
by Lo Lo

Your Sister, Luna

Sunset: A Letter to Celestia

by Lo Lo

Dear sister,
We are writing to you, dear sister, from the depths of our heart. All of Equestria is in grief over your tragic death. But We shall miss you the most, dear sister.
The cause of your death was almost sadder than your actual death. You were attacked by the largest dragon that We have ever seen. The battle was brutal, but in the end you were able to fend it off with our help but not without fatal consequences. Your pure white body had turned a dark shade of red from your deathly wounds.
You died the next day while trying to raise the Sun. Your horrific groans and shrieks of pain made us weep more than We have ever wept before. We shall never forget those last sweet words that you had told us before your passing…
“My time is come. Continue our legacy throughout the kingdom, little sister.”
“Don’t leave us, big sister. You can live.”
You had gently touched our cheek with a tender blood-stained hoof. “Everything must come to an end. It is better to love and lose than to never have loved at all. When one future ends, another begins. Now, dear sister, it is time for the sunset.”
You had taken one last gasp for breath. And it was your last.

Your funeral was held in the Canterlot gardens, and you were buried in a magical coffin that ensured that although your soul had passed, your body would stay intact forever. You looked so beautiful in that coffin; We had made the guards let us stay with you longer than they normally would have let anypony stay with you. We were sitting in a pool of tears when they closed the coffin and lowered into the dirt. That’s when the first raid had happened.
We managed to escape, but not without injuries. The creatures had killed so many ponies… We try not to think about it. Poor Rainbow Dash had been killed in the tragic brawl. We will always remember her bravery.
The raid on Canterlot was too much—we were not able to stop them. Canterlot was destroyed, and we shall be rebuilding when—and if—the raids stop.
Darkness spreads throughout the land without your source of light to brighten Equestria. Many unidentified monsters have attacked the land, killing every pony in sight, and the population has dropped dramatically.
We visited a nearby town to see how they were faring. The town of Fillydelphia was cold and empty, and scattered amongst the streets were more dead bodies than We could count. Crimson blood stained the streets and all of the bodies were practically torn apart. We can honestly say that in all the thousands of years We have been alive, this was the most horrible sight We have ever seen.
The raids have not gotten any better since your death. Many cities have been destroyed, and thousands of ponies have been killed. We have been to Las Pegasus, Manehatten, Cloudsdale, Appleloosa, and Vanhoover, but all had been desolated. Every pony in those towns had been killed. Every single one.
There were no survivors.
Fluttershy would not come out of her cottage for days and still will not come out. We think that it is partially because of the darkness that has spread across the land without your Sun to give our subjects light. We have been trying to brighten the Moon as much as possible, but it is not enough to stop the darkness.
Rarity wept for days as she caressed the many dresses that she made in hopes that you would one day wear them. We tried to visit her, and her boutique was a depressing wreck. Puddles of tears had dampened the wooden floors. It was utterly and completely dark except for the weak light of a single small candle.
Pinkie Pie’s mane lost its bright color and became strait like it does when she is depressed. We saw her talking to a bucket of turnips and a pile of rocks like they were her friends, and We hope that she has not gone insane from grief.
Rainbow Dash, as We mentioned earlier, was killed in a fatal attempt to protect Canterlot from the first raid. She was buried next to you because as the Element of Loyalty, she was your most loyal subject. Her gravestone read: “Here lies Rainbow Dash. Element of Loyalty, most loyal follower of Princess Celestia, and best friend to many.”
Applejack had gone back to the farm to grieve over you with her family. We have noticed that the apple trees at the farm have gone bare, and Ponyville is starving for food, as Sweet Apple Acres is the town’s main food source. The farm seems gray and lonely, as if nopony has lived there in decades.
And then there’s Twilight Sparkle. Your faithful student took the news the worst. She sat in the library crying, stopping for nothing, for days, almost two weeks now. We are beginning to worry about her. She has not eaten or slept since your death. We go to visit her ever so often, only to be greeted by heartbreaking sobs.
Twilight Sparkle was meant to take over for you as the ruler of Equestria, but We are afraid that she cannot do so in her condition. Until she gets over her grief, We shall take over as ruler. We shall do as you have taught us, dear sister, to put an end to the raids and ensure that Equestria lives in peace for all eternity. For We shall never forget the lesson that you taught us before you passed on.
“It is better to love and lose than to never have loved at all. When one future ends, another begins.”
This is the most important lesson that We have ever learned, and it has helped me through this time of loss, grief, and depression. Thank you, dear sister, for that lesson and all of the lessons that you have taught us over the years.
Thank you for your kindness and your love towards us and other ponies.
Thank you for your supporting spirit in our times of need.
Thank you for freeing us from our prison in the Moon, and for turning us away from evil.
Most of all, thank you, big sister, for showing us friendship. It is the friendships We have made that have helped us through this horrific time.
Thank you, sister, for everything.
I love you. Always have, always will.
Your sister,