Blackening the Sunshine

by Rinderin

Chapter 1: Anxiety and Uncertainty

Blackening the Sunshine

Chapter 1:Anxiety and Uncertainty

Terrible anxiety clutched Sunshine Bloom in it's cold embrace as her 'friends' approached her.

Her day had been awful as always. Her usual bullies demanding all of her bits for lunch. Upon refusing to give it up, she had been repeatedly beaten and left in a muddy puddle to 're-evaluate' her 'wrong-doings'. Days usually went like this for Sunshine. She had no real friends, nor did she even want any. She just wanted to be alone. And now these idiots were going to try and make her feel better. On 'good' days, she might have been willing to speak to them. But not today.

In some ways, she hated them even more than her other abusers.

Many a time had they tried to comfort her, only to end up whining about their own petty problems. Both of them came from incredibly wealthy families so their complaints ranged from being sent to bed early all the way to being refused yet another new pet. When they did actually get to 'comforting' me, they would more insult me than anything else, explicitly pointing out how 'funny' it was when I was on the ground, gasping for breath after having the wind bucked right out of me.

She didn't need their false pity. Especially if on the very same day they had been among the abusers, doing absolutely nothing to intervene or even speak against them. They would always just stand in the background, laughing at her misfortune. They had also spread numbers of rumors about her. So vile were these rumors, so hateful and mean. Yeah, some friends they were.

Things weren't always like this.

When she was younger, she used to have friends. Real friends even, not like them, they were friends which she knew she could rely upon, they promised they would always be there for her. All those times they said that they would never leave her alone. Promise upon promise upon promise, of how they would remain friends forever.

They lied.

Slowly her friends left her, day by day, their numbers decreasing until she was left only with Daylight. It was always the same excuse when they left: "My parents found work out of town" or "Moving in with family elsewhere", she didn't believe it for a second. They had abandoned her, left her to the sharks.

Her last friend discarded her some time about three years ago, a small colt, even for his age. Swift was his name if she could remember correctly, he always made her feel better on the darker days. He was always so happy, even when leaving. His personality definitely fit his appearance, a snow-like coat with a even brighter smile, always there to help others with their own problems, simply because he didn't have his own. When it really mattered however, he wasn't there when she needed him most, which was right now.

"Sunshine darlinggg!"

While caught in her thoughts, Sunshine had forgotten about them. Thinking quickly, Sunshine simply waved and sped off, turning a corner which effectively ended the confrontation before it had even started. Priding herself on this small victory, she smiled to herself and began walking to her usual route home.

Things back home weren't much better than at school.

Her father who would spend most of his nights in some dingy bar downtown, drinking his worries and more importantly his life away. On the nights he wasn't out drinking out, he would spend his time drinking at home, abusing both his wife and his daughter. The only reason he hadn't 'had his way with his daughter' like he did his wife, is because of her brother, Daylight Sun, bravely defending her, often resulting in horrible beatings and being kicked out of the house.

She was caught in between two very unique hells, each torturing her in it's own special way.

Her home wasn't too far away from the school. She knew the way well, she even knew alternative routes just in case others from her school were walking the same way. Daylight had been forced to drop out of school a few months ago as her parents couldn't afford to keep both him and her in school. She didn't really have much say in it, Daylight insisted he be the one to drop out, no discussion, no arguments.

By the time she arrived at her street, the sun had already begun to set. If her father was home today, she would find out very shortly. Upon reaching her small suburban homestead, she quickly realized that all the lights were shut out. It would appear that she had finally found a small shimmer of luck, floating in the endless torrent of misfortune which seemed to constantly try and pull her under the surface, submerging her in sadness.

Climbing the stairs, she immediately realized something wasn't quite right.

All the curtains had been pulled shut, knowing her mother, that would never happen. She was always stressing the importance of keeping said curtains wide open in case things 'Went astray'.

A alarm bell inside her head had already begun to ring, a sense of dread quickly floating into the air around her. Sunshine continued to push forward and reached the front door. Using her mouth, she twisted the door knob to find that it was unlocked.

Somewhere in her mind, another alarm bell went off.

Taking a deep breath, she slowly pushed the door open, revealing nothing but darkness. Entering the room as carefully as she possibly could, Sunshine inched towards the light switch a few meters away. Before she had even moved a meter, the wind closed the door behind her, leaving her in complete and utter darkness.

The only sound presenting itself in the darkness was her own. The most notable of which, was her heartbeat as it pumped the essence of life throughout her veins. Her shaky breathing and quiet footsteps as she continued to inch towards the light switch. And then, out of the silence, another sound entered the fold.

