//------------------------------// // Preparing for a final battle. // Story: To The End:Eternal Night // by Kickass222urmom //------------------------------// Chapter 1 The waste at night is one of the most dangerous places to be now. Creatures that wouldn't even try to hunt during the day are now thriving in the night. Ponies are also using this new night to their advantage. Using the night to aid them in killing their victims without being noticed. The plan to make eternal night may have helped in destroying the Dark ones, but the after effect was just as bad. Death is even more common, but now its just not ponies killing ponies. The night has brought out the most fearsome creatures it has to offer, which has caused the death of many ponies. The Nightblades was able to regroup, but are now few. All the scientist are dead, along with all the ones who knew the plan to remove Nightmare Moon. Now, there is nothing that can stop Nightmare Moon's wraith. Or is there.... Settlement of Hoofton 80 miles north of the Nightblades HQ. 2 months after Nightmare Moons return. Flick walked out of his small hut, and looked at the darkness around him. He liked it better than the daytime, he was sick of the sun. The moon was better, and the place wasn't that hot anymore. Flick's son, Pipe, walked out of the hut, "What are you doing dad?" Flick looked at him and patted his back, "Ah just taken a peek at the moon again, haven't seen it in years." He said in a heavy country accent. Pipe smiled and looked past Flick, his smiled faded, "Whats that?" Flick turned around and gasped. Coming towards the town was a large crowd of creatures, creatures that use to be ponies. Nightmare Moons creations, her victims. Flick and Pipe stepped back, those things shouldn't be here. The creatures swarmed into town, taking ponies as they went. They would grab ponies and take them back to their master, Nightmare Moon. One of them walked towards Flick and his son. It pointed its large sword at them and reached out for Pipe. Flick had to protect his son, he kicked out with his back hooves. The kick hit the creature in the face, but it didn't faze it. The creature looked at Flick and laughed. It turned its attention to Flick and raised its sword. Flick closed his eyes awaiting the cold steel of the blade to slice through his skin. The sound of meat being cleanly cut cold be heard over the sounds of the screaming ponies. Flick opened his eyes confused. Then he gasped at what stood in front of him. In front of him was a cloaked pony with a sword in its mouth, blood dripping off its blade. The creature cleanly cut in half lay at the its feet. Flick looked around and saw that there was more cloaked ponies fighting the dark creatures. He looked back at the cloaked pony in front of him, "Who are you?" The pony pulled back its hood to reveal his black coat and black spiky mane. The pony smiled proudly, "I'm Cole, of the Nightblades." 5 hours after the attack on Hoofton. Nightblades temporary base of operations. Cole walked out of the showers with a towel over his shoulders. They had just got back from their mission, he could use a little rest. Link came out of the showers next, a towel also draped over his shoulders, "You know Cole, the idea of having showers put together may save time and space, but being in there with you and the other Nightblades at the same time isn't fun." Cole shook his head, a smile on his face, "Get use to it Link, we are going to have to do that for a while." Link walked past him, "I don't think I ever will." Cole walked to his tent that he, Flash, Link, Vespi, and Blaze shared. They had wanted to stay together as a group. He walked into the tent and plopped down on his cot. Blaze was reading a magazine, Playcolt. Cole laughed at Blaze, "I see you found some reading material." Blaze looked up and smirked, "Sure did, cost me a pretty bit, but so worth it by my standards." "You need a real marefriend Blaze, to bad no mare would ever try you out." "Buck you Cole, lets see who's laughing when I get laid." Cole sat back and put his hooves behind his head, "Been there, done that." Blaze rolled his eyes and went back to his magazine. Cole reached down and pulled up a black covered book, his journal. He's been keeping it since Nightmare Moon returned. He opened it and turned to a blank page and started writing. Day 64 We just got back from a mission. We was sent to stop an attack on a small settlement, Hoofton. We was able to repeal Nightmare Moons small army, but I fear they are getting stronger. I saw a few friends die today, a few of them close. I don't know how much longer we can keep fighting, we grow weaker after every battle. Cole closed his journal and put it back under his pillow. Flash and Vespi walked into the tent. Vespi throw his towel onto the ground, "Nothing like a good shower, to bad Delia wanted to stay behind and defend the HQ, I could use a little loving right now." Flash got into Cole's cot and hugged him, "Don't worry Vespi, you two will be together again one day soon. Besides, I could have stayed there and been safe, but I feel safer here with Cole." Vespi fell onto his cot and covered his face, "What ever." Cole kissed Flash on the forehead, "Was I suppose to go to the command tent after the showers?" Vespi looked up, "Yeah, Fade wanted to talk to you or something." Cole slid off his cot, "Well damn, I forgot." Cole pulled on his cloak, but left the hood down. He walked out of the tent and headed towards the command tent. As he