me." Spike picked a scroll up, but as soon as he went off again, his green fire burned the scroll up and sent it off.

"Uh oh, you're not hurt are you?" Pinkie asked.

"Are those actually getting sent?" JetStream asked.

"Na -Hugh- ah, don't be -Hugh- silly. Dragons are -Hugh- fireproof."

"Oh, okay... good." Pinkie and Rainbow looked at one another and laughed. After finally picking them all up, Spike hiccupped once more, causing all of them at once to get sent.

"What the heck is going to happen with those?" JetStream looked at Spike as he desperately tried to keep them together.

"It's hard -Hugh- to hold in! I and e -Hugh- verypony don't really know how to control once w -Hugh- e get them, JetStr -Hugh- eam." after a short pause.

"What if I told you I know something to help?..." JetStream looked rather annoyed.

"What makes you susp -Hugh- ect it'll work?" JetStream looked to the sky in suddenness.

"... My mom taught me..." Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash started walking somewhere else.

"If you say so... -Hugh-." before they all could make it too far, Rainbow shout out.

"Watch your back, JetStream!" he swallowed upon immediately hearing this, Spike looked up at JetStream, he could see JetStream quivering. When they no more and sight, and JetStream sense for them was way out of range. JetStream looked at his spine.

"Oh come on, JetStr -Hugh- eam, I'm sure it's nothing."

"Sorry, I don't stand for others that much around. And since it was all to small of a threat it turned out awkward to do it..." Spike saw the gem he wore was a desaturated blue.

"Hey, JetStream, why don't you show me -Hugh- that trick of yours?" Spike smiled as he got JetStream snapped out of wherever he was.

"Yeah..." JetStream paused, "Okay, first-" Spike looked at him, "-you need to breath in through your mouth." Spike inhaled, "Now hold it there, and swallow two times, it works better with the more saliva you have..." JetStream said for extra measure, "Make sure you tilting your head back too, you would want that to get down you throat fast enough I suppose..." Spike already swallowed once, he tilt his head when he was ready, and then he swallowed the second time, "The last thing to do is to, slowly, breath out your nose. As if your ready to smell a scent you really like another time." JetStream smiled. After all the air he gathered from the inhale was realized they were both silent for the next 10 seconds he didn't hiccup, when suddenly Spike jumped.

"... Cool! I don't have the hiccups anymore!" Spike looked back to JetStream, "I think I'll remember that for later." Spike thought it was nice to see him out of that feeling trip he was just in.

Part 3

"Ah jeez, didn't think we'll get around to this Pinkie..." Rainbow looked at Pinkie as they both walked away from the joke shop they exited.

"I'm sure we would've, I'll never back down from a harmless prank!" Pinkie smiled.

"Actually, Pinkie Pie-" Rainbow responded, Pinkie looked to her, "-If you said you wanted to prank somebody, why didn't you say so?"

"I didn't though, I thought it was plain fun!"

"What? ... You know what never mind... any way who are going for next?" Rainbow asked, gaining a mischievous smile.

"To the Carousel Boutique, I have an idea."

"Rarity's huh?"

"Yes!" she went into a whisper, "Stay behind that bush..."

"If you say so..." she snuck around and to a bush that was open in view to the Boutique's front door. Pinkie walked up, and spread some things all around the door, she containing her laughter moments before it even happened. After a few moments, Pinkie Pie knocked on the door and rushed back.

"Now we wait..." Pinkie whispered, Rainbow nodded in the middle of snickering. Rarity walked up to the door.

"Hello?" she wondered, looking left and right yet nopony was there. That's when she got a sudden sniffle in her nose, and sneezed afterward. She looked down, only to notice a substance on her wall, when she looked down, her sneezing got worse. That's when they both flew from their cover. Rainbow Dash sprinted, but while Pinkie still sat there, the container full of the stuff hit the ground after flying through, causing the stuff to fly into the air, Pinkie sneezed as well, after almost hundred she finally decided to get out of there and catch up to Rainbow.

"Up next it Twilight." Pinkie muttered holding another jar.

"Your turn Rainbow..." she hoofed the jar to her. They watched her carefully, then, when they noticed she went up the stairs to the second floor, Rainbow Dash swooped in and replaced the jar with their own, and flew out without a trace. When Twilight got to writing, as you could see with some paper out, and a couple of science-y tubes sitting next to her.

