//------------------------------// // Reading Alone Is Not Gonna Help // Story: Heavy Burdens // by polygonsmasher //------------------------------// Frowny arrived near Twilight's house. Though he didn't look the least bit of satisfied. hmmm, It seems my accuracy is a bit off. I should meditate while teaching her. Frowny thought to himself Frowny approached the door, his movements were shaky. He could barely even stand on his hooves. Frowny knocked the door and Twilight opened soon after. Finally, I was waiting for you! Frowny walks quietly in the house and asked: Well good afternoon to you too Twilight, I'd like to go through you're collection of books for a second do you mind? Twilight trotted To the second room upstairs and then said Not at all, knock yourself out. Frowny was surprised at how cheerful she was. He guessed she feels like home when she's in the library. Though it could also be that she's just being nice to her guest. Frowny headed upstairs to the second room where her collection was located. Then he concentrated briefly to use all the magic he still possessed and scans his eyes through each and every shelf focusing. Some books where removed from they're shelves floating in the air and some returned to their original spot soon after. That should do it! Frowny said after nearly two minutes. The books gathered themselves in front of Frowny and he looked at each of them. There were 6 books in total. Each of them appropriately titled. They all had one thing in common, each of them had the subject: offensive spell-casting or sealing and barriers. While Frowny was examining the books he picked, his eyes started to feel heavy. It looked like he reached his limit. Boy am I tired He said with a yawn. Twilight turned around and asked: So what took you? I mean, did you have something important to do? Frowny hesitated to answer at first but then answered: I had something to say to Fluttershy, besides that I gave her a piece of my magical life force in the form of a gem. It should tell her exactly when I'm in the greatest of danger or when I transform against my will. The crystal would glow black or it would start to crack and shatter. I entrusted her the task to keep an eye on me and protect me when necessary. Twilight wanted to say something but noticed that Frowny looked pretty worn out. She watched Frowny as he gathered his strength to materialize some pillows out of his last fraction of magic. Now Twilight I'll tell you what you're first task is. You need to learn how to focus all your power in one spot, for instance just right in front of you. And by all your power I really mean ALL of it. I will be regaining my strength in the form of meditation. When your done I want you to keep practicing until you perfected it. Twilight nodded slightly, telling Frowny that she would at least try. Frowny settled down on the pillows and closed his eyes. The aura reappeared and it looked like Frowny was in peace after a full month of not resting. The aura was faintly visible, It almost appeared invisible together with the color of the wood from the room. Only could you notice it being there if you take a look at the pillows which clearly made the aura visible. Twilight watched in awe. Frowny showed her how he trained his magic just with a real life demonstration. So that his capabilities increased exponentially. I better not disturb him... So he said I should practice focusing all my power in one single point? Well then let's try! Twilight Thought to herself Twilight started to concentrate and slowly but steady a small sphere appeared in front of her shining purplish blue. Twilight looked for a moment and then the sphere suddenly defused and splat away in all directions. Guess this needs some practice... She then realized that she had to maintain this focus, otherwise she'd just waste her energy. She wouldn't want to disappoint Frowny. She tried again, this time with the intention to make it last as long as she possibly could without losing focus. Alright now I just need to keep this up. she thought to herself. A very long time has passed since Twilight started forming the sphere and she began to become a little tired. Though she did feel becoming stronger in the amount of time that has passed. Frowny then woke up and yawned. Wow I needed that... It has been too long. Frowny then looked at Twilight still concentrating on maintaining the sphere. He then slowly said to her: Good job Twilight, now keep maintaining this and slowly add more of your power. Twilight heard and tried not to get distracted again. Millions of tiny star shaped sparkles gathered and added mass to the sphere. When she couldn't add any more she maintained the sphere again. Frowny looked satisfied and said: It's okay now you can open your eyes and relax. And thats what Twilight did. She was sweating all over and looked extremely worn out. Frowny took a good look at what she created and then turned to Twilight and said: What you see here now is all of your strength compressed into a