The Visitors

by MetroXLR99

Part Two: The Harbinger

It was a fairly quiet dinner aboard Helix airship. every once in awhile, Celestia took a glance at everypony/one at the table: her student, Twilight. her son, Onyx. and their mysterious host: Helix.

Finally, Celestia stopped eating and spoke again. "m-miss helix.."

Helix looked to the alicorn, a plain look on her face. "yes??"

"I must once again thank you for coming to me son's rescue.."

"oh. think nothing of it." said Helix, acting flattered

"Sorry, but I must: Onyx means everything to me." this made blush for a moment. "mom."

"I get the feeling you want to say something ELSE." said Helix, eyeing Celestia

Celestia nodded. "yes. I do, I was wondering what you plan to do here in my-Our world."

Helix smirked as she sat back in her chair. "I already explained to you, Princess: I am a scientist. as such, my purpose here is strictly scientific research.

I wish to learn more of this world..and, MAYBE aid it in whatever trouble plagues it."

Celestia had a plain looking expression. "Forgive me if I sound ungrateful after all you've done..but, I can't help but feel your generosity is too good to be true."

Surprisingly, Helix took NO offense to Celestia's words. "not at all, Your Majesty..I would expect no less."

Helix then leaned forward, looking straight at the alicorn. "So, TELL YOU WHAT: I'll let you spend one day and night aboard my ship as guests. you'll have free reign of the place, and see for yourself that you have nothing to fear from me."

Helix then smiled wide. "besides..I am sure young Onyx still has MANY questions to ask on the subject of his "heritage". can't think of a better way to learn more than extending his stay here."

Onyx could barely contain his excitement. "R-Really!?"

Helix grinned at the human prince. "I told you SOME of your identity..but, not all. you still have so very much to learn."

Onyx looked to his mother. "Mom, CAN we!?"

"Oh, my YES, Princess." began Twilight "It would be quite the learning experience to spend twenty-four hours here on this extraordinary vessel."

Celestia thought about this for a bit. On one hoove, she wasn't sure it was wise to stay with complete strangers..strangers who had already demomstrated just how dangerous they can be.

then again..Helix didn't appear to be an immediate threat, and had kindly offered them sanctuary in her "home" and, this seemed as good a chance as any to learn more of this Helix, and why she was here.

"well..I'll have to send a message to my sister, informing that I will be away until tomorrow. but, YES. I suppose we could stay." Celestia looked at Helix "We accept your offer, Miss Helix."

Helix smiled wide. "splendid." just then, an anthro horse guard walked over to Helix and whispered something in her ear.

"Really?? hmm..tell her I'll be right there." the guard nodded, and Helix got up out of her chair.

"Is something wrong??" asked Celestia, curious

"Oh, nothing really..Scarlett's having difficulty with a particular task, and is requesting my assistance in the matter."

"Maybe I can help!!" chirped Twilight, starting to emerge from her seat

"That won't be neccesary." said Helix, raising a hand to the unicorn "I have the situation well in hand. If I need any help, I will call."

Twilight sat back down. "oh..okay."

Helix then snapped her fingers..and a familiar anthro equine marched over. "Ma'am?!"

"Ignatus, give our guests the 'grand tour' of The Harbinger. I will be detained for quite some time."

"Yes, My Lady. as you command." replied the guard, his tone reminiscent of 'Shining Armor'

Helix smiled as she turned and left. Ignatus then faced the others. "Shall we go, now?"

Gryffin grinded his beak as more pain surged through his body. he hated to admit it..but, his tormenter's sadism nearly rivaled his own.

he'd feel envious (and, slightly attracted), if not for his current situation.

At last, Scarlett ceased striking him with the prod..and, circled the binded griffin yet again.

"you know. for a Griffin, you are surprisingly resilient." began the red haired human "It seems as though no matter what I do..I'll NEVER get you to crack."

the griffin king responded by spitting at Scarlett..which earned him even more pain. "GRRRRRRRR!!!!"

"Luckily, I find this kind of thing entertaining. I could go at this ALL the live-long-DAY." Scarlett zapped Gryffin once again, relishing his agony "BUT, my mistress is real "funny" about getting results quickly. Sooner or later, I'll HAVE to get something out of you."

Gryffin raised his head up..and, GLARED at Scarlett. "wh-when I get out of this..I'll use that rod to SKEWER YOU like a HOG!!!"

