//------------------------------// // A New Beginning // Story: Star Swirled Lovers // by Shakespearicles //------------------------------// Trixie laid sprawled out on the the plush bed. Stars and crescent moons adorned Twilight's duvet. They matched the stars and moon in the sky that evening. Trixie cradled her carton of ice cream, alternating between it, the cheese logs and the jar of pickles. Ever since she'd moved in with Twilight, her belly had expanded to a tremendous amount. "Twilight!" Trixie hollered across the house. Twilight was there immediately in a flash. "Trixie! Is everything okay? Are you alright?" Twilight asked frantically by her bedside. "No, it's not!" Trixie cried. "Oh my gosh! What's wrong?" Twilight panicked, putting her hoof to Trixie's very large tummy. "I finished my peanut butter crackers. Can you get me more?" Trixie said. "That's what you yelled for me across the house for? Crackers!?" Twilight fumed. Trixie nodded, looking at her innocently with those pouting doe eyes that always melted Twilight's heart. She hated that she looked that cute. She sighed. "No Trixie, I can't get you any more. You ate them all. There are none left in the house." "Could you run down to the store and get some more?" "No. The store is all out. They have to order more from Fillydelphia. They won't be here until the end of the week." "I ate all of the peanut butter crackers in the whole town?" Trixie asked. Twilight nodded. Trixie began to bawl. "I'm so fat!" She cried. "Look at me!" Trixie rolled over, shifting her massive body, causing the bed to creak. She got to her hooves on the floor, albeit a bit unsteady in front of the mirror, rubbing her belly with her hoof. "Do you still think I'm sexy?" She asked between sobs. Twilight had dealt with enough of her mood swings to know how to handle this. "Of I do, Trixie! I love you. Nothing would ever change that." She assured her. She put her hoof around her holding her close, putting her hoof over hers on her belly. "I'm so proud of you. You're so brave." She nuzzled her ear, nibbling it gently. "Who's my pretty pony?" She asked playfully. "I am." "Who's my pretty pony!?" Twilight asked again, laying Trixie back onto the bed, planting kisses down her neck. "I am!" Trixie said more confidently now. The past eleven months had been difficult for Trixie. Shortly after they were married, Twilight was crowned a princess and became an Alicorn. As if Twilight needed another thing to be better at than Trixie, now she could fly. But the real problem arose whenever Twilight went off on one of her adventures with her friends. Trixie wanted to be by her side, but Twilight insisted that she stay home, what with the condition she was in after all. It wasn't fair. Twilight could go off and get into adventures, and Trixie was left to stay at home and worry about whether or not Twilight would return. Trixie wanted to spend more time with Twilight's friends too, and make them her friends as well. But after being more or less housebound for the better part of the last year, she could barely get herself around now, even if she wanted to. Trixie had always thought that if and when she'd settled down with somepony that she would have been the career mare and her partner would be the stay-at-home counterpart. But Trixie never did get back into her showmare gig after the Ursa Minor incident. And now that Twilight was a Princess, well, that pretty much sealed it. Not to mention the other, more pressing issue. But all that mattered now was that Trixie loved Twilight, and Twilight loved her. They were married by Princess Celestia herself shortly after Twilight's coronation. It was a private wedding, attended by Twilight's family. Her friends helped to fill out Trixie's bare side of the aisle. Her friends were all happy for her to have been married to Trixie. But the true nature of their relationship was known only to Princess Celestia and Twilight's family, not including her sister-in-law, Cadence. It was a closely guarded secret. One of the very few Shining kept from his wife. "Who's my pretty pony? TBBBPPBPH!" Twilight said, giving Trixie's belly a playful raspberry. "I am!" Trixie laughed on the bed. Twilight felt the bedding under her knees become wet. They must have knocked over the pickle jar onto the bed again. "Trixie! The pickle jar!" Twilight yelped. Trixie craned her neck, looking for it. "It's on the nightstand." She said. Twilight looked over, following her gaze. Indeed it was. Which meant... "The foal is coming!" Twilight panicked. ______________________________________________________________________ The rare calm of the emergency room was shattered as the doors to the hospital were violently bucked in. "MATERNITY!" The purple unicorn yelled, dashing inside. A very pregnant Trixie held gingerly aloft behind her in a purple aura. Trixie had never seen Twilight move so quickly in all her time knowing her. As she was sprinting through the middle of town, she ignored Trixie's repeated suggestions to just simply teleport there. Twilight refused to use that magic with the foal involved. Though she obviously seemed to have no problem towing her along with her levitation spell. Nurse Redheart barely had time to rise from her seat, even quick as she was, before Twilight was already on the move again. She swooped up a gurney with her magic, placing Trixie in it. "Maternity!" She shouted again. "This way!" Redheart said, leading the way down the hall. She had to sprint to keep from being run down by Trixie's gurney. "Twilight, I- Nggh!" Trixie was cut off by another contraction. "Twilight, you know how I feel about wheels!" She yelled as her bed rolled through the hall to the delivery room. Twilight transferred her to a stationary delivery bed, equipping the stirrups and propping her hooves into them. Only then did Twilight pause to take a breath for the first time since they'd left the house. "Okay. We're here." Twilight breathed. Nurse