//------------------------------// // Morning After // Story: TD the Alicorn Princess // by BronyWriter //------------------------------// So, all that... happened, I guess. Had I seriously just done that with Celestia? I mean, not that I didn't love her, and all, but I thought that it was just as my best friend and not as a lover. Having said that: er... it was good. That's ignoring the fact that it was nice to be male again, if only for a little while. It was, ah, actually a fairly old spell for the activities we did last night, but nobody had figured out how to make it permanent. I would have just kept casting it on myself, but it only lasts for a few hours, and my two awkward options with that boiled down to "why Prince Antares, your voice just got higher and more feminine all of a sudden right in the middle of Day Court!" or "excuse me, gentlecolts while I go make sure my spell to keep myself a male doesn't wear off." But enough about that. Really, enough about that. Really, really enough about that. I still had to deal with Celestia sitting on my bed and the fact that I had just started up a romance with her; something that I never, ever, ever, ever thought that I of all people, or in this case ponies, would do! But I just did, and... I wasn't averse to the idea in principle, but it still hadn't completely registered yet. I cleared my throat and scratched the back of my neck, not really wanting to make eye contact with Celestia. "Well alright, then. I guess two of Equestria's goddesses just... did that." Celestia nodded. "It would seem so." I glanced up at her and I saw a hint of a smile on her lips. "And I must say, it was a good night for me." I returned her hint of a smile with one of my own. "Yeah, me too, I guess." I took a deep breath and finally managed to look up at her. "I'm just surprised that it went that... fast. I mean, one minute we're having wine on my rooftop and the next we're making whoopee in my bed." "Well, I'm sure you've at least suspected this, TD, but alicorn emotions and desires tend to be more... extreme." Celestia sighed and pulled my covers over herself a little more. "It's one of the reasons we have to be so guarded about what we're thinking and feeling. You experienced this with your first case of foal abuse. Do you recall that?" "Yeah." "You would not have normally gotten so angry, I suspect. It was the fact that you were an alicorn and now had the emotional state to go with it." Celestia's mouth formed into a slight grimace. "It can lead to major problems beyond just an explosive temper. Such emotions were why The Nightmare was able to manipulate and feed off of Luna so well. It played to her more extreme emotions." Celestia shook her head and waved her hoof. "But not all of them are bad. I didn't say that only our negative emotions and feelings were more extreme. All of them are, including..." That hint of a smile returned. "Lust, desire, and love." Once again I copied her smirk. "Makes sense to me." Yeah, I had noticed that I had more extreme emotions since my ascension. Celestia mentioned it once or twice in passing, but never really focused on it. I raised an eyebrow at her. "It's not like you to give into your baser desires, particularly emotions, Celestia." I scoffed. "Do I just bring out the worst in you? We got in that fight after I ascended, after all." Celestia chuckled and shook her head. "Oh, it's healthy to indulge the Id every once in a while, TD. Keeping feelings bottled up without acting on them in some way can be damaging, depending on how powerful they are." "Sounds reasonable enough." I shrugged with my wings and sat down next to my bed. "So, then, we have a romance with each other, despite the fact that three years ago we both would have punched the person or pony in the face who would have claimed that possible." I opened my mouth to speak more, but something caught my eye. I frowned and leaned forward a bit more to examine some discolored spots on Celestia's coat. They looked like... bruises. I raised my eyebrow and looked up at Celestia, who only kept smiling at me. "What can I say, TD? I suppose even in romance, with you old habits die hard." Celestia leaned forward and licked my cheek. "I didn't mind at all." I groaned and facehooved. "Throes of passion, it seems." I rolled my eyes and waved my hoof. "At any rate, what do you suggest we do now?" Celestia's playful smile faded ever so slightly, and she pushed the covers off of her. "Well, we both have day court soon, so I suppose that I should be leaving. Do you mind if I borrow your shower before I leave?" "No, go right ahead." I got to my hooves and walked over to the stand in my room where my regalia rested. "I have to get to breakfast before I go to court, otherwise I'd see you out. If you want to join me that's fine. I don't have court for another half hour or so." "I'd love to, but I must go back to Canterlot if I'm to make it there in time for my own court." Celestia got off of my bed and stretched her wings. "Well, this was excellent, TD. We must do it again." "Uh..." Hmm. