by ChromeRegios

Peach 35

Ichigo opened his eyes slowly, at first he saw was a blur...but after his vision got a bit clear, what he saw next, was the horrifying thing he'd ever seen.

The whole area was blood red, even the sky is red... the ground littered with blood, as he sees bodies of ponies litter the ground...

“No... no! This can’t be... “ Ichigo slowly stood up and walked a bit forward. As he was limping towards the streets, he tripped on something and fell face first to the blood covered pavement. He looked at the object that made him trip and discovered was the lifeless body of Rukia.

“RUKIA!” Ichigo lifted her up, only to see her cold dead eyes... “ NOO!!! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?”


“Ichigo! Calm down!” A voice said, making Ichigo wake up.

“H-huh?!” Ichigo looked around; he was in a room, and Fluttershy was beside him.

“You were having a bad dream... that’s all...” She said, as she finishes unpeeling an apple.

Ichigo rubbed his head, feeling a bit queasy and nauseous, but other than that he was fine. “Wait... what happened to Aizen? Where is he?” Ichigo asked, seemingly worried for some reason.

“What? You... uhm... uhm...” Fluttershy can’t finish her sentence, because something is forbidding her to say such word...

“Where is he Fluttershy! I need to know please!” Ichigo insisted... But all Fluttershy replied with was a *squeak*

“You killed him...” Pinkie said, with her mane all straight.

“Pinkie? What happened to you?” Ichigo said, wondering what happened to her bubbly personality.

“I prefer you call me Pinkamena for now...” Pinkie...rather Pinkamena replied.

“Okay~” So what happened to you?” Ichigo asked again.

“For now at least, I’m in my serious moment. And by the looks of things earlier, you saved us Ichigo...” She said, smiling a bit.

“I... did it?” Ichigo said. “But, I barely remembered anything after I passed out...”

“Oh, y-you really did!” Fluttershy said, as she went up to Ichigo. “You were amazing, Ichigo...”

Ichigo was still not sure what he just did earlier, but he was happy all the same...

Just then Trixie burst inside his room, “ICHIGO!”

This made Fluttershy startled and jumped at Ichigo’s lap, digging her face at Ichigo’s arms.

“What is it?” Ichigo asked the panting Trixie.

“Princess Celestia wants to see you, she said she’s about to award you guys...” Trixie said, then bolts out of his room...

“Award... us?” Ichigo said, not sure if he heard the right thing...

“Ahh yes... I forgot to say that you are given an award for saving Ponyville and its ponyfolk... they are also going to set up a party for your heroic act you have done for us... on behalf of my friends... I thank you in advance before the ceremony later on...” Pinkamena said, as she leaves the room.

“W-we should get going...” Fluttershy suggested as Ichigo nods and gets himself together then went out along with Fluttershy.

Out at the courtyard there were a lot of ponies gathered together, streamers are decorated all around the trees surrounding the castle. Several guards were lined up in a row along the pathway, Celestia and Luna were at the center of the courtyard and beside them were the four elements standing proud, with all the Soul Reapers already assembled in front of the princess (except for Ichigo).

Pinkamena was the first one out, followed by Ichigo and Fluttershy... Ichigo walked down the path towards the waiting Princesses. As he was moving towards them, the guards raised their flags with the Equestrian logo on it above while Ichigo walks through.

When he finally arrived at the center, Celestia began to speak...

“My dear ponies... As we all know, yesterday we were attacked by a monster and a former Soul Reaper captain, known as Aizen. He ravaged ponyville... Captured our Elements of Harmony and almost brought destruction on our fair land... but, because of a certain Soul Reapers... they helped us vanquish the monster, and defeated it and never to be seen again...” Celestia turns to Luna to continue.

“Nightmare Night was once an evil mare which was myself, who wanted to bring eternal night... Aizen wanted not just that... he wanted the Elements for his own gain...” Luna then picks up a set of golden medals and gestured each Soul Reaper to come up to them.

“With the help of the Soul Reapers, we prevented a much more... terrifying thing to happen to us... and so, Me and My sister would like you to have these medals, in honor for your heroics and courage for helping us in our dire needs...” Luna gave each one of them a medal, even Mayuri got one as well...