sphere that represents your being. Twilight looked surprised at the purplish blue sphere that floated non stop in the air. Wow, so thats all my magical strength? Frowny smiled and nodded at Twilight to show her that she's right. Now then, your first task is complete. Your second task is the easiest were gonna do in this training session. You will need to consume your power! Twilight looked at Frowny with a confusing daze and then said: Consume!? You mean as in eat it? Frowny then stepped backwards. I know it sounds unlikely but thats because it is. This way therefore only works with unicorns of the manipulator and the enhancer type. Because they can transfer they're powers upon other objects. When a different unicorn like myself performs this, they faint and they're consciousness will transfer to the sphere. Because you are one of the many manipulator unicorns it is possible for you to stay alive after submitting all your power to a more fragile form. Frowny then became quiet and looked at Twilight with eyes that waited for results and Twilight came closer to the purplish blue sphere that represented her magical life force. She opened her mouth and ate the sphere. Chewed a bit and swallowed. Frowny examined her after that and then picked a scroll out of his bag and noted everything that happened down for further examination. Apparently he planned this to be some kind of experiment. Twilight started shaking and said: What's happening? Why am I shaking!? Frowny stepped backwards again and started explaining. This is the second stage. Stay focused, this could end up hurting a lot. Focus your energy and force it to your horn and quickly or... Twilight didn't care to hear the rest as she already concentrated by closing her eyes and tried to guide the power back to her horn. Her belly started to shine and her horn started flashing white beams of light. After a couple of flashes her belly stopped shining and the flashing started getting worse. Good job! Twilight! Now release all your energy at once by giving up on the pressure Twilight lets out a howl and a deep purple glow appeared around her. Release!!! Frowny shouted. Suddenly a bright purple light covered Twilight's house and the earth started shaking. The purple light then suddenly settled down and Twilight looked incredibly tired. Frowny came closer and said with a warming, soft and calm voice: Thats good, now sleep and when you wake up you will feel ten times stronger than before. Twilight then fell asleep, Frowny caught her and brought her to her bed. You have talent. Maybe now your power will start resembling my own. Frowny then returned to the center room of Twilights house and reformed the pillows to settle down and meditate again. Frowny's aura reappeared and he closed his eyes to wait for tomorrow. The next day, at the time the sun rises Frowny woke up from his slumber, the first thing he wanted to check is if Twilight was still asleep. Frowny went up the small set of stairs and saw that Twilight was indeed still asleep in her bed. Frowny noticed her horn got a deeper purple color. It also randomly sparkled a bit. It looks like the process worked. She has now multiplied her strength. Frowny headed to the main room of the library and then headed for the door to take a breath of fresh air. When he was outside he witnessed the town of Ponyville slowly springing to life as everypony in town set up their stores or open their windows to do their laundries. Frowny went back inside and closed the door. He then regathered the books from yesterday and arranged them in a nice pile. He quickly grabbed a piece of paper from his bag with his magic and wrote HOMEWORK on top of it with his signature on the back. He left it on top of the pile of books and placed the pile next to the lectern in the main room. ~Meanwhile in Twilight's room~ Twilight opened her eyes and slowly woke up from her slumber. She took a look at the clock loudly wondering to herself: How long have I been sleeping? After a couple of seconds she stepped out of bed and slowly walked to the mirror across the room. She levitated the hair comb to quickly fix her hair when she noticed her horn got a deeper color then her coat. Well this is peculiar. How come my horn is this purple? She washed her face and prepared herself to go to the other room when Frowny suddenly walked in. You awake yet? He loudly whispered. Then noticed Twilight staring at her horn in the mirror. Oh... I see... Twilight trotted closer and started talking: What's up with my horn? It's got a deeper color then my coat now. When a unicorn ascends to their next level in strength, their horn gets a different color depending on their coat color. Your horn having a darker color then your coat shows that you are now above average in magical strength. You should be proud of yourself. Frowny answerred Oh, neat! Is that also why your horn is black by the way? Twilight asked again. Frowny looked at his own horn for a second and then answered: Well, no. For as long as I can remember