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to do it again. Yeah, it was great and all, but the political ramifications, and, heck the religious ones too, would be pretty severe. Two of Equestria's goddesses are in bed together! Gosh, the papers wouldn't let that one go... ever. On the other hoof, I sacrificed how much for those guys? I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, definitely. Just tell me when and where and we can have dinner together sometime." "I'd most certainly enjoy that, TD." With that, Celestia walked into my bathroom to use the shower, and I slipped on my regalia before heading on out to my dining room to get a quick meal before court. If I remembered my schedule correctly then my day wasn't going to be horribly busy, but I wasn't going to be lounging in the free time, either. It was shaping up to be an average day, something that I found myself grateful for after the events of the previous day. As good as last night was, I was hoping for a quiet day. A sure sign that one wouldn't happen, but hey, a guy can dream, can't he? I walked into my dining room and found that Lieutenant Rapids was on escort duty for today. She bowed as I sat down to get my meal in. "Good morning, Lieutenant Rapids," I said as I put some pancakes on my plate. "Did you sleep well?" "I didn't, actually," she replied. "Really?" I put some syrup on my pancakes and began cutting them up. "Why is that?" "You and Princess Celestia were too loud." I froze with my fork halfway to my mouth as her words repeatedly echoed in my brain. As snarcastic as my guard is, one of the first lessons I gave them was to be snarcastic about the truth whenever possible. The comment bites more that way. So I knew better than anypony that she wasn't just guessing about me and Celestia doing something. If she made a comment like that, she knew about it. I slowly lowered my fork and looked over at Lieutenant Rapids who was staring at me, her expression perfectly neutral. "You, uh, you were on leave last night, weren't you?" She nodded. "Yes, Princess Antares." "And you went to visit your family on the other side of Baltimare, right?" She nodded again. "Yes, Princess Antares." "And Princess Celestia and I..." I blinked once. "Kept you up?" She nodded again, never even blinking. Even though I had trained them personally, I was impressed with how neutral even her voice was. "Yes, Princess Antares. One of the gems that I heard was 'Yes! Punch me harder, big boy! Ooh punch me real good!'" "Oh for..." I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Now I know you're lying." "As you wish, Princess Antares." I rolled my eyes and went back to my pancakes. "And you weren't working last night, so how did you find out?" "Because two full-sized alicorns, one of them pure white, flying through your bedroom window and giggling like schoolfillies isn't really something that escapes the notice of a watchful and vigilant guard." For the first time since we had begun talking, the barest traces of a smirk appeared on her lips. "Nor the fact that she hasn't left yet." I blushed, something that is hidden a little better by my coat than Celestia's, and flattened my ears. "Well, she's leaving soon. She has court of her own to attend to, so she'll be getting to that. She might have left already." I waved my hoof and went back to my pancakes. I didn't want to talk about this anymore. "This doesn't get spread around, okay? Whomever knows does not tell under penalty of termination, got that?" Lieutenant Rapids bowed. "Yes, Princess Antares. I personally will not add gasoline to the wildfire, and I will tell others who know not to either." Once again my fork froze halfway to my mouth, and my pupils shrank down to pinpricks when her words registered with me. "Uh... how many ponies know?" "I'd say about all of the staff and all of the guards, Princess Antares." Rapids shrugged. "You weren't very discreet. Or quiet. I wouldn't worry, though, we're not going to spread it around outside the castle." "No guarantee of that," I grumbled. Man, I can see the headlines now. I really, really, don't want to, but I can. This is the kind of thing that has ramifications for a long time, because princesses can never really do anything for themselves. I grimaced, dropped my fork on my plate, pushed it away, and stood up. "Not hungry. I'll be starting court in ten minutes." The trace of a smile that Lieutenant Rapids had fell, and her own ears flattened. "Uh... I'm sorry, Princess Antares. I didn't mean to hit a sore