Changing it up a bit

by RebelliousKuno

Keep Your Head High

Swift laid her head down on her desk, completely exhausted from all of the work she had been doing for the past hours. It seemed like days to her, and she was sure that time was just starting to slow down. Her job was quite boring if she said so herself, but it was something she could do to get some bits at least. Not to mention that she was pretty good at it.

As she was starting to slowly drift into sleep, she heard three steady knocks come from the door, and this caused her to jump slightly. She swung her head over towards the source of the noise and sighed. Whoever was coming in here had something to say, because she had this thing where she recognized what kind of knocks meant what. Swift straightened herself out, fixing the small mess she had on her desk which was piled with small stacks of paperwork that she had yet to finish. The good news was that she was managing to finish more work from all of the late ones, causing her to catch up with the newly assembled orders.

"Come in!" She called out towards the door, ready for whomever was going to reveal themselves. Surprisingly enough, Mr. K trotted on it, closing the door behind him.

"Hello there, Miss Quill. Have you finished all of your assignments that were given to you for today?" He asked her firmly, gazing over her desk to see if anything was out of place. He was a little bit of an OCD freak if he said so himself, but that wasn't the case right now.

Swift nodded, looking over her desk proudly. "Yes sir. I completed all of the paperwork you gave me today, plus some old ones that were needing to be finished. If anything, I think I've caught up." she stated quite proudly, a small smile creasing on her face as she looked at him.

Mr. K nodded slowly before looking up at the clock and back to Swift. "And you did remember to come by my office after you were done with it, right?"

Swift froze in her seat, and slowly turned her gaze towards the clock to read what it said; 4:45 P.M. It had come to the point where she didn't even know what it was she had been doing since she got here. All she could remember was arriving, doing a few things which she couldn't recall, and then lead up to this moment where she was laying her head on her desk. Was her job really that boring?

"Well uh, you see sir.. I had been caught up doing so much of the work, that I may of lost track of time and forgo-"

"That's not an excuse," he interrupted, "You and I know well that you didn't simply forget. You are the hardest working one in the business as of now, but I've noticed that you have been slowly decreasing on turning in your work, let alone arriving late. Care to explain why?" After saying this, he made his way towards the chair across from the desk and took a seat. He slowly crossed his hooves, giving Swift a hard and intimidating gaze. This caused her to gulp, as she knew that one slip up could cost her job just like that, and finding a replacement wasn't very hard to do. She knew she had to give a legitimate answer if she wanted to save her flank.

"Well, the truth is that-"

Suddenly, another knock was heard coming from the door, cutting off Swift mid-sentence. Before she had time to respond to the knock, Brass Pageant was already in the room.

"Hey Swift! I'm just letting you know thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat..." She held out the word for a while as she saw Mr. K sitting down in the chair, giving her a look that practically told her to get out. This however, she ignored. "I was just here to tell you that it's time for us to go... And that perhaps I could escort you home?" She asked slowly, smiling awkwardly towards Swift.

Swift had never felt so relieved to hear that. She quickly rose from her seat and nodded politely towards Mr. K. "Sorry about this inconvenience, but I'm afraid she is right. We can continue this conversation some other time." She quickly trotted around her desk and next towards Brass, before nodding and they both exited the room.

The two ponies trotted down the hallway, not really speaking to each other after that slightly awkward incident that had just occurred. Swift, however, decided to break the silence.

"Thanks for saving my flank back there. I didn't nearly have a good enough excuse to give him back there."

Brass chuckled slightly and shrugged, "Don't mention it. I didn't even know what you two were talking about in there, but I don't want to budge in on your personal business with you two. I just came by to talk to you while you walked home. You know, just a little friendly chat?"

"I guess we could do that. I have nothing else better planned anyways." Oh, but she did. Swift was just ready to go home and pass out on her bed, ready to be taken away from deep sleep. Even the thought of it was making her sleepy.

"Good. So about the whole coltfriend thing." She started off, smirking slightly as she turned her gaze over to look at her best friend.

Swift snapped out of her thoughts and raised an eyebrow at Brass, "Please tell me we are not going to talk about that. I'm not interested in that sort of stuff first off. I like to be alone, and just rest by myself without anypony else to get in the way. I mean, who needs a coltfriend when you have food!?"

"I guess that's a fair point," Brass admitted, "But you do have to agree that you are a little bit lonely sometimes. You just need that extra push in the right direction, perhaps start a family or something of the sort. You can't just live all by your lonesome!"

"Try me." challenged Swift, as she trotted up to the door and held it open. "Besides, I think I will manage quite well on my own. I have my own rules, and I don't have to share anything. It's a win-win situation for me."

"If you say so! But don't come running to me when you decide that you need somepony in your life to tell you from right to wrong!"

"Don't worry, I don't plan on it."

Mr. K just sat there in the chair, staring at the door as the two ponies left. A few thoughts were surrounding his mind right now, and some of them he knew he was going to regret doing. Although, it may be for the best, even if it didn't seem like a very bright idea. It was for her sake if anything, and he needed to do it sometime. Only two words could relay in his head in which he was going to tell her the next time he had the chance.

'You're fired.'