Scarlett only chortled at the griffin's threat. ", THERE'S a thought. been awhile since I've had a good luau."

"YOU THINK I JEST!!?, I DO NOT!!" shouted Gryffin, enraged "You will PAY for this outrage, CREATURE!! you will ALL Pay!! Nobody disgraces the Griffin Emperor like this, and LIVES!!"

Scarlett looked at the griffin, a smirk on her face..she then struck his skull HARD with the inactive prod. Gryffin felt dazed, his vision blurred by the concussion he just suffered.

"One way or another..I ALWAYS get what I want." said Scarlett, unknowingly mocking the griffin king with his own often quoted words "No matter what it takes..OR, how long."

It was at this moment the mechanical doors slid open..and, in walked Helix. Scarlett looked as her 'boss' walk in casually, her hands behind her back. "and, how IS our "guest"??

Scarlett quickly zapped Gryffin again, before finally approaching Helix. "Stubborn, my mistress.." replied Scarlett "I've been grinding him for hours, using every known interrogation technique. but, he STILL refused to disclose any secrets that we could exploit."

Helix eyed Scarlett. "Secrets?!, you were suppose to be teaching him to respect his superiors. Namely, US."

"I was..But, then I thought that since he's a Tyrant King and, we are trying to get on the horses good side we might attempt to attain information regarding Gryphon. Juuuust in case we ever decide to Invade, and take it for our own."

Gryffin raised his head in shock, looking straight at his human captors. "That is..Actually a pretty good plan." said Helix

Scarlett smirked, pleased that her efforts were being recognized at last..but, soon scowled again. "Unfortunately, the griffin's stubbornness is making progress DIFFICULT!! I would just kill him now, and be done with it. but, the knowledge he possesses is TOO VALUABLE!!"

Scarlett growled in her throat. "If only I could just reach into his brain, and simply TAKE the information."

Helix smirked at this. "You forget, Scarlett. We have a device that can do EXACLY that."

Scarlett looked confused..but, soon got what Helix was saying. "Of COURSE!!, the Cerebral Psychic Patch. HOW could I be so stupid!?"

Helix chuckled at this. "Well, that's the first step, my dear scarlett: ADMITTING your personal flaws."

before Scarlett could respond to this, Helix pressed something at her ear. "Ms. Shimmer."

"Ma'am?!" responded a voice

"Fetch me a CPP. NOW."

"Yes, my lady." as Helix pulled her finger from her ear, Gryffin spoke. "wa-What are you going to-"

"I am going to go inside your mind, your 'mental landscape'. and, TAKE the information that I require. oh, you can struggle all you want, but I am afraid the Patch is flawless: Very soon, EVERYTHING you know will be at my fingertips."

Gryffin snarled as he thrashed around. "I WON'T FORGET THIS!!, You and your underling are all DEAD!!"

Helix snickered sinisterly "hah-hah-hah, On the contrary griffin: You WILL forget this. ALL of this, I guarantee it."

at that moment, an anthro unicorn with yellow fur and a red/yellow mane walked in. she was pushing a cart with metallic helmets and a long, pulsing cable.

Gryffin cringed at the very sight of it.

"One Cerebral Psychic Patch ready, Lady Helix." said the unicorn

"Thank your, Ms. Shimmer. now set it up for me."

Scarlett eyed Helix. "Why do you need HER!?, I could work it."

Helix scoffed. "Not only is 'science' outside your field of expertise..but, I don't trust you to mess around with my brainwaves. Only Sunset is smart enough to understand the technology, AND loyal enough to not make me brain dead on purpose."

Scarlett crossed her arms, scowling..while Sunset just smirked at her.
Helix took a helmet, and placed it upon her head. Sunset took it's mate, and placed it upon King Gryffin's head.

"pony!!, release me, and I shall shower you with riches!!" exclaimed Gryffin under breath, desperate

Sunset just snickered. "Sure, I'll release you..when Twilight Sparkle burns her library to the ground." Gryffin grimaced, getting a feeling that this pony was telling him where to stick it.

as Helix fastened one end of the snake-like cable to a port in the back of her helmet..Sunset took the other end. "Ready, my liege??"

Helix looked at Sunset. "yes. proceed."