'Alright, it's about time I get to writing my descriptions down for these chemicals...' she looked away from the paper to change the chemicals boiling behind her, when they changed to purple, Twilight quickly turned back.

"What!?" only to notice the ink was all gone, she checked the chemicals, then the paper once more, only to suddenly hear laughter bursting from the upper window. Twilight shrugged it off as soon as they saw the two ponies outside. Suddenly Rainbow grabbed Pinkie hoof.


"Next up, Applejack!" they swopped from the leaves and flew over, leaving Pinkie to just dangle as they went. When they got there, they landed near a couple of trees, "Alright Pinkie, you have to help me on this one." she giggled she looked back to Pinkie, her mane was messed up as if she got hit with jet-strong winds, "Ready?" Pinkie nodded.

"Go!" they grabbed a couple of painting boards and went throughout the orchard. After sometime, Applejack came out and was ready to pick the apples, when she opened her eyes she gasped.

"Land sakes!" all the apples were coloured greens, yellows, blues, purples and other sorts of colours that were unnatural. Applejack turned when she heard some laughter, Pinkie and Rainbow. She through apples at them to get them away like the bugs they were, and yet when one landed in a bucket full of water, Applejack noticed it was harmless paint, she laughed after all that worry.

After some time, they collected a telescope and a toy squirter. Pinkie was bouncing with the squeaker while Rainbow was at the Telescope, "Is somepony over there? Who're we going to squirt? Who're we going to squirt?" Rainbow snickered.

"Fluttershy." she smiled looking at Pinkie.

"What!?" she jumped, "No, no ,no ,no ,no you can't prank Fluttershy, I mean she's too sensitive, it'll hurt her feelings. Even are most are most harmless prank, and I know what I said about those, but we just can't!" Rainbow looked away from.

"Yeah... huh... We need another victim who's made of tougher stuff..." Pinkie started laughing when Rainbow let off of the Telescope, "... So who's it gonna be?"

"Oh! I got somepony in mind..." she continued to laugh, "... The toughest around..."

"Awesome! Who? Who?" she looked around quickly in case she missed.

"Oh yes, you're very close..." Rainbow was brought closer to the river, where she inspected her right eye, and noticed a darken ring around it.

"Talk about friendly fire..." they both paused, then Rainbow picked it back up, "Good one, Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Dash held out her hoof, but only to move it when Pinkie was about to clip it together, they both laughed it off and continued on their day.

Part 4

"I can't wait to get back to Rainbow Dash and our pranking! I can't keep my excitement, I don't know what we'll do!" Pinkie burst out off Sugarcube corner.

"Oh, well... good morning, Pinkie..." Mr. Cake greeting missed as Pinkie seemed to miles ahead, she suddenly came back and was in front of the door.

"Good morning, Mr. Cake!" she responded then zoomed off again. Mr. Cake sighed in shock when she went around the corner. Mrs. Cake came down with an abnormal look on her face.

"Did you see what she had with her?"

"Yes, I did. It just helps not to talk off about it in front of her." he looked back up.

"It saves time for business." she giggled shaking her head.

"Of course." Pinkie made her way to the outskirts of Ponyville, where Cloudsdale was located in the sky. She stopped right below and exclaimed.

"Rise and shine, Rainbow Dash! It's a brand new day and we got a lot of pranking to-..." Pinkie stopped as she noticed a creature appeared from the clouds, "-Oo..." Pinkie muttered in awe.

"Mornin' Pinks!" Rainbow burst from the higher clouds, she shot from them like a canon and flew over to her as she looked at her friend, "Gilda, this is my gal pal, Pinkie Pie." Gilda lift off from the clouds and landed in front of Pinkie, Pinkie shook as she landed, almost like an earthquake. Rainbow Dash pointed to Gilda, "This is my griffon friend, Gilda."

"What's a griffon?" Pinkie asked Rainbow.

"She's half eagle, half lion." she responded.

"And all awesome!" Gilda added.

"Gilda's my best friend from my days at Junior Speedster Flight camp-" she looked at her, remembering each and every memory sharing its balance in sanity, "-... Oh! Hey, remember the chant?" Rainbow recalled.

"Shuh-" Gilda responded, "-they made us recite it every morning, I'll never get that lame thing out of my head."

"Soo...?" Rainbow Dash stared intently at her. Gilda rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Only for you, Dash..." they both suddenly flew into the air.

