//------------------------------// // A Night on the Town // Story: Twilight Sparkle Is... Princess Under Fire // by PegasusMesa //------------------------------// “It’s called what?” Eyes wide, Twilight rounded on Pinkie Pie. Pinkie raised an eyebrow. “I said, Carousel Arm—” “I heard what you said!” Twilight snapped. “What I want to know is why Rarity’s running an armory!” The sun hung low in the sky over Ponyville as Twilight and Pinkie stood outside of a round, ornately decorated building. A sign above the door read Carousel Armoury. “Well, we have to get our equipment from somewhere,” Pinkie said as she rolled her eyes. “I know I keep repeating myself, but this is wrong.” Twilight grabbed her by the shoulders. “You’re supposed to be a baker, Rarity’s a fashion designer, Applejack’s a farmer, and I’m a librarian!” She frowned and added, “Well, a princess-librarian, I guess.” “Hah, good one!” Pinkie said with a snort. “You almost had me, but… the chief, a farmer?” She fell backwards, giggling. “Yeah, ha ha,” Twilight said as a scowl contorted her features. “I can’t wait until this nightmare’s over…” Pinkie sat up and blinked. “Aw, cheer up,” she said. “It’s not so bad!” “Not so bad?” Twilight said, putting her nose up against Pinkie’s. “Not so bad? I’ve been attacked by ninjas, nearly blown up, kicked in the head, berated by Applejack, almost killed by Trixie, and seconds from getting buried in the rubble of my library! The worst part is that the day’s not even over yet! What part of this isn’t so bad?!” “It could be raining,” Pinkie said with a shrug. Twilight’s gaze shot upwards and she darted under an overhang. For a few moments, neither said anything. “Something wrong, Twilight?” Twilight glanced up once more before coming back out into the open. “For a second, I thought it was going to start—” She shook her head. “No, never mind. You know, I was supposed to be having dinner with Fluttershy this evening, not running around fighting crime.” “Dinner?” Pinkie asked. She cocked her head to the side. “Like, dinner-date dinner?” “No!” Twilight said, eyes wide. “Well, I guess I did call it a date, but I didn’t mean it that way!” “Sounds like a date to me,” Pinkie said with a knowing nod. “Great.” Twilight drooped her head backwards and sighed explosively. “And now one of my best friends thinks I want to go out with her.” Pinkie gave her a consoling pat on the shoulder. “At least you’ll be so busy you won’t have to think about it.” “About that,” she said, turning an uncertain gaze Pinkie’s way, “are you sure I have to do this? It doesn’t seem like a very good plan.” “It’s the best we’ve got,” Pinkie said with a shrug. “And I dunno about you, but I don’t wanna be the one to explain to the chief why we aren’t doing what she told us to.” Twilight shuddered as she recalled her return to Sweet Apple Headquarters only half an hour prior. “Alright, Ah got it!” Applejack said, slamming a folder down on the desk in front of Twilight. “Ah know how to find Rainbow Dash.” “And Spike, too, right?” Twilight asked with a frown. “Yeah yeah, that too,” the chief said as she waved a hoof dismissively. “Some fancy-pants ambassador from Gryphonia’s apparently visitin’ Ponyville.” She opened the folder and paged through the files inside. “Word is, she ain’t playin’ on the right side of Equestrian law, but nopony’s doin’ nothin’ on account of her diplomatic immunity, or somethin’ like that.” “Can’t her own country do anything about her?” Twilight said. “It doesnt seem right that she can just do whatever she wants!” Applejack rolled her eyes. “They probably won’t do anything unless the ambassador does somethin’ right-terrible.” She pulled a piece of paper out and laid it flat on the desk. “But she’s not our problem. These fellas are.” “Oo, I know them!” Pinkie said, bouncing in place. “They’re the Wonderbolts!” Twilight glanced at the photo curiously. It depicted four pegasi, all dressed in form-fitting bodysuits. “That one there’s Soarin,” Applejack said as she poked her hoof at one of the two stallions. “He ain’t part of their group no more, so imagine that Rainbow Dash is in his place, and ya’ve got the