The Hidden Element of Courage

by posponer

Date, Applebuck and Crusaders

Well here's the 3rd chapter Bronies... Have fun reading :) I do not own pokemon or MLP


On a peaceful afternoon here in Ponyville Ash was waiting at a certain spot in the village

"Now that I think about it… I didn't tell her when or where to meet… Well Ponies said that she handles shipping and stuff related to it so I expect her to be flying around somewhere… I should've asked her… oh well just need to wait" He sighed as he started to look once more until he heard a voice from behind… above him?

"Wait for what Ash?" Speak of the pony. There she was. Flying right above him

"Actually I was waiting for you. Remember the lunch thing?" The pony nodded "Well if you happen to have some free time I would love to spend it with you" He then smiled at her. Well weirdly enough it didn't have enough effect as it would to others but it still affected her by the less

"Sure why not? I just finished transporting new equipment for the Apple farm to use anyways" Ash wondered what the equipment that was delivered to the farm was but quickly dismissed it since it is a farm after all

"Do you have any preferences Miss Ditzy?"

"Please call me derpy. That's what everyone else calls me." She insisted so Ash nodded "Also we could go wherever you want."

"That's just it. I'm new here I don't know where to go." He offered an apologetic smile

"Well in that case, there's this lovely little café down the block and the daffodil sandwich and rosemary tea they serve are delicious." Of course to Ash who only started getting used to this world still finds eating flowers kind off… weird… for most of the days he ate apples, berries and most fruits he found Lucario settled on eating fruits as well

'Though I remember that people in my world eats roses and other flowers… maybe this is the same?' Ash thought remembering his own world

"Well then lead the way if you please." They went on their way to their destination and as soon as they sat somepony came up to them and asked "May I take your order please?"

"Um I'll have Daffodil Sandwich and Rosemary tea please." Derpy said and then the pony took down the order "Same order please." He said and the pony went to get their orders and the two was left with a suffocating silence without anything between them to talk about until Derpy got tired of the whole silence between them and said "Hey Ash I have a question" the Colt was surprised at the sudden voice that he automatically responded with a yes or sure

"Well… I've been wanting to ask you. Why is a prince like you here? Ponyville is a small village so I'm wondering why of all places here?" She was curious of his reason and the questions made Ash relax as he answered question after question

"Well to tell you the truth. I had nowhere to go. Or maybe you can call it I go everywhere? Either way I chose this place for its ponies and the place itself. Peaceful and quiet yet bustling and full of vigor at the same time. It's a really great place to be in."

"But why here? Why not a castle?"

"I've lived my whole life pent up in a castle. It's not like the pony-tales at all. Living in a castle your whole life is very dull. You'd need to change your life-style whenever you can and that decision led me here" as soon as he finished talking the orders were served and they proceeded to eat… well at least Derpy did… Ash only stared at Derpy as she took a bite of her sandwich wondering 'why is he staring at me?'

In Ash's mind though he was thinking 'Well… I am a pony… and she's a pony… she's eating the flowers… maybe it won't taste as bad' Ash continued to stare as she ate and thinking that being stared at while you eat was a little too embarrassing even for her. She decided to speak up and say "Ash, staring at me like that is bound to make me feel embarrassed you should go ahead and eat yours as well" and she continued to eat when she saw the look in Ash's face

Noticing the embarrassment he put on the girl he couldn't help but feel embarrassed as well so as to hide his embarrassment and to his amazement "This is delicious!" He yelled out in the café making other ponies look at him and noticing all the looks he got he decided to sit down again

"This is really delicious Derpy!" He whispered in an ecstatic voice to her in which she just giggled and gave him a condescending smile and they soon finished their meal they decided to take a walk in the park and relax to let the food digest "That was one of the best meals I've ever tasted!" He exclaimed to her while Stretching out his muscles "That's unbelievable Ash. You're a prince. I'm pretty sure you've ate a lot of food more delicious than that." He just gave her a sad smile and told her