The soft but undeniable sound of crying could be heard in the next room.

Her heart dropped into her stomach as she finally reached the light switch. Steeling herself, she flicked it on, bathing the once dark room in artificial light. The room, luckily was empty. Just how she had left it when she had departed for school in the morning. One thing was clearly missing however. The result of it's absence set off a third alarm bell in her worried mind.

The crying had stopped.

Turning her attention to where the crying had last been heard, Sunshine slowly began to approach a door leading into the next room. However, she quickly became aware of another sound that had replaced it's predecessor.

The instantly recognizable sound of hoofsteps, resonating in the once silent household.

Again preparing herself for the worst, Sunshine pushed onward, towards the hoofsteps which didn't seem to have gotten any louder since they had first become noticeable. As she neared the door, she could also hear incoherent muttering from behind it. No light seemed to have escaped the door earlier, so she could only assume the same as she slowly gripped the door knob in between her teeth.

And so, the yellow filly pushed the door, opening the gateway into uncertainty.

A single lamp shone from a table, illuminating a large splatter of crimson which shimmered in the light. Somewhere in the shadows of the room, a dark figure became evident.

Stepping into the light, he revealed himself, coat soaked in the same crimson substance on the floor and his eyes bloodshot from over consumption of alcohol and crying. Sunshine took a step backwards, the final bell tolling in her mind. Everything was made clear, her father stood here soaked in what she now realized was blood, the crying, the curtains shut. In the shadows another two shapes became visible, both laying still. Crimson leaving drag marks to where their bodies had found their resting place.

The world slowed to a halt, her body had granted full control to the fear and shock of the moment.

"Sunshine, oh no! Sunshine it wasn't me!"

She wasn't listening. In fact, her entire body was completely numb to the situation, ignoring everything her pathetic father was saying. She simply stood stationary, unmoving, still.

"Please, believe me! You must believe me! You know I'd never hurt your mother or your brother right?!!"

She remained motionless, her gaze locked onto the blood splatter in the center of the room.

"Y-Yes, I knew you'd believe me! You love your daddy right?"


"When the police, c-come then you have to tell them the truth right?! So you'll tell them it wasn't me right?"

Her gaze remained fixated on the splatter in the center of the room.

"Oh thank you! I knew you'd believe me! I knew it!"

By the time the police had come, her body had granted her the rights to movement but still she remained silent. And this policy remained, even when being questioned on what had happened. Her mind simply resolved not to reply. Everything about that fateful night remained locked behind her unwavering silence. She made no notion to even nod or shake her head in reply, no emotions were shown.

Absolutely nothing.

And so after month of court trials and witness hearings, her father was a free man. Of course nobody in the entire town believed a word of it, so quickly after his release, they moved out of their town and into the bustling city of Manehatten. At first, everything was fine. Her father had cut down on his drinking and genuinely tried to improve himself. But such recovery was never to be, as after nearly a year of living in the big city, her father turned yet again to the bottle.

Her father had placed her in one of Manehatten's many public schools, where she had gone generally under the radar, with the exception of one extremely persistent bully who sought to make her life even more depressing than it already was.

She had found some small bliss in the now raging rapid of misfortune however, in the form of a once popular park.

As on most weekends, Sunshine found herself jumping the broken fencing which barred entrance to Everbleak Park. It had been constructed many years ago and had been neglected as the city grew, turning the once tranquil park into a untamed forest. It wasn't a particularly large park by any stretch of the imagination, being only about as large as a city block.

She carefully navigated her way through the park, nimbly hopping over roots and other plants which protruded from the dark soil. Less than five minutes later, she found herself in front of a small pond which lay in the center of the park.

She spent as much time as possible here, her only form of escape from the hell which she lived in. She came here to think about her brother, all the times he stood up for her. She could feel the tears escaping her eyes as she gazed into the water. Her mother crossed her thoughts occasionally too. Her bright red coat and green eyes, like shimmering emeralds.

And you let their killer get away.

She spun her head around, searching for the source of whomever had just spoken.

You truly are pathetic. You've condemned yourself to a life without speech. How much longer will you sulk, when you can bring the murderer of your beloved brother to justice?

She backed up to the edge of the pond, her hooves almost in contact with the murky waters.

Don't act as if I'm the one who's wrong here. It's your fault he walks free. You could have ended this all the way back then. But NO, instead you come to this rundown park to sulk, spending hours in your very own pity party of one.

Shaking, Sunshine continued to search the treeline for whoever was talking.

It's far too late for a court case now. You know what you have to do.

And then for the first time in a year, Sunshine spoke. "W-Who are you? S-Show yourself."