my horn has always been black. My parents always told me I was gifted. So I guess I was already above average to begin with. Something then clicked in Twilights head. It was clear to her now why the unicorn that stood before her had such advanced abilities. He had been training harshly even before he was banished to The Deeper Parts. Okay, listen carefully now. In order to be able to protect your friends you must not forget to protect yourself. Therefore it's important to know how to create a barrier around yourself and other objects to shield from harm. I'll demonstrate Frowny's horn turned red and a darker red barrier appeared around him. Try attacking me. Twilight picked up a rock that was lying around and hurled it to Frowny with her magic. When the rock made contact with the barrier it shattered into aerosol formed crystal-like points of light. See? When anything comes in contact with the barrier it either dissolves or gets rejected and thrown in the opposite direction. This makes it ideal to block projectile attacks or to bid protection to nearby ponies, animals or items. though if power surpasses the magical force put in making the barrier, your protection will fall apart. Let's put this the easy way, when the barrier is leveled 2 in strength and the attack is of a 3rd level, the barrier will shatter creating an opening. Twilight noted down what Frowny said and braced herself to try it out. Okay Twilight you can try out yourself... Before Frowny could finish his sentence, Twilight had already finished making a strong protective barrier around herself. Very good Twilight! Frowny complimented. You finished very quickly! Let me try and attack you now. Frowny Concentrated his power and quickly hurled what looked like a fireball at Twilight. When it made contact with the barrier the fireball defused, sparks and small flames surrounded Twilight's barrier. Twilight then looked around her and let the barrier disappear. Uuuh Frowny? I think we better do this somewhere else. Frowny came closer to Twilight and said: My thoughts exactly. I'll warp us to a dungeon I used to perfect my own abilities. Frowny then reached out one of his hooves and said: Hold my hoof! Twilight quickly grabbed him and the two ponies disappeared in thin air. The two reappeared in a huge caved in room that was hollowed out. Where is this place? Twilight asked Somewhere on the mountainsides not far away from Canterlot. This used to belong to a dragon but was forced away very long ago. The cave was abandoned so I sealed the entrance, hollowed it out a bit and I used this as my own personal training grounds when I was younger. Twilight looked around a bit and noticed several boulders lying in pieces at the walls. What kind of spells did you use in here? Frowny seemed happy she asked. A lot of different offensive kinds actually. While using the different boulders I hacked out as dummies. But in the end you'll have your own range of spells just like I do and therefore do not feature in any books. Twilight looked excited to hear that and wanted to begin right away. Frowny began taking up his stance and looked serious through his eyes. Watch and learn Twilight. I'm going to split that rock in half over there! Twilight turned to another huge boulder that looked almost impossible to even crack. Frowny reach out his hoof in the direction of the rock and then pointed it upwards. His horn turned red and a blade like shape appeared around his right hoof and it looked like Frowny was holding it. Frowny lets out a howl and had a deadly look in his face. Twilight felt the intend to kill in his presence. Frowny suddenly jumped up high in the air towards the rock and cut the huge boulder in half like it was nothing. The boulder split apart and each halves rolled in a different direction. The sword then disappeared and Frowny walked back towards Twilight who looked amazed by the performance but at the same time frightened. When Frowny was at talking distance from Twilight he spoke: Don't be afraid. I'm on your side. Twilight answered: But you cut that boulder in half! And not only that, I felt a cold murderous intend from you! Frowny glanced at the boulder and answered: Well that really isn't strange... Because that's one of the rules of Shineless combat. On top of that the source of my power is called 'Hatred'. Frowny said with a rather shaky voice, as if he didn't want to tell Twilight in the first place. Each pony of either earth, unicorn or pegasi species has a source for his and her power and that source provides you unlimited strength that matches the goal your striving for. Twilight understood and gave a slow nod. Twilight I want you to reach deep within your soul and find out your own source of your strength! After that I want you to invent your own range of offensive spells that will help you fight. I will let you remain in this room to practice for yourself. Twilight answered: What do you mean? It sounds as though you are leaving me here. Frowny raised his frown and looked at