//------------------------------// // Preparing for Battle // Story: Wars, Battles, Scars, and Fate // by The Writer In Hiding //------------------------------// Dawn Dancer stood, slightly brooding, over the camp she was currently stuck in. They had planned to do a sneak attack on their enemies, knowing many of them wouldn't return. Dawn Dancer frowned at the thought, hating the fact so many ponyfolk had to die to complete one mission, hating the fact that their enemies were so much stronger than her ponies. She knew she couldn't give up, knowing her aunt Twilight Sparkle wouldn't be happy with it.'I only continue this battle... For my aunt. Only my aunt. She deserves me winning this for her.'She thought, looking at the sky coldly, remembering the day she heard the news her aunt died,'She took care of me for such a long time... Longer than my parents did... She was practically all my family wrapped into one being. If I give up now, it would be an insult to her efforts!'She thought, her eyes turning fierce with determination.'I must not fail! For Equestria! For my aunt!' She was brought out of her thoughts, when Captain Lost Feather came and tapped her shoulder, causing her to yelp in surprise and tumble down the small hill."... Oops. Sorry, Princess Dawn Dancer."Lost Feather said, not sounding that sorry, like usual. "If you're going to fake apologize, at least make it convincing."Dawn Dancer grumbled, sitting up. She rubbed her head, wincing a little when she felt a bump,"Jeez, Lost Feather! Why do you have to be such a ninja sometimes! A little warning would be nice every once and a while, you know."She huffed slightly, glaring at the captain. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know I'll never be truly sorry for waking you up, Dawn. I haven't been since we were little fouls."Lost Feather said, his usual blunt manner showing,"Our allies have requested your presence in the meeting, Princess. They said it is urgent that you hear what the have to say."He rolled his eyes at the end, having a feeling it wouldn't end well. Dawn Dancer sighed, groaning mentally, also having a feeling it wouldn't end well. The one thing she hated most was compromising, especially with her allies. She knows they have good plans, but her nature just won't allow her to hear them. She sighed again, responding,"Fine. You come with me, Lost Feather. We don't need a repeat from the last meeting, now do we?"She said grumpily, remembering the last meeting turning her ears red with the immense anger, and embarrassment, she felt. It was another simple day on the field, Dawn Dancer and her allies having one of their hot debates, anger and bad blood showing. The only reason the alliance started, was because Equestria was the main source of many things to other lands, and they knew if it fell, so would their empires. They couldn't have it, so they grudgingly agreed to help Equestria, instead of fight it like they had earlier. Many ponies still didn't trust their new allies, wondering if they were spies for the main enemy, or truly wanting to help. They simply couldn't get over the fact they were almost killed by their allies at one point. The main people who were arguing, were the Griffins and the Timber Wolves. They were the two must surprising allies, and the two that disagreed the most. The debate kept getting hotter, and hotter."That plan is utterly ridiculous, you tree!"The griffin leader huffed, glaring at the timber wolf leader. "Well, bird for brains, it's certainly better than your simpleton plan!"The timber wolf leader snapped back, glaring with the same fierceness as the griffin. "At least my plan won't involve many people being wiped out on our side!" "At least MY plan has some form of structure!" And on it went, the two at each other's throat. Everyone was so distracted by their arguing, they didn't realize what was going to happen. A sneaky little being was crawling into the tent, armed with a poisonous weapon. It fired quickly, causing all the leaders to shut up, and run out of the tent. Lucky for them, none of them got injured. It was an embarrassing day for all of them though, and that was mainly because they hadn't even agreed on a plan! They all had to hastily form something, and it didn't go well for them. They didn't even make a dent in their forces. That was one bad day, for everyone. Simple to say, no one ever really got over the fact that the Griffins and the Timber Wolves cost them a major battle they could've won. Many still glared at them with anger, while the two species bowed their head in embarrassment, due to their leaders. The Griffins and Timber Wolves had wisely decided not to chat to each other again, including the leaders of both species. Dawn Dancer and Lost Feather headed towards the tent where negotiations usually underwent, wondering what would happen this time. They hoped it wouldn't be as embarrassing as the last time. When they entered, bickering had already seemed to erupted. The shared looks, sighing at the same time.'This is gonna be a long day... I just know it.'Dawn Dancer thought, taking her usual place at the table. She glanced at all of them, wondering on how she'd get their attention. She didn't need to wonder too long, as Lost Feather already seemed to have a plan,"SHUT UP, ALL OF YOU! Bickering will not help! Remember the LAST TIME?"He barked out, almost sounding like a Timber Wolf. It was effective, as the allies finally seemed to shut their mouths. Dawn Dancer sighed silently in relief, glad that her captain was better at getting people to listen than she was.'I knew I made a good choice, making him captain.'She thought, before speaking to her allies,"Alright. Lets have a CIVIL discussion on our plans, with as little bickering as possible, okay?" She asked, her allies nodding their heads quickly."Good. Lost Feather, go guard the door, so that no one gets in, like last time."She commanded, Lost Feather obliging. "Now, lets start off with the formations we plan to put the army we have in, and how to drive the enemies away..."