"Junior Speedsters are our lives, sky-bound soars and daring dives Junior Speedsters, it's our quest, to some day be the very best!"
"Junior Speedsters are our lives, sky-bound soars and daring dives Junior Speedsters, it's our quest, to some day be the very best."

Rainbow and Gilda chanted. Pinkie laughed in cheer.

"That was awesome! And that gave me a great idea for a prank, Gilda you game?" Pinkie asked her.

"Hmm, well, I groove on a good prank as much as the next griffon, but Dash, you promised me we'd get a flying session in this morning." Gilda launched into the air.

"Yeah, well, uh. Pinkie Pie, you don't mind do you? Gilda just got here, we'll catch up with you later." Rainbow jumped into the air and hovered, ready to leave.

"Oh! Um, sure, no problem! Have fun you guys, I'll just catch up with ya..." they were both long gone, Pinkie sighed, "... later..."

"JetStream, can you grab me that book over there?"

"Yeah, su-" he paused in as he turned to notice the big bookshelf in front of him, "..." he turned to Twilight, "Which book exactly? I thought you could've pointed to it or-"

"Right here..." Twilight interrupted as a book to his left glowed on a level higher than his eyes.

"Oh, well. I can't read minds..." he held out his right hoof in complain, his ring slipped down a bit.

"Eh, doesn't hurt to try right?" JetStream backed up in shock as Twilight looked to him smiling.

"Well, well it doesn't hurt to try anything you just might be able to-" he looked around, "-and where is Spike, I haven't seen him yet..." Twilight sighed as she had to look away from her book.

"... Spike!" she beckoned.

"I'm back here like I told you, Twilight. I'm just grabbing a book is all..." Twilight's eyes opened as she turned.

"Wait... what? You're actually-!?" Spike appeared from behind the door.

"Yeah, yeah I don't usually read books, Twilight, I get bored sometimes too." Twilight went back to hers as she muttered.

"Not that I get bored..." after a brief pause, JetStream walked to Spike who sat down at the stairs.

"... So what's it abou-?" JetStream was interrupted as Spike closed the book, he saw just a little bit of text, with his right claw in the middle.

"No!" Spike reacted a bit quicker than JetStream thought, "If you want to read it JetStream you'll have to wait 'till I'm done." JetStream snickered as Spike crossed his arms, "What's so funny?" he opened his left eye.

"You just lost your spot in the book." he smiled.

"..." Spike looked back to his book, then sank, "No..." Twilight laughed as they both looked to her.

"I have to get you a bookmark sometime, Spike." his expression went angry.

"I'm don't read as much as you Twilight! And besides, that would be a waste of time anyway..."

"If you insist-" she looked through the corner of her eye, "-but if you ever need one... just ask..." Twilight went silent after that. Spike still looked annoyed afterward, where JetStream spoke in a short burst.

"Page 26..." Spike jumped, then looked at JetStream.

"It's about time!" Spike swung the cover open and onto the page he was recently on, Twilight snickered.

Part 5

"Come on, Twilight!" Spike exclaimed.

"Maybe, Spike-" she turned back to her book, "I'm half way through, if you waited this long, surely you can wait the next half..." the front door noticeably opened.

"Twilight I need to talk to you about something!" she looked annoyed yet on the verge of tears.

"Hmm? Pinkie Pie? What're you doing here?"

"That's why I'm all, I need to talk to you about something, Twilight!" she mused.

"There's no need to be loud, Pinkie."

"... Sorry, but I need this to be figured out." Pinkie saw JetStream and Spike on the stairs, with JetStream fallen asleep next to Spike for some reason while Spike was still reading the same book, "... There's this friend of Rainbow Dash that's been acting strange." Twilight snickered.

"And what's your standard of strange?"

"For the all the sums of being sorta-serious Twilight, this is one of them, and I'm pretty sure this 'griffon' is not what she seems." Twilight rose a brow in confusion.

"Where are you getting at?"

"That Rainbow Dash's friend is actually a meanie-head! Whenever I would catch up to them to wherever their wings would take them, I would follow, but only for her friend to take me down, literally, and it hurt! It hurts, Twilight!" she suddenly got on her calves begging, Twilight instantly walked back to her book.

"So, are you sure that this friend of Rainbow Dash is really so mean?" she got back up and started to pace back and forth as she got asked questions.

