One Shot per Page

by Apocalyptic Fries

The Flowerpot

Rainbow Dash considered herself a careful pony. Although her preferred use of time was blasting through the skies at neck-breaking speeds, she did take care to keep herself and others safe. Her knack for loyalty meant that she would put them first ahead of her latest stunt if she had to, and she would always accept responsibility if anything went wrong on her watch.
Such was the situation facing her now. She stared at the broken ceramics, the carefully-tended soil scattered across the road, and the plant that now hung from a lamppost.
Her knack for safety had certainly failed her this time. She had wanted to swoop in and make a spectacular entrance to precede her rather mundane activity of baking with Pinkie Pie, but she swooped in too fast and accidentally knocked a flower pot off a windowsill. In fact, her wake was so intense, the pot was dashed across the ground and the plant, if such a thing were possible, bounced off the ground and now hung from a lamppost.
She could work-out the physics of bouncing flowers with Twilight later. Right now, she had to do the responsible thing.
I gotta get the heck outta here, she thought initially. Then of course her greater sensibilities took over and she felt she had to find the pony who owned the flower pot. She looked up at the building where it had come from.
Now she had a problem. Which window was it again? I don’t remember – it all happened so fast… She silently reviewed the events of her arrival in her head, and tried to match up the window that previously held the flower pot in it.
She narrowed it down to a corner cluster of three. It had to be one of those windows, but every time her memory tried to say it was one she immediately came up with a reason it was another: It was the corner window… no, no, it was further in, closer to the center of the row, couldn’t have been that one.
Her logic centers were fizzling out, so she felt it would be most prudent to go inside and ask who had a flower pot on their windowsill. Someone in this building oughta know – heck I might even walk right into the pony I’m looking for!
She went inside and noticed a resident heading out the door. “Excuse me,” she asked the egressing elderly mare, “but do you know which window had a flower pot sitting on the sill?”
The elderly mare stopped, and turned around. “That was my window,” she said, sending a streak of guilt through Rainbow’s heart.
“I’m really sorry about this,” Rainbow began, “but I was coming in for a landing and I knocked it out of the window.”
After an awkward pause, she hoped to inject some humor into the situation: “You shoulda seen it, really. I tore that thing up without even touching it! Heh heh, must have been my wake…”
Her smile died as the elderly mare returned a stony gaze.
“Look, I’ll replace it, okay? I even have some bits on hoof right now, lemme just go get ‘em and I’ll be right back, okay?”
Still no answer. The mare’s gaze hardened.
“Ooookay, so you want me to buy you a new one?” Rainbow asked nervously. Still nothing.
“Stay away from my window,” the mare growled at last as she walked out, leaving a baffled Rainbow Dash to ponder just how awkward she felt right now.