The Lunar Republic's most Wanted Spy.

by daneonpony

Story Pilot

Nock Nock Nock! “Uh.”
“Come out NOW! We know your in their Neon don’t make this harder then it needs to be you got 5 seconds!”
“Or what!”
“We break the door down and restrain you till the Princess’s arrive!”
“Buck you!” Neon screamed at the top of his lungs wile he was putting all his survival gear into his saddle bags.
“1,…2,…3,…4,…5! We’re coming in!” The Royal guard yelled as he turned around and buck the door open, then all the guards galloped in as fast as they could.
“Where the BUCK is he!” Shining Armor yelled smashing his hoof as hard as he could on the marble counter, as a result an ear splitting smash was heard as shards of marble flew all over the place bouncing off walls and soldiers.
“Um Sir.” A royal soldier said as quiet as a mouse probably even quieter.
“What?!” Shining Armor yelled at the soldier even though the soldier didn’t do anything to make Armor yell at him.
“ a note for you.” After the soldier said that he flinched as if was about to be struck as hard as the marble counter did.
“Let me see it!” Armor yelled, the soldier then gave the note to Armor, then ran out the door as fast as he could as if Shining Armor was going to beat him to a pulp.
Four months earlier.
“Sky you hear me my bucking cover is blown I have guards all over me I need back up!” Neon screamed as he was running away with a busted leg and a broken wing holding in his tears of pain so he can see where he was going.
“Calm down Neon I have some agents on their way.” Sky said it as if nothing was even happening. Neon screamed as his leg twisted in the most disturbing way he had ever seen, as a result he let out a stream of tears making his vision blurry then rammed his head into a wall rendering his vision useless then he blacked out. “Neon…Neon…Neon!” Spitfire yelled until the black Pegasus woke up.
“What!” Neon yelled then quickly lifted his head only to smash into Spitfires. “OW!” They both yelled in unison.
“What were you thinking bird for brain.” Spitfire said while she was rubbing her head as hard as she could while Neon just couldn’t stop laughing, then Spitfire struck him in the gut as hard as she could making a single tear fall down Neon’s cheek.
“Where are we?” Asked Neon.
“Lunar Republic mountain base dumbie!”
“Ok,Ok,Ok.” You didn’t have to yell I still have a head ach. Neon said in a quite voice earning a giggle from Spitfire.
“Hey spits you know what would help my head ach?” Neon asked.
“No what would help your head ach?” Spitfire replied in a harsh tone of voice.
“A nice long look of that beautiful flank of yours” Neon said in the best foal voice he could muster up.
“In your dreams lover boy.” Spitfire said flicking her tail into Neon’s face then walked out of the room with a blush.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Present Time.
“Heheheh.” Neon giggled while flying away in a moderate speed.
“All righty then what direction I’m I heading” Neon then preceded to pull out his compass to look at what direction he was heading then he put it back in his saddle bag then took out a necklace locket and opened it to see a beautiful orange mare with amber eyes and a mane that looked like a raging fire. “Ah Spitfire I wonder what you’ve been doing for the past week…” Neon thought as he flew faster.
“Now I know all you readers are thinking so what its been a week but think about it this way that you haven’t seen someone you love so much like your mom or dad, Wie Ihre Mama oder Papa, Как ваш мамы или папы, Come il vostro mamma o papa. Those are your mom or dad in German, Russian, and Italian.”
“I’m so tiered, I think I’ll just use the thermals till I get back to the other safe house.” Neon said to himself.
“There we are just a klick away.” Neon said to himself. “Dam it I got to stop talking to my self.” Neon said to him self. “Crap I did it again!” As Neon was getting closer to the safe house and noticed that the lights were on. “Hmm, that’s weird there shouldn’t be anyone there.” Neon thought to himself. “Let’s see how this works out shall we?”
“God dam it I did again!”
Neon flew over and landed on the ground as soft as he could without making a loud thump he then preceded to tip hoof (Tip toe?) across the deck till he reached a window and peeked in only to see three Lunar Guards sitting around the table playing poker.
“Hmm, just to make sure there actually Lunar Guards.”
“Cold!” Neon screamed.
“Night!” One of the guards yelled.
Neon walked in the safe house and looked around then noticed a fourth guard writing looked at the three guards then walked over to the fourth guard and looked over his shoulder and looked at the scroll and saw the Solar Empire symbol then turned around just as a hoof was about strike the back of my head and somehow managed to dodge it and throw a right hook and smash the guards jaw instantly knocking him out then bucked the guard who was writing in the back of the knocking him out then looked at the two other guards.
“Let’s do this.” Neon screamed as he rushed a guard then opened his wings lifted off the ground and turned his head and opened his saddle bag and pulled out a combat knife then rushed the guard from behind and slashed one of the guards neck instantly squirting blood into Neon’s face making him close his eyes and shake his head to try to get the blood off his face just as he opened his eyes a hoof smashed into his eye socket then into his gut then into his jaw making the combat knife fall out of Neon’s mouth then turned and went for the combat knife but before he could grab it Neon landed on the guards back and then snapped the guards neck making the guard and him fall to the ground Neon then got up and grabbed the combat knife and then waked over to one of the guards and rolled him over kneeled down and with a quick swing of his neck slit the guards throat open making a warm squirt of blood hit Neon face Neon then did then same to the other guards, then walked over to a bed and lied down said a prayer and quickly fell asleep.