Speaker for the Silent

by NekroPony

2: Tracking, Cake, and a side order of Sprinting.

It is getting late they note as they gather near the bakery, but that's soon forgotten when Scootaloo points out a broken fern, and a few hoof-prints hinting that the Mare had come this way. Slowly they creep along, finding clue after clue. The light is just about gone when they hear eerie singing in the distance. Hauntingly singing "Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me..." and sounding more than a little sad.

"We found her!" yelps Apple Bloom, excitedly looking at her flank, the others follow suit, but after a few moments of blank flesh they sigh "Well I guess we should go home she probably don't want to see us." However as they are turning to head home they pause, hearing the pretty voice singing alone in the forest, on what appears to be her happiest day. At almost the exact same time the three of them say "Maybe we will go home after." as they trot towards the voice.

As they enter the small clearing they see a small campfire, a tarp covered wagon, and a tent. The grey mare, her hood now down to fully reveal her purple hair, and green eyes, singly alone in front of the fire, eating probably her fourth piece of the cake, already making a minor dent in the party sized cake. She hasn't noticed them, not even once the three of them plop their hindquarters down on the bench, each taking a slice of cake.

They sit in silence for a moment, until Apple Bloom speaks up "Hiya Serene, mind if we have a piece of your cake." right before she takes her second bite, startling the grey mare and causing the poor girl to jump out of her trance. "Wait, what, but... where are your parents?" she says, looking around nervously.
"We're big girls, we can look after ourselves, everyone in town already knows we are trying to figure out our cutie marks." Sweetie Belle answers as she eats "So if your camping just outside of Ponyville, why can't you come to a party."

Serene looks almost taken aback, like she's never been caught in a lie before and isn't quite sure what to do. "I, I just don't like talking to people. You kids should go home, it's dark and dangerous out here, your Cutie marks aren't worth anything." Apple Bloom's cake falls from her hoof as the three filly's look at the mare like she had just slapped them. They glance at one another and mutually decide not to say anything about it. After the pause, watching the mare squirm wondering what she said Scootaloo speaks up, "Fluttershy doesn't either, but she enjoys Pinkies Parties, come back to town and we will show you a good time."

Serene presses her forehead with her hoof, "This is why I hate children, go away, I don't need to suffer another Marehunt." Her face is no longer friendly as she gestures back towards Ponyville, expecting them to go, and the filly's suspect just a little hopefully.

Apple Blooms picks up her cake and finishes the piece, shooting a look at Sweetie Belle who steps up to distract the mare "We aren't gonna go anywhere. you lied to Pinkie, she would be so upset if she found out. We need to know why." She glances over at Apple Bloom who hitches herself up to the wagon, Scootaloo is already gone into the night, the faint sound of buzzing already fading.
The mare snorts in annoyance "Your a bunch of useless kids, I don't have to explain myself to you, go home and cry to your mothers." She glares darkly at Sweetie Belle, and takes another slice of cake.

Feeling just a little insulted by that remark. Sweetie Belle nods to Apple Bloom, "That's no way to be friendly, I'll see you in town." Sweetie says, and seeing the look of confusion on Serene's face she gestures to the rapidly disappearing wagon, Apple Blooms excess strength sending her away in a moment. Sweetie follows but a moment behind, gleeful as she hears the cries of frustration behind her. A tiny tang of guild hit hers as she things about how much those cry's sound almost fearful.

As predicted Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle easily keep in front of the mare, their smaller size making it easier to dodge through the forest, even with the wagon. Apple Bloom is sweating a lot as they burst out of the forest and back into ponyville as she says "My what da heck does she have in this, it's heavier than one of our wagons."

They slide into the main square, slowing down to pass all the pony's with slightly confused looks on their faces, Scootaloo waves from where Pinkie is finishing the party diligently stirring a humongous bowl of punch and they quickly trot over there, depositing the wagon next to the punch. "I though you would need a little longer." Sweetie Belle says, Scootaloo shrugs "I did to, but Pinkies was already preparing it, not sure why." They all look at Pinkie, and drop the line of questioning. Instead they take a looks to see if the guest of honor has arrived, and while they do see Twilight and the rest of Pinkies friends the grey mare is nowhere to be found.

They see her then, looking out of breath and just creeping behind one of the houses, avoiding the party as she makes her way towards her wagons. Sweetie grins mischievously "Oh deal, I don't think she knows anybody at this party."

The three filly's look to the side, Pinkie is no longer stirring punch.