Our Dying Days

by Crystal Draco

The Sun

Alicorns have a long lifespan. We live for thousands of years. We witness countless countless generations arrive and leave. However, we are not immortal. there will be a day we finally pass into oblivon. sadly, I knew my day was approaching fast. I lay in bed, sending a guard to summon the other princesses. not long after, the three burst into my room. The moment they entered, they froze in shock. Their once powerful princess was now fading away before their very eyes. When an alicorn dies, they leave no trace. their bodies cease to exist, and their spirits are taken to oblivion.
Twilight ran up to me. "Princess!" she yelled, her eyes filling with tears. Cadence and Luna soon followed. "Princess no!" She put my hoof in hers and placed her head upon it.
Luna stepped forward, and our eyes locked. her eyes too were full of tears. "Tia." she said. " I thought I was ready for this day, but now that it's here, I realized I'm far from it."
"No one can prepare for something like this, no matter how hard we try. I too thought I was ready, but that is not the case." she came close and placed a kiss on my forehead before breaking into sobs. Seeing her and twilight in this condition was too much for me, and I began to cry myself.
Cadence approached and placed her hooves on the bed. "So, this is it then."
"It is."
"Even though we never really connected, I still feel saddened to see you go.'
"I've never heard of somebody being happy a friend died." She chuckled at this and was about to step back when I stopped her. 'Thank you for being such a great sister for Twilight. You and shining really helped her through some tough times." She smiled and backed up, letting Twilight come closer to my face.
"Princess," she said in a very low voice. "Thank you for being my mentor. I learned so much from you, and I'm very grateful."
"Ah, but you weren't just my student. You were a mentor to me as well. We all learn from each other, and I learned alot from you twilight. You grasped concepts I myself struggled with. Had I not met you, things would be much different." She smiled at me, and placed a kiss on my forehead.
My physical form began to dissipate, and all three stepped back. They watched as my body slowly faded from existence. I looked to them to see they all had their hooves on each other's shoulders. I smiled, and my body burst into tiny sparkles that drifted out the window and into the vast space beyond.