"Nah. Even before deciding to live here, I never let anyone serve me food… or the at the very least I want to help the kitchen staff… They never really did liked me being in the kitchen where accidents are prone but I learned lots of things about making food… even now I hunt for fruits and berries… that was the first time I tasted something that delicious." Derpy was amazed at the fact that he wasn't at the very least let others spoil him, Derpy saw lots of ponies go off a tangent and become something that wasn't who they really are just because of something like Bits, or Evil emotions…

"That's very great of you Ash. I'm starting to see you in a new light…" She told him with all her honesty and Ash replied "Thanks"

"Well I think my boss would get mad at me if I take longer in getting back. There's still lots to be delivered after all. See you later Ash" She waved at him and Ash waved back as she flew off

"Now then… It's four in the afternoon and nothing to do… let's see…" He began to think of his schedule "Hmmm.. Monday is wing exercises for better control of flying… Tuesday's and Thursday's are set for Magic training with Twilight which was this morning… Tomorrow is Friday and Wednesday's and Fridays are Aura training… but all these are set in the mornings… never really thought about what to do in the afternoon and such… hmmmm" Thinking to deeply he didn't notice somepony coming next to him

"Well look what Ah found. What are ya doin here Ash?" It was Applejack "Nothing really.. just thinking of what to do now since I have nothing else to do in afternoons of everyday… Somehow I feel like A lazy pony" He laughed

"Well if yer lookin' for something ta' do then look no farther.. Would you mind if I were to ask you to take care of Mah little sister for tomorrow?" She asked him

"Of course not. What's the matter?" He was kind of worried since he knew Applejack would always love to take care of her sister "Well ya see Big McIntosh darn broke his back just when Applebuck Season came" She explained to him but he wondered what she meant so he asked "Applebuck Season?"

"Oh yeah.. that's right yer new here. Well Applebuck season is what we call the day of harvesting all them apples ya know." She explained which just made Ash more confused "Well if you really needed help I'd gladly harvest some Apples in your farm tomorr—" he was cut off when she suddenly said "No can do Ash. I gave Big McIntosh Mah word and Ah plan ta' keep it." Ash just sighed and said

"Okay. So when should I pick her up tomorrow then?" He agreed but he thought 'I need to help her some way or another… I feel something's going to happen like with the ticket if I don't.. for now let's just agree and find a way tomorrow'

"Thanks. That's mighty fine of ya Ash. Pick her up at somewhere round 6-7 in the mornin' Am Ah glad to have this here talk with ya.. see ya later Ash!" she then decided to head on her own way

"Well if I'm going to deal with kids then I better get rested up." He then decided to sleep

*Scene Break*

"Ahhhh… I think I slept a little too much. Hope I'm right on time" He yawned as he walked into the Apple Farm "Heya Ash! Nice o' you to drop by. Also Would ya mind takin care o' Rarity's little sister? Apple Bloom an' her are friends an' all so…" She looked into his eyes to see if he'd say his answer and he whispered back to her "Sure why not? It's not like one or two more ponies will be hard for a prince to handle right?"

As Ash and Apple Bloom went walking to go to the Boutique where Rarity lives

"Umm… Ash?" Apple Bloom decided to break the silence since there's still a long way to walk to Rarity's place "Yes little one?" He called her unknowingly annoyed her and she said "I ain't no child. Please don't talk to me like ya would a child." She pouted this made Ash laugh and tussle her main with his hoof and say

"Well if you want to be treated as an adult then I suppose I shall." He then asked "So what do you need from me Apple Bloom?"

"well… do ya really not mind?"

"About taking care of you fillies? No worries I don't have anything to do all day after all."