Sunset grinned as she slowly fastened the CCP cable into Gryffin's helmet. as soon as she did, a surge went through both participants of this science experiment. their eyes open wide, and glowing white.

Celestia, Twilight and Onyx walked with their host down the long corridors of the ship.
the equestrian princess herself was amazed, finding this alien structure somewhat similar to her own palace.

in a sense..Helix's airship WAS a "flying castle"

"What is this vessel called again??" inquired Celestia

"the Harbinger." replied Ignatius

Onyx raised an eyebrow. "hmm..that sounds rather ominous."

"Perhaps in SOME cases.." Began Twilight "but, the definition of "harbinger" is: "somebody or something that announces something, somebody, or something that foreshadows or anticipates a future event".

Onyx stared at Twilight. "It's like an OMEN: good or bad." said Twilight, bluntly


Celestia looked to the anthro stallion. "and, what exactly is Helix a harbinger OF??"

"Peace, Order and Justice." replied Ignatius, officially

"Ah, good. for a moment, I thought her intention was "Harbinger of DOOM". said Twilight, chuckling nervously

"only to her enemies." replied the stallion

THIS shut the three up real quick. "Oh..KAY."

as the group strolled down the long halls, Twilight spotted printing on a metallic door that immediately got her attention. "Science Wing!?"

"Yes. that is the part of the ship where scientific experiments, and research and development are conducted."

"I HAVE TO SEE THIS!!" exclaimed Twilight, spazzing out. Onyx eyed his friend. "Twily, I-"

"GO ON WITHOUT ME, I have to check this out!!" with that, the purple unicorn was gone.

"How big IS that laboratory in there??" inquired Onyx

"It's scale is akin to a large courtyard." replied Ignatius

Celestia groaned at this. "dear..she'll be in there for DAYS."

"Yep." agreed Onyx "she's in Nerd Heaven, now."

Ignatius cleared his throat loudly. "If we may CONTINUE the tour."

Celestia bowed her head. "Our apologies..please continue."

as the anthrobic equine continued on his way, Onyx walked closely with his mother. Celestia KEPT her son close, an extended wing acting like an "arm", keeping Onyx at her side.

as Ignatius spoke, Celestia began to speak softly to Onyx. "are you Sure you are okay??"

Onyx chortled. "i'm FINE, mom..don't worry."

"gryffin was very, VERY close to ending your life right before my eyes.." continued Celestia "had miss helix not appeared when she did, you WOULD have been dead."

Celestia eyed her son with stern eyes. "so, don't tell ME to not worry."

Onyx exhaled sharply. "sorry, mom." Celestia frowned. "no..I am sorry. I should have been more thorough with security. my failure nearly cost your life. I swear that I shall not fail you again."

Onyx reached out his hand..and, gently touched Celestia. gliding his hand down the back of her streamline neck and down her back.

as usual, her fur was soft as silk.

Celestia welcomed he son's affection, savoring the feeling of his touch. "everything will be alright, mom..I promise."

Celestia wished she could believe her son (it'd be so much simpler if she could.) but, as Princess and Grand Ruler..she knew better.

if only..IF Only.

Celestia finally looked forward..and, saw that Ignatus was no longer with them. "what the- ONYX!!, our guide is gone."

the two stopped for a moment, looking in all directions. "hey..where'd he go?!"

"We must have been so distracted with each other that we wandered off from him." said Celestia, thinking out loud

Onyx looked around the long, empty corridor. "well..I have no idea where he is. and, I don't think he does, either."

Celestia nodded. "then..I guess we have no choice but to continue our tour alone."

"Which way do we go?" inquired Onyx. Celestia pointed forward "Well, since we are already heading this way..I guess we continue on forward."

Mother and Son continued down the path that lay before them, neither one quite knowing where they were going. after some minutes had passed, Onyx finally broke the silence by speaking up. "this place is amazing."

Celestia nodded silently. "yes..truly remarkable. a flying castle of metal and iron..humans must be resourceful creatures to create such a technological marvel."

Celestia then looked down, frowning. "but..I grow concerned. If human science truly is powerful enough to rival the strongest magic, then what would happen if they decided to become a threat to us??"

Onyx stared at his mother. "Your..n-not saying that humans, like myself, are Dangerous, are you?!"