"Umm, yeah!" she answered, "She keeps stealing Rainbow Dash away, she pops my balloons, and she told me to buzz off! I never met a griffon this mean, or, actually I never met a griffon at all. But I bet if I have, she wouldn't have been as mean and grumpy as Gilda..." Twilight looked back to her.

"You know what I think, Pinkie Pie...?"


"Well, I think... you're jealous." Twilight finished.


"Green with envy, well, in your case, pink with envy..." Spike added.

"Well, yes, jealous. Listen, Pinkie, I don't want to upset you, but just because Rainbow Dash has another friend doesn't make Gilda a grump. I mean perhaps it's you, Pinkie, who needs to improve her attitude." Pinkie's eyes opened wide.

"Improve my attitude!? But I- Bu- It's Gilda that- It- Are you seri-?" she let off a loud high pitched scream of anger, blowing it all off for now, she quickly walked out the door, and slammed it shut.

"Wha-!?" JetStream shot out of his sleep, his eyes half open.

"Oh my, JetStream, Spike, I may not know what just happened... well I'm pretty sure the whole town will not know until it's too late, but JetStream, I'd rather you stay awake for now. I want both of you to help their circle of trouble if you ever have to, hula-hoop it around the pit of something unworthy of living..." everybody was quiet, when JetStream stood up and saluted.

"You got it, Ma'am." Spike looked at JetStream and did the same salute.

"This was awesome, Gilda!" she shrugged.

"It was no big deal, we were basically the best out of the whole group." she recalled.

"Like old times!"
"Like old times."

They both had their brows furrowed and a smile on their faces.

"Sadly, I'm gonna have to take care of some weather bizz around here, I know it shouldn't take long. You can just... hang out in town while it get it taken care of. I'll find ya later..." she shrugged.

"That's cool I guess. I'm gonna go chow down."

"Later!" she zipped off into the sky. Gilda looked around just as Rainbow Dash left, being a griffon in a pony territory is rather edgy, either she'll get noticed or make her noticeable. As soon as Granny Smith caught her sights, she looked with a smug grin. She was smelling the fruit when suddenly a tail popped out.

"...? A rattler? A rattler!? Run for the hills! Save yourself!" she went off as fast as she could, which was a tough race for a turtle. Gilda looked through the fruit.

"This stuff ain't fresh, dude..." Pinkie lifted her head a bit from where she sat.

"Aw, poor Granny Smith, she didn't know it was a joke, how mean! ..." thinking back to the talk with Twilight, which wasn't too long ago, she had to rethink it, maybe it wasn't what it seems, "No, no, I can't misjudge her it, was, kind of a funny prank. I guess." her tone dropped in enthusiasm. Pinkie watched Gilda as she stopped by an apple stand, where her tail wagged around until it somehow moved to the barrels, as if she controlled herself, Gilda's tail swiped an apple from the barrel, Pinkie immediately gasped, "I did misjudge her, she's not only a meanie-mean pants, but she's also a thief! ..." she had to stop herself once again, "Nonono, she might give it back, it's just a joke." Pinkie paused as Fluttershy passed nearby with ducks in a single line.

"Alright little ones-" Fluttershy was about to instruct, "-this way, this way." she continued to walk backwards, "Mama Duck, you're free and clear."

"Hey!" Fluttershy had to realize she bumped into somebody else, she looked up to her, "Please excuse me-"

"I'm walkin' here!" Gilda exclaimed.

"Oh- I'm sorry, I was just trying-" Gilda suddenly let out a mocking tone.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry- Why don't you watch were you're going doofas!?" she practically roared. She continued to walk forward as the ducks scattered everywhere.

"Bu- B- B- But, I-" Gilda inhaled, and let out a roar a lion could distinguish. Fluttershy discarded her ducks and ran the other way from Gilda, Pinkie watched in shock as Gilda stopped in front of Pinkie her mouth wide open.

"Oh please! All these lame ponies are bugging me, I gotta bail." she took off to the skies once more, there was no more to explain, and Pinkie had it decided.

"She's a grump, a thief, and a bully! The meanest kind of mean-meanie pants there is! I can take it, no one treats Fluttershy like that. No. One." she paused, "This calls for extreme measures, Pinkie Pie style!"

Part 6

"... Welcome!" Pinkie greeted as ponies entered Sugarcube corner. When they entered they noticed the party decorations around the building. Applejack walked over to her friends near the corner of the room.

"Who's this Gilda Ah've heard nothin' about?" she asked.

