Knowledge is crinkly.

by Daxn

Awaiting (now with Attempted Breakthrough!)

Ten minutes later, with a bell ring, recess terminated.

With a collective sad sigh, all the schoolchildren obediently returned in their class.

Once all the pupils were back at their seats, Cheerlie sat down and said.

"Take your history books, and open them at page 245."

And the pupils, with different speeds, did as requested from the teacher.

Silver Spoon was one of the first to extract it, since she had put the History book under the desk, before going out for the recess. That little ritual of leaving the book under the desk, however, was done more as a way to get the approval of the teachers, instead of a more pragmatic reason.

Once she had put the book on the desk, Silver Spoon opened it at the page, and started to read the first paragraph.

"The Romean-Barbaric Kingdoms. After the fall of the last Romean Emperor, Augustolo, the areas once occupied by the Empire were left in anarchy..."

The defective eyes of the gray filly scanned the section, while her mind did not pay attention to what she was reading, since her mind was occupied with thoughts of other nature.

Thoughts like "How I am going to tell that to Sweetie Belle?"

While somepony else read another paragraph on the book, Silver Spoon kept arguing with herself.

"I think that saying is the only problem. While she won't accept my request gladly, she doesn't seem too one-directional, when dealing with other ponies, either. Maybe some negotiations will help me into convince Sweetie Belle to comply to my wishes."

The other part of the gray filly's mind answered back.

"Makaroi! A year of harassing doesn't go away with one hour of sweet talking!"

"I didn't touch her in the slightest, just insulted her, so she might be willing to forgive me... naturally, with some clauses."

Silver Spoon's train of thought was interrupted by two amaranth hooves appearing in her field of vision, and Cheerlie's voice, asking in a stern tone.

"Silver Spoon, what we were talking about?"

The gray filly's heart stopped for a brief second, before beating again. Silver Spoon, trying to look sure, said.

"Er... the Marmarians's defeat in Kroton, and the basis of the nation-state of Litaly."

Cheerlie looked sideways at Silver Spoon.

"That is right." Said the teacher, with a hint of severity in her voice, before going back to the lesson.

Silver Spoon passed her left hoof on her forefront and let out a relieved hiss.

"That was close," she whispered "now, fast: talk with her outside school without warning will lead to failure no matter what. A note asking it directly doesn't work because it would require a tennis between me and her."

The gray filly had a sudden illumination.

"A note warning her of my coming her house! After all, the homeworks for tomorrow aren't many, and my father won't object anyway."

Then Silver Spoon toook her exercise book, opened it in the middle, tore out a page with her hooves, and, taking the pencil in her mouth, started to write.


I've listened to your story about your visit to Twilight Velvet, and I found it interesting. If my senses didn't deceive me, you said that you were going to try that again sometime soon. Well, I want to meet you at your house, for making a compromise between us about that.

Vale, Cochleari Argenti."

Satisfied with the message, the gray filly bend the piece a paper so to form a simil-envelope, rotated herself towards the row of desks behind her, she aimed at Sweetie Belle, and then she threw it to her.

The note landed just in front of Sweetie Belle's muzzle, startling her a bit. The white filly then took the piece of paper in her hooves and unfolded it slowly, to much of Silver Spoon's anxiety.

Sweetie Belle appeared to read it at low voice, before folding it again, and putting it in a book.

Silver Spoon sighed.

"Mission successful." She whispered to herself.

Four hours after school, in Sweetie Belle's house, the aforementioned filly was holding her head between her hooves, looking absent-mindedly to the yet-to-be-done Math homeworks under her eyes, thinking to the procedure for complete them, but failing to do so, not because she didn't know how to do them, but because her mind kept distracting itself with other things.

Among the things that distracted Sweetie Belle, there was Silver Spoon's message.

"200 divided 15... it should be..." The filly mumbled to herself, before getting flashed, again, by another thought that distracted her.

"No! Concentrate!" She said to herself, as she started to write all the passages of the aforementioned calculation.

"I take the 2 and the first 0, forming 20. How many times 15 is in 20? One." Then she wrote.

"1 and change 5. I lower the second 0, and I get 50. 15 is in 50..."

Her mind once again lost concentration. This time, however, it wasn't because a thought flashed, but because she heard the little bell downstairs toll.

Groaning, Sweetie Belle said.

"Where was I? Ah, yes, 15 is in 50 two times." And once again took her pencil for write that. However, before she could write the resulting number, Rarity called from outside the door.

"Sweetie Belle, come here, there is somepony that wants you!"

Sweetie's pupils shrank and her heart stopped briefly, when she heard Rarity calling her. Not only because it was unexpected, but also because she didn't know who was at the door that wanted her.

"It should be Silver Spoon. But what does she wants from me? I still don't understand completely. She mentioned what I had done at Twilight Velvet's house, but she didn't say what and why she was interested. Whatever she wants to do, I doubt it's an attempt to insult me."

Jumping down from the chair, the white filly walked to the door.

"I guess I have to ask her to find out." Then she opened the door, and walked downstairs, finding a standing Rarity at the base of the stairs.

"So, who is?" Asked Sweetie Belle, just for be sure.

"It's Silver Spoon," said Rarity "I've invited her to take a seat in the old living room."

The white filly nodded, and walked in said room, a room that contained two old green couches, a juta carpet, and few slated pictures hanging on the wall.

A smiling Silver Spoon was sitting on one of the sofas.

"Hello, Sweetie Belle. As I've written in my message that I sent you this morning, I have a request for you, regarding what you want to do in the near future..." the gray filly suddenly stopped, blushed,and looked at the ceiling.