"NO!!, I did not mean that." said Celestia, quickly "I am just saying that we should be cautious. even other ponies aren't as peaceful and good natured as I am. and, we don't really know anything about this Helix. she COULD be a potential ally..Or, an enemy trying to deceive us."

"Mom..I know that. BELIEVE me, I know." began Onyx, his mind flashing back to his time being Gryffin's prisoner. "but, she DID save me..we can at least give her a chance."

Celestia nodded. "Yes..I know. Still, we should be wary of those we do not fully know."

Eventually, the alicorn princess and the human prince came upon a metal door. as they approached said door, it suddenly opened up with a WHOOSH, startling Celestia. "zacherle. I do not think I will ever get used to that!" muttered the princess

curiousity getting the better of the two, they both walked through the doorway and entered a large chamber. it was massive, as wide and open as a canyon. and, contained within were titan sized machines.

the machines were quite loud, and all seemed to be connected to center structure of equal size. the faint glow and pulsing indicated it was some kind of power source. meaning the two were in the airship's engine room. the very HEART of the Harbinger.

"woooow.." said Onyx, in awe. "It takes all of THIS to keep this ship running!?"

Celestia herself had to admit that this was quite a sight to behold. "by star swirls beard..J-Just look at the SIZE of those monsters!!"

Before the two could say or do anything else, they heard approaching footsteps. Knowing they may have gone beyond their allowed access of the ship, then rushed for cover and hid.

the two watched as yet Another human entered the chamber. This human had much darker skin, and wore an ivory pendant with a carved symbol that resembled the Moon, and ocean waves.

the new human approached a control panel, and brought up a holographic screen. quite possibly the schematics of the engines.

he then pressed a button, activating something. "Connor, status report." said the man

"Power Levels are at 98%, Takka. and the engines are running at 90% capacity." replied a voice

"Have a fresh power cell ready, and send a maintenance crew to look over the power grid." said Takka. "You know Lady Helix policy: The Harbinger MUST be at 100% Optimum Efficiency."

"Yes, Sir. I will inform Foreman Ratburn to assemble his team."

At that moment, a door opened up. Celestia and Onyx looked on, and saw Scarlett walking in..and, she looked MAD.

"(unintelligible grumbling) ..stupid, fr*gging unicorn." growled Scarlett, both hands balled into fists.

"problems?" said Takka, while keeping his focus on his workplace.

Scarlett eyed the dark skinned human. "You MIGHT say that, yes."

"do tell." replied Takka, his voice deadpan.

"oh, Where do I even BEGIN!!? " exclaimed Scarlett, throwing her arms in the air.

" can start be informing me where Lady Helix is. Something tells me your grievances has something to do with that."

Scarlett scoffed. "Where do you think she is!? Our "glorious leader" is interrogating that griffin king in a holding cell."

both Celestia and Onyx gasped at this..but, kept quiet.

Griffin King?!..was Scarlett talking about Gryffin!?. and, if so..then, what was he doing on Helix ship!? and, for that matter..WHY was Helix 'interrogating' him??, and for what purpose!??

"I thought you enjoyed it when prisoners are interrogated." said Takka, factually

"Yeah!, only when I am the one doing the Interrogating!!" exclaimed Scarlett

"I think you are overreacting."

"OVERREACTING!!? , I am NOT Overreacting!! It was HELIX who barged in, thinking she could do a suuuuuch better job at getting "beakface" to crack."

"Weren't you the one who 'requested' her assistance in the task?." began Takka "you know, seeing as how you were getting nowhere with the prisoner-"

"THAT ISN'T THE POINT!!" snapped Scarlett "the point IS that our mistress doesn't give me the respect I deserve..not does she trust me, either!!"

Scarlett then grabbed Takka, turning him around quickly and making the young man face her. "Do you even know WHAT she is doing to that "pussyfooted birdbrain!?"


"As we speak, she is "peeling" away his twisted little mind in order to attain his secrets. a plan that was MY IDEA to begin with!! But, did she entrust ME to oversee the Cerebral Psychic Patch process?!: NO. she bestowed THAT honor to that arrogant, snobbish, 'Gee-ain't-I-such-a-mistress-of-magic' unicorn (shouting) SUNSET "FREAKING" SHIMMER!!!"