The sisters then looked at Ichigo, with a very proud and gentle face as they can.\

“You Ichigo... for effortlessly saved the entire ponyville and its inhabitants, along with selflessness and courage that you have shown... we give you the most higher honor we can give to a pony, or rather a person...” Celestia said, as she brings out, The Elements of Harmony and gave them all to Ichigo, with the tiara in his head...

Ichigo grunted...

“You are our hero Ichigo...” Celestia proclaims, as she bows down on the Soul Reapers, Luna followed... then everypony bowed down as well...

“Well Ichigo... you finally got the “respect” you deserve... as the hero of girly ponies...” Rukia said, with a mischievous grin on her face.. Ichigo just shunned this and accepted the glory he’s receiving.

“Sister, why not show him his own statue...” Luna said.

“Wait a minute... I get a statue?” Ichigo said, as Celestia nods and points to the right... there, at the side of the courtyard where the statues of Earth, Pegasi and Unicorn ponies stood was a golden statue of Ichigo, drawing is Zanpaktou in his Bankai form... Ichigo felt his hair stand on end, and the overwhelming happiness he felt was outstanding, in all his years he never felt this kind of feeling in a very long time... it was nostalgic...

“By the way... Who told you that we were in that place, and got us all captured? We are all captured and never told anyone about it...” Rukia asked... Celestia answer her question.

“Oh yes... I completely forgot... The one who told me, was him...” Celestia pointed to the left side of the field, as Discord himself appears right before their eyes...

The ponies all around the place gasped all together in unison, they were all about to scream, when Celestia beaten them to it, before they can even start.

“Do not be alarmed, Discord here told us the whereabouts of the Soul Reapers, if it wasn't for him... they were all be dead, and so are all of us...” Celestia explained.

The crowd went from panicked to calm, as they all trusted Celestia’s word with no argument or what so ever...

Ichigo went to Discord and puts his arm around his neck. “HA! I knew you’d pull through!” he said, making Discord blush a bit.

“I didn’t did it for you dipstick! I did it for myself!” Discord said, which made Ichigo crossed at that comment.

“You are you calling dipstick, dragon breath!” Ichigo snaps back.

“You are, pea for brains!” Discord shot back.

The both of them glared at each other furiously, making a small electrical current flow while they glared at each other.

Pinkamena’s mane suddenly inflates once again and turns her to Pinkie Pie...

“So what are we waiting for? IT'S PARTY TIME!!!” Pinkie shouts, as she pulls a rope and the whole place suddenly went to party mode, with a disco ball and a DJ rockin’ the tunes...

Ichigo and Discord notices the party was about to begin, so instead of fighting further, they let each other bygones be bygones and went to full party mode... Ichigo played the limbo, which he failed miserably... Rukia joined the ice cream eating contest, but got beaten by Pinkie pie herself.
Ukitake just sat and read some books that Twilight brought. Toshiro eats some banana split with Fluttershy and Trixie, which he spoon fed both of them, which made Trixie all giddy..

Kenpachi and Pinkie went to the far side of the field to challenge each other on a cutting contest, to see who was the fastest to cut a tree to a small sculpture.

The spectators were all seated to their edges as they watched Pinkie and Kenpachi slashed through the tree like it was just made of paper, until both of them finished at the same time...

Kenpachi made a full sculpture of a beast, while Pinkie made a sculpture of a bonsai tree. Luna went to judge their sculptures, but as she was checking them one by one, Pinkie stepped out and said the following...

“I cut the tree with just my dull edge of my sword, it was hard but fun!” Pinkie said, which made her won the contest, with Kenpachi sulking on the ground, defeated by a bright pink pony... But in his mind... He was in a full blood rage, restraining himself from killing this upstart pretender of a Soul Reaper.

Discord challenged Ichigo on a staring contest, to see who was better...
Discord and Ichigo stared at each other, which such great determination on both of them, Celestia was giggling because of the face Ichigo was making... it was already an hour and they both still going at it...

