//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: The Book // Story: Friendship Never Fails // by cyberpeajay //------------------------------// Mandatory Disclaimer: 'My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic' is owned by it's respective owners such as Lauren Faust and Hasbro. I claim no ownership for any content like characters, locations and all basic premises. This is strictly for parody use and there is no financial gain at all for me. This is just for entertainment value and is actually meant to promote the show. You can download individual episodes from iTunes for $3.00 each. With that out of the way, I have a few notes for the readers: 1) This is NOT my first fanfic. 2) The story was thought out through several days and was organized throughout a written storyboard for maximum intrigue. 3) There ISN'T any swearing, gore, or sexual content. A mother could read this to her kid as a bedtime story if she wanted to. This isn't to say it's a frilly girly story, I try to stick with the general MLP FiM theme of things and make this exciting for everyone. Mild violence in the later chapters. (Fighting). 4) If you have an imagination and can see clear pictures in your mind, this story will seem like a movie. This is how it's supposed to feel. 5) This story includes adventure, suspense and some comedy. Description: When Twilight discovers there are Elements of Disharmony lying around somewhere in Equestria, she and her friends go out in search of obtaining them before they fall in the wrong hooves. However the Elements of Disharmony are mischievous, and cause the mane six an extraordinary amount of trouble. All of Equestria is affected by disharmony, now the six friends who represent harmony must save it, before permanent chaos takes over! Without further Ado, I present to you: My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic: Friendship Never Fails ***** A long time ago, long before Ponyville, long before Canterlot, long before princess Celestia and Luna, long before The Elements of Harmony... Actually, this is how the Elements of Harmony materialized: The pony's of Equestria were joyful and continued on their simplistic ways. No pony was ever harmed by one another, each and every one respected all. There was no fighting, no mishaps and certainly no wars. You could say this age was harmonic on its own. No special entities were needed, for everything was absolutely peaceful. However one fateful night, the residents of Equestria were awoken by sounds they had never heard before. Screaming? Out in the darkness of the night was a tirade of chaos. Houses were being torn to shreds and the town within were being devoured. What could have caused this? The infamous pony clan who called themselves 'Ponytact' rolled through. A small group of outcasts who were banished from society due to their disobedience and stoicism. They were the brutes of Equestria and had no respect for others with little care of what they did to any pony. Normally the Ponytact's could be chased back out of town. However this time was different... The unicorns could not use their magical abilities to teleport them elsewhere nor could the pegasi drop them out. For Earth pony's the Ponytact's seemed rather strong. Something was changed about them. Their normal eyes were a shade of red and their bodies were a darker shade than once before. With resistance weakening, the most powerful unicorns were sought out to harness all their magical energy together. They were all lined up and shot their magic right into the six rebellious Earth pony's. This slowed them down, but did not stop them. As soon as a Ponytact was wounded, it would unleash another burst of chaos and just like that the wound was gone. However the unicorns were just luring the Ponytact clan to them. Eventually the Ponytact's grew tiresome of getting attacked constantly and all lined up for a battle with the powerful unicorns. It was a standoff. The Ponytact group parted. Half moved slightly left, and half moved slightly right. A larger unicorn pony walked in between them and up through the middle slowly towards the other unicorns. Every pony sat there in awe and just stared at the darker, larger unicorn of the Ponytact clan. It smirked, flicked its wrist and all of the powerful unicorns were flung at least twenty yards away. The rest of the clan walked up and stood before their unicorn ruler. But now the rest of the powerful unicorns stood and smirked themselves. The Ponytact's were confused. What did they have to smirk about? Just then giant flashes of light were coming from five different corners surrounding the rebellious clan. They were frantically looking around trying to understand what was going on around them, and how they were being affected. They wanted to flee but couldn't. Their legs wouldn't respond to the commands their brain was telling them. All of a sudden one by one, each Ponytact member was turned grey. They were rock solid and fell to the ground with a thud. With the Ponytact clan turned to stone, the larger unicorn leader even began to quiver. Slowly but surely from the hooves up to the tip of its horn, the great unicorn also came down with an earth shaking large thump. The flashes of light grew to one intense flash and died down. This is how the Ponytact's were defeated. The powerful Equestrian unicorns came to the center where the clan was frozen in disarray expressions. Half the unicorns were in charge of hiding the Pontact's deep in their secret temples to never be awoken again, while the other half gathered the stone spheres that were responsible for turning the clan into rock solid sculptures. These