//------------------------------// // ...That Gets Better // Story: Pink Heart // by The Mirage //------------------------------// I lie awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling like it was going to provide me answers for my problems. The house was large, but Conner, James, Nathan then Pinkie and I were currently living in it, there was no way all of us could just forget what happened today. Nathan was bound to bring it up in the morning, I was surprised he didn’t come bursting into the guest room Pinkie and I would be staying in. I wasn’t thrilled to talk to him, but we would have to smooth things over at least while I was here. My eyes closed, I wasn’t going to just let him tell me how things were going to be either, I would have to personally tell him to stay the hell away from Pinkie and I. “Hey, you still awake, Robby?” Pinkie asked suddenly, flipping on the lamp in between our two beds. “I am now.” I said, chuckling as I sat up. The girl was up on her hands and knees, looking over at me as her overly large shirt hung low enough so I could see down it. I politely looked up to her face, trying not to blush. She obviously wasn’t thinking about it or just didn’t care. “Stand up.” She said, standing up beside her bed. “Why?” I asked, leaning even further back into my pillow. “Because I asked.” She said, putting on a fake angry look. “And you should always listen to a cute girl.” I already knew I found her attractive, so I stood up beside my bed and looked at her. “Good.” She said, taking my hands in hers. “What are we doing?” I asked after she just waited for a few moments. “I’m trying to remember how to dance.” She said, closing her eyes as if the insides of her eyelids held the answer. “We’re dancing?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t know how to dance...” She looked up at me like I was an idiot. “Me neither, that’s why I’m trying to remember.” She giggled. She took my right hand and enraveled our fingers together, then taking my left hand and putting it around her back. I held her like that for a few moments awkwardly, looking down at her for some kind of idea of what the hell I was supposed to do. “Uh, those are my ribs, Robby.” She said, looking down at my hand placement. She was right, I was holding on to her ribs instead of under them where you would normally keep your arm. I slowly moved my hand down her side, not really meaning to feel her down so much. I was now holding just under her ribs, seeming to frustrate her further. She took her arm off my shoulder and pushed my hand so I was low on her waist. “We aren’t exactly strangers, y’know.” She said, not looking up at me but instead keeping her head down. I guessed that this was just her typical behavior, she didn’t really understand that this was supposed to be a romantic thing instead of a friendly thing. She started to move lightly to no music, which I struggled to follow. What was supposed to be some kind of dance ended up turning into some way to play human bumper cars. We were constantly tripping over one another and bumping heads. I started to chuckle as this just seemed to intensify her frustration as she tried so hard to dance with me, even though I had no idea what she was going for and bumped into her again. “Pinkie... I-” I chuckled in the middle of my sentence when she looked up at me in the dim light, her face showing just how hard she was trying. “I don’t really know what you’re going for here.” She suddenly put one of her legs behind mine and pushed forward at me, making me fall over onto my bed with her pinning me down as she wore a cocky grin. Which was surprisingly cute for someone who looked so angry moments before, the bed let out a loud creak from the sudden amount of weight on it. Her eyes practically glowed in the dark, shining down and illuminating both of our faces. Her pink hair fell to the sides of her head, having come undone and now long instead of being in a ponytail that she seemed to be rather fond of. Her lips were glistening from the light after she quickly licked them. My mind suddenly started to drift in a few different directions. The smile on her face grew into one that looked like she had just overthrown a nation. “Told you I’d get you back.” She said, pressing harder down onto my arms as if I was going to resist or something. A door closed outside our bedroom, and was followed by someone's footsteps as they seemed to wander around outside the doorway, I didn’t look over to the door to see if anyone was going to come in though, I was focused on the girl straddling me to the bed. “Y’know, Robby, if you’re going to kiss me, you might want to before someone comes in and sees us like this.” My mind grinded to a sudden halt. Wait what? I was so shocked I could barely cough out a confused, “Huh?” She giggled, “If you hadn’t noticed, I’ve developed a bit of a crush on you, and you should be the one to do something about that.” She explained, whipping her hair out of our faces before looking back at me dead in the eye. I decided to not say anything and give in to the tiny voice in the back of my head screaming ‘Kiss her!’ I leaned up to her, and she leaned towards me. Our lips met one another in a slow and loving confrontation, a very light taste of raspberries was left on her lips, a slow exhale came from the both of us. It suddenly felt like fireworks were going off in my chest. Our mouths slightly opened for one another, our tongues suddenly felt another and wrapped around each other, each one giving off it’s own taste into the other’s mouth. Pinkie had her hand on the back of my head, pulling me into the kiss like she was afraid I would break it. She didn’t have to worry about that. My hands traveled from under hers to her legs that were hiked up close to my chest from how she had been holding me down. I felt my way up her smooth and soft legs and past her underwear up under her large shirt to her bare sides, where I lightly tickled her until my arms were around her back in a hug, the fabric of her bra against my forearm. This moment I realized that what was between Pinkie and I was much more than just friendship, I had gotten something I could never get out of Conner or James, or any other of my friends for that matter. This was love. It was hard to believe that besides how we met and how new we were to each other that something so powerful could surface. She pulled away at the same time I did, letting us both catch our breath, as we were breathing very heavily. “Pinkie...” I said, trailing off as I tasted the raspberries on my lips. She let herself fall down onto me, her knees still keeping her rear in the air, but she didn’t seem to care. Her breath was hot on my bare chest, it was almost too hot for me to bear, but the blush under her eyes was enough to make me bear it. “Was that whole dancing thing... just to get me on the bed?” I asked, breaking the silence. She looked up at me with a smile. “Not really, I was trying to be romantic at first... but you suck at dancing.” She laughed. “That hurts.” I joked, watching her come close to me again. My eyes closed as what I assumed to be a quick kiss fell into a much more elongated one again. I didn’t know if she had done something like this before or not, but she was a pretty damn good kisser. I hoped that I wasn’t as bad as I thought I was, being an amateur at this. It was shorter than our first, but still just as blissful. I smiled up at her as she let herself lie down on top of me, her head under my chin as we both closed our eyes. After a few minutes, her breathing told me she was asleep. I was soon the same way.