"Not that! Ah mean about Applejack! She can't handle that big ol' farm by herself. Seriously sometimes Ah wonder how she's the big sister the way she acts like that." He understood what she meant and chuckled to himself "Don't worry about that. I have a plan and I can do it while taking care of you and your friend"

"Uh… Hate ta burst yer bubble an' all but there'd be three of us. Scootaloo the Pegasus pony, Sweetie Belle the Unicorn pony and Me an earth pony"

"I see… well we better get there faster then, I'd love to meet your friends." And they soon hurried to the Boutique and as they arrived Ash knocked the door and as it open Rarity stands in front of the door not looking who it was and said "Are you the baby-sitter? Thank goodness you're here She and her friend's been going about all morning about this and that… My goodness a pony can only take this for so long." Ash noticed that she doesn't know it's him and decided to say

"It can't be that bad can it?" She was surprised at the sudden realization of the voice and decided to look at him and say "Ash?! You're going to be the baby sitter for these fillies? Oh no no no no… You must be kidding right?" She wasn't able to believe it. She's thinking either he was tricked or someone made him do it "You won't last with these fillies and all their mischief!"

"Rarity it's me we're talking about. I'll find out a way to figure this out" He shrugged at her "oh well Ash. I'll offer you some flowers at your funeral…" Rarity said to him as she pat his back and giggled as she walked away then two little ponies went straight to Apple Bloom and greeted him and she greeted back Ash then inspected both ponies and remembered what Apple Bloom said and he said to them "Well you both must be Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle" He looked at the Pegasus pony and unicorn pony respectively and they only nodded and looked at Apple Bloom and asked "Who's he?"

"Right. Girls meet Ash" He lowered his head as a greeting "He's a prince!" Apple Bloom finished and the all ponies in the room except Apple Bloom herself were surprised. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked at the colt and the colt asked Apple Bloom "How did you know that secret?!" She only shrugged and said "Applejack told me."

"Of course… Applejack…" he grumbled "Um… if you girls could keep this a secret then I'd be really grateful."

"But why would you keep it a secret?! Being a prince isn't supposed to be kept a secret!" Scootaloo asked

"Well as much as I'd like to tell everypony at the village that I'm a prince. My enemies could hear me and I could be in grave danger if such a thing were to happen." Ash lied and said "Well let's just forget all about this for now then shall we? Do you girls have anything you want to do?"

"Discover our Cutie Marks!" The three chipped in

"Discover your Cutie Marks?" Ash then noticed the three girls having no such mark and he said "But girls only time and fate can tell what your marks are!" He tried reasoning with them even though he knows they'll just rebut "But we're tired of waiting! We're the last of the class that still haven't found our Cutie Marks yet!" Scootaloo said

"Alright. If that's what you girls really want to do. But no Dangerous stuffs got that?" Ash warned them in which they just answered "Yeeeessss!" and they soon led the way towards their 'Secret Hideout'

*Scene Break*

In front of the door in their tree house Ash noticed that the tree house was very near the Apple Farm 'This gives me a very good idea on how to help that hard-headed Applejack just to ease her troubles' he thought

"Wow girls. This is a really nice place you have."

"Of course it is." Sweetie Belle answered

"I'll help you girls in any way I can to find your Cutie Marks but I'll step outside for a minute. I need to talk to Applejack about something."

"Be Quick alright? We need more ideas regarding the Cutie Mark challenges" They told him and he just nodded and said "Sure" And went on his way and as soon as he was gone Sweetie Belle asked

"Is he really a prince? He doesn't seem to act like one though" She questioned Applejack

"Also can he even use those Wings of his? I doubt he's fast. I'm pretty sure if Rainbow Dash and Him raced He would be left in the Dust!" Scootaloo added

"You know girls… Ah really don't know. Mah sister only told me he was." Apple Bloom explained

"Want to see what he's up to?" Scootaloo proposed the plan and the other two nodded and soon went off to find either him or Applejack since he was searching for Applejack anyways

*Scene Break*

"Hey Twilight!" Ash called out as he saw his friend and the pony was surprised at him being there "Oh. Hey Ash! What are you doing here?" She greeted back and asked to which the colt just answered "Well I wanted to talk to Applejack about something" Twilight squinted her eyes and asked "About what exactly?"

"Well Applejack plans to buck the whole Apple trees in this farm on her own. And I just can't see that as possible." He shook his head to show his disbelief "What are you doing here by the way?"