spot. If you want I can send out an order to make sure that it doesn't get talked about at all." I nodded once and began walking towards the door to the dining room. "Good. See that you do. Tell the soldiers to tell the petitioners that I'll be ready to see them soon." Lieutenant Rapids bowed low again. "Yes, Princess Antares. And I apologize again." I waved my hoof at her. "Don't worry too much about it," I grumbled. Did I mean to be such a grump about the whole thing? No, and I really didn't like taking it out on Lieutenant Rapids in any way, but at the same time I had just started a physical, romantic relationship with Celestia, and now pretty much my whole palace knew because we forgot to put a sound spell around my room. A mistake that we would not be repeating, thank you very much. Man, I don't want to sound like I'm complaining or anything, because last night was great, but come on, when am I going to catch a break longer than a few days? I finally get used to my life in Ponyville? I ascend. I find love? It gets spread around my palace like a virus. My relationship with my marefriend couldn't just be between the two of us like it should have been because we were arguably the two most important ponies on the planet, it had to be known by my entire staff and guard. Well, I guess I just had to remember what I said in my sermon, or something like that. I gotta keep moving forward. I couldn't think about it right then at any rate. I had court to deal with, and that was going to take up a fair chunk of my day. I could think about it more when the two of us had some free time to talk about it. * * * * Court was boring. Yeah, big shocker, but it dragged on a little more than usual today. There weren't as many ponies coming to see me, which gave me a little time to read a few of the local newspapers that I had my staff pick up. Nothing on me and Celestia, and believe you me: if the press did know, even a totalitarian dictator controlled country that dictated every single word that the press printed wouldn't have been able to keep that quiet. Our relationship was safe for now. It actually did me some good to find that out. It really meant that my staff was loyal to me, and that Lieutenant Rapids had successfully convinced everypony to keep it quiet. Not that they would have disobeyed a direct order from me anyway. But yeah, even when I had ponies in my court, I just heard things about the .01 percent increase in corn taxes, or the recent rise in griffin expatriates, or whatever. I didn't really care. It was just one of those days. Thankfully the time came for my lunch break, and by that point I had gone roughly ten minutes without any petitioners, so the doors to my throne room were closed. I stood up and yawned, stretching out my wings and forelegs as I did. "I'm taking my lunch break now, Sergeant Stones. Any petitioners will have to wait until I'm done." Sergeant Stones saluted me with his wing. "Yes, Princess Antares. We'll let anypo--" He was cut off when the doors to my throne room burst open, and I caught a glimpse of midnight blue. However, the force of the doors opening was so great that they hit the walls they were beside and promptly slammed shut again. Silence filled my throne room as each of us stared blankly at the door, wondering if we had really seen it open. It opened and slammed shut again in the span of about half a second, so we weren't really sure if we had imagined it. Eventually one of the guards guarding the door shrugged and looked at the other one. "Gesundheit." I snorted and stepped off of the dais of my throne, my eyes never leaving the doors. "Hello? Is somepony there? My day court is over for right now, so if you could..." The doors were engulfed in a dark blue glow, and this time they were slower to open. Given the midnight blue flash I had seen, I suppose that I shouldn't have been surprised to see Princess Luna on the other side of the door. I do admit being a touch unnerved by the look of utter fury on her face. Gone was any trace of the playfulness or warmth that she usually had around me. Gone was the relaxed demeanor that we alicorns had when we got together. All of that was replaced with wings flared out completely, and a glare made of pure steel pointed directly at me. Her teeth were even bared to complete the picture. Two guesses as to why she was so mad at me, and the second one didn't count. "Antares." When she spoke her voice dripped with venom, and she stomped into the throne room. Her hoofsteps had such force that I began to wonder whether or not they would crack the floor. "How dare thou violate Our, no, my sister in such a manner?" Looking back, it's a source of pride that I hadn't so much as flinched yet. When I first ascended, Princess Luna stomping towards me with the wrath of the