//------------------------------// // Life Is A Party // Story: Life Is A Party // by PokemonPinkiePie //------------------------------// Pinkie's POV It was a rather drab room. The happy side of me wanted to paint it all bright colors, but the serious me knew it wasn't time to fool around. I was in Ponyville General Hospital, getting a test for heart problems, and the doctor was yet to come back with the results. Soon, I hear a clop clop clop. The doctor walks into the room and says "Ms. Pie? I have your results." My heart starts racing, rather ironically. "What is my problem?" "Pinkamena Diane Pie, you have Cardiomegaly, enlargement of the heart. You have two days to live"I started internally sobbing. "Ok, thank you doctor." I walked out and left. My friends will not take this very well. "Guys, I've gathered you all here to tell you something very important. Yesterday I went to the doctor, and he said I was going to die in two days. Today is my last, and in my honor, I want you to throw me a party, a last glass of punch, a last piece of cake, a last dance." Fluttershy surprisingly, was the first to speak. "Me and Applejack can work on the food and drinks." Rainbow spoke up next. "I can make party games." Twilight said "Me and Rarity can make the decorations, after all this is your last party, and we want it to be your best!" Rainbow said "For Pinkie!" Soon enough everyone else chimed in. "For Pinkie!", and for the first time in a while, I smiled. I went to Sugarcube corner to rest, and I greeted the Cakes, went to my room and fell asleep. (Dreams.) I was lying on a bed, my bed back at the rock farm. Maud and Inkie and Mom and Dad were by my side. My veins were cold, but we were laughing and they were crying a little. I said distinctly "I know I'm dying, and I know this will be my last, but Maud, will you dance with me?" She smiled lightly and said in her slow voice, "It would my honor, Pinkie Pie." I grabbed her hoof and she pulled me up. She went to her room and pulled out my old record player. She blew it off and said "I kept it all these years." She put on the old polka record I loved so much and we danced till I coughed so hard I had to lay back down. "Pinkie, please don't die." Inkie said. But I was too far gone. "Pinkie, Pinkie Please wake up." Inkie cried.(End Of Dreams.) I woke up to Mrs. Cake telling me Fluttershy was here to get me to my goodbye party. I walked along with Fluttershy, she smiled, but didn't dare say anything. I think she was contemplating how I'd go, I knew I'd go out with a bright happy smile on my face, like everyone would want for me. We ended up walking all the way to Twilight's. Fluttershy finally said "Twilight decided that the place she had her first party in Ponyville, you would have your last. Besides, you live with the Cakes, so it would be hard to hide a party if you were in your room." I smiled, and said "What are you waiting for? Open the door!" Fluttershy opened the door slowly, and it emitted a loud half squeak, half screech. "HAPPY LAST DAY PINKIE PIE!" The banner said THE LAST DAY in bright pink and blue letters, and there was pink and blue and pictures of me helping everypony everywhere. Rainbow greeted me and said "Hey Pinks, want some cider?' Graciously I smiled and said "You bet, one last glass." She poured me a mug and I chugged to my heart's content. Applejack opened her mouth to say something, her jaw ajar, but she shut it and passed me one of Granny Smith's famous apple spice muffins. She was probably gonna ask if I wanted one, but she already knew the answer. I said "Thanks, AJ." Opened my mouth, and gobbled down the whole thing in one fowl swoop. Twilight gathered up a punch glass and said "Toast time! Since this is Pinkie's last party, we all have to say something about her. My turn!" She went to get some cards she had prepared, but then threw them down because she knew the speech by heart already. "Pinkie Pie, I admit I thought you were a crazy pony when you first greeted me, mostly because you greeted me with a loud gasp. I still love you, and I will never forget your crazy stunts. From making a million clones of yourself, to maiming me with your Pinkie Sense, I will always remember you, Pinkamena Diane Pie." She finished with a flourish and a proud smile, something only herself could accomplish. Rainbow went next. "Ahem.... uh well, Pinkie, you are my best prank buddy, I love your invisible ink and sneezing powder. I especially liked it when you painted all of the apples in the orchard crazy colors. I will never forget your legend, and I will follow in you pranking hoofsteps." Now Flutters. "Pinkie, I love you because you are my best friend. You never try to scare me," she looked to Rainbow. "You are always willing to help, and though you are a bit annoying, I will remember you forevermore." Before Rarity could start, I felt faint. I said "I think my time is over, but I will remember you, Rarity, element of Generosity. Twilight Sparkle, element of Magic. Rainbow Dash, element of Loyalty. Applejack, element of Honesty. Last but not least, Fluttershy, element of Kindness. Fluttershy, please take care of Gummy and Boneless for me." Fluttershy was crying but she said "I will." They all said their goodbyes, and I passed, but that's okay. Because Life Is A Party, And Mine Just Ended. But In Heaven, I Will Show Those Angels The Best Times They Ever Had.