round stones were placed in the highest chamber of the most guarded sanctuary in the town. These were dubbed: The Elements of Harmony. For everything good, there is something bad to even out. The now stone sculptures of the Ponytact clan were dubbed: The Elements of Disharmony. "To this very day the Elements of Disharmony were never retrieved. But if they were to fall in the wrong hooves, the consequences could be catastrophic." Twilight finished, closing the book she just finished reading. She sat on the library floor pondering to herself if she should believe a dusty old book with no credited author. Was any of this true, or was this just a big fairy tale? Twilight suddenly jumped up from a loud crashing sound that came from behind. She turned her head and saw a pile of books on the ground with a small purple dragon emerging from the mess. Spike shook his face then looked at the books on the floor. He gave a cheeky grin as he noticed Twilight's uneasy look. "Sorry about that Twi." Spike said as he was picking up the books one at a time. "I was trying to clean up these books you left lying around and I sorta fell." "I can see that." Responded Twilight. "Perhaps you should put them back on the shelves one by one." "Perhaps you can read them one by one." Spike muttered under his breath. "What was that?" "Nothing!" Spike said while reshelving the books. "Hey, what's that one?" Twilight pointed a hoof towards one of the books in Spikes hand. Spike held up a faded purplish, leathery thin book. "You mean this one? Uh.." Spike read the title out loud for Twilight to hear. "Medieval Equestrian History." He tilted the book to its side to see its scarcity in pages. "Isn't this pretty thin for a history book?" He asked. A purple aurora engulfed the book and got ripped out of Spike's grasp as he fell over from the tugging motion. He groaned as he got up and dusted himself off. "Hmm. This looks exactly like the book I just read... Except condensed." She compared the two books and noticed that she was in fact right. Both books looked exactly the same, except one was much thinner. She scanned the pages of the smaller book and gasped. "Hey, what the? Did you wreck another book Spike?" She asked him calmly. "No. I only touch books when I have to clean them up." Spike replied while shelving the last few books in his arms. Twilight walked across the room into better sunlight to see that she was infact seeing correctly. "Well something happened to it then, because there appears to be pages missing." She turned the book so Spike could see that there were indeed pages that looked to be ripped out. Spike shrugged. "I honestly don't know Twi." He said, then turned to walk upstairs. "I'm gonna take a nap now. Too many books, ugh." Then flopped on his bed. Twilight just stood there dumbfounded. She scanned the pages of both books and noticed the book she read, and the book with the pages ripped out, ended at the exact same phrase, 'To this very day the Elements of Disharmony were never retrieved. But if they were to fall in the wrong hooves, the consequences could be catastrophic.' "It's almost like the author wanted to hide something, and rewrote the book." She just stood there thinking while staring blindly into space. She shook her head really fast then flopped the books to the ground and talked to herself silently. "Come on Twilight. A book is missing a few pages whoop-dee-doo. It's not like its a mystery or anything." She said smiling and continued on with her daily routine. ***** "Come on Applejack, ah wanna help!" Applebloom pleaded to her sister. Applejack just bucked a tree with a bushel of apples falling right into buckets sitting nearby. "Ah know you wanna help Applebloom, but all Big Mac and I are doin' is buckin' the trees today." She responded. "Well is there anything ah could do at all?" Applebloom asked. "What are your friends up to? Couldn't you be doin' that cruisady thing you always do?" "Ah meant is there anything I could do on tha farm?!" She replied. "Besides, the other two are busy today anyway. That's why ah wanna help!" Applejack just shook her head. "Sorry sis, but until tomorrow ah'm afraid yer plum outta luck." She bucked the tree again getting the last few apples to drop. Applebloom turned towards Big Mac who kicked the tree with one leg which caused all the apples to fall at once. Big Mac looked towards his little sister and just shook his head. "Nnnope." He picked up his buckets and walked towards the next tree. "We'll be making apple cider and apple juice tomorrow Applebloom." Applejack said. "Then you will be a mighty fine help." She winked at her sister and continued onto the next tree. ***** "Ah yes! Blue ribbon always does the trick does it not?" Rarity stated to herself and floated shiny blue ribbon over a minijupe she just designed. She walked backwards and turned to admire her handy work. "Now for some baby blue sapphires and everything will be perfect!" "Are you sure? I would think some yellow gems would go with it." A squeaky voice came from behind Rarity. "Who is the owner of the boutique?" Asked Rarity not removing her gaze from her new dress. "You are..." Said Sweetie Belle pawing the floor. "Can I go to my friends? I'm so bored." Rarity spun around then started to walk slowly towards the chest with sapphires. "No Sweetie. You asked if you could come over and help me, not come over then go to your silly little club house." Rarity said. "Now come. I need you to hold the garment still while I place these sapphires on it." "What? Why do you need me to hold it still? Does fabric move when in proximity to shiny stones?" Asked Sweetie rhetorically. Rarity just