//------------------------------// // Episode 2: MOAR COWBELL // Story: SPP Containment Breach // by zennec-fox //------------------------------// I found myself staring at a screen. A screen showing something. Something that could potentially kill me. Something that would stop at nothing to make me dead. Specifically, SPP-096. SPP-096 didn't like when ponies looked at its face, even in a photograph. Yay Keter! I wandered into its cell. I walked around, but accidentally stared at its face. It stood up slowly, covering its face and screaming. I ran out, making sure to get as much of a head start as possible before it decided to chase me. I sat in SPP-049's old chamber, scared. I was, after all, only 5 years old! I sighed and thought about my short, meaningless life. Why didn't my parents want me? What did I ever do to them? I teared up. I was go into die, and nopony would care. That's when I heard shrieking. I prepared for my seemingly inevitable death when suddenly SPP-096 tripped over SPP-049's body. I picked up a chair and beat 096 to death. The Foundation taught me not only the stuff other foals need to know, but also how to react in the event of a Containment Breach. Apparently, chairs were always the answer. Also chainsaw cannons, if available. I ran away, not caring what I bumped into. I then proceeded to bump into something. Something very dangerous. Something that would ruin my life. That thing was a rusty cowbell. I had knocked it over. I looked at it and picked it up. I shook it, then flinched when it rung. Suddenly, I saw a tall, dark pony floating in front of me. It vanished instantly. I sighed. This was total bulls[YOUR FACE]t. I couldn't wait to get out. I saw that pony every once in a while. It was stalking me, all right. Like Slendermane, but not as well-dressed. I sighed. This was going to take forever.