//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: New Beginnings // by Lunafan1k //------------------------------// There it was again, that feeling of unrelenting fear the immobilized him where he stood. He could do nothing but watch as Celestia bore into his very essence with untold fury. “Wait! Sister!” A voice cried out. Celestia halted her advance immediately, turning to question her sister. “Luna, these beings have forced their way into our lands, and just like every other entity from beyond our realm would no doubt do harm to the harmony we worked so hard to build.” She reasoned. “Perhaps, but these creatures look nothing like the others. We think, then, that these spirits are different.” Luna responded. Celestia thought for a moment before sighing, dispelling the magic she had summoned. “Very well, we will hear their case.” She casually strolled back up to her throne, followed closely by her sister. “Well spirits, come forth and plead thy case.” Luna demanded. Pitch was broken out of his stupor by Jack nudging him forward, “You got us into this mess, you get us out.” Jack whispered to him. Pitch gulped nervously as he slowly stepped forward, stopping about ten feet from the throne. He nervously shuffled his feet before bending over in a stiff bow, Jack following suit. They stood there bowing for a few long moments before they heard the click of hooves on the floor. “Rise, both of you, and present your case.” Both Pitch and Jack straightened and gazed up at the ponies upon the throne. Celestia was once again wearing a serene smile while the Luna gazed upon them in curiosity. Pitch readied himself with a deep breath, “Your majesties, please believe me when I say that I have no ill intent for being in your lands, and that my coming here happened on pure chance.” Celestia held up a hoof to silence him, “And you,” she turned to Jack, “Have you come with him as well?” “Uh, No, your majesty. Similar to him I did not mean to appear in your lands. My original intention was to travel to a distant place in my own world and something happened with the portal and I landed here instead.” “A portal?” Luna asked, intrigued. “Er, yeah. In my world there are several spirits that represent various aspects of the children in our world. There is the Tooth Fairy, who is the guardian of childhood memories, the Easter Bunny who is the Guardian of hope, the Sandman who is the Guardian of Dreams,” Luna perked up a bit at this news, “ There’s Santa who is the Guardian of Wonder, and I am Jack Frost, Guardian of Fun.” He finished with a smile. “You have yet to answer our question about this portal.” Celestia intoned, easing the tension from herself. If this Jack Frost is true about his word and truly is an honorable protector of a key aspect of his world, then surly he is incapable of ill intent. “Oh, right. Well, each of us Guardians has power based on how many children in the world believe in us, thus strengthening our virtue. As for the portal, I may have… borrowed, a Snow Globe from Santa on my last visit to his workshop in the North Pole. Anyway, I screwed it up and cracked it when I tried to use it and wound up here, where I found Pitch here.” “Pitch? And what is your relationship with Pitch? I was under the impression he was one of the other guardians you mentioned.” Luna asked. “Er, well…” Jack looked hesitantly toward Pitch. “I’m… not like them.” He said as he glanced away. “Not like who, the Guardians?” Celestia asked, once more on guard. “I am, or I was, darkness and nightmares.” Luna narrowed her eyes in a glare at this remark, “I spent hundreds of years building an army of darkness in an effort to overthrow the guardians, and I nearly succeeded. In the end Jack here managed to find a few remaining children and taught them to laugh in the face of fear, rendering my army useless, and my defeat was soon after. I spent the next year fleeing from my own nightmares through the underworld. I stumbled upon a light that the nightmares feared, but I was pulled in and ripped to pieces. I thought I was dead, but I had awoken here. I had never been so relived to be free from my torment, then jack found me. “We came to a truce until we figure out a way back to our own world. I figured coming here to the largest source of power would be helpful in that end, where we found yourself.” Pitch finished, laying everything about who and what he was out on the proverbial table to be judged, come what may. What he did not expect, however, was Luna to burst out in laughter. “You think you are the purveyor of nightmares and darkness? You thought you had control over such power? Even at your strongest you are but a shallow shadow against the powers of darkness I alone wield. But,” her face became deadly serious, “I also know of the whispers, the way the darkness turns on its master. I have succumbed to the taunts of my own power, becoming a being so much more than I ever was. I, with the help of the elements of harmony, regained control of my nightmare self, making me even more powerful. You speak of darkness, I see but a child playing in the shallows.” Luna stepped down from her throne as darkness pure and absolute spread out around her. “You may be many things, Pitch, but the purveyor of darkness…” The shadows converged on Pitch, the darkness invading his very essence and stilling his breath, “Was never your title.” And just like that, the darkness receded and revealed Luna calmly returning to her throne. “So, Jack,” Celestia began, seeing as Pitch was curled in on himself and shaking like a leaf, “mind telling me how a sick foal was touched by your essence, possibly endangering his life? I would think a guardian such as you would know better.” “He… I…” Jack was reeling, had he almost killed a child? “I’m sorry! I had no idea he was that sick! Everything was happening at once, I just did it to see if the ponies were the intelligent race here, I didn’t mean any harm I swear!” “Tia, what is he babbling about?” Luna inquired. “A young couple traveled from afar to seek healing from me, upon their entrance these two followed them inside, and their colt had Jack’s essence about him, causing him to cool to a lower body temperature.” Celestia filled in. “Hmm, perhaps a punishment is in order…” Luna trailed off. ‘Tia, I think we should send them to your student, Pitch could be taught to show compassion and understanding, perhaps even find his true purpose in life, while Jack could be occupied long enough for us to find a way to return him home.” ‘You speak as though you wish only to return Jack to his world.’ ‘Indeed, as a Guardian he must return to his duty as soon as possible. As for Pitch, even if we give him the option he may stay in our world for fear of what awaits him in his own.’ ‘I agree.’ During their internal debate, Jack began sweating bullets at his ‘punishment’ while Pitch finally managed to pull himself together. “We have reached a decision.” Jack and Pitch held their breath in anticipation, “Jack, your punishment, until we manage to return you to your realm, will be community service in Ponyville supervised by my personal student, Twilight Sparkle.” Jack let out his breath as relief flooded through him. “And as for you, Pitch,” Luna continued, “you will also take up residence in Ponyville under Twilight Sparkle’s supervision, where you will learn about our ways and perhaps one day, learn about your true self. Once we have opened a way to your own world, you will have the choice to either remain here and continue on with your new life, or return to your own world and all the hardships that lies therein. Do you accept these terms?” Jack was about to agree before a thought struck him, “So wait, I’m being forced to leave but he gets a choice to stay?” “I wouldn’t go as far as to say ‘forced,’ but we feel your duties as a guardian shouldn’t be put off longer than necessary.” Celestia said. Jack gave it a thought for a moment before giving them a firm nod. Pitch on the other hand looked conflicted, “Why… Why would you give me this chance knowing what I was in my past? How can you expect to me just cast away everything I thought I knew about myself?” “I know it won’t be easy, and the path is yours to choose from. We are giving you a change of redemption, to find something more about yourself. How you choose to be is up to you, but ask yourself this: will you repeat your past and fall from grace once again, or will you rise to the occasion to be something more?” Luna asked with a raised eyebrow. “We are merely showing you a path, it is your choice weather or not to follow it. But also know that the path will not be easy, but the rewards are limitless.” Pitch took in her words, a second chance, a new beginning, to be something more. All of that sounded so wonderful, but is he really worth it? No, not now, as he currently is. But maybe… maybe someday he will be different; he will be someone worthy of such a chance. He was hesitant, but a genuine smile crossed his features, “Princess, I accept your offer.”