"I heard she was a friend of Rainbow Dash. She's a griffon as well, how rare?" Rarity answered as Twilight got settled down near Fluttershy.

The door to the library burst open, with JetStream galloping through. The door hit its mark to the point it turned back toward the library and closed all on momentum.

"I didn't know Twilight was out!" he paused as he passed a couple ponies on the way there, "... The nap idea Spike proposed wasn't this so called "follow-the-rule-Twilight-gave-us" type of thing..." when he looked around, the only thing noticeable was a pony turning a corner, he turned to a pony when he passed him, "Excuse me. Do you know where everypony's going?" JetStream asked.

"To Sugarcube Corner." he answered.

"Thank you! ...." JetStream sped up incredibly.

"Quite..." he responded. As soon as he got on the road leading to the place of interest, he turned toward the building.

"-Dear friend of Rainbow Dash, lets honor and welcome her to Ponyville." Pinkie embraced Gilda as she showed her befriendy-ness, when Pinkie let go, the whole building was lit with sound. A whole crowd started to roar with cheer, when suddenly a voice broke out.

"Twilight you left me behi-!" JetStream was cut off as he was forced back to the ground.

"...!?" Gilda turned around, which everypony stopped cheering. Fluttershy gasped when she saw JetStream outside the doorway.

"JetStream! Glad you could make it!" Pinkie exclaimed. JetStream's gem glowed, and with his eyes still closed from the fall he would think for the moment that something is off.

'I can see the glow without opening my eyes, if only I could understand this thing...' JetStream got back up, dusting the dirt off, "Thanks, Pinkie!" he smiled. When he opened his eyes again, he was in a new world of surprises, "Oh!" he felt that cold wave go down his spine again, 'See the glow without opening my eyes...' he recalled moments later.

"I knew you'd be surprised, JetStream!" Pinkie continued, as she merged at the same distance with Gilda, it looked a bit uncomfortable, "This is Gilda-" she pointed to he immediate left. Gilda gave a languid wave.

'... Her stare is dreading.'

"She's Rainbow Dash's friend, and I, and everypony else, are here to give her the recognition she deserves, as she is new here in Ponyville." Pinkie giggled at JetStream's expression, "Is your face frozen or something, or are you that surprised to a see a griffon?"

'That's true, I have never seen a griffon before.' he turned back to Gilda, 'And by the looks of her stare, I think I might as well see more than just her...'

"Come on you two, why don't you two greet each other, shake claw and hoof." Pinkie smile was glued on tight, even with the roll of Gilda's eyes, she extended her arm half-way through.

"Actually, Pinkie-" he said with hesitation, "I don't think a shake is necessary." JetStream gave a smile when they looked at him with a surprising expression, 'Let you have that relieved sigh, Gilda...' JetStream thought, his gem glowed again, causing Gilda to raise an eyebrow, "Ehh, anyway, think I could be let in Pinkie?" JetStream smiled.

"Of course, the more the merrier!" she exclaimed, she walked back in. JetStream followed Pinkie in.

"Everypony's here, JetStream, so kick back and relax!" the other five were pointed to.

"Of course they'd be here, you're the party pony after all." JetStream responded. It was nearly fifteen minutes later, when Pinkie walked back in with a cake from the kitchen, or what seemed to be one, "Cake time everybody!" she exclaimed, Twilight walked up with an open mouth.

"Wow, this looks incredible." Pinkie smiled.

"Thanks, Twilight! I baked it myself." she giggled. Spike walked up with her.

"Hey! Can I blow out the candles?" he asked Pinkie.

"... Why don't we let Gilda blow out the candles, Spike. She is the guest of honor after all." Gilda rushed over and pushed Spike down.

"Exactly!" she exclaimed. Gilda blew out the candles in an instant. Only to realize moments later the candles were re-lit.

"What..." JetStream tilted his head in confusion. Gilda turned back and burned them all out. They re-lit without any answer or question. Everypony started to laugh as Gilda continued to blow out the candles that continuously ignited themselves.

"Re-lighting birthday candles I love that prank!" Spike recalled, Gilda looked down in annoyance, then to Pinkie when she spoke out.

"Now I wonder who could've done that." she brought her hoof to her muzzle in mystery.

"Yeah, I wonder." Gilda deadpanned. JetStream noticed Spike drill himself into the cake, and decided to walk closer.

"Mmm! Who cares, this cake-" he appeared from the top, "-is amazing!"

