The Separate Lives of the Mane Six

by memphisgurl

The Frozen Death - Pinkie Pie

I hope this is all just a dream. Never in all my life have I seen such horrifying things. I would never have thought that even my subconsciousness could have such a wild imagination, which is, I suppose, what leads to me believe that this is all real.

Though I try to hide from it, I know it will eventually come for me as well. Of this I am certain, for I can already feel the cold beginning to enter my body. No matter how hard i try, there is no escape. I may be able to avoid this terrible cold for a while longer than most but it shall catch up to me in the end. Eventually I will fall into the icy clutches of winter.

For it is time for history to repeat itself. This has happened only once before, millions of years ago, except this time, it is different. This time the world is preparing to collapse in upon itself and begin anew. Of course, if the world is starting over, then everything currently in existence must die.

The most brutal natural death known to me has come; the frozen death. In less than a day the cold will come for me as well. I suppose the time has come. The time for me to discover what is happening. Now I have done it; I have finally managed to pluck up enough courage to go outside. I wish I hadn't, but I know it was necessary.

The scene before my eyes is terrible. Everything that was once alive is encased in ice. Not innocent looking ice either. This ice is black; black as the darkest, most unforgiving night. Not only is everything frozen but also the sky is black, as if it were night. So really, practically everything around is black, giving off an unforgiving demeanor. It feels as though I am walking through an endless void.

In just a few hours I will join the rest of Equestria as a frozen corpse, left to haunt the world as it self-destructs. My hooves are starting to freeze to the ground and become encased in ice. The ice of death.

No matter how hard I pull I cannot break free. All I am accomplishing is getting the ice to spread faster up my body. Not only is the ice impeding upon me but the darkness is as well. It is falling; plummeting down towards the ground. i open my mouth and let loose a bloodcurdling scream; the last sound this version of the world shall ever hear just as the ice closes atop my head.