sighed and closed her eyes. "Oh all right." She said and held the dress with a lame look on her face. "Oh no! I don't have enough sapphire!" Rarity panicked while holding an open chest upside down with her magic and shaking it." She looked at Sweetie. "You didn't happen to make another art project did you?" Rarity sighed. "Guess I'll have to find some more! But this dress isn't due for another week so I'll just work on another project." "Rarity! Now can I go to my friends?" "Sweetie Belle! Honestly! You said you wanted to help, so help you shall do." ***** Clouds were just floating gingerly in the sky. That was until Rainbow Dash flew through and punctured a hole in them. "Man what a day." She said as she descended and plopped onto an untouched cloud. "You know what would top this day off? A nap." She slammed her head against the cloud and closed her eyes. "Hey Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow's eyes opened immediately. She peered over her cloud and saw Pinkie Pie. She floated down towards the pink party pony with a smile and yawn. "Hey Pinkie. What's up?" "I just wanted to know if you were up for some super duper neato pranks?!" Pinkie said leaning forward towards her friend that she was standing on just her front hooves. "Maybe some other time Pinkie." Rainbow said. "I'm actually really tired right now. Us pegasi had to get up early for a scheduled rain storm." Rainbow said hiding a yawn. Pinkie Pie looked puzzled for a second then grinned again, "I understand Dashie! Your work is important." Pinkie nodded up and down extremely quick. "That's okay. I can just go to Sugar Cube Corner and bake sweets then eat them when they're done! Then maybe afterwards I'll make chocolate cake!" Pinkie nodded again. "Yeah you do that." Was all Rainbow Dash could contribute to the conversation then flew back up to her cloud. Pinkie waved enthusiastically then bounced off towards her home. Rainbow landed on her soft pillowy cloud and fell asleep almost instantaneous. "What's with the rain storm schedule anyway?" She asked herself before falling into unconsciousness. ***** "Everyone enjoying their supper?" A soft mellow voice asked. An abundance of creatures nodded their heads as they cheerfully chewed away at their food. "That's good." Fluttershy smiled then went inside her fair cottage. She laid on the sofa and started eating some hay. Angel bounced up then pointed to his bowl while tapping his foot giving a sour scowl. Angel caught Fluttershy's attention and she walked towards her animal friend. Fluttershy's eyes went into sorrow mode and apologized. "Oh Angel I'm so sorry!" She got off the couch and trotted over to a counter. "I can't believe I forgot. I never forget." She opened a cabinet and moved just in time to avoid a mug that fell out and smashed on the floor, startling half the animals inside. "Don't worry everyone. It was just a cup that fell." The animals calmed down and continued grazing. As Fluttershy was getting out the food for Angel she couldn't help but look at the broken glass. She gave Angel his food and picked up the pieces. Fluttershy noticed this was the mug she earned up in Cloudsdale. It had a picture of a cloud with a rainbow coming out of it and text saying 'Junior Speedsters Flight Camp'. "How could I have been so careless?" She asked herself. "If I want, I could just go get another one. It's a good excuse to be able to talk my old teacher! Oh she would be so excited to see me." She grinned then her ears drooped along with her smile and cowered a bit, "As long as Mr. Griffin isn't there, he yells too much." ***** It was nearing night and the sun was lowering behind the horizon. Its orange glow bathed Ponyville with a picture perfect sunset and Luna's moon was slowly rising over the opposite side. Twilight's tree house was lit up on the inside and the unicorn was having supper with her assistant. "So Twi, I noticed a bunch of books lying on the floor again when I woke up from my nap." Spike said between bites while looking lamely at his what he considered, older sister. "Yeah I had nothing to do so I read some more." Said Twilight. Spike just stared at Twilight with half open eyes then peered over to the scattered books. Twilight noticed this and put her sandwich on her plate. "Don't worry Spike I'll put those ones away myself." She reassured him. "Yes. You will." Said Spike while taking a bite. "What was that?" "Nothing." Said Spike. Twilight just gave an odd expression then took another chunk out of her sandwich. Later that night Twilight was shelving the books she read and re-read earlier. "Anything to report to the princess?" Spike asked while holding a quill and parchment. "Well I didn't really see my friends today so there's nothing to report." Twilight responded. "Also it's not Tuesday." "Alright." Was all Spike said and set everything down then walked back upstairs. "You coming Twi? It's getting late." he said while looking down. "Yeah I'm coming, don't worry." The full moon was now hovering well above Equestria emitting nice dim light. Twilight trotted up the stairs and slowly slipped in her bed. She leaned up and saw Spike was sound asleep and snoring like usual. She just rolled her eyes and fell backwards into her bed. ***** Twilight was standing at the edge of a cliff looking over a vast valley of forest and a river gliding through it. Her mane and tail were blowing in the wind as she stood there. She whipped around to see a Cyan pegasus standing behind her awaiting orders. "Windflow, I want you to circle the perimeter of our peaceful village. We can't have those Ponytact's surprise us again." Windflow gave a salute and took to the