"Spike!" Twilight frowned at his action.

"What? It's great, try some." Spike said with his mouth full.

'You know what, Gilda isn't looking so cool. For Pinkie, I do not want this party to be a bust for her.' Rainbow Dash walked up beside Gilda.

"Hey G, you're not upset by some silly candles, are you?" she had a worried smile.

"Hm?" JetStream looked over in question.

"Hey, Twilight, what are we going to do now?" Twilight looked at JetStream, and pointed to Applejack.

"Hey y'all!" she called. JetStream looked over to the cake to see Pinkie and Gilda with wide grins.

"You two okay?" he asked.

"It's pin the tail on the pony, let's play." she jumped and kicked her forehooves in the air.

"Oh my favorite game!" Rarity responded, "Can I go first? I do have the purple tail." she insisted as she bent down to pick it up, just as Gilda swiped it from her.

"Well, I'm the guest of honor, and I'll have the purple tail." she walked over to the wall.

"Yeah! Gilda should definitely go first. Let's get you blind-folded." Spike walked up and quickly wrapped a cloth band around Gilda's head.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Pinkie then spun her around. She done it so well, you could even see Rarity look dizzy.

"I'm spinning you round and round. Then you got to pin the tail on the pony. Now walk straight ahead and pin the tail."

"Now walk straight ahead and pin the tail, yeah right, this is another prank isn't it?" Gilda turned all the way around, "I'm going this way." Pinkie jumped and pointed to the poster.

"Wait! The poster is this-! ...." everybody watched as Gilda went sliding out the door, "Uh, Gilda, you pinned the tail on the other end..." the JetStream, and Spike got a good crack at it, behind everypony else. When suddenly Gilda jumped up in yet another mighty roar.

"This is your idea of a good time? I've never met a lamer bunch of dweebs in all my life! ... And Pinkie Pie..." Gilda flew down and showed up face to face.

"You! You are queen lame-o with your weak little party pranks!" JetStream sighed as she finally had enough of it. Then JetStream had a glance at Rainbow Dash as his eyes were panning through the crowd. You could've seen the backstab-like anger that Gilda pulled off right in front of her "friend". Some of them are just improperly bold with misunderstanding, but this was just an outright attack. The Aura JetStream felt was proof into her heart, "-Come on Dash, we're bailing out of this pathetic scene." Gilda stopped part way to the door to realize she wasn't budging an inch. Gilda looked back in anger, "Come on Rainbow Dash, I said, we're leaving!" Rainbow Dash was facing toward the ground, and when she looked up, everybody could feel the steam she exiled.

"You know what, Gilda? I was the one who set up all these weak pranks at this party..." Rainbow held a firm frown, one that wouldn't move a muscle. From that, she was entirely disappointed.

"What!?" her anger burnt off to confusion.

"Ooo." Pinkie didn't really know about this.

"So I guess I'm the queen lame-o." Gilda broke her posture as she looked to the ceiling.

"Come on, Dash, you're joshing me!" and back to Rainbow, she mentally sighed.

"... They weren't all meant for you specifically it was just the chance that you set them all off." she closed her eyes in giving her plan away.

"I should've known. That dribble cup had Rainbow Dash all written over it." she looked at Spike.

"No way! I- It was Pinkie Pie, she set this party, to trip me up. To make a fool of me." JetStream froze in what he saw.

'She's lying, up until now she always said "it's" or some sort of nickname. And now she's right here, she's speaking of a colour her Aura shows me differently, and from what I've learned from actually reading books for the past couple of days, that nopony or anybody can fake their own Aura. It's the purest of their and our sociality.' JetStream noticed the glow turn red.

"Me? I threw this party to improve your attitude. I thought a good party might turn the frown upside down." Pinkie confessed.

"... And you sure didn't need any help making a fool of yourself." Rainbow and Gilda stared eye to eye, no other detour was in sight, "You know, this is not how I thought my old friends would treat my new friends." she paused, Twilight noticed Pinkie sank, "If being cool is all you care about, maybe you should go and find some new, cool, friends, someplace else." Gilda instantly grit her teeth in furry.

"Yeah? Well you, you, you are such a, flip-flop!" Gilda tilted her head at an angle, "Cool one minute and lame the next, if you decide to be lame anymore-" she glared right into Rainbow, "-give me a call..." she started walking out the door, ending with a slam to start the silence.

"... Not cool." Rainbow Dash remarked.