walked through the rows of tents, he watched as his fellow Nightblades all talked and joked around with each other. The old ways of the Nightblades seemed like distant memories. Cole walked into the command tent. Fade and his second command, False, where standing in front of a map of Equestria. Fade turned around to face Cole, "Cole, we need to talk about our next move." Cole walked up next to them, "Okay, whats the plan?" Fade pointed at the map, "Nightmare moons forces are moving towards our HQ. If they get there, we will lose everything." Cole looked at the map and the troops movement. "We could set up our forces here," He pointed at a ridge, "We will have the high ground, they will have to come up and past us to get to our HQ." Fade looked at the ridge and considered it, "Maybe, it could work." "How many are there," Asked False in his rough voice. Fade looked at them, "Over Five thousand at this time." Cole looked shocked, "Five thousand! We only have about a thousand Nightblades here and around six hundred back at the HQ. There's no way." Fade looked back at the map, "Oh there's a way. We can take the high ground, as you suggested, and from there we stand a chance." Cole thought for a moment, "We could bring all our forces to the battle but leave at least a hundred at the HQ." "That will give us a better chance, I say we do it." False said while picking up a smaller map. Fade picked up his notepad, "I agree, what can we lose. We'll die anyways if we don't." "Lets go for it, we all got to die sometime, right?" Cole said looked over the map. "I will make preparations, we leave tomorrow for our final battle." Fade said as he started to walkout of the tent. 4 hours after the attack on Hoofton. Nightmare Moons base. 200 miles from the Nightblades HQ Minor opened his eyes and looked around. He and a few other ponies was being drug across a rocky floor. He cleared his mind, and tried to remember what had happened. The town had been attacked, but during the attack cloaked ponies came in and fought the creatures. Before they got to him, a creature had grabbed him and carried him and a few others away. They stopped and he was thrown forward. He slowly looked up, and almost screamed at what was in front of him. Nightmare Moon looked down at him and the seven other ponies, "Whats this? Where are the rest, this can't be all you brought." One creature stepped forward, "We was attacked by the Nightblades. They stopped our mission, but we was able to grab those eight ponies." Nightmare Moon looked furious, "You couldn't have grabbed more! How are we suppose to build a army at this rate." The creature started to talk, but its head was removed by an unseen force before it could say a word. She looked the ponies in front of her, "You'll have to do." Her horn glowed and the eight ponies were transformed into creatures, Nightmare Moons warriors. She looked at the rest of her warriors, "I think its time we removed the Nightblades once and for all." The next day. Nightblades temporary base of operations. Cole walked out of his tent and into the night. He was fully dressed in his gear, his sword, Nightblades special operations battle suit, the bracelet from the Dark ones, and his goggles. He walked to the command tent. Once he walked inside, Fad and False was already there, also fully dressed in their gear. "You ready Cole, we are now rallying everypony for the upcoming battle." "When do we head out?" Cole asked. "Soon, just need to do a few more things first." "Okay, I'm ready when you are." Cole stood there while Fade and False talked about the battle. Fade turned towards Cole, "Go to the front of the camp and meet up with the rest of the Nightblades, we're heading out in five minutes." Cole walked out of the tent and went to front. Once he arrived there, many of the Nightblades was already there, all dressed for battle. Link ran towards him, "You ready for this Cole, I know I am." Cole cracked a smile, "You know I'm ready to kick some flank." Vespi walked up behind Link, "I sure hope we survive this one, there's still things I want to do in life." Link turned towards him, "My friend, you of all ponies should know that we will win this battle." Vespi laughed under his breath, "Of course, just worried I guess." Flash and Blaze came up to them, and Blaze was almost jumping with excitement, "Oh, I can't wait for this battle, I heard this will be the biggest one yet." Flash looked at him, "All ways the one to want to be in a battle aren't ya Blaze." He looked at her, "You know it." Cole stepped forwards, "If we all stay together, we will survive this battle." Flash looked at him and smiled, "And your always the one to be all serious all the time." They all laughed, even Cole, "Come on Flash, I'm not always serious." She looked at him, "What ever you say Cole." Cole looked away, trying to hid his smile, "Well, lets just hurry and get this battle over with." Fade walked up to the crowd and started to talk, "Fellow Nightblades, we are about to go into one of the biggest battle we have ever seen. It will be very dangerous, the enemy is five thousand strong. But we are Nightblades, we are the protectors of princess Luna and the protectors of Equestria. Many of you won't survive this battle, but your death will help bring an end to the nightmare known as Nightmare Moon. Are you ready to go to your deaths in the name of Princess Luna." All the Nightblades cheered at Fade's speech, all ready to die to protect Equestria from Nightmare Moon's wraith.