//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 // Story: My Little Pony: Twilight's Requiem // by Pika53 //------------------------------// Chapter #7: Exiting the elevator once again, Twilight sighed and wondered what would happen next. They had just completed yet another test chamber after that disaster of a room involving the evil spike plates. This latest test had involved reflecting a laser through several cubes and into a large receptor hole while navigating across a vast acid lined chamber while using a combination of tricky flings from small platforms and more of those blue light beams. Honestly, she could only hope that whoever made these absurd tests was very pleased with themselves. She knew she’d already had enough of them. Somewhere along the way they had lost the strange little sphere that had recently joined them. Not that she minded of course; the sphere had proven to be a burden… not to mention very annoying. Twilight felt the beginning of a lovely headache forming at the memory of the sphere’s helpful advice during the last test. Feeling the effects of the day take its toll, Twilight struggled to ignore Pinkie Pie's ramblings as they traveled onward. Making their way to a nearby door, she had to wonder how the pink pony managed to stay so energetic when all she wanted was to find a nice, quiet place to get some sleep. Speaking of ‘energetic’, Twilight wondered how Pinkie could still talk nonstop. All throughout the previous test chamber, both Pinkie Pie and that little sphere had babbled incessantly. Twilight had tried desperately to “tune out the talker” but found it extremely difficult when navigating through a twisted labyrinth where mistakes could have dire consequences. During this time, Pinkie had covered the topics of flying fish, Fluttershy's interesting experience with a chicken, a story her grandma told her about a flaming cloud, the taffy that came to life, and countless other stories. Twilight groaned as Pinkie’s continued speech did nothing for her growing headache. Curiously, the cold, venomous voice had not spoken to them on this level. Entering the next room, Twilight was surprised to see Jaden and Trixie already there. The room itself was nothing special, a large round area with pristine walls and floors. On the room’s far side was another door. Except for a small pedestal in the center, the room was empty. On the pedestal were several small objects. These objects comprised a round metal thing the size of a small dinner plate and an entire plate of chocolate cake; an unknown red substance covering it. What caught Twilight’s attention the most however, was the sight of Jaden and Trixie looking as exhausted as she felt. Looking on, Twilight noticed that Trixie appeared bruised and was missing her hat. Her cape was also ripped in numerous places and her right hind leg was bandaged. Twilight wondered what had happened to her. “Hey, guys glad to see you made it. We just arrived a few moments ago and it seems we found what we’re looking for… although I can’t explain the last part.” Jaden greeted as he spotted them. Twilight nodded as she turned her attention to the injured showpony. “Trixie, what happened to you?” she asked. Trixie flinched momentarily before responding. “Trixie doesn’t want to talk about it.” Before Twilight could respond further she felt a swift breeze as Pinkie Pie zipped past her and over to the pedestal and pounced on the cake. For a moment, all she could think to do was blink. However, over the sound of Trixie’s disgusted snort, Twilight planted her face in a hoof and groaned as Jaden approached her. “You know, I was always under the impression that the cake was a lie.” he muttered. Twilight blinked momentarily before rolling her eyes. “Time to head back to the castle methinks.” Jaden remarked as he returned to the pedestal and collected the plaque piece. Twilight could only nod in agreement as that plan sounded better than just standing around. “So, what have you guys been up to?” Pinkie asked. “Well, we solved some tests for a homicidal maniac, received a lovely tour of the facility and met some enthusiastic little admirers…” Jaden answered. Looking on, Twilight blinked. She could have sworn she’d just heard Jaden imitate Trixie. Said mare, was staring at the human incredulously. Twilight shook her head. “…the turrets. You?” he continued. Twilight could have sworn she saw Trixie flinch at that statement and tilted her head to the side curiously. This surprising revelation in turn made her wonder what a turret was. “Same thing. Say, would anypony else like a slice?” Pinkie offered, holding out the plate of cake for anypony else. “Uh, we’ll pass. Thanks for caring.” Jaden replied as the group slowly stumbled toward the remaining door. “Say Pinkie, you haven’t happened to have seen any super assassins attempt to take down any evil tyrants lately have ya?” he asked. Pinkie Pie, who had just finished the cake, cocked an eyebrow and covered her muzzle with both hoofs when she realized whatever it was that Jaden had meant. “Uh, no.” she squeaked out with a nervous smile. Twilight blinked incredulously at the party balloon flanked mare, trying to figure out what was going on as the group passed through the remaining entryway and navigated through another series of corridors. As they traveled, Twilight noticed that Trixie was limping but refused to be aided in any manner. Shaking her head, Twilight wondered just what the light blue unicorn had experienced back there. A short time later, they reached the elevator that lead back to the surface and rode it back to the others. Exiting the elevator, Twilight watched the others leap to their hooves and approach. “What took you guys so long?