//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: The Mane Six // Story: The New Heralds of Harmony // by Dusty Star //------------------------------// “So, what you mean is that these new elements of whatever are a replacement of you guys?” Twilight nodded sarcastically. “Yeah, that’s one way of putting it.” “But not exactly replacements. We can still use the elements of harmony, though. We just know that we can’t beat Hale even with our powers combined, so we followed what was described in the prophecy to defeat Hale because it says in there that they have the ability to defeat him,” she added. “So what do I have to do with this?” I really wondered how strange it is for someone like me to be included in something so big considering that I’m not that confident in myself. “I don’t really know” she said, “but we will find out if you really are part of the prophecy.” “I doubt that will happen.” I started having a strange feeling of anxiety and jealousy. “Oh, don’t look so down on yourself, sugarcube,” Applejack said, “I know that there’s more ‘bout you than ya know. You’ll find your true calling in due time.” Haha! Sad but true. But if I don’t even know my real parents, how does someone like me, a shy and weak guy, find his own destiny? But to be honest, I think I’m starting to like it here in Ponyville, the people are so nice to each other. Yeah, maybe I will find my calling here… maybe. “So, have you found out ye-“ Before I can finish talking, streamers came crashing inside the room and loud horns roared across the whole room. Now the whole room was filled with a fun and exciting mood making me feel nostalgic. It felt like an instant party and reminded me of the few parties I’ve been invited to in the past.. “WELCOME TO PONYVILLE!” A pink pony came in through the door and started to make some noise. She was holding some kind of cannon that shot streamers and balloons instead of cannonballs. “Hey, Pinkie Pie!” Twilight and Applejack said simultaneously. “What are you doing here?” Twilight asked. “Well, as soon as I saw Applejack go to your house with somepony I didn’t know, I knew that I had to welcome a new pony into the town! I also brought Fluttershy and Rarity who will be coming late.” The pink pony turned to me restlessly. “Anyway… I’m Pinkie Pie and welcome to Ponyville! You are?” she said grinning in front of me. “Oh, I’m Owe- I mean Red Star. Nice to meet you Pinkie Pie. It’s very nice here in Ponyville.” I said feeling a bit more comfortable and energetic. “Yay! Nice to meet you too, Red. Now let’s get this party started right!" She quickly fired some streamers from her “party cannon” around the house. Spike also prepared some punch. Fluttershy brought some cookies when she arrived, while Rarity brought me a new saddlebag. “Welcome to Ponyville, darling! Here’s a new saddlebag I made for you, it’s specially made for somepony who’s… relatively new to ponies,” Rarity said after she gave me my new saddlebag. I did have some difficulties handling, though. “Thanks a lot!” I said with a big smile. “It’s green, my favorite color,” I said while struggling to put on the saddlebag. “How’d you know?” She helped me with the saddlebag. “Well… I know exactly what everypony likes.” She winked, then Spike hummed happily in the background. Later I saw a delicious-looking plate of cookies held by a light pale gold pony with a pink mane by the table. I moved closer to ask for some. “Excuse me, are you Fluttershy?” I asked. “Oh… Yes, I am.” She smiled. “Hi, I’m Red Star. Nice to meet you Fluttershy.” I smiled back. “Nice to meet you too, Red. Uhm… Would you like some of my cookies? I made them myself.“ She raised the plate filled with cookies towards me. ”Oh sure,” I took one and took a bite out of it. Surely that was a time to remember. I told her the cookies were definitely delicious and unique. She simply smiled back. As we were all talking peacefully, the ceiling suddenly crashed down like a giant just stepped on the house. Now the house was all covered in dust. “Hey everypony, I’m here!” a blue and rainbow-maned pony said right after it crashing down the ceiling. “Rainbow Dash, I told you to go through the door next time!” Twilight said while couching from the dirt and knocking off some debris that’s fallen on her. “Sorry, I came as soon as I saw Fluttershy a while ago.” Fluttershy whimpered. “Well anyway,” she turned to me, “I’m Rainbow Dash, nice to meet you.” She raised her hoof and initiated a brohoof. I smiled faintly after responding to her brohoof. “Nice to meet you too, I’m Red Star.” After that, we partied till the sun went down. We all had fun in my welcome party. As soon as everypony have gone home, Twilight escorted me to my temporary room and helped me with my bed. “Oh yeah, you haven’t told me yet if I am part of the prophecy” I asked. “Let’s just wait for that until tomorrow, I’m pretty tired. Pinkie Pie really put in some effort into your welcome party,” she answered “Yeah, me too. Alright, good night.” “Good night.” She went out of my room and headed for hers.