current Wonderbolts. Apparently, this ambassador wanted some muscle for protection and hired them as her bodyguards.” “So if we find this gryphon ambassador, we find the Wonderbolts,” Twilight mused with a hoof on her chin. “Yup, and Ah got a plan for that,” Applejack said. She slipped another, smaller piece of paper out of the folder. “Every night, the ambassador has dinner at this right-fancy club, Gold Tier. Ah figured it would be a good time to have a chat with her, so Ah got ya a reservation for seven on the nose. Everythin’ ya need is written right here.” “Me?!” Twilight's wings flared as she stumbled backwards. “Why do I have to do it?” “Because Ah’m the chief, so Ah get to delegate.” “Yes, but—” Her mouth snapped shut as Applejack’s eyes flashed. “Ya’ll do whatever the hell Ah tell ya, because Ah’m your goddamn boss!” she roared, placing both of her forehooves on the table. “Ah ain’t gonna take no shit from ya on this one, Twilight, so get off your ass and get to work!” “Aye aye, boss!” Pinkie said. She threw a sharp salute. “Don’t do nothin’ to embarrass me, Twilight,” Applejack said, a warning clear in her tone. “Ah don’t want an international crisis on mah hooves because ya badmouthed an ambassador. Ya got that?” Twilight frowned at the odd request. “Of course,” she said. Applejack sat back and crossed her legs. “Now both of ya get to Rarity’s and get Twilight all fancied up,” she said. “Make sure it ain’t somethin' too expensive.” “Um, Applejack, you said seven o’clock, right?” Twilight said, examining the paper Applejack had given her. “It’s six now, and this says that the club’s on the other side of town.” “Then ya better get goin’, hadn’t ya?”Applejack said. “Oh, by the way—” Pinkie and Twilight paused on their way out “—Ah’ve got a mare on the inside who’ll meet ya there and get ya to the ambassador. Just ask for Roarin’ Thunder.” “Roaring Thunder. Got it.” Twilight nodded and trotted out of the office, with Pinkie on her heels. “When this is all over, I really need to speak with that pony about her language,” Twilight said. She motioned towards the front door to the armory. “Well, I guess we should get this over with.” A bell above the door rang as she and Pinkie pushed their way inside. “One seeeeecond,” rang a voice from the kitchen. “I’ll be right with you!” “Is that you, Rarity?” Twilight asked, craning her head. “Twilight!” Rarity poked her head into the room and smiled widely. “Such a pleasure to see you, dear!” She pranced over and hugged Twilight tightly before embracing Pinkie as well. “And you, too, Pinkie!” “I’m sorry to rush you, but Applejack says I need something appropriate to wear to Gold Tier,” Twilight said. Her gaze roamed over the numerous dresses and accessories that littered the room. “You know, I expected it to be… different, in here.” The unicorn raised an eyebrow. “Different?” she said. “Whatever do you mean? My humble armory has always looked like this.” “I guess it’s not important,” Twilight said. Rarity glanced questioningly at Pinkie, who shrugged. “You don’t think anything’s wrong either, do you?” “Ilight-tway,” Pinkie said in a loud whisper. “Ix-nay on the alking-tay or we’re gonna be ate-lay!” She pointed at her watch. Rarity sighed and rolled her eyes. “Yes, we wouldn’t want to anger our illustrious leader, would we?” she said, grabbing Twilight and pulling her behind a screen. “I do believe that I have just the thing you’re looking for…” A series of garments, caught up in Rarity’s magic, flew from all over the room and joined her behind the cover. “Hm, how about blue? No, definitely not. Red is simply out of the question, but perhaps white…” “Rarity, wait!” Pinkie heard Twilight say. “I don’t think that’s going to fiack!” Her speech devolved into a series of choked noises. “Oh, white looks absolutely horrid on you!” Rarity exclaimed. “I suppose there’s nothing for it but to go with the classic.” She sighed again. “Pinkie!” Twilight gasped, poking her head out. “Help! Can’t—breath!” Her bulging eyes somehow widened further as Rarity yanked her back out of sight. “Do stop complaining, dear,” she said. More clothing soared over the screen. “Nopony