//------------------------------// // Deleted Scenes 3 // Story: The Necro Walk // by WorldWalker128 //------------------------------// Rejected Scene 1 --= I was going to have Scootaloo pay Pinkie Pie a visit during the last section of chapter 18. Scootaloo would have had moved out of Ponyville several years previously after having received a job offer and was only recently returning after hearing a rumor that Ponyville had changed. She would not have known Rainbow was dead, and would have joined Pinkie in a revenge-plan. --= === Rejected Scene 2 --= I was going to have Pipsqueak turn out to be another spy for Gaea hired by the previous ruler and have him encourage dissent between the two groups, but didn't feel that it was needed, plus it would have made me have to write more. I'd also considered trying to make him into a Changeling with the original having died some time previous, but again, that would have made more work for me, and I really had no idea how to work that in anyway. --= Pipsqueak left the house feeling satisfied with his work. This alliance with the Humans was simply something he could not allow, especially given that the two races were in the process of learning to coexist with one another, even if it was just in this one little town. === Rejected idea --= I was going to have Zecora make an appearance in the story and become a main character after arranging the death of Applejack, but decided that at this point the story was too far along. === Rejected idea 2 --= This was going to be part of section 3 of chapter 19. --= “A little farther to the left, girls!” called down a Unicorn stallion to Derpy and two local weather Pegasi, whom were gripping one side of the clouds that were the foundation clouds to their little flying fort. Working together, the three mares gave the house a hefty push. At the present moment the building was being moved into position near the southern gate, as this was the closer of their two gates to the edge of the Everfree forest. If an attack were to come from the forest, it would be better to have their air-based attack position in a better position to be attacking. “Is this far enough?” One of the weather team called up to the stallion. He replied that it was, and the trio of Pegasi released their grip on the side of the cloud foundation and flew up to land on the cloud's top. “Ya need us for anything else, Sun Stripe?” “Well, a daisy sandwich would be nice, if you wouldn't mind.” Sun Stripe replied. === Deleted Scenes 1 --= This was also going to be part of chapter 19. It was part of the section where Sampson Darkfist killed the messenger. --= The poles themselves, from necessity due to several bad storms they'd weathered causing tents to collapse in the past, were made from metal rather than wood or perhaps bone. In this case, the metal served well against the poles bursting into flames. === Deleted Scenes 2 --= Section 1, chapter 20 --= From what Applejack told me, you Humans, regardless of breed, can use magic when holding the horns of Unicorns, and also Alicorns, but you're holding a staff, not a horn of either.” “Wrong.” I raised the staff again, this time crouching down until my eyes were level with hers. I held my staff out in front of with with my palms up and open. “If you look at it closely, you can see that my staff is made up of three colors, and then at this end,” I moved one of my hands to point a finger at the section made of white wood while the other gripped the staff tightly. “is made of wood, which I reshaped to flow over the spiral so that it would stay attached on its own. The three different-colored sections are three separate horns. Or rather, they were. “Using a similar technique to the one I used to reattach Rarity and Trix-” my breath caught for a moment and my confident smile fell away to be replaced with nothing. I pushed on, though. “-ie's horns, two Unicorn horns and one Alicorn horn were melded into one. === Rejected Scene 3 -== Though I for the most part enjoyed writing this, and it was the most writing I'd done in nearly a month, it really amounted to very little story-wise. My characters had already been built or altered either in previous chapters or else from the show. All this was accomplishing was delaying the plotline. -== I moved my rook into position that allowed its line of movement to protect my pawn. If she took what I traded it in for, I'd take her queen. If she didn't, with my rook now being out of the way, my other bishop would take one of her knights (or Pegasi, in this version's case. There were several differently shaped pieces and names for them, but they still performed the same functions and movements). “I've never had to kill one of my own kind before, nor do I wish for the opportunity. I'm told it rips something out of you. Something that you can't ever get back again. Do it too many times, and it doesn't bother you anymore, like whatever it is that's being torn is all gone. It leaves you feeling numb whenever you see death” I traded the pawn for my queen. Twilight picked up her queen and was about to take mine, but gave the board another look and then put hers back, and moved her knight into a position that would avenge her queen if I had my own attack hers. “But considering who we're at war with, isn't that a good thing?” I studied the board, and sighed. To quote the Diamond Dogs: 'I am so boned!' I picked up one of the pawns of Twilight's that I'd taken early on in our fourth game. I rolled it through my fingers. “Twilight, let me ask you something.” She nodded. “How would you like feeling nothing at all? Pinkie Pie throws you a party for your birthday- so what? You've just found out that Cadence is pregnant, which means that at some point you're going to be an aunt- who cares? Celestia has just discovered that you carry a rare genetic mutation that will allow you to, with the proper magical nerve stimulation, allow you to be transformed into