"Well the ponies in the town said that today was an annual event about the most dependable of ponies and told me Applejack was needed at the ceremony" She stated and said "Seems like you're not making any friends are you?" She asked with a hinted voice of teasing which caused Ash to suddenly notice her smirk and rolled his eyes

"Ha. Ha. Very Funny Twilight. Now can you please help me find Applejack?" He dryly stated and walked away which made Twilight giggle at the childish reaction the colt did as she gave chase and yelled out "It was only a joke Ash! Wait up!" As she kept laughing all the way while searching for Applejack. Not minutes after they began their search though they found her "Hey Applejack!" Twilight called out

"Howdy Ya two. What brings ya here? Especially you Ash. Ah thought ya were takin' care o' the fillies?" She eyed the colt in a manner that it made him shrunk in embarrassment

"Well they were trying to find their Cutie Marks and I didn't seem to be of any help at the time, Also Are you really planning to do this all by yourself?" he gestured the whole farm

"Ah gave my word and Ah plan ta' keep it." Applejack said and Twilight finally spoke "If you're sure you can do it then that's fine. By the way Applejack you're needed at the ceremony later I just dropped by to say that. Good luck on the Apple Bucking" She then went on her way

"See that Ash? She believes in me. What? Don't tell me ya don't believe in Applejack the most loyal of friends and most dependable of ponies?!" She got riled up pretty quickly "Of course I believe in you but… You're still just one pony! And a hundred of apple trees just doesn't add up to –" But he was cut off by Applejack's grunt and said "Don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddle the issue. You and Big McIntosh said the same mathematics just to try an' stop me. And here Ah thought you of all ponies were going ta' believe me." Ash notice the pain in her voice.

'I guess she really believed in me that much. But I can't really let her do this on her own. It's just impossible! I'll help her even if she doesn't want to' Ash thought as he said "Alright. Stop being so darn angry Applejack. I'll believe in you okay?" He gave his sincere smile which made her Happy and chipper again

"There ya go. Ah knew Ah could count on ya." She smiled back beaming with enthusiasm. Ash couldn't help but feel happy for her even though he knew that what she planned was self-torture and He said "Well you better start bucking. These trees isn't going to buck themselves after all" He grinned at her and she nodded as she decided to start but then felt a slight tremor and Applejack quickly knew what it was and said "Oh no." As she started to run to the village Ash soon then followed

At the village Ash saw the other ponies in mayhem everypony closing their doors and windows, running for their lives as he saw a cloud of smoke rising from the distance and then soon notice a herd of cow he decided that he should stop the stampede but soon then noticed Applejack and her dog trying to rodeo the cows away from the village and decided that he should help as he ran to the opposite side of the herd

"Any instructions Applejack? You're the leader right now"

"Get em' close together as possible! Ah'll try to take the lead cow to curve away from Ponyville now let's do this!"

"Aye aye!" and with that they soon controlled the flow of the stampeding herd and steered them away and soon halt them to a stop and Applejack then asked what the stampede was all about. Ash should've expected it but he didn't… he never saw it coming. The cows… Talked… they then explained the reason for the stampede thanked Ash and Applejack and went on their way

"We should do something for you both for saving the village" Ash then protested at the mayor's words "I only helped Applejack. Everything that happened was due to all of Applejack's dedication and lead so please do something for her" He reassured her and Pinkie then told the others "I know!" As she said that Ash thought of something 'Let me guess… A Party?' he chuckled to himself

"A Party" He was correct and soon everything was in order in a week. streamers, balloons, and everything else you'd see in a party. Everything was for the savior of Ponyville

But Prior to this engagement. The whole week Ash had talked to the Cutie Mark Crusaders or in his words. The girls he was supposed to look over and told them "I'll do anything you want for a week as long as you girls help me harvest the apples in the farm in secret. That stubborn girl would never allow this after all" The girls thought about it first but they agreed whole heartedly. They secretly helped in the far reaches of the apple farm. Of course due to the exhaustion evident in her face she thought she must've just forgotten that she was done with that part and decides to move on to the next part