Twilight. Please don't let me down. I am leaving for the princess remember? So that you can train yourself to surprise me! Thats when Frowny closed his eyes and teleported close to the foundations of the mountain that carries the palace. I'm coming home mom, dad. Please just wait a little longer! Twilight was left behind in the cave. She looked around a bit and noticed a small corridor at the far end of the cave. A light burned from around the corner of the corridor. She followed through and found out that there was a small study set up in here. There was a lectern with a huge stack of paper, ink and a quill lying next to it. There were also several bookcase at the walls containing a small amount of books and documents. These must belong to Frowny! Twilight reasoned. Twilight came closer to the bookcases and looked at each of the books. She then picked one up and examined the cover. It said: Advanced spellcasting on the cover. There wasn't a name of an author written anywhere though. It must be one of those unreleased books, Twilight thought to herself. She carried the book to the lectern across the room and opened it. She turned page by page in search for some helpful information and then suddenly a note fell out of the book. Whats this? Twilight loudly wondered. Twilight levitated the note up to in front of her and read it out loud to herself: Things for further examination, pages 20, 34-36 and 45 Twilight immediately turned back to the book and turned to page 20 first. The paragraph was titled: The source of one's power. Twilight quietly read through the paragraph. Only to find out that the source of a pony's power is unique to the pony. Just like it's cutie mark. The source of strength can be summoned upon at will and will provide the necessary ability to carry out the most difficult of tasks. This knowledge applies to each different species of ponies. However, unicorns are more commonly known to use their source for their own purposes. Twilight then turned to page 34 and read it's contents until page 36. It was a list of known celebrity unicorns to have found their source of strength. From pictures Twilight noticed that each of the unicorns had a different colored horn then their coat. Then from the corner of her eye she noticed one single name which interested her the most. That name was... Shineless. Twilight got interested and saw that there was something else written besides the name. It was a reference to a page number 67. Twilight turned to that page and read the paragraph appropriately titled: The origins of the Shineless bloodline. *gasp*... This must be about Frowny's family! Twilight whispered. She immediately start reading the paragraph as if it was her reflexes. This is what the paragraph said: 'The Shineless bloodline is a bloodline that mostly consists of warriors with unimaginable strength. The bloodline was founded by a unicorn pony named Shineless. He was a member of the Equestrian royal guard system of the 2nd age. The Shineless family has been a family of trained warriors since that age and have unusual customs. For example thei...' Thats where Twilight noticed that several pages have been ripped out of the book. I guess the only way I would ever find out about the family is by asking Frowny himself. Twilight said to herself. She then turned to page 45 following the note. Page 45 contained a list of several binding spells and defensive spells. Twilight read through them carefully and memorized each of them. There wasn't any list of offensive spells in the book though. Frowny was right. I really do have to come up with my own range of spells. Oh well, I better get to it then Twilight returned to book to it's original spot and left the study back to the bigger room of the cave. She noticed that Frowny Hasn't came back yet. She figured she'd start by figuring out the source of her power. The source of my power... Source of my power... The book said that the ponies that figured theirs out used it for their own purposes. Maybe those purposes represent their strengths and therefore link to their cutie mark. Twilight seemed to have figured it out. Her cutie mark represented magic, ever since that fateful day back when she was a filly. Magic has been her one and only interest. Thats how she got her cutie mark. 'The will to learn' Suddenly blurted out of Twilights mouth. THE WILL TO LEARN! Twilight shouted. The words she shouted echoed throughout the cave. Small sparks came from Twilights horn and produced several bolts of lighting that spread throughout the cave. What's happening? Twilight loudly wondered. apparently this wasn't her doing at all. The bolts of lightning caused several boulders to come down from the ceiling of the cave. Some even larger then the one Frowny cut in halve earlier. It became clear to Twilight what she needed to do now. She had to learn! Thats what the source of her power was. The source of her magical strength! And now to rock this mountain topside! Twilight blurted out without thinking. END OF CHAPTER 3