an Alicorn and rule alongside her and her sister- big deal.” “But I'd never feel like that! Especially in situations such as those!” “You think so? How many family members and friends have you lost to this war already?” “I've lost several neighbors that I knew before I'd joined Celestia's school for gifted Unicorns, A few friends that had joined the military, and recently, as you know, Rainbow Dash.” “Considering that Rainbow Dash was one of your best friends and she only died a few months ago, you're taking her loss very well.” I set the pawn back on the chessboard Twilight narrowed her eyes at me. “Are you trying to say that I don't feel pain over her death?” “Do you?” “Of course I do!” She nearly screamed, slamming her hoofs on the board and scattering our pieces to the dirt. “What in Celestia's name would make you think I wouldn't? What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't sad she was gone?! What about you?! You say that you were our friends in another world, and you act like you want to be ours too sometimes, but Rainbow Dash is dead, Fluttershy had a wing ripped off, Trixie Lulamoon is dead, and you don't seem bothered at all! You mope around, but-” While she'd been yelling I reached down and gripped my staff. Now I held her mouth shut. She started charging her horn to retaliate so I formed a small dark blue shield in front of myself. Other Ponies that had been nearby heard her outburst and had turned to see what the commotion was about. Now they were watching the two of us, their bodies tensed. Some looked like they were considering running, while others, also Unicorns, seemed to be considering attacking me. Some looked familiar, most did not. “Twilight, I've been coping with it by keeping my mind on other things. === Deleted Scene 4 --= I feel like I'm dragging this out too much. I mean, it's obvious that they care about what's going on with their friend's lives and all, but There's no need for the emphasis. --= “Twilight is powerful, but if too many things distract her at once her magic can sometimes backfire.” I chuckled at a particular incident I recalled where she'd (my Twilight) had been trying to turn a wild apple tree into a pine. She'd been particularly busy that week, and she somehow instead turned it into a pineapple tree. My chuckle did not go unnoticed and Spike frowned. “It's not funny! Not in this situation!” My mirth faded. He was right, of course. “You're right. I apologize. So,” I began, as we turned to leave. “Now that you've got the library to yourself, what will you do?” Spike shrugged. “I doubt that I'm going to have enough time to myself to do much of anything, really. I guess I could try taking the week off and try to convince Pinkie to throw a party in the tree, but she's been acting kinda strange lately. I haven't seen her hair poofy since-” his eyes flicked to my face briefly. “since Rainbow Dash died.” “Losing a friend in such a permanent way as death hits folk in different ways, Spike. Some shut down mentally and won't talk to anyone, some, like me, bury their feelings in as much work as they can find, and others go crazy and fly into a rage of revenge, and hunt down whomever or whatever caused it. “So,” I said, wanting to change the subject. “ === Deleted scene 5 --= This was originally going to be the third section of chapter 20, but then i got a major case of writer's block. --= Sampson waited by the door just inside the town hall flanked by four town volunteers acting as guards. They were not there so much as to protect him, but rather to potentially protect others from him, should he decide to betray them, he knew. Really, if he intended them harm then he could probably kill two, stun one and be making his escape back toward his people before the last could react and stop him. His father had not named him 'Sampson' for nothing, after all. At the moment his hunting camp members were waiting outside of the fortified town and being watched by the Ponies guarding the entrance with a combination of curiosity, fear, and suspicion, with each expression being worn by a different Pony. The way his camp saw it, if they were going to rebel against the entire rest of their nation, it was better to do it from a place where they had a wall to slow their enemies down. The fact that there were others living inside the fort whose enemies were also their own was a bonus. The only issue being, of course, convincing the mayor to allow them inside, which was why he was waiting for his father,whom was better at convincing others to do things his way by far. Sampson's own talents lay in other areas, mainly in tracking prey or people, which sometimes both fell into one category. === Deleted Scene 6 --= In the end I finally decided to stop horsing around. I had no real plan as to where to take this bit except for Applejack to die trying to save Twilight (when in reality Twi needed no help at all). --= Applejack was a scout. She wasn't very fast when wearing her armor, but both her taught and inborn magical connection to the earth beneath her body still allowed her to do her job better indoors than any Unicorn present, and a Pegasus' ability to fly was rather limited indoors, making her perfect for surviving what came next. A Gryphon shrieked at her, swooping in through a window to the building carved out from the cliff she stood in. Applejack spun on a hind hoof and ran back into the room she'd just left and then through a door to her left. “Gryphon incomin!” She called to the pair of Unicorns whom had stopped while she checked out the next few rooms. Applejack passed them, and half a second later the Gryphon came hurtling in after her only to be shot and roasted by two synchronized blasts of magic. It fell dead to the smooth stone floor and slid another half meter before coming to a final stop. One of the unicorns prodded it to make sure it was dead, and then called to Applejack. “You know, I'm starting to wish