likes a negative Nancy. Alright, just put that there, and this here, aaand… voila!” The screen folded up and floated over to lean against the wall. “Well, what do you think? Magnifique, non?” Twilight stood ramrod-straight in a black tuxedo as Rarity finished tying the bow-tie. “Spiffy,” Pinkie said, eyeballing her partner’s new outfit. “But, um… I think she might be dying.” “Dying?” Rarity scoffed. “That’s preposterous! I—” She glanced at Twilight, whose face had turned blue. “Ah, right! I see what the problem is!” She slapped the suffocating Twilight between the shoulder-blades, and her wings exploded through the holes in the back of the jacket. Now that her chest had room to expand, Twilight sucked in a deep lungful of air. “Thank you!” she gasped. “That’s much—better.” Still breathing heavily, she glanced down and examined her apparel. “This is wonderful, but why a tuxedo? Why not a dress? And does it have to be so tight?” She tugged at the shirt’s collar. “Well, I’m afraid I’m a bit short on formal-wear, as of this moment.” Rarity pulled a rose from a nearby vase and pinned it to Twilight’s lapel. “This is the best I could scrounge up on such short notice. But don’t pass judgement until you've heard what this fabulous outfit can do!” “It does more than be a tuxedo?” Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow. Rarity handed her a piece of paper. “But of course!” she said. “The details are all written there. The coat will protect you from intense heat or cold, the shirt is designed to resist blades, and there’s a locator in the vest, should we ever need to find you.” “Hmmm… The pants, like the coat, are temperature-resistant,” Twilight read. “And the bow-tie is—” Her eyes widened as the instructions slipped from her grip “—the bow-tie is an explosive?!” “Twilight, less complainy, more leave-y,” Pinkie said, tugging at Twilight’s tail. “You’ve got a job to do!” Twilight glared at Pinkie and stood her ground. “No, I want to know more about this ‘explosive bowtie’,” she said. “Why do I need an—eep!” Pinkie gave a particularly hard yank that managed to drag Twilight almost a foot towards the door. “Remember, just throw the tie and count to three,” Rarity said with a wave. “Oh, and don’t forget these!” Her magic drooped Twilight’s old clothing over Pinkie’s back. “Good luck, you two!” Slowly but surely, Pinkie pulled Twilight out the door. “Rarity, when I’m done with this, we’re going to have a very long—” Pinkie pulled the door shut, effectively cutting off the end of Twilight’s sentence. “That mare is far too tense for her own good,” Rarity mused to herself. After a moment of contemplation, she shrugged. “Perhaps a massage would do her some goo—” The scent of something burning wafted through the air. “Oh no, my bread!” She dashed into the kitchen, all thoughts of Twilight banished from the forefront of her mind. Rainbow Dash had been sitting in the foyer and bouncing a ball off of the wall when the door blew open to admit the Great and Powerful Trixie. She bore a deep scowl as she stomped across the room, a slight but noticeable limp present in her gait. “This is not over,” she muttered, unaware of Rainbow’s presence. “Trixie will have her revenge.” A grin crossed Rainbow’s face. “Did Twi give you a rough time?” Trixie stopped dead in her tracks. “What are you doing here?” She winced as she put pressure on one of her hind legs. “Wondering why you came back, hurt and mad,” Rainbow said. “Aren’t you always bragging about how ‘great and powerful’ you are?” She got to her hooves and stretched. “She caught Trixie by surprise, is all,” Trixie said with a snarl. “Next time, she won’t be so lucky.” Rainbow chuckled into her hoof. “Yeah, and maybe I’m not a Wonderbolt.” “Trixie has some anger issues that she needs to relieve,” Trixie said to herself. “But who to take them out on—” Her face brightened as a wide smile spread across her features. “Maybe it’s time for Trixie to meet Twilight Sparkle’s little dragon friend.” She made to leave but found her way blocked. “Nope,” Rainbow said, standing between Trixie and the door. “I don’t really care how you make yourself feel