//------------------------------// // Peach 34 // Story: PEACH! // by ChromeRegios //------------------------------// “Bankai...” Byakuya said, releasing his true power. “Senbonzakura Kageyoshi” "Bankai!!" Toshiro shouts, as his Zanpaktou becomes a large ice dragon. “Daiguren Hyorinmaru” “BANKAI!!” Ichigo released this full power as well. “Tensa Zangetsu!” The three attacked Aizen head on, while Rukia provided support. "All Waves, Rise now and Become my Shield, Lightning, Strike now and Become my Blade" Ukitake chanted, as his single Zanpaktou become twin set of blades. Then attacked as well. Kenpachi joins Genryusai hitting and slicing Aizen as he himself dodges every single one of those hits. Ichigo charges towards him, with flash steps so fast, that even Aizen won’t catch up. Ishida, Inoe and the unicorns, namely Rarity, Trixie, and Twilight Sparkle shoots out energy bolts towards Aizen while Celestia and Luna Shoots an even more powerful energy blast. Mayuri really looked angered, because of Aizens interruption, he was called to join them to go back to town and help, just when he’s about to study the Zebra’s statistics right after he healed her. “BANKAI!” Mayuri shouts as his Zanpaktou turns to a monstrous doll like abomination. “Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō” Mayuri then orders it to attack, spewing deadly acids all around. Ichigo got distracted by this causing Aizen to see an opening and stabs him at his arm and blasted him towards Everfree Forest. “MAYURI! GET THAT FREAKING THING OUT OF THE WAY!!!” Toshiro shouts as he was bumped by the huge monster Mayuri just created. “FUCK OFF TOSHIRO! I have a personal grudge for this infidel!” Mayuri said, as he continues on. Aizen was in the path of Konjiki Ashisogi Jizo, but he stood his ground and destroyed it in one fell strike. Mayuri got thrown back by the force and was sent flying across the town. Everyone was looking to what just happened to Mayuri, which gave Aizen the chance to counter on Kenpachi and Genryusai. They both got tossed and slammed at the ground in a head on collision. Aizen deflected the energy blasts they shot at him and thrown them back at their casters, sending them flying towards a nearby wall. Aizen then turns his attention to Ukitake and Byakuya, then blasted them off with one swing of his weapon. Ishida was a bit paralyzed at the ordeal, but he soon gathers his nerve and turns his attention to Inoue. “Orihime! Take care of them, I’ll hold him off go!” Ishida said, Inoue didn’t argue as she did what she’s told. Ishida covered her by shooting multiple blast shots at Aizen, hitting him a bit. But Aizen wasn't even fazed by it, as Ishida fired another, Aizen grabbed the arrow and threw it back at him, exploding in front of Ishida. Applejack grabbed a lasso and tried to restrain him, but to no avail. Aizen quickly breaks the most unbreakable lasso Applejack had and threw her towards a house. “Applejack!” Rainbow Dash yelled then glared at Aizen. Dash wanted to attack but her Zanpaktou was shattered. She then took the broken handle of her Zanpaktou and tried to reform it herself. In an impossible turn of events she managed to reform it to the way it was before it was broken. “You’ll pay for what you did to Applejack!” Dash said, as she builds up her Spiritual Pressure. She focuses the energy to the tip of her Zanpaktou and raised it up, preparing to send a powerful blast towards Aizen... by all means necessary. “THIS... IS...FOR APPLEJACK!!! SONIC RAINBOW BARRAGE!!!!” Dash sends a barrage of multicolored shots, with different attributes in them, such as Ice, Fire, Earth, Lightning, and Wind. Aizen took damage, as he was bombarded by Dash’s attack. “Oh! Oh! let me try!” Pinkie said, as she did the same as Dash did, which she did in a very quick like pace. “OKAY!!! HERE I GO!!!’ Pinkie said as she starts to charge up. Her main turns bright yellow and then raised up her sword. “KAME HAME HA!!!” Pinkie shouts then slammed at the ground... Nothing... At this point, everypony and everyone seems to think that Pinkie was a bit foolish... “Wait, that's not right... I mean.... KAZE NO KEZU!!!” Still nothing... Pinkie starts to revert to her old pink mane and starts to droop her ears for she can’t name her power right. Dash was left alone to deal with Aizen. “PINKIE!! HELP ME OUT HERE!! I CAN'T TAKE HIM ALONE!!” Dash said, as her energy was depleting very rapidly. Pinkie was silence for a bit, until suddenly... her mane pops back up and with an odd smile, she raised up her Zanpaktou and blazed... “KAZE NO ZETSUMEI!!” Pinkie shouts as she releases a dark energy out of her Zanpaktou which collided with Aizen, exploding on contact. For a while, Dash and Pinkie thought it was over... but when they were just about to let down their guard, a dark shadowy spear struck down the both of them, impaling them to the ground. Dash was skewered at her hind hoof, while Pinkie in her abdomen, they were bleeding but still alive. Aizen emerged out of the smoke and slowly went to the injured ponies. “You two had been a HUGE thorn on my side...” Aizen said, as he raised his hand, forming a red ball of energy. “Now Die...” Aizen throws it at them with such velocity... time seems to slow down, as Dash shed a single tear... thinking that it was her last moments. “I just wish... I could have told AJ how I feel about her...” Dash said to her mind as the red ball of energy streaks towards her. Before it came even closer, Ichigo blocks it from going any further... he used up his strength to deflect it... sending it to the sky and exploding