//------------------------------// // Court Case // Story: Love Bleeding // by Xx soul sorrow xX //------------------------------// The judge said, "Yeah, let's get started. We have our suspects. First, Suspect 1, also known as Noteworthy. He was fixing Twilight's car when the murder happened." Noteworthy didn't feel worthy. He felt Notworthy. He was nervous, but he might be just sad that Twilight was murdered. But he had no right to feel sad because I was Twilight's bestest friend no matter how many times he fixed Twilight's car. "Suspect 2, Trixie Lullamoon. She hated Twilight Sparkle and wanted to kill her with magic." Trixie had a mean angry face that was like "GRRRRR." I remembered Trixie from Boat Busters. She was evil, and then in Magic Duel she banished Twilight and I had to dress like a ninja rabbit and save her. "Suspect 3, Sweetie Belle. She was at Twilight's house for a private session of Twilight Time." Sweetie Belle was a girl. She was white with some hair that was pink and purple. It looked like cotton candy like Pinkie Pie. Maybe they were realted. We could solve the case. I heard about Twilight time, but I don't know much about it. "And last, we have Suspect 4, Big McIntosh. He was walking nearby when it happened. He sold apples to Twilight in the past. In the earlier hours." Big Mac works at a farm barn. He likes apples a lot. I saw him earlier. He was holding a knife. He was cutting open a apple and looking angry. Not as angry as Trixie though. She didn't look any thing like the cereal called Trix. I don't know why they named her that. "These are our suspects. Gotta problem with that?? Tell me on Facebook at Reccess." Nobody responded. No problem, bros. I looked at the suspects again. They all seemed suspicious. Trixie was angry and Notworthy was worried and Sweetie Belle was confused and Macintosh was annoyed. I knew who it was, though. I knew the truth. I saw it. I saw it with my own eyeballs. They were shy and teal. They were the color of the sea on a nice tropical day in a lagoon. I like my eyeballs. But they don't have anything to do with court. So I couldn't tell the judge I liked them. "Today, we have brought Ms. Fluttershy Freeman to tell who she knows the murderer is. Misses Flut? What do you have to say?" The judged turned to me. I gulped. "I know who murdered Twilight. The muderer...........................is......................"