moon behind her would have caused me to run for the hills with my tail between my legs, but I hadn't even blinked yet. Luna stopped just in front of my throne and stared at me as if trying to get me to drop dead on the spot. Well, good luck with that, Luna. Being an alicorn meant that I had a higher resilience to that kind of thing. But I figured that if she wasn't going to leave then I should at least humor her. I gently cleared my throat, walked back to my throne, and sat down on it. I don't doubt that she caught the clear power play, but I found it necessary, let me tell you. "I didn't violate your sister, Luna. It was completely consensual between the two of us." A wry smile crossed my face. "In fact, I'd say that she came on to me a little more. She kissed me first." Luna growled and snorted steam, but didn't comment on my remark. She instead turned her attention to Sergeant Stones. "Leave us. Take the others in this hall with you." I shot to my hooves and flared out my own wings, all trace of humor gone from my voice and more than a hint of sharpness in it instead when I spoke next. "Yes, they should leave us. They should leave us, and the next time I come to Canterlot and see some ponies from your Night Guard on duty, I'll order them around!" "This is not for them to hear, Antares!" Luna snarled. "This is between us!" "Maybe, but you do not get to order my guard around any more than I can tell your guards to clean my castle toilets, and you know it!" I folded my wings and sat back down on my throne, neither of our glares fading. "They're staying. Say what you have to." "Very well." Luna's own wings folded, and her eyes narrowed a little more. "What makes you think that you can bed my sister? She may have instigated it, but you were both foolish if you did not consider the ramifications of it! If word got out that one of Equestria's princesses was bedding the other, there would be an outrage!" I took a moment to put a sound spell over the hall. Just had to make sure. "Your sister is a grown mare who is perfectly capable of making her own choices, Luna," I retorted. "I would think that after thousands of years you would know that." "A grown mare with responsibilities and an image to uphold, Antares, as are you!" Luna snapped. "Laying with my sister is not a consequence-free thing!" "Clearly," I muttered, rolling my eyes," I'll get you after me." I was playing with fire, being snarky with her when she was like this, but I didn't care to humor her. I had already dealt with enough grief without getting more from Luna because she decided that I acted rashly. And sure enough, she didn't appreciate it. Not only did she look even angrier, but I even saw a few sparks fly out of her horn. I suppose that it all harkens back to what Celestia said earlier about alicorns having more extreme emotions. "Antares, thou art young yet, so mayhap thou dost not understand the ways of the world." Luna took another step towards my throne. "You two are not peasants, and We are not some angry older sibling chiding you for making out behind the barn! The ramifications of your actions last night could ripple out for decades! Everything everypony thought that they knew about the both of you could and will completely change overnight if they hear that you two are having intercourse!" "Oh what, you've never done this? You've never had a casual night of sex?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes again. "I've read the history books, Luna. You and Celestia had whole harems of ponies for just that purpose. Besides, what we did last night wasn't casual, it was love." "The harems are a thing long past!" Luna stomped her hoof on the ground and that time I'm pretty sure something did crack. "Even before my banishment, neither of us had one for over a hundred years! If you had truly read the history books you would be aware of such a thing." I groaned and facehooved. "Fine. Fine. That's long past. But the fact remains that just because we're alicorn princesses doesn't mean that we can't do it at all." I sighed and rubbed one of my temples, doing my best to center myself so that I didn't say something else that was stupid. "Look, you'd have to be an idiot to not see that Celestia and I have become best friends over these past few years, right?" Luna tilted her head in a nod and I returned it. "Right, so is it so wild to think that, our past aside, it's blossomed into a romance? That we've actually grown to love each other because not only are we best friends, but that is something that we frankly both desperately need?" "What do you mean?" "We're ponies, Luna. We're made for equine interaction. You were born with an innate need for deep, meaningful connection. Even though I was born human, it was the same thing for me." Good. Luna seemed to be