//------------------------------// // Section 3 – Contentment of the Journey // Story: Life's Adventures: Sage and Ash's Traveling Days // by Tavor-21 //------------------------------// Returning his thoughts to the present Sage kissed Ash on her forehead, replaced the tarp upon their belongings, and lovingly wrapped the blanket once more around his beloved marefriend taking extra care to do so without waking her from her sleep. With renewed vigor he stretched his legs and donned the saddle of the cart once more -- this time so that it didn't hurt his back. They still had at least 4 week's-worth of travel down the road, across the desert, up the mountains and through the Everfree Forest before they'd finally be in sight of their goal and taste victory, but every step taken was one less they had to make. Sage took a deep breath and looked up at the evening sun as it began to set and join the distant mountainscape in preparation for Luna's night. Closing his eyes, Sage said with confidence, "Four weeks. Just four more weeks and we'll get a chance to start a new life together." He looked back at his beloved still asleep in the cart, "We'll make it there I promise you that. I might not know what we'll find when we do, but I will always be here for you and we'll make it work." And with that Sage turned back towards the road stepping off to continue their long journey towards a new life, but unbeknownst to him he didn't see the faint grin develop on the face of his passenger in the cart nor see as she opened her eyes and silently whispered, "I know. And I can't wait to share it with you." And as they traveled into the waning sun she closed her eyes and returned to sleep and both Sky Sage and Ash-Sheathed Shadows continued once more on their adventure towards a new life and opportunity in Ponyville. ><><><><><