//------------------------------// // Back To Sky // Story: An Unlikely Visit // by Budder33125 //------------------------------// "So, Minecraft must be a pretty darn, dangerous place to live, huh?" Apple Jack assumed. "How could you live there?" she asked surprised. "No,No,No. I don't live in Minecraft. That's a game that you can get on your computer-" Sky was cut off. "Computer?" Apple Jack asked. "Let me finish! I'll explain that later!" Sky yelled irritated. Apple Jack looked at him, startled, and after a few seconds, nodded. "OK! So, I play Minecraft, but I actually live in Washington, a place on Earth. I am a famous Minecraft Youtuber who has over 9 million subscribers. Here's a fun fact, about mua." Sky showed a smug smile. "One day, Lady Gaga-I'll explain her later, was interested in playing Minecraft. Of course, I invited her to join me because she is so famous. To my surprise, she said bring it on! Later on, she invited me to take part in one of her music videos called 'G.U.Y.' So, I met Lady Gaga and was in one of her music videos!" Sky boasted. Apple Jack rolled her eyes. How could a prince be so..boastful? she thought. "Now let me explain the other-" "Woah partner, save that for later." Apple Jack cut off. "Well, if you're going to be here, then you better get uselful!" Apple Jack said, trying to make Sky work. Sky grumbled and walked to an apple tree. I'll just let him do it his own thing, See if he's good enough. Apple Jack thought smiling. She walked to another tree, miles away from the one Sky was at and paid no attention to Sky. "How the hell do I do this?" Sky said, looking up at the tall tree. "Apple Jack did tell me about wings and magic." Sky said thinking hard. He stopped and started flapping his wings. He went up about three feet off the ground and fell," Ugh, I need to go way higher than that." Sky thought aloud. He flapped his wings harder and went up high enough to grab an apple with his mouth. When he grabbed the apple, he smiled. "YES! I think I'm getting the hang of this." Sky said jubilantly. He started doing rapid loops, having fun with his new wings and picked up the apple with his horn. When he reached the ground he noticed a golden aura surrounding the apple while it was floating. " Oh mah gah, I have BUDDER magic!" Sky yelled. "Wait, maybe I can do more than just levitate things..." Sky thought aloud, smiling. Sky concentrated as hard as he could while gold, or 'budder' pieces were appearing in mid-air and making something. Finally, after a few minutes, it was clear that Sky was making a 'budder' sword. The sword fell on the ground and Sky started swetting and gasping for air. "Is it really that hard?" Sky asked himself. Sky laid down until he felt strong enough to stand up. As he stood up, he picked up the 'budder' sword and looked off into the distance. Apple Jack came trotting to him. Her eyes widened. "Where the hay did you get that? Don't use it!" Apple Jack yelled in fear. Sky looked at Apple Jack and showed a devilish smile. Two seconds later, she was hanging in the air, screaming while having a cap saying "Oh Mah Gah". "What the hay, what's wrong with you?" she asked angrily. Sky smiled. "I'm UNTAMEABLE! Now, just shut up and let me find my friends." Before Apple Jack could say anything else he dropped Apple Jack a few feet off the ground and flew off to find his friends.