Celestia raised a brow at this. "sunset shimmer. hmm..why does that name sound familiar?" thought Celestia

"Well, to be fair. You don't really know anything on the technical specifics of The Patch." began Takka "and, with the exception of the Patch's inventor, and myself, Ms. Shimmer IS the most qualified to-"

"THAT ISN'T THE POINT!!" protested Scarlett yet again "The point IS that Helix seems to favor that unicorn over ME!!"

"well, you haven't exactly served the best example of "loyal soldier", scarlett."

"PHH!!, Details." scoffed Scarlett "She can say whatever she wants, but I just KNOW that Shimmer is trying to usurp me!!"

Takka rubbed his eyes, groaning at this. "Again: You are Overreacting, Scarlett."

"That's easy for YOU to say, Takka. Nobody on this ship wants YOUR post!! I, on the other hand hold the most coveted position as First Lieutenant. Why, I'm practically the "Co-Ruler", second to Lady Helix herself.." Celestia was beginning to see similarities between this Scarlett, and her own sister Luna. "and, I just know that Shimmer is after my job!! I mean, you should have seen the smug look on her face when Helix put HER in command!!"

Takka wasn't paying any attention to Scarlett anymore..he was going about his business, while Scarlett just continued to Rant and Rave.

Celestia and Onyx on the other hand weren't so much concerned over Scarlett..but, the fact that King Gryffin, the Griffon Emperor, was aboard the airship. BUT, the two soon pushed out any lingering thoughts of paranoia. feeling content that their mutual enemy was safely locked away.

Celestia then gently nudged at her son with her hoof. "follow me." whispered the princess under breath

Onxy followed his mother, both trying to reach the only door out as quietly as they could. the automatic door made some noise at it open and closed for them..but, Scarlett was so busy complaining, that not she, nor Takka, even noticed.

Once safely back in the corridor, the alicorn and human breathed out a sigh of relief. "whew! that was close." said Onyx

Celestia looked at him. "We best tread carefully, lest we stumble upon something else that we shouldn't."

Onxy scowled as he crossed his arms. "I wonder where the holding cells ar at-"

"ONYX SOL, we are NOT going to go looking for Gryffin!!" snapped Celestia, now in 'protective mother' mode. "he is fine just where he is: under Lock and Key."

"Ye-Yeah, but-"

"NO Buts. Now, I think we should retrace our steps, and rejoin Twilight Sparkle at the Science Wing. I do not believe our host would approve of her guests gallivanting all over her ship unsupervised."

Onyx exhaled, groaning forcefully. he REALLY wanted some payback for all the years the Griffin Emperor tortured him as a child..or, at least WATCH him being tormented himself.

But, he knew better than to argue with his mother, the Grand Sovereign of Equestria. "oh..Okay."

With Celestia in the lead, the two made their way down the long, seemingly endless corridors. This time, they were moving at a much faster pace. not quite running, but also not merely walking, either.

they were trying to get back on track as fast as they could.

But, then they came at a crossroads..literally. before them was a small lobby with four different corridors. not really knowing which was which, they took a guess and walked down one of the paths.

after awhile Celestia and Onyx began to suspect they made the wrong choice, as they corridor that they were traversing became unfamiliar. it's metallic structure becoming Colder, and the lighting darker.

"this can't be the way we came..I don't remember this at all." said Celestia

"yeah." said Onyx in agreement. "this sort of looks like a..dungeon."

As if on cue, the sound of an unlocking metallic door was heard. keeping close to a wall, Celestia and Onyx peered from a corner..and, saw some figures emerge from one of the many identical doors.

the first figure was Helix herself. accompanied by what appeared to be an anthro unicorn who resembled Twilight Sparkle..but, bore yellow fur and a a red/yellow mane. Helix snapped her fingers, and two anthro guards, a Lizard and a Insect, dragged out a VERY familiar face.

"GRYFFIN?!" exclaimed Celestia, shocked. Onyx was also quite surprised..but, didn't mind to much at the 'sorry state' the griffin emperor was in.

the two listen in as Helix spoke up. "Have a Dropship prepped for flight. I want someone to fly as close to the borders of Gryphon as possible, and dump "his majesty" off. Sooner or later a patrol will find him, and take him back to his castle."

Sunset Shimmer eyed Helix. "Forgive me for questioning you, my lady..but, the Griffin Emperor is DANGEROUS. I think it would be wiser if we terminated him NOW, and be done with it."