better, but he’s off-limits.” Trixie moved to the side, but found her path obstructed once more. “And how are you going to stop me?” she asked as she put her nose up against Rainbow’s. “With this,” Rainbow answered without backing down. She brandished her hoof threateningly. “You wanna get the little guy? You gotta go through me, first.” Trixie pushed forward. “Oh ho, so this is happening right now!” she said. “It must be Trixie’s birthda—” “C’mon, Dash,” said a voice behind Rainbow, “don’t beat up my underlings. They cost money, ya know?” She spun to find Gilda leaning on the doorframe. “Trixie, what’s up? Did you take care of that thing I wanted?” “Haha, well, um…” Trixie backed away a step and stared at the floor. “She might have gotten the upper hoof, but next time—” “Nope.” Gilda's interruption hit Trixie like a cannonball. “There won’t be a ‘next time’, cuz I’m giving the job to someone more capable.” “No!” Trixie shouted, stomping. “Just one more chance, I swear she’ll—” She clamped her mouth shut when a set of sharp talons flashed under her nose. “Do I need to say it again?” Gilda said as she flexed her claws. “T-Trixie understands,” she said. She slowly backpedaled while beads of sweat formed on her forehead. “She’ll just g-g-go, then.” She turned and shot out of the room. Gilda sighed and blew her bangs out of her eyes. “Guh, what a dweeb.” “So, uh, who’re you sending after Twilight, now?” Rainbow asked after a moment. A light frown marred her features. “She’s actually coming to me,” Gilda said with a grin. “I guess I’ll have to do it myself, huh?” “Yourself?” Rainbow glanced away as her frown deepened. “You sure you want to do that?” “Totally sure,” Gilda answered. She nudged her friend in the ribs. “Go tell the Wonderbolts that they’re on call tonight. I have a party to go to.” “C’mon, Twilight!” Pinkie shouted in a steady voice as she and Twilight dashed through Ponyville. “Keep up!” “I’m—trying,” wheezed the considerably more winded Twilight. After ten minutes of running while wearing the restrictive tuxedo, she wondered if she would even live to make it to the club. However, despite her condition, she felt a wave of exhilaration run through her. Adrenaline rushed as a smile made its way onto her face. You don’t understand how amazing life can be when you stop thinking and start doing! At that thought, Twilight wiped all traces of levity from her expression and fought against her excitement. I will not acknowledge this as fun! “Look, there it is!” Pinkie slowed down and pointed at a large building only a block away. At least a dozen carriages swamped the street in front as they dropped off their passengers. Twilight slowed to a trot. “Alright,” she said, breathing heavily. “How do I look?” Pinkie stuck her tongue out the side of her mouth and lent her winded friend a critical eye. “Perfect!” she said after a moment. She glanced at her watch and nodded. “And it’s seven o’clock now.” The two stopped walking and glanced up at the club. A large neon sign that read Gold Tier in ornate lettering hung over the entrance. “Here I go!” Twilight said, taking a deep breath. “Wish me luck!” She pushed her way between two carts and strode towards the front doors. “Good luck!” Pinkie shouted after her. Once she made her way past the ornate golden entrance, Twilight stood in a small room filled with other guests. A pony, dressed in a waiter's apparel, noticed her and walked over. “Welcome to Gold Tier,” he said, inspecting her. “Might I inquire if you have a reservation?” “Yes, I do.” The waiter simply stared at her. “Oh, the name! Right! Um…” Would Applejack have given my name, or hers? “Twilight Sparkle?” For five seconds the waiter said nothing. Finally, just as beads of sweat started to form on Twilight’s forehead, he nodded. “Technically the reservation is for, and I quote, ‘the lazy, no-good, goddamn insubordinate Twilight Sparkle',” he said without a change in his expression. “However, I shall accept just ‘Twilight Sparkle’. This way, please.” He gestured with a leg towards a small glass door. Twilight started forward but paused. “I’m supposed to meet a ‘Roaring Thunder’,” she said. “Could you take me to her table?” “Yes, she said she was waiting for somepony,” the waiter said. He once more motioned towards the door. “This way.” “Thank you,” Twilight said, bowing her head. She followed him into the next room and immediately gasped. Nothing as large as this room had been in Ponyville the last time she checked. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, illuminating the room for the dozens of guests that milled about, and in the very center, a large, circular window opened up to the sky. In the room’s corner, a string quartet played for the masses. I could probably fit the library in here with room to spare, she thought, then winced when she recalled that the library, in fact, no longer existed, and what was left wasn’t very much at all. With Twilight close behind, the waiter descended a wide set of marble stairs into the room and weaved between the crowds of elegantly dressed ponies that filled the dining area. The floor in front of the musicians was set aside for dancing, an activity which a number of patrons already took part in. “Is the gryphon here?” Twilight wondered out loud. She craned her head to look, but failed to find anyone who matched the description. Had she been looking forward, she would have noticed that the waiter had come to a halt. “Oof!” she said as she rebounded from the collision. “Here we are, Miss Sparkle,” he said as if nothing had happened. “And, Miss Thunder, your companion has arrived.” The waiter stood by a low table with two stools, one of which already had an occupant. “Hi! It’s a pleasure to meet you!” Twilight said, moving around her guide to get a glimpse of Roaring Thunder. “My name is Twi—” The moment she saw to whom she spoke, she nearly fell over backwards. No sounds came forth from her gaping mouth. “Um, is s-something wrong?” “Roaring Thunder” asked, concern evident in her expression. Twilight finally found her voice. “F-F-Fluttershy?!” The moment the projector displayed Fluttershy’s image, Discord spat out a mouthful of the chocolate milk he had been sipping. “Discord!” Luna scolded. “Who do you think is going to clean that up?” “What is she doing on there?” he demanded, pointing at the wide-eyed Fluttershy onscreen. “She’s not supposed to be part of this!” “I do not quite know what you mean.” Luna held out a roll of paper towels. “Why would fair Fluttershy’s presence trouble you?” Discord completely ignored her outstretched leg. “Because this is dangerous! And she’s not what one would call a fighting mare.” “But this is all a dream, is it not?” she said, waving the towels in his face. “She is in no real danger.” “It’s the principle of the matter,” he muttered. A snarl ripple his lips when Luna started to repeatedly whack him on the head with the roll. “Fine, I’ll clean your stupid mess!” He ripped the towels out of her grip. “‘Tis your mess, not mine,” she said with her nose in the air. “‘‘Tis your mess, not mine,’” Discord mimicked in a high-pitched voice. He glanced once more at Fluttershy, gaze lingering for a scant second, before ferociously attacking the spilled milk. “Somepony will come by to take your order soon,” the waiter said to Twilight and Fluttershy before he bowed and took his leave. Twilight waited until he left earshot before asking the question that burned on her tongue. “Fluttershy, what are you doing here?!” she hissed, putting her forehooves on the table and leaning forward. “Well, um, I’m going to t-tell you, but—” Fluttershy blushed and glanced down “—do I know you?” “Yes! We’re—” Twilight sighed and resisted the urge to slam her head against the floor. “No, we don’t know each other. I’m Twilight Sparkle, from the Ponyville police department.” “I th-thought so,” Fluttershy said. “A-about being a policemare, I m-mean. Not your name.” Her blush deepened, and her next sentence came out in a high-pitched voice. “You already kn-know my n-name. I-I’m just a c-concerned citizen, helping out where I c-can.” Twilight smiled and reached across to pat Fluttershy’s hoof. “It’s all right, you know. You don’t have to be nervous… around…” Her voice trailed off as she finally took note of Fluttershy’s