//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Chaos Still Remains // by Dashie1995 //------------------------------// Fluttershy hummed to herself as she walked around her yard doing her daily feedings to the animals. She was thinking deeply about the events that happened just a few days ago; Princess Celestia had given her a duty to reform Discord. It had been a stressful and slightly difficult task because he had played around with her, pretending to be “reformed” when in reality he was his old self but after she had gotten mad at him and said if he didn’t return everything back to normal she wouldn’t be his friend. That had seemed to slap some sense into him and he did as she said. She glanced at him lying back in a hammock; with his mismatched arms behind his head looking like he didn’t have a care in the world. She smiled and trotted around the side of the cottage, to finish feeding the animals. Discord peeked open his eye and smirked to himself as he watched the yellow mare disappear. He let out an evil chuckle. Did she really believe the lord of chaos was reformed? Honestly was she really that naïve? He sat up and stretched, he did like having a friend but he loved chaos more. Now what shall my next move be? He thought to himself. Maybe I could turn all of her animals into plushies! No perhaps not, I’ll have to come up with a plan, one where she won’t even suspect a thing. I’ll make her trust me even more; yes that’s what I’ll do. He thought a bit more before he thought of the most evil plan he had ever thought of! Oh it made even him cringe at the mere thought of it. But it was so good! He laughed evilly, his laughter echoing across the yard. He would make Fluttershy fall in love with him and then he would make her unable to use her elements of harmony against him and then she would hurt her friends! Oh yes it would be a good plan! But now how to make her fall for me? Should be a bit easier now that I’m “reformed.” He grinned and slid out of the hammock. He looked around for her and finally found her inside her cottage feeding Angel bunny. “Fluttershy?” She looked up at him with her gentle smile “Hello Discord, finally awake from your nap?” she asked. He chuckled “Yeah sorry about dozing off on you. That wasn’t fair of me to let you do all the work.” She shook her head and said “Oh no, that’s alright. I’m used to not getting a lot of help anyways. I’m so used to being on my own.” Discord smiled at her “Well, I feel better now. Hey you know what we should do?” She tilted her head “No what?” she asked curiously “We should go out on a nice picnic, to celebrate you changing me into good and for us being friends.” He said. She looked down and said shyly “Um...Well I kind of promised Twilight I would go over and help her. Spike isn’t feeling that well and she’s not sure how to help him.” She glanced up and said worriedly “Oh but you aren’t mad are you? I’d hate to make you upset… I really want to, but it’s just I promised her before…” Discord waved his claw and said “Not a problem at all, Fluttershy. We can always go later in the day anyways. I’ll just relax here for the day while you are out.” He cursed in his mind. Stupid Twilight Speckle ruining my plans like always. I’ll teach her. Fluttershy gave him a big smile “Thank you for understanding. We can go later when I get back!” she said gratefully. He nodded and she trotted off in the direction of the library. He sighed and paced across the floor thinking more about his plan. ……………….. Fluttershy reached Twilights and she knocked lightly on the door. Twilight answered the door on the first knock. Her normally straight mane was ruffled and slightly shinged. “Fluttershy! Thank god you’re here!” she cried and pulled her inside. She lead Fluttershy to Spike’s bed he was sending out bursts of green flame every few seconds and his normally purple scales had turned bluish. Fluttershy gave him a glance before turning to Twilight who was rubbing her hooves together worriedly. “When did he start looking like this?” she asked “Since last night, when I was talking to you. But he didn’t look this bad!” She replied “What’s wrong with him?” “Did he over eat on anything or eat anything poisonous?” Fluttershy asked “I noticed he was overeating on gems, but he normally does that anyways! But he was near a plant” She said nearly chomping down on her hooves. “What did it look like?” she asked calmly “It had five petals and they were black, yellow, green, blue, and red at least I think so.” She said. Fluttershy’s eyes widened “Oh no I need to go into the Everfree forest right away then! The plant you’re describing is poisonous to dragons!” She exclaimed. “You stay here with spike and try and keep his temperature normal. Keep trying to cool him down he is boiling right now. I won’t be too long!” She turned and hurried away. Twilight cried “Wait! I could get you somepony else to go with you!” Fluttershy called be “Can’t need to go now!” She bolted out of the library and across town. if she didn’t hurry back within 4 hours spike would be…. She shook her head No I can’t think like that right now I need to get the antidote! She ran deep into the everfree forest, not even remotely frightened for once. She remembered seeing one close to the castle of the two sisters. She ran so fast she didn’t even notice the giant yellow eyes staring at her through the darkness. /......................... Discord kept glancing towards the darkness that was the Everfree forest. No matter what he did he couldn’t shake the bad feeling he had. He sighed than glanced back over at it for the hundredth time. Maybe I should go check it out, it wouldn’t hurt. He set off towards the darkness. Fluttershy smiled in triumph as she found the flower that would cure Spike. She picked some and placed into her saddle bag and she trotted off not nearly as fast as before because she was very tired from running all the way there. She shuttered as the wind got chillier and she suddenly felt like something was behind her. She glanced behind and instantly regretted doing so. Behind her was an enormous green dragon with yellow eyes. She shuddered in fear as she noticed his teeth were gleaming with saliva. “Well… hello, uh Mr. Dragon, What’s wr-rong?” she stammered He roared in response and stomped towards her. Fluttershy took that as her cue to run for the hills. Adrenaline kicked in and she ran faster than she ever had before. “Don’t worry! Your friends will be here to help you right?” She said to herself trying to calm down. “But they don’t know I’m here do they? Only Twilight.” She gasped for air as she ran “But I’m close to the exit I’m sure!” Sure enough the trees were thinning out and it was easier to see. “Yes!” she cried only to be followed by a “Oh god no!” she had reached a large ravine with nowhere to go to. The Dragon stomped forth closer and closer Fluttershy was frozen she couldn’t even breathe. She brought her hands up to her face to face the end. Discord appeared behind the dragon. “What a small little dragon causing so much chaos! But scaring Fluttershy like that, that’s a deal breaker!” He transformed into a towering dragon easily 20 more feet taller than the green dragon. “No buzz off!” he roared. The green dragon took one look at him and flew away whimpering. “Now that that’s taken care of, I’ll…” Discord broke off as Fluttershy cried and hugged him tighter than he had ever been hugged before, which wasn’t a lot of course. He looked down at her in surprise. “T-tha-ank you for Sa-vving me!” she cried and snuggled into him. Discord was getting a little hot in the face. “No problem, Fluttershy, uh…why were you out here anyways?” “I-I was getting an antidote for S-spike.” She stuttered. “H-he’s so si-ick” He shook his head and chuckled “always one for being kind. Come one let’s go drop that off at Twilight’s.” He glanced down at Fluttershy and smiled once more before snapping his fingers and the two of them disappeared from the forest.