You really haven't figured out who I am yet, or where I am? Why don't you turn around so we can formally meet one another.

With a slow turn, Sunshine turned to face her tormentor. Which she regretted instantly.

Before her stood a mustardy yellow unicorn filly, sprouting a dark turquoise mane. The filly's cutie mark, a quill followed by three blots of ink ,seemed faded.She recognized the filly instantly.

It was an exact copy of herself, only darker.

And.. empty. This filly seemed completely devoid of life, and yet here she stood, knee deep into the pond, a wicked smile plastered onto her lifeless face.

Something wrong? Cat's got your tongue? Or are you trying to amend your breach of silence earlier?

Sunshine remained completely still, unable to fathom what was happening before her. This is impossible.

Obviously not.

Had the years of suffering and anguish finally drove her into the depths of insanity? Or was this some kind of horrid nightmare. Reaching out, Sunshine made to touch her darker copy, after all if this was a dream, she surely wouldn't be able to feel anything.

Her hoof made contact with the other Bloom. She was cold. Ice cold. This was not a dream.

Get your hooves off me you damned, dirty wretch.

Immediately, Sunshine pulled back her hoof and stepped back.

"What are you?" she whispered under her breath, softly enough that the other Bloom shouldn't be able to hear.

I am you. But more importantly. YOU are me. Which means that we are one another. Does that make any sense?

Sunshine slowly shook her head. This is crazy! I'm talking to myself... or not myself... or am I talking to her?

Now you're the one who isn't making any sense.

Sunshine put on a face of determination, she had to be brave. No matter how crazy the situation is, she would get through it. Like she always had.

I don't think silencing yourself is a form of facing your past. I believe that it's a way of running from it.

Sunshine shook her head violently. She would not allow this.. thing to beat her.

Beat you at what? You have already lost.

A sudden wave of anger rushed through Sunshine's veins. How could she possibly know what she'd been through. She's not me!

I am you.

Sunshine shook her head in disbelief, turned and sprinted away from the pond as quickly as possible. What had just happened? This entire situation is impossible. Sunshine began to slow down, as after all, if the situation is completely impossible then there's no way that this could have happened.

Yes. That makes sense.

Sunshine smiled to herself gleefully. Nothing had ever happened. Everything was fine, she was not going crazy. As going crazy is completely impossible. Her smile disappeared as quickly as it had come.

She was nearing home.

Unlike what had just happened, she could not simply forget about her father, as he would probably question where she had been for the past hour. Which was actually a fairly good question. Where had she been?

I'll worry about that when the time comes.

Again she smiled broadly to herself. Sunshine had fixed two problems in great succession.

Just like she had always done. Solving her own problems. She had never needed anypony else after all. She had survived so far without her brother, she didn't need him. Not anymore.

Sunshine smiled again. That makes three problems, in the bag.

Her smile wiped itself off her face the second she arrived at her apartment block. With a gulp, she entered the confines of the tall grey building, whose original paint had long ago faded away. The elevator had broken down many years before she had moved to Manehatten, meaning that she would have to climb the twenty flights of stair-casing in order to reach her floor.

By the fifteenth floor, a sense of dread had already begun to creep in. What if he had already begun drinking?

Sixteenth floor.

What if he gets angry?

Seventeenth floor.

Her heart had already begin pounding faster, the dread wrapping itself tighter.

Eighteenth floor.

A cold sweat had begun to develop around her brow.

Nineteenth floor.

If I turn around now, I could probably get away. No... I will face this head on. After all. I have survived thus far. I will get through this.

Sunshine walked reached the twentieth floor and with new determination, approached their apartment's front door. The number 729, was attached to the door in a golden metallic font. Apart from them, this entire floor was vacant, probably due to her father's nightly shouting. Reaching into her saddle-bag, Sunshine retrieved her keys and entered the apartment.

The lights were on, the smell of tobacco still floating around. He was definitely home.

As she walked through the narrow hallway and into the kitchen and living room area, a bottle of whiskey flew past her head, only barely missing.

"OH, there you are... my little, little princess..." his words were slurred and looked like a mess. His eyes were completely bloodshot, his once blue coat appeared to be stained with what she could only hope was alcohol.

"YOU, are looking real pretty tonight missy.." he mumbled again, before picking up yet another empty bottle and flinging it at a nearby wall.

She tried to go around him, but he blocked her with his foreleg.

"Where do you think you're going? We're gonna have fun tonight darling."

Without thinking, Sunshine backhoofed him as hard as hard as she possibly could and darted towards her room, shutting and locking the door behind her.

A loud growl of anger erupted from beyond the door.

