Sins of the Mother

by Chelis

The Hunters

Golden Delicious and Cotton Candy. Source

Considered as one of the top scenic locations around the Equestrian town of Ponyville, the White Tailed Woods was usually a peaceful place in the springtime. Between the chirping birds, the sounds of wild animals in the distance, and the constant breeze rustling the leaves overhead; many believed that the woods was a representation of a place called the "great unknown": a universally accepted place where people and animals go when they die. Many said that "The Great Unknown" was a vast woodland with no end.

Today, however, the peace of the White Tail Woods was interrupted by a large deer that weaved it's way through the trees, hoping in desperation to elude it's chasers, who were closing in hot on horseback.

Both riders had their horse's bridles in one hand, and old muskets in the other. The riders were parallel to each other as they tried to get close enough to take a clear shot at the deer, but they had no luck. The deer was getting away and they knew it.

"Prism Bolt! Try to get closer to the critter! Gonn'a take a shortcut around the thick parts of that deer's route!" one of the riders screamed as he looked for a gap between the trees wide enough to allow him to continue the chase in a less dense portion of the forest.

Prism Bolt immediately spotted a gap between the trees wide enough for the other rider to move into the less dense part of the forest, without the risk into running full force into a tree.

"Yo Del! Opening ahead of you!" Prism Bolt barked to the the brown haired man in a orange shirt and rawhide leather vest. Del disappeared behind the trees. Even the red bandanna that was around Golden Delicious's neck was nowhere to be seen.

Prism's attention turned to the deer trying to get away in front of him. Prism whipped the bridle to force the horse to go faster.

"Now's my chance," Prism yelled to himself as he tried to aim the musket on the deer's neck. The deer was still weaving through the trees effortlessly, while Prism and his horse couldn't get close enough for him to make a sure shot.

As soon as the trees became less dense, Prism aimed his musket at the deer yet again, hoping for that small opening. Again, the deer was zig-zaging through the trees in a frantic manner. Between the deer's movement and the sweat irritating Prism Bolt's emerald eyes, It seemed like he would never have the opportunity.

As if someone from The Great Unknown was watching over him, a small opening in the trees came up and the deer ran into it. It wasn't a large opening, but it was enough for Prism's horse to run into it without a problem. Prism raised his musket again, relieved at the chance to finally take down the deer.

As he aimed, he noticed a flash of red coming from the corner of his right eye. The flash came from the right side of the opening and towards a rocky outcropping 50 yards out.

The red flash came from one other than Golden Delicious's bandana. Golden headed straight for the outcropping with a smirk on his face.

The mare that Golden Delicious rode was his since it was just a foal, so she trusted him with her life, and it showed. The mare was fearless when it ran up the outcropping and jumped. As luck (or master planning) would have it, the deer was underneath them as they jumped, which gave Golden Delicious the perfect shot of the deer's neck, which he took without any hesitation.

The sound of Del's musket ricocheted across the woods, and caused the many birds in the area to fly off in confusion. Del's horse landed without incident next to the deceased deer.

"Dammit Del! I had it!" Prism complained as he stopped his horse next to Golden Delicious.

"You never had it Pris, I had it the second you told me about the opening in the trees," Golden Delicious smiled as he slinged his musket and patted his horse on the neck. "Stay here, I'mma get the cart," Delicious said as he motioned his horse to the direction they came from, leaving Prism Bolt with bits of dirt, leaves, and disappointment.


"Yo Del, can I ask you something?" Prism Bolt asked as the yonung men were sitting on a wagon, carting the deer back to their hometown of Ponyville. The deer was laying on the back of the wagon with a blanket over it.

"mmm?" the normally quiet Delicious answered.

"If you are so good at shooting, why not join the royal guard?"

Del only shook his head and smiled. "Na. Got too many things to do 'round the farm. And mother would be worried sick 'bout me if ah' had to go out to battle."

"Makes sense, Applejack is always worried about you," Prism Bolt observed as the cart arrived into town. Ponyville was much larger than it was when they were kids, or even before their parents settled down and got married. Because of overcrowding at Canterlot years ago, many families packed their bags and left to more spacious pastures. Among them was the blond beauty by the name of Perfect Measure. She was as young as Delicious at the age of 21, but had already dealt with hardships many would not want to go through. Which is why she was the sole owner of "Measured Goods", one of a few general stores in Ponyville.

Usually, the mild mannered girl would sweep the front of her shop with a warm and endearing smile every morning, but that smile went away when the two boys stopped their wagon in front of her shop.

"Prism! Delicious! Ah' though ah' told y'all ya can't come by the shop no more!" She screamed as loud as her light spoken voice could let her.

"Ah' know Measure, but ah' wanted to apologize, so we did this" Delicious said as he got off his wooden seat and pulled the blanket to reveal the carcass.

"Is... this..?," she asked in disbelief. She covered her mouth as well while looking at the dead deer.

Golden Delicious nodded with a smile.