Sweetie Belle looked at Silver Spoon, awaiting with anxiety what was exactly the mysterious request of her "enemy."

The gray filly sighed.

"Can I join you in your... 'foal fun'?"

Sweetie Belle looked surprised at the gray filly.

"You want really to do that?"

Silver Spoon nodded, and, as reaction, the white unicorn filly squeaked.

"That's... that's... incredible. Judging by how you act towards e and my friends..."

"Yes, yes, I know. I've insulted you, and I realize that I can't just pop in and ask something from you," Interrupted Silver Spoon, accompanying her words with a downward movement of her left hoof and a half eye roll "but, trust me, it's not easy to get my attention, much less manage to make me wish to try that out."

The white filly looked sideways at the gray filly, unsure whether the latter was laying a trap or not, and, in the end, decided to give her the benefit of doubt.

"So, you are telling me, you are ready to do something for me, in exchange of letting you try my 'special fun'?"

"Yes, I am ready," said Silver Spoon "give me an offer, and I will see if she accepts that or not."

Sweetie Belle put a hoof under her chin, thinking to what she could try to propose to her likely former enemy, now that she was offering herself to actions of every magnitude.

Sweetie Belle was now sitting on one of the sofas, her left hoof holding her chin in a thoughtful manner, while Silver Spoon looked at the white filly, impatiently waiting to know the conditions leading to her new experience.

After a long while, where Sweetie Belle turned around. Silver's eyes followed.

Sweetie Belled turned yet again, and the gray filly's eyes followed suit.

The white filly pounded a couple of the times the arm of the sofa. Silver Spoon stared.

Then, after some time, Sweetie Belle produced small sparks from her horn while jumping high in the air. When she landed back on the sofa, she said.

“Since you have humiliated us for a long time, what about... humiliate you once, by taking pictures of you doing this, and then showing them to the rest of the class?”

Silver Spoon, breaking the stare, bitterly chuckled.

“For begin so superior to us two, you sure have a desire of enforcing 'an eye for an eye.' However, in this case, your attempt would be fleeting. No thanks.”

Sweetie Belle huffed, and tried to come up with another proposal.

“Break your friendship with Diamond Tiara?”

Silver Spoon answered annoyed.

“She is one of my dearest friends, I can't leave her for make you happy,” Silver Spoon turned her head to the right sinisterly “however, I can do something else for you.”

The green eye of the white filly widened and her ears perked up in curiosity.

“What is that?”

“Sign White Peace with me and you three, and enforce a 30-days long armistice with Diamond Tiara and you.” Stated the gray filly as a matter of fact.

“White Peace? What is that?”

“Military-diplomatic terminology. It means a peace treaty where neither parts lose or gain something. In this case, however, it's a classier way to say 'I will apologize.'”

Those words left Sweetie Bele speechless and confused.

Silver Spoon, apologizing? Silver Spoon begin a decent pony?

That seemed impossible.

And yet it was happening right in front of her eyes, like the ludicrous idea of “Silver Spoon wants to try age play” was happening.

Sweetie Belle wanted to ask a stream of questions, but only one came out from her little mouth.

“Really? You promise that?”

Silver Spoon silently nodded.

“You are really promising that, 100% sure?”

The gray filly shrugged.

“Not sure about Diamond Tiara, since she isn't my slave. But, as for me, sure.” For prove she was not lying, the gray filly did the gestures of the Pinkie Promise.

Realizing that the gray filly was sincere, Sweetie Belle could not process the surprise, the happiness, and the confusion, that was ruling her. Meanwhile, Silver Spoon watched.

“So, permit garaunteed?”

Once the surprise and the joy burned out a bit, Sweetie Belle, once she was back from her ectasy, said.

“Yes, but I also want you to pay something for our evening of 'foal fun.'”

The gray filly hummed for few seconds, before answering.
“That can be done. I am willingly to cover a good part of the expenses. Namely, I am willingly to pay my onesie, half of the cost of the diapers, and some of the food.”

Sweetie Belle, feeling satisfied, nodded, and spoke up with seriousness that still contained a slight sense of stupor from before.

“Fine then. You are allowed to join me.”

A huge smile grew on silver Spoon's face. Then she jumped down from the sofa, and said.

“Thank you so much! The day?”

“I've decided with Rarity to do this the weekend of the next week,” Sweetie Belle also jumped down from the sofa, and started to walk out of the living room towards the shop's backroom, “however, if you want to get your onesie, I think that it will slip further, in the weekend of the next week.”

The white filly gestured towards the door.

“Anyway, follow me, we are going to ask to Rarity if you can join me and her.”

And so the two fillies went towards the door of the backroom of the shop, which was hidden behind a purple curtain near the pile of catalogues for the customers. Sweetie Belle moved the curtain away with her left hoof, then knocked at the door.

From inside of the room came a muffled clopping, follwoed by a clocking sound, and, finally squeaking and the openingof the door.

Rarity stood on the door, and asked

"What do you want, Sweetie Belle?" Asked Rarity with a slightly annoyed voice.

"It's for Silver Spoon," said Sweetie Belle, as Silver Spoon went at her side "she asked if she could join us in the... 'foal fun.' "

Suddenly, Rarity's face turned beet-red and got scrunched, and she backed down a bit, at the mention of the "foal fun."

"Oh... I-I understand..." said Rarity sheepishly to Silver Spoon "yes, of course you can!"

At Rarity's response, Silver Spoon started to jump up and down happily.