we'd brought more earth Ponies than we did.” One of the Unicorns declared. “My training didn't really cover melee combat, and that first group would have been the end of us if not for you. Oh, and thanks for being our scout.” “And I'm starting to wish we'd gotten here through multiple individual teleports instead of all being warped at once.” the other grumbled. Even though the mass-teleport spell was great for moving either huge groups or possessions from one place to another, it had one major drawback: due to the safety detail that was part of the teleport spell's makeup (both the normal and the mass version) that would not allow those among the living to be transported into solid objects or into an area that was unsafe (as far as nature goes) for those being transported unless it was done intentionally and the with the majority of the Gryphon nation's capital being on mountainsides and slender solitary rock spires it resulted in the vast majority of their forces being scattered all over the city and the Pegasi being left out to dry in midair in the spaces between the housing while the Unicorns and few earth Ponies were either far below on the ground or else were moved (and quite cramped) into the houses, or into a few caves or tunnels in the sides of the mountains. Upon the ground-bound Ponies' initial arrival, the local civilians had panicked. Some took the air, some ran across the ground, and some tried to fight. Those that fought died, those that fled caused a spreading Chaos that Discord himself could not have orchestrated on such short notice, and it spread like wildfire in a dry forest. Those among the Gryphons that fled indoors quickly discovered that the invaders were not just outside, and that there was nowhere safe to run anymore. Meanwhile up in the sky the Pegasi looked about in confusion as they found themselves falling instead of standing on solid ground and quickly corrected it. Several of the newer recruits and volunteers panicked at being separated from the rest of their forces on top of there being potential enemies both above, below, and among them. Gryphon civilians that had been in the air at the time of the Pegasi's appearance had the same reaction as those going about their day on the ground, and a panic ensued amongst them as well. Some dove downward towards the ground, others soared highers or headed for the High Houses that had been built on the stone spires and peaks that had either been built or hollowed out by or for them to find, as those on the ground had, that they were also filled with the invaders. In a very short time both the sky and the ground were filled with pre-battle chaos which made movement for both the Pony invaders and the reserve forces trying to mobilize in the defense of their home far more difficult. This chaos had started and began spreading almost thirty minutes ago, though for most involved it felt much longer. Nopony had heard anything from Thanatos or much of anything from one another due to being so badly scattered, and so each unit indoors was pretty much on its own. Applejack's own unit of six had been split in half by half a foot of stone, and not even her legs were powerful enough to kick through it without hurting herself. The only reason they knew that the others were still alive were the occasional air vent cut into the stone that they occasionally passed. The last time they'd spoken was two rooms ago. They'd also encountered a few locals that had attacked them, but other than one scratch and a few bruises they were fine. “We need to regroup with them.” The taller of the two Unicorns said, not for the first time. “Let's try-” A flash briefly filled their vision followed by the sound of an explosion in the next room and the sound of heavy stone falling onto more stone. The three briefly looked at one another, then nodded and ran through the room Applejack had lured the Gryphon through, through what seemed to be a study, and then slid to a stop at the edge of what used to be a short hallway that forked in two different directions. Whatever had happened a few seconds ago had blasted away the outer wall and collapsed part of the roof onto the path, which had apparently caused a small avalanche that ripped away the flooring and sent it tumbling down to the grounds below. Ah pity anypony down below! Applejack thought with a grimace. On the grounds far below Applejack Twilight Sparkle paused a second to wonder at the shadow that suddenly appeared at her hoofs and then looked up, gasped, and teleported a short distance away just in time to avoid being turned to purple paste by a few hundred pounds of stone. “What the heck?!” She wondered aloud as she looked up at the nearest place it could have fallen from. High up a nearby cliff there seemed to be part of a structure sticking out of the side of it, but she could not be sure, and right now she did not have the time to examine it further. Even though the small army she'd appeared with had not been involved in any real fighting it had still seen casualties from bodies that occasionally dropped from the sky when the Gryphon city's defending forces finally arrived and engaged the Pegasi. Every few seconds (or so it seemed) another body or six would tumble down. Some, whom had only had a broken wing, would be saved by a Unicorn before splattering on the ground (or another Pony or a valley building) below, others would not or else would be dead to begin with amounts of damage inflicted on them. Also, and quite unfortunately, the majority of those dropping were not Gryphons. “We're got to get up there and help them, somehow!” Was a constant statement muttered by the ground forces as they watched the dots in the sky moving about erratically. The Unicorns could try attacking from where they were, but at this distance there was little hope of accuracy. “Why aren't they trying to fly lower?” Twilight pondered, once more thinking aloud. “We're not