"You're gonna pay for that you little bitch."

Sunshine began whimpering in fear. She did need her brother, she was wrong about not needing him, terribly wrong.

A loud banging sounded from the door, making it shudder and threaten to break.

Tears were now freely running down her face, wetting her golden coat. She couldn't do this without him, she was too weak on her own. Sunshine backed up to her bed and frantically began searching for a way out. Her room had a window, but it was barred over.

The banging had gotten louder, and small cracks were beginning to appear along the frame of the door. Her time was running out.

Again searching the room, she could find no other exit but the door. There was truly no way out. She was trapped. She needed help. She would not be able to get through this. No, not this time.

Kill him.

Her blood turned to ice. Behind her bed stood the other Bloom.

You're like a cornered animal. Frightened. Desperate. And of course, dangerous.

A chunk of wood flew past her face as the door finally began to cave in.

You don't have much of a choice this time. It's either you kill, or be killed.

No. I always have a choice. I will always have a choice. I don't know what the hell you are, but you are not going to get the best of-

The door splitting open, cut her thoughts off. Her father broke into the room, pushing past whatever wood remained in the door.

"You're gonna pay now princess." he slurred before picking up one of the sharper splinters from the busted door.

Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no. This can't be happening.

Kill him you pathetic filly! Defend US!

Before she could back away, her father gripped her back leg with his muscular fore legs.

"I remember how happy you were when you got your Cutie Mark."

Oh please no. Anything but my Cutie Mark.

"In fact. We were all happy. Everyone excepting me."

He is going to kill us! Do something!

"I think if we... remove it, it'll make me very happy. You want to make your daddy happy right?"

Sunshine shuddered at the thought.

"No objections? Let's get started."

Before Sunshine could protest, her father picked up the splinter again and furiously begun scratching and digging deep into her flank, releasing howls of pain from the frightened young filly. She tried to pull herself away, but every attempt to do so would result in a strong tug, pulling her back.


Before Sunshine could act, she found herself slipping out of consciousness and into the abyss. She awoke to her father's figure standing above her. Her eyes fluttering, she could barely see the hoof raise, before it made contact with her skull, sounding a disgusting thud. She tried to crawl away but her legs failed her, she was simply too weak.


Another kick, this time on her back, causing her to wince and pathetically grunt.

"This will-" Thud. "-teach you to-" Thud "-sleep while I'm punishing you!"

By then, her eye had swollen shut, her lip had burst and her back was horribly bruised. This was all excluding the crimson which was spilling from the open wound in her leg. She could wish for nothing more than her brother to be here. She fully realized how helpless she truly was. Completely meek and unable to defend herself.

"You are absolutely pathetic. Just like your mother was." he mumbled before leaving her alone.

You... truly... are... pathetic...

And with that, she found herself in the embrace of unconsciousness once again.

Sunshine awoke to the a blinding light. She had been unconscious for several hours following the beating she had suffered. Her entire body was in pain. Her left eye had been completely blackened, along with some fairly severe bruising along her back. Her most notable wound was most certainly the cuts and gashes which ran across her cutie mark, obscuring it. It was still bleeding a bit, although most of the blood had dried. She looked behind her, almost hoping that the other Bloom would be there.

She wasn't

As much as Sunshine hated to admit it, but the other Bloom had been right all along. She should have stopped him. She should have told the police all those years ago.

Sulking wasn't going to cut it anymore.

For now however, she needed to wrap up this wound and douse it with alcohol, before it got infected. An ice pack or two wouldn't hurt either. Pushing herself to her hooves took all the energy and willpower in her body. She slowly began limping towards the door, she could only hope that her father wasn't home anymore.

She turned into the bathroom and opened the mirror cabinet. Inside, was a bottle of alcohol and general use bandages. She first pulled out the bottle of alcohol, placing it on the side of the sink. Gritting her teeth, she proceeded to pour the alcohol over her wound, sending a terribly fresh wave of pain throughout her body.

Still shuddering and shaking with pain, Sunshine retrieved the bandages and begun the tedious task of wrapping her injured flank with them. The blood immediately left a sanguine blotch.

Stumbling out of the bathroom, she turned into the kitchen and retrieved a ice bag from the fridge.

There was absolutely no way she could stay here much longer. She couldn't simply leave, the streets at night would probably be even more dangerous than staying back here.

Are you happy now?

Sunshine turned and as she expected, the other Bloom stood in the hallway, equally bruised and battered.

"You were right all along."

If you had just listened to me, all of this shit could have been avoided.

With a sigh, Sunshine slumped onto one of the living room chairs.