calming down. She wasn't playful or smiling, but she seemed to not want to strangle me. "That mostly manifests itself in friendship, and I think that we can both agree that the friendship between two ponies not related is different from the one between two ponies that are. "You and Celestia have a relationship that I could never match with her, but at the same time there are needs that it doesn't fill. Sure she can have friendships with other ponies, but... those other ponies are going to grow old and die. I'm not. Even Twilight, whom we all know she loves like a daughter, isn't going to be around forever, but, lord willing, I am. I get to be that deep friendship that she needs. I'm not going to wither away. I'm not going to die. She gets to create a connection with a pony outside of her family, and for the first time in her life she gets to keep it." I sighed and closed my eyes. Not for the first time in my reign did I want to just go to bed, but I still had more of the day to do. If nothing else I had to convince Luna that I wasn't a horrible princess. "Look, was it the one hundred percent right thing to do? Probably not. Should we have been more discreet? Definitely there, and we'll be sure to be more careful the next time." I opened my eyes and looked up at Luna, who wasn't glaring at me anymore. Her expression had turned neutral. "And make no mistake, Luna. There will be a next time. We're not going to stop getting together, and we're probably not going to stop sleeping with each other, and in all honesty, I'm not sure you didn't know that. You know the both of us really well. You would know that we wouldn't stop if we didn't want to, so why bother coming all the way to Baltimare to chew me out?" Luna didn't answer for a few seconds. She just stared at me as though she was trying to look right through me. Eventually she took a deep breath. "We suppose We acted rashly when We found out. We thought to try to talk some sense into you, Antares, but We see that We cannot." "That's not all, Luna, and you know it. You burst in here and accuse me of violating her." Luna sighed and nodded. "Yes, We suppose that We are also slightly protective of her as her sister. 'Tis not as though you two are married, after all, and there are certain social norms that We are accustomed to..." Luna shook her head and waved her hoof. "'Tis unimportant in the end, We suppose. We can only caution you to be careful about how you go about it. Should word get out, there will literally not be a single sapient being on the entire planet who will not know." "I understand, and I think she does too." I frowned and leaned back on my throne enough to cross my forelegs. "I think you're forgetting that this is a two-way thing, Luna." "No, We have not forgotten that." Luna fluttered her wings and scratched the back of her neck. "We have had talks with Tia about this as well." "Is that how you found out?" I tilted my head. "I don't think that she would brag about this to you." For the first time since she came in here, a hint of a smile crossed Luna's face, and I think that I might have even heard a bit of a chuckle. "Tia can hide nothing from Us after these many thousands of years, Antares. The morning after intercourse she always has this bounce in her step. It's a unique one, so We know that We cannot misinterpret it. Considering that We saw her flying to your palace last night, t'was not difficult to put two and two together." "Makes sense, I guess." I shrugged. "Well, I guess that's all I'm willing to say about it. Celestia and I love each other and we're going to keep doing what we're doing, but we will be more discreet about it." "We can ask nothing more, We suppose." Before Luna could do anything else, Sergeant Stones snorted and gave a single chuckle. "Man, you just got owned." Luna frowned and her glare returned. "If thou sayest that to us one more time, we shall--" Luna was cut off when the door slammed open once more, and Twilight Sparkle of all ponies burst into the room with an expression suspiciously close to the one that Luna had. "I just came from Canterlot and overheard Princess Celestia talking with Princess Luna! TD, how dare you sleep with Princess Celestia! She's... she's..." Twilight stopped right in front of my throne and glared at me. "Well, she's Princess Celestia!" Luna gave a pained sigh and extended a wing, which she used to begin herding Twilight out of the room. "Leave her be, Twilight Sparkle. 'Tis a matter between Antares and Celestia." Twilight's rage melted away, and was replaced with surprise at being pushed out of the room by Luna. "But Princess Luna, I didn't--" "We have already discussed it with her. That is all you need know." "Er..." Twilight blinked once and looked back at me, and I smiled serenely at her. "Okay, I guess."