The disbelief in Perfect Measure's melted into sheer joy, she gave off a girlish scream and wrapped her arms around Gold Delicious's chest. "Thank you Thank you Thank you! Ya don't know how much this means to me! Ah' dont' have to worry about keeping my shop for at least a few more months!"

"Oh, it' was nothin, ma'am" Delicious said. Prism Bolt can only laugh at Del's visible blush.

"But," Prefect Measure continued as she broke off the hug. "Ah can't just let ya do this for free, ah will at least pay y'all for this."

Golden Delicious continued to blush. "Ah won't accept it, Miss Measure. This was a gift from me to you, right Prism?"

"Pffffff Na! I'll take the cash, Meas," Prism Bolt said with a grin.

"Prism!" Golden Delicious snapped.

"What? I wanted to take Whirlwind out to lunch," Prism Bolt responded, still sitting on the wagon seat.

"Aint y'all not dati'n no more?" Del asked.

"We are still friends. And it's also why I'm taking the cash: My mom would of said the same thing if I asked her."

"Ah'm not surprised. My momma always told me Rainbow Dash is a smart gal," Golden Delicious joked.

After carrying the carcass into the shop's meat locker, Prism Bolt took his earnings and made his way into town, leaving Golden Delicious and Perfect Measure alone in the meat locker. Armed with aprons and meat cleavers, Golden Delicious and Perfect Measure went to work on the deer, removing the skin and organs, both with the precision and speed taught by their parents.

"Ah have to thank ma pa," Measure spoke. "With the Cold meat locker, ah can sell meat 'stead of having to turn all of it into cheap jerky,"

The second Golden Delicious heard her say 'ma pa', he cringed. "How ya holdi'n without 'em?" he asked.

"It's been tough since the funeral, but ah'm holdi'n on. A lot of my kin keeps writing say'in how I gotta get married or something to save the store."

Golden Delicious spoke without thinking. "I don't mind If ah' was the one you marry."

Golden Delicious blushed in regret. It was pretty clear to everyone but Perfect Measure he had a thing for her, but this was the first time he let it slip.

Perfect Measure stopped cutting up the deer as well and looked at Del with a blush of her own. The two was lost in each other's eyes for a few moments, before giggling and continued to the task at hand.


As a rule: Prism Bolt would never be caught dead at Ponyville's barracks, at least when he was not on duty. Usually, when he had to show up to that place and not report for duty, it was mostly dealing with the one girl he once called his girlfriend. Today was no exception, as he arrived outside the barracks as the morning shift left to their homes. Among them was a short woman with shorter, spikier hair.

"Yo Whirl!" Prism Bolt yelled at a distance from the girl. Whirlwind perked her ears and looked at his direction. Even with the amount of energy she used during the shift, it didn't stop her from running into his arms.

"Hey Priz! Whats up!?" Whirlwind asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to get some grub with me, my treat," he said with a smile.

"Sure, why not?" Whirlwind said with a enthusiastic shrug.

As they made their way to Sugar Cube Corner, which was a popular restaurant and hangout in town, they began to talk.

"You know," Prism Bolt began. "I think it has been a year since we broke up."

"Yea. And?" Whirlwind asked.

"Well, I've been thinking. We hang out like we are still dating and..."

Whirlwind shook her head with a smile. "It's not that simple, Priz. It's hard to explain, but somehow I'm not ready to date again."

Prism Bolt can only nod in a defeated smile as they entered Sugar Cube Corner.

Sugar Cube Corner (or SCC) was always busy. In addition to a bakery, It had grown to a restaurant and party hall after the Cake Family moved in all those years ago. The Cake Family still own the store, but instead of the now retired Mr. and Mrs. Cake running it, It was their most loyal employee Pinkie Pie. She ran the day to day the best she could, along with the adult Cake children, her husband, and her oldest daughter.

Cotton Candy was her mother's daughter: Outgoing, hyperactive, and a little bit crazy. Fortunately, the sanity of Ponyville was spared when Cotton Candy grew up with just a tad more self control than her mother. This however, did not save Prism Bolt or Whirlwind when they took their seat.

"Cotton sweetie! Your friends are waiting for you to take their order!" Pinkie's familiar voice came out from the back. Seconds later, a young, petite woman appeared with pink hair with white streaks. Wearing one of her signature strapless dresses, Cotton Candy came to the table with a hint of mischievousness in her eyes, and they knew it.

"Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner!" Cotton Candy said with a enthusiastic smile. "So, can I start off with water for you and your girlfriend?"

"We are not dating?" Prism Bolt explained.

"Why not?"

"It's complicated," Whirlwind answered.

"But you like her right Pris?" Cotton Candy asked

"Yes?" Prism answered confused.

"And you Whirlwind, you like Bolt right?"

"I guess?"

"So why don't you two go back out?"

"This is going to be a long lunch," Prism Bolt and Whirlwind thought, as they looked at each other in embarrassed despair in front of a grinning Cotton Candy.