"Wow, talk about a party pooper." Spike said. The ponies around her started speaking out. JetStream felt like he couldn't just stand there. He budged himself to try and tackle the situation.

"... Rainbow, we-" he was cut off right there.

"No, JetStream. It's fine." she turned to him, "In fact, I'm less stressed than what I was than when Gilda was around. Although I did just let a friends go. I'd rather think me and her weren't really in sync." JetStream didn't speak no further.

'I have a lot to learn.' Rainbow Dash turned around to the crowd behind them.

"I'm sorry, everybody, for bringing Gilda here. I didn't know how rude she was. And Pinkie Pie-" she shot back up and looked toward her, "-I'm really sorry she ruined that awesome party you put on for her." one by one somepony smiled, as it seemed.

"Hey, if you want to hang out with party poopers, that's your business." Rainbow smiled.

"I'd rather hangout with you, Pinkie. No hard feelings?" Pinkie smiled as she extended her hoof.

"No hard feelings-" every minute of feeling was put into this hoofshake, it takes maturity to reach an honest and modest decision. Twilight sighed and walked up.

"Hey, Pinkie, sorry I accused you of misjudging Gilda, looks like I'm the one who misjudged you." Pinkie wrapped her left hoof around Twilight's neck.

"It's okay, Twilight, even you can't be a super-smart-smarty-smart pants all the time." Pinkie jumped to the middle of the room, Twilight's smile was her response to forgiveness, "Come on, everybody, there's still a whole lotta party to finish." everybody cheered after that. JetStream and Rainbow Dash ended up chatting a bit more, Spike tried to help with Rarity, as if she ever needed assistance getting a new glass of whatever she wanted, it didn't matter what it was, as long as she wanted it in the first place. And Applejack assisted with Fluttershy to get around the building, nopony could've heard her scream.

"That was amazing!" Spike shouted as Twilight and JetStream followed after them.

"I know!" JetStream jumped, "The cake was really sweet, I'll never make it out on how Pinkie could make cakes." JetStream licked his lips as he finished. Twilight on the other hand was silent, instead she walked over to the pedestal with the scroll on it, which was blank, and started writing her notes down when she got a hold of the quill with her magic.

"Didn't you enjoy the party, Twilight?" she continued to write.

"Of course I did, Spike. There was nopony there who didn't." JetStream grinned.

"Ya got that right." Spike and JetStream clapped together and laughed. When they both calmed down, which was nearly two minutes ago, JetStream walked up next to Twilight, "I gotta admit, Twilight. Ever since I came to Ponyville, things have been really lively." JetStream watched Twilight continue to write down, "What are you doing anyway?"

"As the Princess assigned, to send a friendship report. It was a trade for me staying in Ponyville." JetStream sighed, yet it sounded like a mix between a yawn too.

"A report huh? Sounds troubling still."

"Meh, it becomes a habit. And writing down these letters really help to keep things in mind." Twilight and JetStream went silent. Which Twilight started to hum later on.

"... Do you mind if I watch?" she looked at him.

"Uh? Oh, no. But I'm nearly done." she thought as she pulled the last sentence together. Soon, Twilight leaned back up.

"Alright! Spike."

"Yes." he turned to her.

"I want you to send this to the Princess, please." she handed him the scroll.

"On it." Spike walked over to the window and held the scroll in front of his mouth, and exhaled. The scroll fizzled and traveled out the window.

"I'll never get used to seeing that... actually-" JetStream turned to Twilight, "-Has it been a certain time since you two discovered you can do that, Spike?" Spike huffed.

"Pretty sure I can't remember..." Twilight pointed a hoof to Spike.

"That's basically how long it's been."

"Hey, Twilight, what did you put down for the report?" JetStream asked. Twilight smiled, and cleared her throat.

"Dearest Princess Celestia, today I learned that it's hard to accept when somepony you like wants to spend time with somepony who's not so nice. Though it's impossible to control who your friends hang out with, it is possible to control your own behavior. Just continue to be a good friend. In the end, the difference between a false friend and one who's true will surely come to light." JetStream walked to the window, Spike took a step back as JetStream turned to her.

"If that's how you'd put it." and looked back, "..." JetStream took an abnormal inhale.

"Something not right, JetStream?" Spike asked, still standing.

"There's a lot to learn." he smiled back. His gem glowed once again as he looked out the window like he was already half awake.

~~~Episode End~~~