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Are ya’ll alright?” Applejack probed. “We’re fine Applejack, just a little tired.” Twilight replied trying to stifle a yawn. Trixie meanwhile, responded with a contemptuous snort. Jaden began filling the others in on what had occurred in the tunnels below. Twilight however, was only half-listening to the story as she struggled to remain awake. After all, this wasn’t exactly the best place to take a nap. “Well, now what?” Tess asked. “I think it would be a good idea to head back to Ponyville and hop a train back to Canterlot and check on that inactive portal in Canterlot Castle. After all, we now have the means to get it to work.” Jaden replied hefting the plaque piece. Twilight frowned and gained a thoughtful look. The boy did have a point considering that plan sounded better than just standing around. Minutes later, the group began the long trek back to Ponyville. *************** Exiting the train in Canterlot, Twilight felt reinvigorated. Although the trip itself seemed relatively short, the rest had done wonders for her sense of wellbeing. Curiously, the sky was dark like night but she couldn’t recall seeing it so dark anywhere else. Standing nearby, she noticed that, along with most of the others, Jaden and Tess were carefully scrutinizing the situation as well. Applejack, it appeared, had agreed to help transport the gear and had hooked herself to the cart. Twilight couldn’t help a small yawn as she made her way over to them. “Did you sleep well, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked. “Yeah, I needed that.” Twilight replied with a contented sigh. “Well, it seems sleepin' beauty finally decided to join us.” Jaden muttered, eliciting snickers from Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. Turning, Twilight watched as Rarity wearily staggered off the train and yawned; followed soon after by Trixie. She wasn’t sure exactly who Jaden was talking about and apparently neither were they as both unicorns glared at the boy; who smirked in reply. Curiously, the showmare had a set of glasses, a beard, and whiskers traced out on her face. Twilight suspected she knew who the culprits responsible for that were, as the sounds of snickering continued. “Oi.” Twilight groaned, rolling her eyes. “Hey Twi, hold onto this will ya?” Jaden called out before tossing something at her. Twilight quickly caught the object with her magic and realized it was the plaque piece. She blinked a moment before nodding and placing the item in her saddlebag. “Now that everypony’s ready I reckon we should get goin’.” Applejack spoke up. Murmurs and nods permeated through the group as Jaden turned to Tess. “So, rotating point?” he asked. “Yeah, sure.” Tess agreed. Nodding, Jaden raised his weapon and started walking. The rest of the group quickly followed. As they traveled, Twilight was taken aback by the rapid pace as they made their way through the station and out onto city streets. Despite the quick pace however, it had still taken a considerable amount of time to get through the train station as they had frequently encountered barricades in their path. It wasn’t much better once they’d reached city streets. Several hours later, Twilight let her gaze drift and struggled to make sense of what she was seeing. They were currently passing along the outskirts of the residential area if she wasn’t mistaken. All around them, smashed windows, ruined shops, barricades, and assorted rubble was strewn all over the place. In fact, it had been that way since they’d left the train station. Twilight hardly recognized the place at all. As they waited for Jaden and Tess to return from investigating the area just up the road, Twilight was aware that traveling through an increasingly bizarre cityscape was beginning to fray at her nerves and was sure the same was happening to the others. Considering how stressed everypony was becoming, it wouldn't be long before they were at each other’s throats. Seeing the pair returning, Twilight sighed in relief. “Any luck?” she called out. Jaden shook his head. “There’s another barricade at the end of the street.” he replied. Twilight moaned in defeat. “Well? Now what?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I suppose this is as good a place to stop and rest as any other.” Jaden answered as he approached a nearby tree and leaned against it. Most of the group deliberated a moment before sitting down. After a few minutes, Twilight also took a seat. “Uh… shouldn’t we keep moving? I mean Equestria could be in danger!” she insisted. “Not likely considering that even up here we’re still trapped half a mile underground.” Jaden retorted. Excluding Trixie, who groaned and rolled her eyes, six mares exchanged confused looks. “I gotta good look at the moon through a hole in the roof when me and Trixie jumped the testing track.” the boy continued. Twilight was spared from speaking as Rarity suddenly wailed “Of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE... WORST... POSSIBLE… THING!” She promptly collapsed into a chair that seemed to materialize from out of nowhere, sobbing. Excluding Jaden and Pinkie, who looked on amused, everypony glared at her. “What? I really mean it this time!” Rarity snapped. Twilight rubbed her temples in exasperation and groaned. “Well, whatever happens next don’t ask me to pony up for gas.” Jaden murmured. Seven mares exchanged confused looks. “What?” Twilight inquired. “Never mind. You’ll