SCP Foundation: Welcome to Ponyvile

by Comradealex838

Chapter One


"James wake up man."


"AHHH." James screamed as He fell face first onto the Marble floor from his bunk.

"You alright. Man?" The man asks James as he helps him up. When James gets a look at his good friend,and ,fellow Security Officer, John he sees that he is in full body armor with his helmet on.

"Yeah, hey what time is it?" James askes.

" 5 o' clock man, I know that's pretty early but the Commander wants to see us alright? So get dressed, get your armor on, and get your rifle, he wants to see us ASAP. I'll wait for you outside." John told him.

"Alright, see ya soon." James said as he heads to his locker on the other side of the room.

James has worked for the SCP Foundation for about two years now. During his time in the Foundation he has seen some of the strangest and most terrifying things that seem to came out of some horror movie. Most of James' fellow guards not only loved this job but prided themselves of it.

James hated it. But it wasn't his choice. Not sense...The incident.

His arm and chest still bear the tattoo.That cursed tattoo.

James walked over to his locker at the far side of the room. Opening it revealed his armor, gun, and rest of what he needed out of his locker. His armor and helmet looked liked the kind that SWAT teams would wear except it was manly white with the exception of the bullet proof vest which was black. His gun was the standered FN P90.

After getting ready he exited the barracks and he met up with John who was standing outside with an impatient look on his face.

"Ready?" John asked.

"Yeah. Lets go see what bull crap we will have to do this time."

Patrolling. The Commander woke James up at 5 in the morning for a simple patrol.

"Of all the things he could have us do. He sent us on a damn patrol." James said to John.

"Hey, its not that bad, at least we can look at the scenery." John said as he tried to brighten up his friends mood.

"You mean the same scenery we have been seeing for over a thousand times already? I'd rather stay in bed like everyone else." James replied with an annoyed tone.

"look, this isn't really as bad as your making it out to be and besides, There taking SCP-049 through here so where supposed to make sure this area is secure." John said.

"There taking..HIM through here?" James replied as haunted memories started flashing in his mind.


"Yeah, there taking him to a new containment facility, you know, after the incident."

"Please don't remind me of that place. I still have nightmares about it." James said.

"Sorry James. Anyway we just need to make sure this place is secure. He-it will arrive in a few hours as i'm told." John said.

There was awkward silence as the two continued there patrol. Out of boredom, John decided to tell James about a little ghost story that he heard from a friend and fellow guard.

"Hey, have you heard about the ghost's that haunt this forest?"

"No. What are you talking about?"

"Well people have been saying that they have seen lights in the forest." John answered.

"You serious?" James said, barely holding back a laugh.

"Yeah! Like strange orbs that didn't move and one of my friends said he saw it up close."

"Do you have any idea how crazy that sounds?" James said

"Crazier than the SCP's we have to contain?" John said

" Yeah but-" he didn't get any further when a flash of light appeared inches from James's face.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" James yelled at the top of his lungs as he jumped back in surprise.

"I don't know!" John yelled back.

The light transformed into a swirling portal that lit up the surrounding area.

" I-Is that the thing what you were talking about?" James asked with a hint of shock in his voice.

"It looks like it!" John answered back.

The two guards looked at the anomaly, both with looks of shock and surprise behind their helmets. After a few moments John snaps out of it and begins to radio command of their discovery.

"Command, This is Security Officer John with Security Officer James. We discovered an anomaly on the Northwest section of the base and we require..."

James loses focus of what John was saying as he began to approach it. For some reason he felt drawn to it. Like he lost control of his legs as he started walking closer and closer to it.

"Roger command, James and I will- James what are you doing!" John yelled to James as he finally noticed his friend getting dangerously close to it. Suddenly, it started to flash violently and started to bring James towards it. James tried to move back but it was no use as he was pulled closer to it.

"John! John do something!" James yelled towards John. John ran to James and grabbed hold of his arm. He tried to pull James away but know he too was caught in its pull.

"Nononono!" Both screamed as they were just inches from it. A crie for help is all they can manage as they are pulled in. The light flickers for a few seconds before fading away.

Lyra and Bon Bon were enjoy a nice walk in Ponyvilles' park. Bon Bon wanted to talk to Lyra about her...problem. Her obsession with "humans" has started to concern her about her unicorn friend.

"Lyra? There's something we need to talk about." Bon Bon said.

"What is it Bonnie?" Lyra asked.

"Well... You know that humans don't exist right?"

"Bon Bon! i'm telling you! Humans do exist!" Lyra said.

"Do you even have any proof or evidence?" Bon Bon asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well....nooo. But I will and I will prove to everypony that i'm not crazy!"

" Come on Lyra, its not like one will fall right out of the sky or just appear out of no where-" Just then she was cut of as a blinding light suddenly appeared out of no where. Lyra and Bon Bon jumped back in surprise as the the light was just inches away from them. Then it started spining clockwise and seemed to resemble a whirlpool.

" WHAT IN NAME OF CELESTIA IS THAT THING!" Bon Bon screamed at the top of her lungs.

" I don' t know! I never- wait. Bon Bon, I thing something is coming out of there." Lyra said as there was a faint but audible screaming sound coming from it.

Just then, something came rushing out of it... and collided with Bon Bon. Bon Bon was thrown back and rotated from being on top of the other. They finally stopped when the thing's head landed on a rock.

Lyra gasped in surprise but before she could say anything something collided with her head, nearly knocking her to the ground.
"Owww". Lyra hissed as she rubbed her head and looked towards what hit her.

"Bon Bon! are you ok?" Lyra asked in worry as she rushed towards Bon Bon.

"Yeah. I think so. *groans* My head. What was that thing?" Bon Bon asked as both looked at thing that landed on Bon Bon. And it looked oddly familiar to them. It was tall with long arms and legs. it wore a strange type of clothing that was white and black in some parts. it had helmet on and it had hands at the end of both of its arms. And on its hands were five fingers.

*Gasps*" Bon Bon do you what that is!?" Lyra screamed in excitement. She began to trot towards it until Bon Bon stopped her.

"Wait Lyra, what if its dangerous?" Bon Bon said.

"Come on Bon Bon its a real human. And besides Bonnie he looks hurt." Lyra replied back, moving closer to the human.

suddenly the human lifting its head off the ground letting out a groan.

Ohhhh were am I? James thought as he opened his eyes and began to look at his surroundings.

Ok, I im in a field, and there are two horses looking at me....wait what? James stared at them as they stared back. James studied the two creatures before him. One had a yellow coat and swirly mane of blue and pink with blue eyes. The other had a mint green coat with a cyan and white mane with orange eyes. For a few second James and the two horses looked at each other before the green one spoke.


"AHHH. What the hell are you?! Where am I?"

The two ponies jumped back in surprise but the mint one quickly recovered.

"My name is Lyra Heartstrings and this is my friend Bon Bon and we are ponies, and you are in Equestria! What's your name?" Lyra said excitedly.

"Umm James." James said rubbing his head.Ohhh my head. Wait. James eyes widens with shock. "Wheres John!"

"who?" the two ponies ask together.

"My friend and co worker." Just then aloud scream came from his helmet.

"James!Help!!" Whoever it was screamed
" Man. I am so lost." John said to himself as he wandered throught the mysterious forest.

"James! Oh were is he? I dont even remember the forest being this dark."

Suddenly there was a loud growl coming from one a large bush.


Then what looked like a wooden wolf leaped out of the bush and started moving towards him slowly.

"Nice wooden doggie."

Then more came out of the darkness and started surrounding John.

"Oh no"