dress. The green-blue number clung tightly to her body, and a slit up the side revealed most of her shapely leg, including the entirety her cutie mark. A muffled thump resounded as Twilight’s wings burst open. “Um, is everything okay?” Fluttershy asked, glancing up. “Uh, uh, uh—” Now Twilight was the one who turned away in an attempt to hide the crimson color that spread across her face. “I-I-I—” She coughed into her sleeve. “I mean, your dress is r-really… nice.” With a monstrous force of will, she managed to force her wings back down. “Thank you. Y-your suit is very d-dashing.” Fluttershy poked her hooves together and glanced down. Twilight found herself reaching out to reassure Fluttershy once more before she caught herself and yanked her leg back. Stop getting nervous every time she looks so cute, she thought. And stop thinking she’s cute! “Darnit, Pinkie Pie.” “I’m sorry?” Fluttershy said as she glanced up. “It’s nothing,” Twilight said. “Pinkie Pie put this idea in my mind that I asked a friend on a date, but neither my friend nor I feel that way for each other.” Fluttershy’s brow furrowed. “Oh, Pinkie’s my partner. My police partner! Not my marefriend or wife, or anything. Not that you care! Why would you care? You wouldn’t, that’s why!” Twilight laughed nervously and took a long drink of water. For a few seconds, an awkward silence stretched between the two until Fluttershy opened her mouth. “So, about the ambassador—” “Yes! Tell me about the ambassador!” Twilight said quickly. She still kept her gaze turned away. Fluttershy raised an eyebrow, but didn't otherwise comment on Twilight’s eagerness to change the topic. “I got a position working as her liaison to Ponyville a month ago. I should be able to help you get close to her tonight.” “When tonight?” Twilight asked. With her blush gone, she could face Fluttershy again. “Sooner is better than later.” “She’s just sitting down now,” Fluttershy said, using her eyes to gesture towards the dance floor. “See the long table next to the musicians?” Twilight twisted in her seat to look. “Yes,” she said. A very well-dressed gryphon had just taken her place at the center of the table in question. “Hey, isn’t that Gilda?” She turned back to her companion before Gilda noticed her staring. Fluttershy frowned slightly. “Yes, that’s her name. Do you know her?” “I’ve… seen her, before,” Twilight said, resisting the urge to stare at Fluttershy's exposed thigh. “S-so, what’s the plan?” “Well, um, we can’t just walk up to her,” Fluttershy said. “I thought we would—” Once more, a deep blush crawled across her face “—we would dance over.” Her wings shook. “W-w-wait! Dance?!” Her shouted words drew the frowning attention of a couple at a nearby table. “Why would we dance?” Twilight asked more quietly. “Wouldn’t that be more obvious than going up to her normally?” Fluttershy’s wings twitched again. “We’ll b-blend in with the other c-c-couples,” she said. Her hooves absently played with her mane. “She shouldn’t notice u-us until we’re too c-close.” “If you think that’s the best way,” Twilight said slowly, “then that’s what we’ll do.” Her eyes darted to Fluttershy's cutie mark for the barest of moments before she finished her water and slammed the glass down on the table. “Let’s get this over with.” She stood and held out her hoof, which Fluttershy took after a second’s contemplation. “Th-thank you,” she said as she pulled herself up. “Um, follow me.” They moved across to the other side of the room, where at least twenty couples danced in a variety of styles. Twilight caught a glimpse of Gilda, laughing at something the pony sitting next to her said. She stopped when Fluttershy slowed and released her hoof. “Are you ready?” Fluttershy asked, turning. The two stood at the edge of the dance floor. Twilight gulped as her face grew heated. “Yes,” she said. “I just—I don’t know how to dance.” “Don’t worry,” Fluttershy said. She took Twilight’s forehoof and placed it on her back. “Just leave that there, then grab my other hoof…” They now balanced on their back legs, using each other as support. “Um, f-follow my steps.” Twilight watched her partner’s hooves, but