Onyx may not know this Unicorn..but, he agreed with her opinion: Nobody would ever be safe, so long as Gryffin continued to live.

"Your suggestion is noted, and taken in consideration..BUT, we have nothing to fear." said Helix with confidence "After our 'session,' I had the griffin's memory wiped and altered, purging his mind of his encounter with us. as far as HE know, it was Prince Onyx who gave him a severe beating..NOT Scarlett."

Sunset nodded, her arms crossed. "Be that as it may, So long as we are staying in THIS Equestria for an extended amount of time. It is only a matter of time before the griffin emperor learns of us..Again. and, if he was hostile during his first encounter, I seriously doubt the SECOND encounter will be different."

Helix responded to this with a light chortle. "So true..but, with the secrets I managed to acquire while inside his twisted little mind, we shall be prepped and ready for whatever he plans to throw at us."

Sunset scowled, her eyes looking in another direction. "I still think It's unwise to let him live. He's more of a psychotic than Scarlett is..maybe even more than that Bliss Utonium person."

"Of that I agree. BUT I have to be fair, and give even my enemies a chance to wise up, and realize their own foolishness."

"and, what if he doesn't?! What if he goes right ahead and attacks us, Despite your warnings."

Helix grinned a sinister smile that reminded Onyx of a certain changeling queen. "Then, we shall finish what we started..and, DESTROY him."

Helix then faced her anthrobic guards that currently held the unconscious Gryffin prisoner. "Ripley, Thrax. Get that BEAST off of my ship."

"Yes, Mistress." said the lizard

"Yes, My Lady." said the Insect

the two marched off with their prisoner..right in the direction of Celestia and Onyx!

not wanting to be caught, and LOW on options, Celestia quickly charged her horn and teleported both herself and Onyx to an unknown location.


Onyx gasped, rubbing his eyes. "I hate teleportation spells." grumbled the young adult.

"my apologies, son."

the two finally got a good look at their new surroundings: They were in a room of some kind. as it resembled both Celestia and Luna's bedchambers, they could only assume that this was Helix's Quarters.

This was without a doubt..the WORST possible place aboard the ship that the two could possibly be.

"oh, my..this must be Helix's chambers." said Celestia, realization dawning

Onyx began to look around. "Stallion..Helix must be some kind of royalty to have a bedroom like THIS!"

Celestia said nothing. her only concern was finding a quick exist before any of Helix guards discovered them. BUT, while she was searching for the object on a nearby mantle caught her eye: a round, silvery orb.

curious, the alicorn approached the mantle to inspect it..but, she accidently turned it on, making the orn shoot a beam of light. Celestia and Onyx watched as the light materialized into an image..a MOVING image.

It soon became clear that this orb was like a photograph..only the picture moved as if the "memory" was happening in real time.

what REALLY stunned Celestia, was that the hologram showed Helix holding a baby who looked very much like Onyx did when HE was just an infant. Celestia stared at the image intently. Helix had a look of pure joy as she cradled the small child in her arms.

Celestia's heart began to break. memories of her days mothering Onyx when he was so young flooding back in her mind.

but, more to the point..the sun princess was seeing Helix in a whole new light. Whoever the woman was, One thing was clear..Helix was a mother, just like herself.

Celestia was broken from her trance by the harsh sound of a throat clearing. both she and Onyx looked..and, say Helix looking straight at them from the open doorway. "I do not believe my personal quarters was part of the guided tour."

Celestia quickly faced her. "M-Ms. Heli-"

"Since you are guests aboard my ship, I am going to TRY and be civil and let this slide..for now." continued Helix "and, while you can go most anywhere on the ship..MY ROOM is most definitely Off Limits."

Onyx tried to speak this time. "H-Helix, we-"

"Leave..NOW." said Helix, her voice deadpan

Knowing their place as mere guests, both Celestia and Onyx walked calmly towards the door. as they passed Helix while exiting the room..Celestia glanced back at Helix. "who was-" But, Celestia was speaking to a shut door..closed by Helix herself.

"..that child." finished Celestia, a sad look on her face.

Onyx neared his mother. "do you..think she's mad at us, mom?"

Celestia looked down..and, shook her head. "no..but, I think I stumbled upon personal." Celestia exhaled..then, put on her best smile. "Come, my son. Let us go find Twilight."