"But Ash. You told us you were able to stop a manticore right? That means your powerful enough to get all these apples." Scootaloo thought out in which he just answered "But Applejack still won't give in even though she looks tired enough to… what's the word… Keel over? Anyways unless she accepts the fact that she needs help I'll have to keep counting on your help girls… sorry." He gave them an apologetic smile and they nodded back at the older figure. He then remembered something and used his aura to signal his friend over the farm and minutes later he was there "Lucario, Help these girls harvest the apples. I need to warn the village about Applejack." The colt then stretched his wings and flew off leaving a sonic boom sound as he did

Back in the town. "And so without further ado it is of my privilege to give the prized pony of Ponyville award to our beloved guest of honor a pony with utmost trustworthiness reliability and integrity, Ponyville's most capable and dependable Friend... Applejack!" The curtain soon opened to reveal… nothing… nopony was there and the crowd was quickly silenced and soon questions were asked left and right at where the pony could be until they saw a speeding pony flying as fast as it could… they even doubted it was flying since it was too fast for them to see… it was miles long at least and it was closed within mere seconds as it now stood before the ponies… they noticed it was Ash… though he looked awful.

"Ash? You look awful. Have you taken a rest or something?" Twilight was the one to ask but Ash clearly ignored the question and said "Applejack isn't… haaa… as dependable right now… haaa… as she is." Huffing between his words..

"So believe me now when I said those fillies would be the death of you Ash?" Rarity only smiled a victorious smile as she looked at the colt ignoring his words and soon they heard a voice

"And what in tarnation do ya mean by that… *Yawn* Ash.." She was tired.. even more so than Ash did. But she still held that stubborn look in her eyes

"Applejack. You're as tired as I am… Maybe even more. Just admit it. YOU. NEED. HELP." He insisted

"Gosh darn it Ash. Ya see this here trophy?" She gestured at the trophy and the colt nodded "Well this here means Ah'm as dependable as Ah get." She took the trophy and would've gotten out of there if only her conscience hasn't wandered to sleep.. the sight made Ash sigh

"Applejack Wake up!" He yelled out which caused the pony to spring to wake and say "I'm up! I'm not sleeping!" She then took the trophy and went on her way the five ponies were eyeing Ash though and they asked him straight what they were thinking "what is going on?"

"Well you see… Applejack is as stubborn as a mule… she plans to harvest the whole farm all by herself and I've been secretly helping her… losing some sleep in the process… but it's okay.. this is something I can handle… Applejack is who I'm worried about though… I need to get going I'll see you girls later…" He then once again set up his wings and went into a position he thought best was to fly with a sudden boost and off he went leaving another sonic boom in his wake they all wondered how the prince suddenly got so good at flying especially Rainbow Dash

Back at the farm Ash arrived and saw the girls sleeping… "They need their rest. They are just children after all… Come Lucario let's get them back to where they belong" They both then carried the three back to their respective homes and continued to do their work in secret whilst getting more tired in the process

Many a things has happened prior to this event such as when Twilight trying to force Applejack into letting her help which was instantly turned down mind you. Then there was the other scene where Applejack was to help Rainbow in her trick by launching her into the air using the contraption that was built there, Needless to say Applejack face planted herself a lot before launching an unready Rainbow Dash straight into the library's balcony before fainting. Eliciting another visit from Twilight talking about helping her this time a little bit more pushy. Still Applejack's stubbornness is a thing to behold as she once again refused any and all kind of help though it was evident that her tiredness showed as her hearing was a little… weak..

And another incident with Pinkie Pie… Ash was really grateful he was away from Ponyville at the time. Sweets were really a liking for the Prince and seeing as how their being given away free was an Icing to the cake. But with our Deliriously tired Applejack helping the Baked goods just became a 'Baked BAD' as Pinkie called it.

