The Separate Lives of the Mane Six

by memphisgurl

Rising Darkness - Applejack

It has been impeding upon us for a long time now. So long, in fact that I've forgotten what it was like to live without the threat of impending doom. Doom brought down upon civilization by a cloud of despair and depression.

The world will end as soon as this cloud fully envelopes society. Those of us who have managed to survive and find sustenance will be the last. The last of our race. When the end comes only those of us with resolves of iron shall watch the decimation of all existence around us. I shall be one who watches because I feel it is necessary to see for yourself and not just believe what you are told.

So I shall stand at the edge of the horizon, vigilant as an ancient sentinel, and witness the end of life. The end of time itself. Everything shall die. The universe itself shall cease to exist.

We have naught but a few hours left. The darkness is rising. It seek to overwhelm everything. The sun vanished a few days ago. That was when we truly knew we were doomed. When all hell broke loose. For if Princess Celestia herself can be overwhelmed then what chance did we have?

Ponies all across Equestria tried to flee. Others said their last goodbyes to their family and friends before they committed suicide. There were however a select few of us, who like me, chose to wait for the end and watch as the universe was overwhelmed.

Those who tried to tough it out slowly died as food supplies dwindled. So many of them, in fact, that I am the sole survivor. The only one left to watch the world shatter into millions of tiny pieces. I can only wait and hope beyond all logical boundaries of reason that something will push back the darkness.In the back of my mind the rational part of my soul tells me that there is no way anything can stop life from becoming extinct. No matter how hard i try to avoid the truth I have to accept it. I must accept that the universe shall cease to exist along with all that resides here.

The darkness is coming, rapidly now. In just a few moments the end shall arrive. I stand vigilantly now as I watch the darkness rush toward the ground. The darkness is beginning to touch the ground, destroying everything in its path. It is but a few feet away from me now. This is my last moment, the darkness is ripping me apart...