Ichigo must somehow end this before his eyes bleed...

“Hey...” Ichigo started, you know if you stare at the sun, you’ll see a fairy...” Ichigo said, not sure if that will work or not...

“A FAIRY?! WHERE?! WHERE?!” Discord shouts as he stares at the sun, because of the bright sunlight beams at Discords eyes, he immediately covered his eyes, blinded with the sudden burst of light flowed to his eyes.

“HA! I WIN!!!” Ichigo shouts.

“NO FAIR! I CALL A REMATCH!!” Discord proclaims.

“YOUR ON!” Ichigo accepted as the went on it again...

The party lasted for hours, which they all enjoyed quite well until the dead of night... It was a night they will all never forget... for it was their last night on Equestria...


That morning, Ichigo and the others prepared to leave the world, they all went towards the gate where the tunnel from Equestria to Soul Society was established. All of the ponies, including the princesses were present to say their goodbyes to them...

“Well, its been fun... I still can’t believe that despite the twisted and odd lifestyle you all got, it was pretty cool...” Ichigo said to the ponies in front of them.

“Yeah, it was...magical...” Rukia added.

Pinkie started to tear up and jumped at Rukia’s arms. “Dooooooon’t leeeeeavee!!!!!” She said, sobbing like of a waterfall...

“Pinkie... you know we can’t stay here... we all have to come back to our regular lives at our world...” Rukia said, trying to comfort the crying Pinkie.

“Please! Don’t leave me!” Pinkie said, insisting they should stay with them to play.

“Pinkie, we can’t eat hay we also need meat in our diet...” Ichigo added.

“I’ll make cupcakes! That's enough to~”

“Pinkie,” Ichigo knelt at Pinkie’s height and patted her mane and spoke... “We can’t stay... we have to go back... this is not where we belong...”

“Yes it is!”

“No, Pinkie... we're friends right? Friends can’t be measured by distance, friends are always be there... even how far you are, you are still friends throughout time, we all share a new bond... a bond that can never break... you're with us...and we're with you... through here...” Ichigo points to her chest, to know what he is referring to...

Ichigo stood up and looked at the other ponies who were all crying a bit...

“We all had... a big adventure... Tons of fun... You all have a beautiful heart... faithful and strong... You shared kindness, which is an easy feat... but most of all... Magic, made it complete...” Ichigo said, closing his final remark.

All of the ponies ran through the arms of Ichigo, embracing him showing him that they all came to love and cared for Ichigo. Soon after, they all went to the other Soul Reapers to say their goodbyes to each of them, Trixie took the hardest as she jumped at Toshiro's shoulders once more to give him a peck on the cheek.

Discord stood there along side of Celestia to help open the portal... in a matter of minutes the gate opened, and the portal came to life...

Ichigo gave Discord a high five as he walks towards him. “You take care now...” Ichigo simply said...

“You too carrot top!” Discord said to Ichigo...

With one final glance and a wave to the ponies, Ichigo and the others went inside the portal, with the voices and goodbyes slowly faded as they disappear behind the bright portal...


1 year later...

It was 12:00 o'clock midnight at Ponyville... and two mares were walking home after a party on the other side of town...

“Sure was an awesome party, right Bon bon?” Lyra said, glancing over to Bon Bon.

“Much better than last years...” Agreed Lyra...

Both of them walked pass a creek when suddenly a hollow appears out of nowhere... Lyra and Bon Bon screamed at the top of their lungs and ran to escape the monster, without looking where they were going they soon found themselves trapped between a large edge of a cliff.

Bon Bon and Lyra were trapped leaving the hollow preparing to have his feast...

“HELP!!! Somepony HEEEEEEEELP!!!”



the beam caused the Hollow to back up a bit, as someone landed in front of the two mares. Lyra and Bon Bon where both surprised at what they just witnessed...

“You two okay?” the voice said as he looked at the two mares...

“Y-your... your!” Lyra and Bon Bon stammers...


“I hear you need help...” Ichigo said, as he turns his attention to the Hollow in front of them... jumping towards it and prepares to fight... once again...

Peach Season 2