Ash was astounded and flabbergasted to say the least. Being a guy or colt with a sweet tooth he was bound to know how to make sweets himself and was scared of the Baked Bad recipe he saw. Normally the recipe was

Chocolate Chips
Baking Soda
A cup of flour
Wheat Germ/Wheat

Was transformed into… Ash shuddered at the thought.. How this tasted Ash will never find out. And luckily for him he never did since he never wanted to

Potato Chips
A cup of Lemon Juice
Wheat Worms or in Applejack's mind Earth Worms

'Normally thinking… Why put Worms of all thing in a muffin or cupcake? or anything edible for that matter... She really needs the rest' Ash thought. But if look was for wear then Ash himself needed it too… but he could think normally since he sleeps at least two hours a day unlike Applejack there

Of course this elicited once again another visit from our very own Librarian Twilight and Everypony knows how this went right? No? Well it went like this. Applejack loaded her applecart straight into the apple basket like normal but she lost her footing which made her go all the way suspended in the air by the cart and her losing her consciousness to sleep once more until Twilight told her the issue she hated to touch 'Help'

"Not to upset your applecart but. You need Help!"

"Hardy har… No Ah don't." While struggling to get down

Ash then decided to show up. Disheveled and tired not as much as Applejack but all the same like her

"YOU NEED HELP." He spoke darkly. All this Stress and tiredness made him a grumpy colt. A face normally not shown by the prince was evident in his face and a voice normally not spoken shown in his voice. Applejack got down and positioned herself to another "Ahm gonna prove to ya that this Apple" She motioned to herself and continued "can handle these Apples" As she Kicked or at least tried to kick the apples down since

"That's a dead tree Applejack." Ash muttered darkly. Still grumpy, Applejack told them she knew that as she then walked away and the two soon followed Ash kept sighing all the way though as Applejack kept resisting the help that Twilight is offering

"No. No. NO!" She yelled out "How many times do Ah got to say it? 'Ah don't need no help from NOPONY!'" as she walked away. Twilight however had a sour face evident while Ash? He was thinking of… well let's just say he wanted her to rest Forced or not.

"You're right Ash. That pony is as Stubborn as a mule" Ash was about to talk when they heard a mule right next to them and Twilight said "no offence" the Mule kindly nodded

Another Event was the time when Applejack was to help Fluttershy hoard the baby bunnies. Needless to say the sleepless days and nights was starting to get to her as she was starting to show irritation at the smallest hint. Also she was treating the bunny rabbits, Creatures who are easily frightened as Herds and cattles as she was trying to intimidate them. It was successful! The intimidation I mean. The bunnies ran straight to Ponyville and with nothing to eat all those flowers looked as delicious as carrots

Once Again Twilight was at the orchard and so Was Ash. He was more… Dark looking and angrier. He showed his Aura now colored a little more dark blue than his normal light colored one. Twilight was intimidated but decided to call out to him and he grunted as an acknowledgement of her being there as they decided to go to Applejack

In Ash's experience he only wanted the CmC [Cutie Mark Crusaders] Help only for one day and had to help them each day add to the fact that he secretly helped the harvest as well his previous two hours of sleep a day was cut down to none. He was a great colt, understanding friend and all around good guy… he was nowhere near his previous state.

"Look Applejack. Your Apple bucking hasn't only caused you problems. It's over propelled Pegasus, practically poisoned plenty of ponies and terrorized bushels of brand new bouncing baby bunnies. I don't care what you say…" She started at the most needed part but Ash decided to join in knowing full well what she was going to say

"YOU NEED HELP!" They exclaimed, Ash hinted with a little anger in his voice. She then kicked at the tree and all the apple went to the baskets she's carrying and she said with a victorious smile

"HEH. No Ah don't. Look Ah did it. Ah harvested the entire sweet apple acres without yer help. How'd you like them apples." Not noticing Big McIntosh's sudden entrance Ash then decided to speak up along with Mc

"How'd you like THEM APPLES" they showed the other half of the orchard and Applejack only to stutter and fall to the ground

"Now Applejack while I completely respect the apple family ways. You're always there to help any pony in need. So maybe you can put your stubborn pride aside and allow your friends to help you." Ash mellowed down at Twilight's speech and removed his unnatural and intimidating form as Applejack stated

"Okay Twilight." Ash cheered happily

"ALRIGHT! Way to go Twilight! You did it. You beat her stubbornness out of her!" He was happy unknown to all but Big McIntosh and the CmC

"What?" She didn't expect the colt's happiness and the Agreement that Applejack gave

"Yes Twilight. Yes Please. I could really use your help" Twilight then giggled and made a sigh of relief Ash laughed and did the same

Hours later

"Dear Princess Celestia,

My Friend Applejack is the Best friend a pony could ever have. And she's always there to help any pony in need… The only trouble is When she needs help she finds it hard to accept it. So while friendship is about giving ourselves up to friends it is also accepting what our friends has to offer.

