Our Dying Days

by Crystal Draco


I burst through the door to find Pinkie sitting in her chair. I went up to her, shaking her shoulder to wake her up. When she didn't wake up, I started shaking her harder. "Come on Pinkie, this isn't funny." When she would wake up, I started panicking. I noticed she wasn't breathing. "Pinkie? Pinkie!" I screamed. "Pinkie Please! Wake up!" I dropped to the ground and started crying. Pinkie was my best friend, and we were closer than twins. I was closer to he than I was my own husband. Now that she's gone, I don't know what I'll do.
The next few days I spent alone in my house. About a week after I found her, I started drinking. It didn't take much to get me drunk off my ass. I ran out of booze, so I decided to fly out to get more. I jumped out the window and spread my wings. even though I was old, I still had my strength. I flew toward the store, not noticing how much I was swerving. Suddenly, a rouge gust of wind slammed into me. I spun out and crashed into a roof. I rolled down and fell into an ally.
I immediately knew I had some broken bones. I looked around at the damage, and froze at by mid. I had landed on a large piece of metal, which was now lodged into my chest. Blood was oozing from the wound, and it didn't take long for a pool to start forming. A pony came running around the corner and ran up to me. I heard them yell, "Oh my god! Silver! call a medic! this pony is hurt bad!" The mare turned to me. "Stay with me, you'll make it through this!'
I already knew that was a lie. with the amount of blood I was losing, I would be dead in minutes. not to mention the damage I've taken to my lungs. I looked up at the mare. "Don't lie to me. I know I'm not going to make it."
"Don't say that!"
"What I say is the truth. I already feel myself slipping." the mare didn't object. "I need to ask you something before I die."
"What is it?" she asked.
"I need you to send a message to princess Twilight Sparkle. tell her that I died in a drunk flying accident. Tell her not to be broken by this. Tell her I lived a full life, and was not afraid of dying. tell her that she was a great friend, and that I wouldn't be the same without her."
"Alright. I'll make sure the letter get's there tonight."
"Thank you." I looked up to the stars. I watched as star exploded, creating a beautiful display of colors. I found it funny that me and the star get to see each other's end. I heard running hooves as a veil of darkness covered me.