The Second Son

by Gleaming

Infamous: Scientific Analysis


Infamous: Scientific Analysis


Before Delsin could even ask another question to Twilight, his wrists were chained by one of Twilight's scientific analysis computers that collects data for Twilight to look over and come to a conclusion. The computer was hooked up to a machine that prints out the data that is collected, Delsin felt like a test subject to an insane genius.

''So, what is this machine and computer for?'' Delsin struggled, trying to break free from the computer's grip.

''To put in the terms for you to understand, the computer collects the data that comes from anything that is attached to it, and the machine prints out the data and the results for a conclusion to be made.'' Twilight turned on the computer and machine, by flipping the switches. ''Simple as that.''

''To collect any data, I need you to commit an action, any action at all.'' Twilight's horn started to flicker on and off, a certain occurrence that never happened before.

Delsin's struggle to break free caused flames to emerge from his wrists and throughout his body. His energy was concentrated with a surge of smoke and embers coming out of his wrists.

The machine went haywire as the data flew around everywhere in the laboratory, the analysis computer did the same thing, but with smoke coming from the computer. As the last collection of data came out, the computer and machine explode.

A huge puff of smoke filled the room after the explosion, Twilight grabbed a fan with her magic and blew the smoke out of her eyes, to prevent any damage to her eyes or smoke inhalation. ''I think I made a slight miscalculation, but the data came out unscathed.''

Twilight took out the data from the damaged analysis computer and read the data to tell the results to Delsin. A long scroll of the data unraveled from the wreckage, as she kept on reading.

The scroll of data came out and the results were as followed:

Analysis: Delsin Rowe, a Conduit from Seattle, possesses a vast collection of powers and abilities along with basic Conduit abilities. In addition, Delsin has a repertoire of power manipulation.

His collection of powers and abilities range from Power Absorption to Concrete Manipulation. But since there are no neon lights or satellite dishes in Equestria, Delsin's powers are limited or most of his powers can not be used here. Although, there are some concrete structures and statues in the major cities of Equestria.

''Judging from the data collected, you are a Conduit who has powers and abilities that nopony in Equestria has.'' Twilight said, with a shocked expression on her face.

''Your data is valid, I wouldn't be surprised coming from a smart unicorn like yourself, Twilight Sparkle.'' Delsin said, flatteringly.

''Why, thank you, Delsin.'' Twilight's ears drooped down, while her cheeks were a light crimson red.

''Before I forget, would you mind letting me go?''


Twilight aimed her horn at the chains while her horn glowed with a huge spark, shooting a blast at the chains. The chains were shot off completely by the magical blast, even though the chains are metal, they didn't stand a chance against her magical prowess.

''Thanks, Twilight.'' Delsin's stomach started to growl with a low roar emitting from his stomach. ''I'm really hungry, can we get something to eat?''

''Sure, but we have to wait until Princess Celestia raises the sun.'' Twilight moved the damaged equipment to the trash section of the laboratory. ''For now, it is really dark outside. You may not know this but, we have a forest called the Everfree Forest, where dangerous animals and nocturnal creatures live in the forest, so you can stay here for the night if you want.''

''I would like that, Twilight.'' Delsin stormed out the door and up the stairs to the main room of the library, but Twilight beat him to it.

''Delsin, you can sleep upstairs with Spike and I.'' Twilight escorts Delsin up the stairs to the main bedroom, where Spike was still sleeping in his little bed with his blanket wrapped around him.

''I really appreciate the kind courtesy that you're showing me, Twilight. Even for a person that you just met today, I really expected both of us to have different reactions to approach this in an alternate fashion.'' Delsin walked to the side of Twilight's bed, taking off his clothes and he laid them at the side of the dresser near the bed.

''It was my pleasure, I felt the same way.'' Twilight giggled at the thought of Delsin's response, she joined Delsin in the warm comfort of her bed. ''We can go get some breakfast in the morning. Although, the food here is not the same food that you would be accustomed to.''

Both ponies closed their eyes to drift on to sleep, they kept themselves comfortable on each side of the bed. The stars in the sky twinkled while the mysterious appearance of the red moon, appeared in the sky as well.

During Delsin's slumber, a vision of Brooke Augustine appeared in his mind. He did not want an image of a tyrant who controlled Seattle with an iron fist, orchestrated a betrayal that led to his brother's death, and turned on a fellow conduit that she befriended before she became the director of the D.U.P.

The vision of Augustine showed a desolate wasteland of what used to be Seattle. She killed all of the dangerous Conduits that harmed the citizens, to maintain an oppressive control over everyone, as a false idol who promised that she was saving the Conduits. She stood atop her main headquarters of the city, where she had all of her forces scout out for any interference.

Delsin shifted back and forth in the bed, trying to rid himself of a horrible image. Beads of sweat rolled down his nervous body with the image fading away completely from his mind. The thought of Augustine destroying everything that we worked so hard for, sends shivers down my spine.

The vision in Delsin's nightmare triggered the red moon to appear in the sky. The red moon feeds off of the deepest, darkest fears that reside in the dark, twisted corners of a person's subconscious. He must not think of Augustine in his nightmares, or the red moon will bring strange changes to Equestria.