Love Bleeding

by Xx soul sorrow xX


I looked at the knife. It was covered in blood. There was blood there on it. It was red.
I knew who had murdered her. I knew who murdered Twilight Sparkle. And I had to find the person who did it. They did.
I put the knife in a plastic sandwich bag and I reported the bloody knife to the Ponyville council. The council sent me an email that said...

"Dear Fluttershy,

We have the knife and we have the DNA of blood on it, but there is no evidence on who killed Twilight Sparkle. The DNA ain't showing up. Once we have a few suspects, we will have you in court to point out the murderer. We thank you for your piece of evidence to help to find who commit the crime.

Thanks, man.
Sketchy Suzie, Secretary, Ponyville Council"

I crumpled the note up and burned it in my burning fireplace. The orange flames looked beautiful in my cute cottage. My cottage is where I keep animals and sell them and give them away to shelters. It's called, "Calmy Cottage" because it's calm and in the woods. All the wood land critters come to Calmy Cottage when they want to be given away to a great place. I feed all of my animals. I can afford it because I'm rich... Maybe that's why she wanted revenge.... She wanted revenge because I was friends with Twilight and she wanted to be rich so she killed Twilight to make me MAD. That's a bad idea. No buddy messes with Fluttershy.

An animal came and stared at me. I said "Hey little critter." It was a squirrel. I grabbed some food out of my hair and gave it to him. Maybe it was a girl though. I don't know. The squirrel ate it up gratefully. I walked away and picked up my favorite book. It was 101 Games to Play With Some Animals. I flipped to the soccer chapter. It's my favorite. I like soccer. I gathered up some animals. There were 2 bears and a flamingo and a snake and a few squirrels. I said "Come on, let's go." We ran outside with the soccer ball.

We kicked it around and had a great time. But my thoughts were sinister and sad. Twilight got murdered and I felt some sad feelings in me. I didn't understand. I said "I'm sorry, guys. We have to stop playing soccer. I should go to bed." The animals continued playing when I left. I sat in my bed with the pink sheets and the gala dresses in the corner. I felt tears go down my cheeks unexpectedly. I brushed them away, but I felt them returning. Then I was completely crying. A puddle of tears was there.

I cried myself to sleep. In the morning, I couldn't see because the sun was blocked by the thick curtains. I shoved them away and felt the sunlight burn my eyes. I flt the tears coming on again. "No, be strong" I whispered to myself. But there's no point. One of my cloest friends was gone, and there was nothing I could do.