Redheart had taken off and returned with the doctor. He scrubbed in and walked over to them. "Princess Sparkle! I didn't expect to see you today." He said. "And this is?" "Trixie. Trixie Sparkle... my wife." Twilight said. That gained a raised eyebrow from the doctor. "Princess Twilight, I hadn't realized that you had taken a... spouse." He said as he settled into his seat between Trixie's raised legs. "But then again, I don't really keep up on the news. As you can imagine, I don't get out of here much for more than to go home and sleep. A doctor's work is never done." He said with a tired smile. "But, enough of that. Let's focus on the star of tonight's show!" "Star?" Trixie asked. "Yes Trixie." Twilight said beside her, holding her hoof. "Tonight is all about you, not me." She knew that Trixie hated always being sidelined in social settings. She was never the showmare Trixie, magician headliner. Or even just regular Trixie. She was always 'Princess Twilight's wife'. But not this time. Twilight wouldn't let it spoil tonight. "You know, Trixie here was once a very accomplished magician performer before she met me." She said to the doctor. "'The Great and Powerful Trixie' they'd all call her." Trixie blushed. Something clicked in the doctor's mind. "Ah yes, I knew I recognized you!" He said at last. "I saw a show of yours in Baltimare a couple years ago!" Trixie smiled. She loved attention of her own, rather than by proxy of Twilight. "Yes, well, for my next trick I'm going to pull a foal out of a- oooohhhhh" Trixie groaned as another contraction overtook her. "Whoops, looks like it's showtime!" The doctor said. "Twilight, I'm scared." Trixie said. Her panicked eyes looking into Twilight's. "Your first foal?" He asked quickly. She nodded. He reached into the drawer, grabbing a sliver ring and gave it to Twilight. "For her horn." Twilight looked at him quizzically. "For our safety." He explained. Twilight placed the ring on her horn, securing it snugly. "Don't worry Trixie. No matter what happens, I'll be right here by your side. I love you." Twilight said. "I love you too." ___________________________________________________________________________________ After nearly an hour, Twilight kept herself a safe distance from Trixie's pummeling hooves. The vulgarities directed at her no longer cut so deep. "GAAAHH! I HATE YOU!" Trixie cried. "Get this thing out of me!" The base of her horn glowed brightly, The fury of her rage fueled magic inhibited only by the ring. In days of old, first-time birthing unicorns were taken out into the countryside, lest they accidentally level the town. Beneath her gown, the horn of the foal appeared first, leading the way. "A Unicorn." The doctor announced. "Just be happy it's not a Pegasus. Wings make it very hard." "Happy!? HAPPY!?" Trixie yelled. "Oh no." Twilight could only watch as Trixie pulled her hoof from the stirrup and kicked the doctor in the head. Instantly unconscious he fell backwards off the stool, sprawled onto the floor. "Trixie!" Twilight scolded. "He'll live. You won't!" She growled. Twilight scrambled to take over the doctor's job as the nurse dove to the floor to see to the doctor. Twilight lifted Trixie's hospital gown. "Let's just see what's going on under here- OH MY CELESTIA! It looks like she's blowing a bubble!" "PUSH!" Nurse Redheart yelled from behind her. "I'm trying to! It won't go back in!" Twilight screamed. "No, Trixie, you push! Princess Sparkle, just be ready to catch the foal!" Redheart advised. "NNNNHHGGGGGAAHHHH!!!!" Trixie pushed. ... ... ... "Whaaa! Whaaaa!" The little foal cried out. Twilight cried. Trixie cried. Nurse Redheart rolled her eyes, and the doctor out on a gurney. "It's a colt. And what a colt!" Trixie said, looking at her newborn son. "Um, that's the umbilical cord. But yes, he is a colt." Twilight said. She cut the cord and cleaned him before she wrapped him in a blanket. "Damn." Trixie cursed "We were so happy with the filly name that we had picked out too. We never did decide on a colt's. Did you bring the coin?" Trixie asked. Twilight pulled the bit from her bag. "Remember, no arguing after!" Twilight said. "Agreed." "Call it in the air!" Twilight said, flipping the coin. "Heads!" Trixie said confidently. The coin struck the ground, bouncing and spinning about as both mares watched intently. It landed tails. "Tails!" Twilight said triumphantly, jumping a little in joy. "Welcome to Equestria, Starswirl Sparkle!" She said to their new son. Trixie was less than enthused with the result. But they did agree. "Well, if you ever decide later that you'd rather be Trixster Sparkle, you just let me know." Trixie said playfully to her tiny foal. Another pony took over for Nurse Redheart after she left with the recovering doctor. She came in with a clipboard and a birth certificate. "Name." The new nurse said curtly. It didn't even have the upward inflection at the end, indicating a question. It was an imperative remark. A demand. "Starswirl Sparkle." Twilight said. The nurse looked at each of them. "Who's the father?" She asked. Twilight and Trixie exchanged nervous glances. "Um... me?" Twilight said. "...How?" She asked. "Magic?" Twilight offered. "Whatever." She said, filling out the certificate. Father: Princess Sparkle After all, she got paid to do clerical work. Not to care. The clock on the wall said that it was just after midnight. The first foal born on the day of the Summer Sun Celebration. Not that it had any significance on it's own, Twilight reasoned. But it would sure make remembering his birthday a lot easier. Tiny Starswirl, for his part, couldn't care less either way. He'd already had a hell of a first day and he was exhausted. He felt that now that he'd made his grand entrance into the world, his next course of action called for nap time. His parents followed suit shortly after as Twilight helped Trixie to her recovery bed. ...and promptly joined her and her son in it.