doing them any good separated like this!” “I don't know.” Twilight looked to the right to see an actual soldier also looking up. “Regrouping is standard procedure in a situation like this. If they're not rejoining us, they've probably got a very good reason for-” A strange object dropped away from the rest of the bodies and birds and other things cluttering the skies, tumbling end over end as it fell. Twilight watched it in idle curiosity. It's a plain, two-handled clay vase. Huh. I guess a civilian must have dropped when- The jar, which had jar landed on the roof of a small valley house and exploded, sending fiery shards of pottery in all directions, killing two, and injuring two more. Three more fell from the sky directly above two clusters of soldiers, followed by six more vases and four corpses. The soldier yelled at the top of his lungs for everypony to find something to duck behind. Twilight dove beneath a small wooden wagon and covered her head, casting one more glance upward just in time to see one dot dive downward and catch one of the vases. Now I know why they aren't coming any lower! Twilight realized, her eyes widening as more flying figures did the same. They're protecting us! Applejack took a step back from the opening in the wall and swallowed as another explosive vase fell by and smashed against the cliff face. The floor trembled briefly, and then settled again. “Well, we're not getting to the next room through here!” One of the Unicorn soldiers stated. “That gap is too far to jump.” “Fer you, maybe!” Applejack said with a snort. “Ah could get 'cross that easy!” Still, she wasn't stupid or undiciplined enough to just move ahead without the members of her unit. Applejack backtracked a little looked around the study for anything they might use as a makeshift bridge, and her eyes landed on a tall bookshelf that had fallen forward when the explosion shook the cliff. Twi will kill me if she ever finds out about this! Applejack thought before calling the two Unicorns back and telling them her idea. The two shrugged. “We'll make some rich Gryphon angry for using his wooden furniture for a floor patch, and we'll get back to our group. I like it!” the younger of the two Unicorns declared, nodding with a poorly-hidden smile. His senior (by only two years) nodded her consent, and together the two levitated the book case over the gap and trotted across. The other path had unfortunately blocked by a cave-in. When the Unicorns stopped on the book case (in plain sight to anyone outside) to try clearing it another vase exploded above them and more debris rained down around them. When the bookcase creaked from the additional weight of the fallen stone they thought better of it and followed Applejack to the other side. Thanatos frowned at the lone creature that sat lazily in what passed as a throne in Gryphon culture. It seemed completely at ease even with his guard's spears and horns leveled at it and sat sideways in it with his clawed feet sticking out over the side.. “It's about time you got here. I was-” it stopped and yawned in an exaggerated way and stretched its arms. “about to fall asleep!” “Where is the Gryphon queen, Dragon pup?!” Thanatos demanded of the red draconian youth, whom frowned at being called a pup. “I'm not a pup, and she's already dead.” the youth replied, sliding a claw across his throat. “You got here too late, Horsey.” “How dare you disrespect king Thanatos?!” Shouted one of the two guards standing on either side of Thanatos. “I'll skewer your-” Thanatos moved a leg in front of the angry guard, not moving his eyes from the Dragon. “Who among you slew her, and why is the Gryphon nation not in an uproar over that assassination?” The Dragon rolled his eyes. “Assassination? Hardly. She was slain in full public view of her citizens. Traditional duel for leadership and all that.” “Then why is her city's militia fighting us?” The Dragon looked out an open window at the proceedings taking place around them and rolled his eyes. “Well gee, this is just a guess, but it might be because the Equestrian military just invaded them!” he replied, sarcasm so thick you could spread it on toast. “I'd be upset too if someone came barging into my den without invitation armed to the teeth!” The Dragon straightened on his seat (which looked like a very uncomfortable couch. It being uncomfortable accounting for his improper seating). “I was left in charge here while out War Leader continued the fight against the Humans. We don't really want or need this place, but taking out the only flying opponents decent at fighting in the air besides ourselves in the world-” the Pegasi with Thanatos stiffened at the insult this time directed at them, but a stern look from Thanatos made them stay where they stood. “seemed like a wise idea. It seems you had the same idea, just too late to succeed, but in time to be trespassing on Draconic territory. That being said, leave.” Applejack closed a bedroom door, feeling a little ashamed. Inside the room a small family was hidden. They'd begged to be spared, and said that they ('they' being Applejack and the one remaining Unicorn) could have anything they wanted. Great. Now I'm the villainess! I absolutely, positively, and SINCERELY apologize for the lateness of this post, as well as the chapter that will follow afterwards. No, I haven't forgotten about this, and I feel like a colossal moron for only figuring this out a few days ago: I discovered that Wordpad can open modern WORD program documents. Yes, I do have another chapter in the works for this, and it's nearly done, as is the fic itself. Next actual-chapter is going to have a few shocks (or at least confusion-inducing events), though given the way this storyline has been going it really shouldn't be.Thanks for not sending me hate mail like i know some authors get over delayed fics, and good night. (it's 11:38 right now, so yes, it IS still night as I type this)