Your faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle"

Applejack then came with seven Apple Juice in the push cart and said "How bout ya'll take a li'l break. I've got some fine Apple Juice Waitin for ya." She called out

"Girls Ah can't thank you enough for this help. Ah was acting… a bit stubborn" Twilight laughed and said "A BIT?" Applejack then laughed and agreed as she said "Okay. A might Stubborn. And Ah'm Awful Sorry. Now Ah know the town gave me the prized pony award is having you six as mah friends… Wait Where's Ash" She wondered and so did the others

" Well He did Take care of the fillies. Maybe they tired him out with their childish and silly antics." Rarity spoke out not noticing the four ponies behind them

"Ahem!" Sweetie Belle Called out their attention "For your information. We did no such things. The reason he's tired was because he was helping you out" She pointed at Applejack "Me?" She then pointed at herself

"Well Ya see Applejack. He knew of your stubbornness and decided that he'll help ya out in secret while also takin care o' us." Apple Bloom stated "Is this true Big Brother?" Apple Jack looked at the direction of Big McIntosh and the colt said "Eeyup" with a nod

"Well Where is He?" Big McIntosh only pointed to the barn as Applejack then decided to say "Excuse me for a while girls." As she left the others to go to the Barn

"Ash?" She called out and got nothing for an answer. "Ash? Are ya in here?" No answer she was getting frustrated as she also haven't gotten her sleep yet. That is until she heard a Snore coming from the left and saw the colt sleeping soundly without a care in the world.

"You look so silly right now Ash" She giggled but seeing his sleeping image right in front of her made her feel all fuzzy on the inside "Ya silly colt. Helping me even though yer tired." She bopped his head lightly which ushered a slight groan from him "Hmmm.. Ah am feeling a might sleepy… Scoot over Ash." She told the sleeping colt as she placed herself near him and closed her eyes the last thoughts that she had was 'This feels really comfortable… All nice… and… warm…' As she lost consciousness and slept.

"Why is She taking too long?" Twilight exclaimed and Rainbow Dash then said "I suggest we go ahead and see for ourselves then shall we?" They nodded and soon went to the barn only to see

"Applejack." The ones who saw was the five ponies since Big McIntosh decided to rest and heal up, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders went to find out what their Cutie Marks is. What they saw was Applejack Snuggling close to the colt as she was snoring lightly and the colt held her away from the cold as he snuggled back and used his wing as some sort of blanket for the pony and then Spike spoke up

"They look kinda cute together huh?" The others winced and nodded seeing what he meant. They did see this as the two being cute together… but that's just it. They wanted themselves to be the other pony. But they were never going to tell the others

"Come on girls. Let's let them have their well-earned rest." Twilight motioned to the exit as the others nodded and they gently and lightly closed the door. The Clunk from the door however rose Ash from his slumber as he looked around and saw Applejack snuggling next to him and He blushed but then decided he was still too tired for anything right now as he just smiled at her and went to lay back down and snuggle back when he heard her say "Thank you…. Ash"

"You're welcome Applejack." He knew she wouldn't hear it but he answered back anyways and smiled before going back to dream world. Who knows maybe they'll share the same dream right?

did you know that I had Rainbow Dash as My first and favorite pony? She reminded me of Nyan cat except she's a pony and what's awesome is she leaves a rainbow in her trail… but after rewatching the show just to make this Fanfic I found Applejack quite Appealing and so my top 3 are now with. Applejack as first. Rainbow Dash with second. And Rarity and Twilight fighting it out for third.

Anyways… stay tuned for more chapters.. so have fun :D