even with that aid, she stumbled and nearly fell. Only a deft twist from Fluttershy kept them both upright. “Sorry,” Twilight muttered. “Everypony has to start somewhere,” Fluttershy said. She slowed her pace slightly. “Just relax, and let me lead.” “Give me a few minutes,” Twilight said, glancing around. Nobody seemed to have noticed her slip. “I’m sure I can figure this out.” “Take all the time you need.” Over the next five minutes, Twilight progressively moved with more and more confidence. An unspoken question passed between their eyes and she nodded, almost imperceptibly. Fluttershy slowly lead them around the outside of the dance floor. “Is this a-alright?” she asked as she turned her gaze away. “I can keep up now,” Twilight answered. She became aware of a faint scent, the nature of which she couldn’t place. Is that Fluttershy's mane? “In fact, I can probably go a bit faster.” “O-okay.” Fluttershy increased the pace, then moved them amongst the other dancers. “Lift your left hoof,” she said. Twilight raised her leg and Fluttershy twirled underneath it. “Now back to normal.” “Tell me when you’re going to do that!” Twilight whispered. She closed her eyes and inhaled. What is that smell? Flowers? Fluttershy’s ears drooped. “Sorry,” she mumbled. Suddenly, the music’s tempo increased as the quartet moved into a new piece. “Um, w-we have to speed up some more.” It definitely smells like something from nature, but what? “Not too much fasteep!” Fluttershy nearly doubled the pace of their movements. “S-sorry,” she said again. “Another spin in three—two—one—” Twilight raised her hoof for Fluttershy to twirl under once more. “That wasn’t so bad,” Twilight said with a small grin. “In five seconds, we’ll do a dip,” Fluttershy said, effectively wiping the smile from Twilight’s face. “What?!” she hissed. Her eyes widened. “Nono, no dip!” “Three—two—” Fluttershy closed her eyes and exhaled “—one—" “No! No no!” Twilight nearly screamed when her partner leaned backwards. She would have fallen onto her back had Twilight. As it was, Fluttershy lay nearly horizontal in her’s clutches. “That was…” Twilight’s voice drifted off as she stared at Fluttershy, held up only by Twilight's trembling foreleg. She’s so... light. “O-okay,” Fluttershy said in a strained voice, “you can pull me up.” Twilight blinked and shook her head. “What?” She pulled Fluttershy back up, but underestimated her strength. “Sorry about—oof!” They crashed together. “Sorry!” Fluttershy said, looking up from her position against Twilight's chest. Both froze as their eyes met. The scent was stronger than ever, and Twilight closed her eyelids as she inhaled deeply. “Soil,” she finally decided. “It’s soil.” “W-what?” Fluttershy dropped a hoof to the floor to brace herself. “What do you mean?” “I just smell—nevermind,” Twilight said. She opened her eyes and realized just how little distance stood between them. With their faces only inches apart, Fluttershy leaned in slightly, and— “Blech, gag me with a spoon!” Their heads snapped around to see Gilda, standing on the table. A number of thugs, dressed in less-than-formal attire, hustled everyone else out of the club. “Get a room!” Fluttershy and Twilight immediately separated and blushed. “H-how did you know we were here?” Fluttershy asked. She kept her eyes squarely focused on Gilda. “Besides the fact that you two morons were about to make out right in front of me?” Gilda rolled her eyes. “This one—” She pointed at Twilight “—I knew about as soon as her hick boss called the club. And you—” She gestured to Fluttershy “—I knew there was something wrong about you, but I never thought you’d try anything. Huh, just goes to show ya.” “I told you this was a bad idea!” Twilight whispered. We were—she was—I almost—! Gilda’s thugs formed a circle around the two. The blush had yet to fade from Fluttershy’s face. “I-if we work together, I think we can t-take them.” “Yeah, sure,” Twilight muttered. “There’s only about ten of them!” “You dorks tried to ruin my meal,” Gilda continued, “but I guess the joke’s on you.” She sat back down and pulled up her plate. “I love dinner and a show. Guys, kill them.”