Our Dying Days

by Crystal Draco


I lay in my bed, feeling myself begin to fade from this world. The door opened and my daughter, Dawn, came in. "Oh my god!" she yelled, and rushed over to the side of my bed. "Mom, No!" Her eyes filled with tears. "Please! Please don't leave me! I still need you!" tears began to fall onto the bed, as she cried.
"Do not by sad my daughter. Your going to become to take my place as ruler of Equestria."
"But I can't rule without you! I'm not ready."
"No one can be ready. all we can do is try our best."
"Please don't go."
"I wouldn't if I had the choice. don't linger on this. I want you to be happy. every mother wants their child to be happy."
"I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too, Dawn." She gave me a kiss on the cheek, and I began to dissipate. She gasped and stepped back. My body burst into sparkles.
She lunged forward and yelled, "Mommy!" as my spirit passed into oblivion.