//------------------------------// // The Mourn of Morning // Story: Love Bleeding // by Xx soul sorrow xX //------------------------------// It took me a while to stop crying the first time. But I started it right up again. I sat in bed with my 3DS and I cryed while playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I cryed because my last native villager moved away. It was Tabby. She had gross teeth but I still liked her enough. On Animal Crossing, it was Explorer Day and Isabelle got me a boat model. I didn't know what to do with it because my house already is full of bugs and fish and I have only a basic yellow bed in there. So I went to Chief's house and throwed it away in his trash can. I was sucking up my tears back into my eyeballs, and I tried logging out super fast but my DS was blinking red really fast so it died while saving. Al my hard work of throwing away that boat model was wasted. I started crying like the waterfall in my town. My town was called Flowers♄ and my character was called Flutters since I can't fit my whole name. But then I pulled my self together and stopped sobbing real bad. I plugged my DS into the wall socket and I left. I went to teh kitchen. I got my teapot and made some all natural green tea. I drank it. But I accidentally choked on a tea leaf and it hurt my throat so I cried and spilled some tea on the floor. It was an accident but I got my mop and cleaned it. It has to be clean forever. I made a dandelion sandwich and I ate it delicately like a butterfly on a flower. Then I choked again and I had to spit it out. I started crying and went to the couch and took a nap there for a while. Then I got up. All the animals were still outside playing soccer and I was inside cring still. I had a bad morning. It was really bad. My friend got murdered and Tabby moved away so all my closest friends were goners except for Rarity and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, and the orange one. I forgot her name. I think it's apple something. I think it was Apple Juice. Yeah, that's probably it. I decided to go out for a stroll to get my mind off things. It'll be a peaceful stroll by the river with the mailman. It's really nice and the trees are in bloom. So it's nice and pretty and beautiful. I like taking walks. I stepped outside and felt the harsh air. It was cold and the wind was hard and pushing. Some blossom petals fell in the air and blew passed my face. I sniffed one. I stopped to smell the roses and then I frolicked since I was happy again. The walk did its job. I felt a lot better. Then I went inside Calmy Cottage. It functions as my house. I went inside and got a phone call on my phone. I answered it. A voice said, "Ms. Fluuttershy Freeman, we'd appreciate your presence at the Pony Court Room for the discussion of who killed Twilight Loraine Sparkle. We know you know you know. So we'd like some little Fluttershy perspective on how things went down. Thank you. BYEE?" Then the voice hung up. It might have been Mare Mayor. "Okay" I said. I hung up.