just hurt yourself.” Jaden smirked, eliciting a snicker from Trixie. Over the sound of Trixie’s laughter, Twilight’s right eye twitched as she felt her headache returning. “Now, if only I had a Ripper, or a ‘Rock-IT’ launcher.” The boy continued, prompting more confused looks. “Oh, you mean something like this whatchamacallit?” Pinkie Pie asked; pulling out a long, cylindrical object she’d produced from... somewhere. “Pinkie… where did… how did you?” Twilight stammered. “I found it while we were traveling through that maze-thingy back there.” Pinkie explained while hopping around. “An M32… sweet! Mind if I hold onto this?” Jaden cheered, rushing over to Pinkie Pie. “Yeah, sure.” Pinkie replied handing the object over to him. As the boy continued to admire the device, murmuring something to himself about lemons, Twilight watched as Tess sighed and rolled her eyes at him in as much annoyance as Twilight felt at the moment. “I now christen thee the ‘bunny stomper’.” Jaden remarked fondly of the device as he returned to the tree. Fluttershy squeaked in horror at the comment. “What? Those things are evil. Particularly when they steal all your stuff to make a pile so they can return to their home on the moon.” Jaden countered. “Oooookay... that’s nice to know. You were dropped on your head, weren’t you?” Tess drawled sarcastically. “I was drop kicked. Perhaps fumbled a few times... but never actually dropped.” Jaden retorted cheekily. Twilight groaned and rolled her eyes. Moments later, she blinked as she recalled something Jaden had mentioned earlier. “Wait… you did what during the tests?” she asked. “We sorta cheated to meet up with you by exiting the test area and later coming back to it. Not that it really matters of course considering their just tests.” Jaden replied. Twilight blinked a moment at the statement before bolting to her hooves. “Just tests… JUST TESTS! We just survived a grueling series of obstacles where mistakes could have serious repercussions and you’re saying they’re JUST TESTS!” she shrieked. “Yeah, pretty much. Why, you expectin’ a pop quiz?” Jaden responded nonchalantly. Twilight growled through clenched teeth. She heard murmuring from some of her fellows but paid it no heed; feeling a growing ire the likes of which she hadn’t experienced in some time begin to take hold. “Ya know, you’re awful cute.” Jaden remarked, eliciting snickers. “Aww, shut up… and no I don’t need a hug!” Twilight hissed, over the sound of Trixie’s hysterical laughter. She then whirled around and pointed at Pinkie Pie. “Or a party!” Pinkie Pie haughtily waved a hoof at her. “Well, duh. What do you take me for, Twilight? A simpleton?” A series of strangled noises and half formed words spilled out of Twilight's mouth. It took a colossal force of will for her to turn away and address everypony present. “Listen, girls…” “Don’t forget… I’m a dude.” Jaden piped up. Twilight rubbed her temples in exasperation; trying hard to ignore the intrusion as she continued. “…let’s all put our heads together and think of what to do next.” Pinkie came up to Twilight, took the unicorn's cheeks in her hooves, and bonked their foreheads together. “Ow! Pinkie! What are you doing?” Twilight cried in pain and shoved the earth pony away. “Putting our heads together, just like you said!” Pinkie explained while rubbing her sore noggin. “I'm not sure how that's supposed to work without getting a huge headache though.” Over the sound of snickers, Twilight planted her face in a hoof and groaned. “Pinkie, that's not what I meant. It means to brainstorm ideas.” “Huh. Hey, Dashie. Could you go get a raincloud…” “Don't even go there!” Pinkie Pie sighed in exasperation. “You know, Twilight? If you just said what you mean, then others wouldn't take what you said the wrong way.” Another series of strangled noises and half formed words spilled out of Twilight's mouth. Before she could go into full blown rage mode however, Applejack stepped between the two ponies and spoke up. “Let's get back on track here. Now, what do ya'll think should be our next move? I reckon we should continue on ta the castle. We do that and I'm sure we can find a way ta get outta here.” “A perfectly reasonable suggestion, Applejack.” Rarity said. “Just... how do we go about doing that?” An uneasy silence permeated through the group. “We should keep moving. Considering our hostess constructed this place in such a logical manner, we should be able to find a clear route if we keep looking.” Jaden spoke up. Twilight cocked an eyebrow at the evident sarcasm in the human’s voice. Amused in spite of herself at having similar feelings on the matter. “Judging by the condition of this place, and what happened back in Ponyville, the only question now is where are all the dead people… ponies?” he continued gazing around the area. Twilight frowned at hearing this and gained a thoughtful look. After all, the boy did have a point there too. They hadn’t seen anypony since they barely escaped from Ponyville after meeting up. The situation was reminiscent of when she’d first awakened and Twilight shuddered at the thought of what that could mean. “Fine. Let's just go!” Rainbow Dash snapped, bolting to her hooves. Nodding, Jaden raised his rifle and began walking as the rest of the group got up. Tess was right behind him. “Your horrible.” the alicorn murmured. “You have no idea… course my cousins are worse though.” Jaden replied cheekily. Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes; knowing where that conversation was going as she followed them. This was becoming quite a day; wasn’t it over yet?