Anatomy of a Friend

by atomicponies13

The After Party

When the party after the funeral came\, it was much better than the actual funeral. Everyone who knew Pinkie was there that time, even Gilda! Really all that happened was some dancing, some music, and a lot of speeches. Octavia and Vinyl Scratch even made some music dedicated to Pinkie. Maud wrote a poem for her too.

" So Luna, I didn't really expect you to come," Twilight was very happy that Luna was at the party. She didn't really get to see Luna much. She was a real shy pony. She was actually a little surprised that she wasn't best friends with Fluttershy, saying they have so much in common.

" Yes, since I didn't come to Pinkie's funeral I thought I should at least come to this party", Luna replied. " I was pretty heartbroken when she died."

" I'm pretty sure everyone was," Twilight stated.

" Yes, even though I didn't know her, I still loved her," Luna blushed when she noticed what she just said. "You know, as a friend and any other pony."

Twilight had guessed one thing about why Luna was so shy. Since she was immortal, she probably didn't like making friends. The reason why would be that she would outlive any of her friends. It made perfect sense if you think about it.

" I'm going to talk to my sister, Twilight, so see you later," Luna walked away and started to talk to her sister.

Somepony tapped on Twilight's shoulder. She turned around and saw that is was Applejack who tapped her shoulder.

" Hey Applejack, want something?" Twilight asked.

" Just wanting to know if you are going to make a speech, we all made one besides you," Applejack answered. " If you want you don't have too."

" No, I want to." Twilight then walked over to a small stand for making speeches. She was guessing that Rarity was nearing the end of her speech.

" Really, I must say, that Pinkie Pie was my best friend in the whole wide world of Equestria, if not for her, my boutique may have been out have business! Thank you for listening." Rarity finished her speech and everypony clapped.

Twilight walked up to the stand and Rarity winked her a wink of good luck. Twilight stood up on the stand and started her speech.

"Hi everypony and thank you for coming to the party. I know that Pinkie really would have appreciated it. This speech isn't improvised or anything. That is quite unusual for me." Everypony giggled a little bit but quieted themselves quickly. " While Pinkie was drunk almost all the time, she was one of my best friends. On my first day to Ponyville, Pinkie Pie gasped and ran away just at the sight of me. At the time, I thought that was extremely rude. But really, she was planning a party for me to welcome me to Ponyville! I very much regret on my last words to her. But, I'm pretty sure that she would forgive me. I thought that it was my fault at first that she died. My friend Applejack told me that it was her own fault. I'm not here today to talk about her death, I'm here to talk about her life! Pinkie Pie would go to extreme measures to be friends with anypony she encountered. There was almost nothing that would stop her from being friends with somepony. I know so many ponies who would be in a huge life crisis if it wasn't for Pinkie. Take Rarity for example. She would probably be bankrupt if it wasn't for her promoting her boutique where ever she went. Really I would have been lost without her. And I'm pretty sure you all agree. Well, have a good day everypony, thank you for coming once again." When Twilight finished her speech she heard a huge round of applause. Her cheeks were red with embarrassment.

" Yea, thanks everypony, it isn't much. It just came to me," Twilight explained to try to hide her embarrassment.

" sniff sniff That was much more than not much. It was awe inspiring!" Applejack said while wiping her eyes with her hoof.

" It was beautiful! I couldn't of done any better!" Rarity added.

"Aw shucks girls, you don't have to be that nice," Twilight said.

" Your right Twilight," Rainbow Dash replied, " We should be nicer!"

" I must ask how did you come up with such an inspiring speech?" Rarity questioned.

" l really just thought about Pinkie Pie and said what came to mind," Twilight answered.

For a second there was an awkward silence.

" Pinkie Pie would have said something funny right now," Applejack said in a low voice.

Then there was an even longer awkward silence.

Rainbow was the first to break the silence. "Well, I have to go, I'm going to try to teach Scootaloo how to fly tomorrow. It might take the entire day up." Rainbow Dash then walked away from the party.

" Yea, sorry girls, I'm going to have to leave too. I took a few days off from working at the farm and I need to catch up," Applejack added.

" I'm afraid I have to go also. I'm going to a fashion show in Manehattan tomorrow and I'm wanting to get there as son as possible," Rarity said.

" Yea, I also have to go because of something important," Fluttershy said.

" See you girls later," Twilight said her farewells to her friends and went back to the party. She was pretty sure that some of them made up excuses to go home. She really didn't care. The conversation was getting pretty awkward. About an hour later everypony else left. She decided to go to bed, since it was getting pretty late. She was also completely exhausted.

"Goodbye Luna, have a good night! I need to study so sorry you couldn't stay longer," Twilight felt really sorry that she basically had to kick Luna out. She wished she could talk to her more often. " Yea I am looking forward to studying something important."

" What is it? Because I might be able to help," Luna offered.

" It's kind of personal, sorry!"