sky. "Now you!" She pointed at a light yellow pegasus. The pegasus pointed at herself with a confused look. "Yeah you, Skutterfly. Do the same thing, however remain on the opposite side of Windflow." Skutterfly nodded and took off slower than usual. "Ooh ooh! How about me?!" Bounced a happy looking pink earth pony. "I want you and Faddlejack to stay up here and keep a lookout. Got that?" Twilight commanded. "No problemo Twi-fight Twilight!" "Err yeah..." Twilight responded. "Finally Scarcity and I will remain on the ground in the village." She said closing her eyes and walking past every pony. She opened them and turned to face the remainder of her team. "With our magic we can defend ourselves. So every pony understand? We must stand guard incase the Ponytact's attack tonight." She slammed her left hoof on the ground. "And if things get rough when they show up, we will no longer try to sway them away. We will unleash our full power!" Twilight said. "Let's go." She motioned to Scarcity and they started walking down the mountain toward the village. All was calm and quiet through the night. Twilight looked up in the sky to see Windflow and Skutterfly circling. She turned her head and saw the two earth ponies peering over the cliff. Scarcity was walking lazily around. "Do we have to do this all night Twilight?" Scarcity complained. "Yes. The Ponytact's were spotted not far from here earlier today. We cannot be too careful." Twilight responded. "Well if they do attack they should make it snappy. I'm missing my beauty sleep." Scarcity replied. "By the way, when you said unleash our full power.. Did you mean?" "Yes I did. I'm tired of having to fix the mess they cause due to their lack of consideration for others. I will rid these tyrants of Equestria forever. Enough is enough." Twilight said. "So, are they in place?" Asked Scarcity. "Yes. I've positioned them in such a way that they will all be affected." She stopped and saw a unicorn sleeping against a house. She trotted over and smacked him in the face. "Man your post soldier!" She snapped which caused the unicorn to stand immediately and salute. Twilight walked back over to Scarcity. "Honestly, some ponies..." Twilight complained to Scarcity. She looked over and saw Scarcity lying on the ground with her eyes closed. "Oh for Pete's sake!" Scarcity opened her eyes and stood. "I was uh.. listening through the ground if I, heard. Um, hoof steps coming." She grinned. Twilight looked lamely at her. "Uh huh." All of a sudden some shouting from above was heard. Windflow and Skutterfly were coming down from the sky. "They're coming!" Yelled Windflow. Just then Faddlejack was yelling from their post confirming this was indeed the Ponytact's headed into town. "Enough playing around. This time it's serious." Twilight said as she ran towards her post with Scarcity. A bunch of unicorns came bolting out of houses and stood ground ready to defend their town. They all had stern looks in their faces. But those stern looks slowly turned to fear as they saw a large black unicorn pony wearing some kind of suit and goggles obscuring its eyes from being visible. This unicorn must have been at least three times the size of a regular sized stallion with a horn that extended well over a foot long. "Um, Twilight... Who in Equestria is that?" Asked Scarcity. "I'm not sure... But whoever that is, looks!-" She was cutoff when the black unicorn rammed a house which sent the corner of it crumbling to the ground. The whole Earth shook as that thing walked the ground. Running on both sides of the unicorn was the Ponytact clan. "Like our new friend?" One asked as it took a torch and lit a house on fire. "It's a little something we managed to whip up!" Twilight sent a beam of energy from her horn towards the attacking Ponytact. He grunted in pain but just knocked down a wall causing the family inside to scurry out while screaming. Suddenly the Ponytact member was standing normally and just sneered at Twilight. "You don't think that will effect us anymore do you?" Then ran off to cause more damage with his fellow clan members. Twilight grabbed Scarcity. "Come on!" She said yanking Scarcity backwards. "We've got to lure them into the Element's boundaries!" She yelled and soon to follow were other unicorns of the town. The Ponytact's were right behind them giving chase. Eventually they all stopped and turned towards each other. No pony moving, just staring at each other. The huge unicorn came through as the Ponytact's parted for their boss. The unicorns all focused their power and shot at the large beast, however it just flicked its wrist and all of them were sent flying. The Ponytact's slowly crept towards the unicorns with sly smiles on their faces. However the unicorns got up with smirks across their faces. "What are they smiling about?" One Ponytact member asked another. The other just shrugged. Just then a huge flash of light broke through the night sky from five different corners! After that!- Twilight woke up. She was breathing faster and was sweaty. She leaned forwards and saw Spike was still sleeping, but the sun had risen already. She looked like a nervous wreck. "What a nightmare." She said slowing her breathing. She got out of bed and looked out the window. She saw birds flying and dew on the ground. It was a normal morning. She heard a yawn and Spike stretching. "Hey Twilight." Spike said. Twilight turned around and just smiled at him. She trotted downstairs removing her smile and opened the small leathery book again to the ripped out pages. "The Elements of Disharmony." She said to herself as she shook her head. "The consequences could be catastrophic..."