with such force, that Ichigo almost fell onto his knees. “I won't let you lay a finger on them any longer AIZEN!” Ichigo proclaims, which Aizen took less notice from his proclamation. “You're still alive? I didn’t thought you would still be breathing...” Aizen said. Ichigo didn’t answer, but instead he sends him something instead. “Getsuga Tenshou!” Ichigo blasted a slash over to Aizen which he just waved it away with a single hand. “NO WAY!” Ichigo said, not believing what he just witnessed. “You’re pathetic attacks won’t harm me anymore Ichigo.” Aizen said. “I already drained some of your Spiritual Energy, and by doing that, it will render you Attacks slightly more powerful then ever, and don’t bother using your Bankai, with that amount of Energy, you won't last long...” For once Aizen was right, without much power, Ichigo was out of luck and a sitting duck. “Damn! If this keeps up, he might really destroy this world and its inhabitants along with it!” Ichigo said in his mind. “I’ve got to think of something FAST!” Aizen was forming another red energy ball and throws it to ichigo. He quickly dodges it, but not noticing Aizen went towards him and performs a rapid punch hitting Ichigo for more than a thousand hits. For a final blow, Aizen swiftly kicks him to the dirt and kicks him once more sending him towards a ruined house. Ichigo took off some of the debri and went back to further confront Aizen. “You still won't quit do you boy... “ Aizen said, while he goes and continues to beat him up. His fellow Soul Reapers, the princess and the ponies regained their consciousness and helplessly looked at what was happening to Ichigo as he was brutally being pummeled by Aizen. The ponies who took refuge at their houses also looked at their supposedly savior, helpless and can’t do anything to stop this brutality. “Give up boy! What is there yearning for something you can’t get!” Aizen said, as he throws Ichigo down the far end of the town. “I will never give up! I will never falter! As long as I someone to protect, I will never give up...for their sake and mine! YOU WILL NEVER DEFEAT ME!!!” Ichigo yelled... At this point, something miraculous happened. Everyone and Everypony starts to glow a brilliant white radiant shine. Aizen was driven back a bit because of the immense Spiritual Pressure coming out from everyone around the town. Ponies from their houses start to come out, one by one with the intention to drive Aizen out of their beloved town. “ICHIGO! GET THAT SCUM OUT OF HERE!” Shouts a stallion. “Send him back to where he came from!” “GET HIM OUT OF HERE!!!” “GET OFF OUR LAND!!” At this point Aizen was overwhelmed by voices and chants of ponies from below as he hovers on top of the town. Ichigo gathers all the Spiritual Energy coming out from the ponies and his fellow Soul Reapers, regaining his lost Spiritual Pressure, the ponies willingly gave power to him, regaining his powers completely. Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy (who was hiding) and Twilight Sparkle started to glow as well, along with their elements. Ukitake went to help Applejack out of the wreckage, while Kenpachi helped Pinkie and Rainbow Dash out of their injured state. All six of the ponies lined up in a row and looked up towards Aizen. Ichigo suddenly went to his Bankai form, then to his Ultimate Bankai Form with not much effort, as the Elements of Harmony regains their power and was about to release it. “What is happening?! This can’t be... They should not have gotten their power quickly!” Aizen said in disbelief. “YOU AIZEN!” Celestia shouts at him, as she slowly stood up, “You might not understand, but it is the power of friendship that's making us regain our powers and abilities!” She proclaims. “Friendship! How pathetic! Don’t make me laugh you pathetic life form!” Aizen insults. “We will give you one last chance Aizen!: Twilight shouts. “Surrender quietly or we will be forced to continue!” Aizen took this as a joke. “Take your best shot! I don’t need the elements nor anything anymore!” Aizen started to charge towards Ichigo. “I’LL KILL YOU INSTEAD!” “No... you're wrong...” Ichigo said quietly... All of them gave all their Spiritual Energy towards Ichigo, focusing every ounce of it for one final strike. The elements started to react towards Ichigo as Twilight and the others starts to float. “Woe to all depraved souls...” Ichigo said, as he raised his Zanpaktou. “FINAL ELEMENTAL GETSUGA TENSHOU!!!!” The townsfolk, Soul Reapers, all of them literally shouted in unison as Ichigo releases a multiple Crescent slashes in seven colors towards Aizen. Aizen didn’t react fast enough as he was hit full brunt of the force. “THIS CAN’T BE!! HOW CAN SUCH PATHETIC CREATURES POSSESS SUCH SPIRITUAL PRESSURE!!! HOW?!!!!” “You won’t understand it Aizen... they are unique, they help each other... they are all friends to one another... but you, you're just a depraved soul... alone in darkness for all eternity, you never learned true friendship at all, that is which you lack. Because friendship knows no boundaries... as long as you have love... you shall never be alone, even from a distant land, you can make a friend, one way or the other... and one more thing... even now when I was badly beaten... friends are there... to help me get up and fight again!” Aizen slowly engulfed by the blast, and got disintegrated as he explodes with such epic proportions... creating a spectacular fireworks up in the sky... Ichigo reverts to his regular form and collapses down, slowly drifting to darkness as he passes out from the world...