You know what you have to do. You have to end this, before he hurts us even more.

"I don't know if I have it in me."

It doesn't matter if you have it in you or not. All that matters is that you do it. After... this, you know that this has to end.

"It must be done."

It must be done.

"H-how do I do it?"

When he comes home, he'll be drunk, unable to defend himself properly.

Sunshine stood in silence, waiting for Bloom's instructions.

You smash his head over with a bottle... push him out the window, while he's in a daze.

Sunshine had begun biting her lips. This was almost... exciting

Then all we do, is say it's all an accident.

Sunshine couldn't help but smile at the plan. It was flawless. Without error. Bloom really knows what she's talking about when it comes to murdering ponies.

Then it struck her.

There was a flaw with the plan. SHE, was the flaw. What if she couldn't do it? What if she was as weak as she was yesterday. After all, her body was still broken and battered.

It doesn't matter. He will be too drunk to do anything to stop us. You have to go through with this.

Yes. Yes... She COULD do this.

We must do this.

And with that, Bloom left Sunshine to her own devious arrangements.

It was nearly midnight by the time Afternoon Heat had arrived home.

He had been out drinking with his buddies again. Telling them all the dark details of how he punished his daughter yesterday. Everybody thought it was great.. excepting Al. Al's always an asshole anyways. Every single night he would tell him that 'he had had enough'. Rubbish. Daylight had some more plans in store for his daughter tonight. Plans that had been so rudely interrupted last night.

He would just have to make the punishment more severe this time.

She probably didn't learn well enough last night anyways.


He was almost there.

She waiting downstairs, observing from a window on one of the lower levels. All he had to do was climb the stairs and enter the apartment. Then everything would take care of itself.

Well no. YOU, still have to push him out of the window. I doubt he'll do it himself.

Oh right. Asides from that, everything will be fine. She will push through this with the help of Bloom.

We should get back to the apartment, before he sees us.


Stupid stairs.

If there is one pony in all of Equestria who I'd like to kill, it'd be whoever invented them. So hard to climb.

And tiring too.

But I want to punish her for what she's done more than anything else.

Sleep can wait.


With a bottle clutched in her mouth, Sunshine awaits the arrival of her father.

The window was already wide open, big enough for him to fit through.

You mean.. Fall through.

Right. Bloom is right. Fall through.


I think I should kill whoever made keys too.

But that comes later.

Now it's time to punish the little princess.



Sunshine tightened her grip on the bottle. She could do this. She had to do this.

He stood right in front of her, facing the opposite direction.

Do it! What are you waiting for!


Where is that bitch?

Probably still in her room.



I had to do it. For mom.

Her father turned slowly, completely unaware that she was behind him.

Do it! DO IT NOW!


Upon seeing his daughter, Afternoon smiled.

"There you are princ-"

"FOR DAYLIGHT!" Sunshine cried, before smashing the bottle over her drunken father's skull.

He stepped back and before he could react, was pushed towards the window by his furious daughter. In his drunken state he stumbled backwards, right in front of the open window.

He never even made it to the first word as he was bucked through the window flailing hopelessly as he went through.


Sunshine stood breathless.

She had done it. She had killed her own father. She should have felt remorse and she should have felt irredeemably guilty. And yet she felt neither of those things. Instead she felt relieved, justified even. Above all however and perhaps most worryingly, she felt happy. A sinister smile was plastered on her face, her eyes looked distant and deranged. She couldn't help but think, 'What's next?'.

I think you mean, 'Who's next.'

Bloom leaned on the window still, she too had a smile displayed on her otherwise dull face.

There are many others like him, you know this better than anypony else.

Bloom was right. She always was right, when had she ever led Sunshine astray? But could she really do it again?

We can and we will.

She was shipped to an orphanage about a month after her father's 'accident'. Life was nearly as terrible there as it was with her father. More bullies, many of which Bloom constantly suggested she 'silence'. One violet earth pony, was particularly horrid to her. The mistress of the orphanage was kind enough oddly. Too kind to keep her children under control, resulting in a nasty bunch that no-one would ever dream of adopting.

Sunshine remained quiet.

Only ever talking to Bloom, as she was the only one who ever understood. Funny how the police never even had to question the nature of her father's death. A drunkard falling from a open window certainly sounds believable enough. Even his 'friends' had told the police that he was completely and utterly 'shit-faced' that night. She had not told the police much.

Just enough. Just like Bloom had said.

Seven years later..

A yellow mare stood in a dark, quiet room.

Her cutie mark obscured by scarring.

Her normally tidy mane, lay loose and untamed.

And on her table?

A violet mare, of course.