
by SirTreeofarbor

Look in the Mirror.

She was looking at herself. Fluttershy was staring in the mirror. She blinked, and she was still there.

She blinked again, and she was still there.

She blinked again, and she was looking at something else, a creature that was nothing like her.

She blinked again, and more appeared, she blinked again, and more appeared. They looked at her, and as she moved the eyes followed her.

She turned, and the record player was sitting in the corner playing a tune, and a tray with two cups, two necklaces, and oddly two snow globes. One with what she knew was the city of Cloudsdale, and the other unknown.

The phase "Constants and variables," left her lips and her nose began to bloom with blood. she turned again, and looked at the mirror again as the record player moved to a new song. It was on the guitar with no words it sounded wonderful, and she sung.

"Will the circle be unbroken
By and by, by and by?
Is a better home awaiting
In the sky, in the sky?"

She turned, and a creature was looking at her, a person she knew holding a guitar.

It said "Look in the mirror," Then in a flicker of light he was gone.

She looked, and the Songbird was looking at her, and visions began to flash, color began to blur, and a broken twisted voice asked.

"Why did you do so much to trap me, to bury me, to remove me, to degrade me, to remove me, to kill me? Why do you still try? Why do you wish to kill all of us? You will wake up to us soon." The Songbird was taking other forms as it spoke, to the creatures she had just seen, and Fluttershy felt herself scream.

Fluttershy awoke in a cold sweat and gasped. The SongBird was standing over her.

It was starring at her with blue eyes a gentle glow coming from the coloration. It seemed to play off Fluttershy's mind infecting it perhaps. Shaking her head Fluttershy decided to think about that dream latter.

"Oh hello little fellow? Are you tried?" Fluttershy said with a smile, under the blue glow of those eyes.

Then it began to talk. In a deep gutter-able groan of a voice. "Not tired..... Waiting. Learning. Observing, I am." the Songbirds eyes flickered at that very moment, and two figures appeared, and the Songbird was gone. The faces they had covered in darkness.

"Hmm I am not sure we are getting through to her," it was the same voice as the female pony that offered her the tea.

"Or course WE aren't, she will do that for us, in fact I think she already has. What with the Songbird starting to put the pieces together it is only a matter of time." The male voice.

"Yes we just need to manage it don't we?" The female voice said.

"Who are you two?" Fluttershy said loudly, she was scared at this moment.

"Well, we are your keepers in a manner of speaking, your debtors, and you are the debt, and here you are. In this place beyond places, really however we are not real. But because are know who we are outside your mind we can make you do what you need to in that true world you are running from," They were both speaking at the exact same time which put Fluttershy at great unease.

"We however can't seem to make you remember fully, it seems that task will be left up to the more unstable part of you. We simply are the more logical figment you have," a door appeared behind them, "Well til next time in the real world," the light that played off them revealed them to be the odd pale creatures that Fluttershy had seen in her vision.

"Also we are not tall pale creatures. We are human," And then Fluttershy looked down at herself....

And she was standing on two legs, was pale and was odd.... but as soon as the door slammed shut it was gone her body was no longer... human....

The Songbird stood over Cloudsdale standing on a a pillar of cloud. A forbidding energy surrounding him as he remembered another's life.... Well was forced to remember another's life... more than that... he was the life that person pushed away, hid within themselves.

For the first time in a long time he had a choice.

Perhaps his only choice.

In a flash of light two figures he knew appeared before him.

The Lutece twins. The fact that he even knew that was wrong, he shouldn't know that, it was not something the Songbird was supposed to know.

The male Lutece sat at a piano and began to play. The notes the Songbird knew. But not from being the Songbird.....

This world was fake. It was so cheerful, and that cheerfulness was only matched by how fake it was. A world created as a escape, and he was not supposed to be here.

The fact he could even think this far into the situation meant he already made a choice. He would force the answers out of this fake world.

And he knew where to get them.

The girl.