Equestria Noir Season 2 Case 11 "On a Cross and Bullet"

by Jacoboby1


Case 11


Perspective: Pruena Oculia.

“So you two are just reporters?” Insight asked as he looked to us. The police were rounding up any hostages. I watched as August Wind joined his still unconscious former marefriend in the police carriage. Despite all the misunderstandings August Wind still aided Bedside. So, he’d be gone for a while.

But right now I had to convince Insight we were on the up and up. Well, better get ready for a tirade of me interfering.

I smiled and replied, “Yes, but, we got caught up in the incident already.”

“And you two are sure we haven’t met before?” Insight asked both of us.

Dusk smiled and said, “No, we haven’t had the honor sir. I’m just naturally tall.”

“Well I do have a cousin who’s really short, I guess I can buy it,” Insight said with a shrug. “You got good instincts kid,” He said to me. “Wouldn’t mind having somepony like you on the force.”


Insight, likes me as a MARE!?

Must resist...urge to use alchemy...impalement…

“I gotta round up and deal with paperwork. You two stay out of trouble alright?” He said, walking away to deal with his ponies.

I shot him a narrow eyed glare at his back. One of these days Insight…

“Hey, Pru, Mayflower is coming over,” Dusk said, tapping my shoulder.

Mayflower looked sullen, shocked, and broken as she moved over to us. She looked at me and said, “I... thank you for helping stop my brother from hurting anypony. And, for stopping Bedside. I just can’t believe that she’d do something so underhoof.”

I gave her a smile and said, “When somepony is desperate, they are willing to do anything it takes to get what they want. Though, we don’t always know what we want all the time.”

“To use my aunt’s ideals against me,” Mayflower said, shaking her head. “I was so certain, so certain I was right about everything. Then, what your...stallion did for you…”

“You know, you can tell me that.” Dusk said.

Mayflower finally turned to Dusk and said, “I, always believed that stallions were scum who mistreated everypony. But, I was just trying to blame something for my father dying. I took my hate out on stallions, and it wasn’t fair at all.”

Dusk put a hoof on her shoulder and said, “Trust me, I know firsthoof what grief can do to a pony.”

I couldn’t help but smile a little at that. I then went on to ask, “So, what will you be doing now?”

Mayflower looked at the pendant around her neck and said, “I’m going to move forward with my life. I spent so much time in the past, I never once thought about where to go.”

“From what I heard,” I said, “You turned an entire town to chaos with how you talked. Maybe instead of trying to force feed extreme ideas, you can try and change things on the inside. But do so in a manner that won’t harm anypony.”

“We can all change the world, we don’t always need a megaphone and banners to do it,” Dusk said. “Sometimes, all it takes is a little...hope.”

Mayflower smiled. “You two are right. I’ll dismantle the Mares for Justice, and maybe I’ll start looking to a career in Equine Resources or something, helping mares out but also stallions too. And...I should also visit my mother...I owe her a very long apology.”

With that, she trotted away.

Dusk looked to me and said, “Well, this turned out to be a very interesting case.”

I plopped against his shoulder at that and groaned, “I’m beat…”

Dusk stiffened visibly and I couldn’t help but giggle a little. He was so cute when he was embarrassed…

“Pru, come on, you know I haven’t had years of controlling testosterone,” Dusk said bemusingly.

“Yes well, I love you and I want to make you happy, am I so wrong?” I said with a smile.

“No…” He kissed me right then in there and whispered, “Not at all…”

Why am I imagining myself on a ship with him and his hair’s blowing in the wind…?
Perspective: Cadence

Well here I am in the library, gazing at the two miscreants. Well… Maybe “miscreant” is a bit strong, but honestly, those two should know better. I tap my hoof, gazing at Pruena and Dusk, as they look back at me, with feigned innocence.

“So. What have you two learned?” I asked, with infinite patience. Aunt Celestia taught me that tone, for when I had “teachable moments” like this one.

Pruena sighed and said, “I learned to try and be more trusting to Dusk.”

Dusk in turn said, “I learned that Pruena is worried about me just as much as I’m worried about her.”

“Good,” I said with a firm nod. “The spell should wear off over night, now I want you two to kiss and makeup you hear?”

“Well, I also learned that… Dusk, you’re quite..cute…” Pruena said, blushing and looking at Dusk.

“Well, you’re, really beautiful, Pruena,” Dusk said, blushing nervously.

Aww, I knew they were meant for one another. This is turning out better than I..imagined…

Well, they are kissing now...and...wow they are really getting into it…


Oh, Pruena, really?!

Dusk! I-I certainly did not teach you that when I was foalsitting you!

Oh just...alright, I think I’ll sleep in my hotel tonight…

“I’ll, leave you two alone,” I said, stepping outside. I seriously doubt they even heard me as they...made up and out.

I’m happy for them though, really. I knew they were made for each other the moment I saw them all those months ago. Now here they are, married and totally in love. I couldn’t wait to see what fruit their love will bear.

Though...no don’t even think about it Cadey...you only heard it as a possibility from Aunt Tia...they’ll make it through…

Because, Love conquers all.